U.P. Breaking News Editorial: Not Your Fault

U.P. Breaking News Editorial – 1-6-18 4:25 p.m. ET

Not Your Fault – We say what others won’t

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

The real victims of the recent fatal crash on M-95 are the two young women who were forced to witness an apparent suicide – or at least suicidal behavior.

The man who apparently took his life by walking or laying in traffic – has in effect – destroyed the sanctity of life for the two survivors: His girlfriend, and the poor young woman driving the vehicle.

You can love – and feel bad for the man who died and his family (it is healthy human nature) but what he did to these woman is despicable and cruel.

Even veteran medical, fire and law enforcement officials are dealing with PTSD after witnessing the horrifying, unspeakable aftermath including extricating the body. Anyone at the crash is forever scarred, shocked and horrified.

Strange Marquette County told local media victim had been taken to hospital and in undisclosed condition – misleading at best.

We say what others will not:

Have always thought if you are going to commit suicide – there are only two critical rules. Quick/No pain and more importantly Don’t leave a mess/Don’t force others to be witnesses. Some people chose to make others witness the their death. Its about feeling helpless, nobody cares. That statement, in no way, supports committing suicide. Never. Just saying what others think but no one says out loud.

In fact, tragically the suicide and attempted suicide rate in the U.P. is at horrific levels.

The old saying is very true – suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem.” In today’s times you just survive any way you can. Please do not consider suicide to be an answer. We need more people who are understanding and loving – rather than judgmental and righteous lectures.

The women who witnessed the death are feeling guilt – and that is normal but just not true. Neither are to blame – in any way – for this man’s death.

Fighting Unfairness:

Before his wicked deed, this man was a hero for the everyday person – the common man. The guy fighting to pay bills coming in like bullets from everywhere. He went a step further and told a federal judge – not a formal lawsuit – just an information that the judge read and ruled upon. Amazing statement of our times.

U.P. Breaking News thinks the man was right in his federal filing a few years ago stating the system is rigged against the poor – forced jailings instead of allowing people to work. Huge fines, fees and other dastardly money that Marquette County ekes out of the poor in hundreds of ways. He was right the system in unfair and rigged.

Its incredible – counties/cities/townships now charge you for even minutia. At least property taxes went across the board – but locals had to find other ways to fund services. Then there are those who abuse the system – like UPPCO’s current rates. 

If your life is comfortable – then you likely have no idea what I am talking about.

Strangely, a lot of readers thought his federal filing was negative. He ventured where many want to go – but do not. A cry in the wilderness. We strongly disagree – his point was enough is enough and he wanted a to a federal judge to be aware of the unfairness. However, the judge ruled unfair is not necessarily illegal. That is where we have come to be as a society. Unfair and even cruel things – all OK.

The fines for everything you can think of  – just keep people from getting ahead. We have oft accused U.P. counties of trafficking in public records for charging up to 100 times more than the feds for public information.

Period! The system is rigged again low-income. Before people whine – I am not talking about those who abuse system – they are only 10 percent.

However, our point really is to those two young women going through all stages of grief including guilt- it is:
Not Your Fault

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