Fatal shooting investigated in Gogebic County – Investigators on scene – but possible self-inflicted means yet another U.P. resident takes their life in despair – happening almost daily – Does anyone care?

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin: – 4-14-18 Update:

The shooting was reported at 4455 Nylund Road – located between Junet Road and Olson Road.
A neighbor found the victim.
However two immediate neighbors were mentioned by police – obviously shocked and sad. We are withholding all names of the neighbors and apparent victim at this point.

Officials in Gogebic County have not released anything about the shooting.

This apparent suicide underlines the need for better mental health services in the U.P. as we are experiencing about one suicide – and many attempts – almost every day in the U.P. especially among youth including at NMU in Marquette.

Its a tragedy that Lansing cares nothing about as they have slashed and slashed U.P mental health budgets – and mix it with poverty, despair, and one-sided court/cops system and we get suicides.

Plus the youth perceive there is nothing for them with only – low pay paycheck to paycheck and day-to-day living left by the older generations a gift to millennials.
We were hoping they forgive us.

Its has also left an older U.P. generation in despair and with little control of their once good iives – and add in the usual substance issues and its a major crisis that is U.P.-wide.

Like their secretive cop brothers in Ontonagon County and Luce County and more – just love duping the news media and keeping secrets

Its also brings up the coveted, secretive information that very rarely emerges from secret-secret Gogebic County- unless via a weak news release with omissions galore.

Police officials in Gogebic County and Ironwood DPS – have never been known for their candid response to the media – especially if they feel/perceive it embarrasses their controlled area of the U.P.

In fact, U.P. Breaking News has exposed several recent situations in Gogebic County that were false by omission. Keeping their secrets from you like the tragic fatal ice incident when a heavy machine broke thru ice and fell under a barge with a crane. Total cover-up .
It took them three weeks to admit there were two fires – an hour apart – in that triple fatal apartment fire in Ironwood. We reported both fires that tragic morning

4-13-18 – 2:10 p.m. ET 1:10 p.m. CT

Gogebic County officials investigating man found shot to death in his home
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Sadly, its beginning to look like the almost daily Suicide Crisis in the U.P., takes another victim

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Ironwood, MI) – Investigators are on the scene of a fatal shooting in Gogebic County.
A neighbor reported finding the victim with a gunshot wound to the head.

The shooting is in Ironwood, MI area – however we are withholding all roads connected to this tragic incident. U.P. Breaking News will not release locations until much later this evening.
The shooting was reported about 12:40 p.m. Central Time.

So far, we have not heard any indication that foul play is suspected.

However, it maybe the latest in a series of shootings, hangings and overdoses that are happening almost daily this winter in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The mental health organizations have their own crisis – ridiculously low funding and no follow-up care for those with depression. NMU has suffered their own suicides in past month.

When will enough people die in the U.P. before Lansing gets a clue.

Out U.P. legislative delegation suffered their own suicide incident – and yet nothing is done.
We stress this death remains under investigation – but have not heard MSP crime lab called

Suicides in U.P. continued this afternoon as tragically another Yooper takes his life – Lots of unreported U.P. suicides hidden from media – Public oblivious: Another recent NMU student suicide? – Marquette County school sports team suicide pact? – and it happened again today

U.P. Breaking News Ongoing Suicide Advisory – another today – 3-28-18 4:50 p.m. ET –

Another Yooper takes his life with a rope – as U.P. suicide epidemic continues with a more than weekly rate – Doesn’t count attempted suicides

Plus Another NMU suicide?/Public schools sports team suicide pact in Marquette County? – And it tragically happened again today in the U.P.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

U.P. lawmakers please help – as the U.P. averaging more than one suicide per week in recent months.
Even now this moment, U.P. police are handing a hanging of a 33-year-old man. Purposely not saying location-please do not say it if you know.

Unless we have it on tape from cops, there is no way to confirm any suicides in U.P. as police are afraid to speak publicly about it and media does their obligatory and vague once a year story.

I believed for 40 years that media should not report suicides – but that tactic has not worked – it has failed miserably.

The thought was reporting suicides increases suicides – well without the reporting – the U.P. suicide rate has tripled or more.

The U.P. weekly suicide rate is fat, far beyond – way, way out of control!

Since we reported the recent hanging of a 21-year-old male student at NMU – we heard there was yet another suicide of female NMU student.

Plus have gotten unconfirmed reports that some male members of a school sports team in Marquette County – had a suicide pact but a mom found out and stopped it.

We are not (yet) saying team at this point – and if I call and ask school officials they run away like track stars. No one wants to deal with this.

Or is it better to ignore it, not try to fix underfunded and broken system, and pretend our crushing poverty rate and addictive drug crisis is not happening. Also -we need to stop stigmatizing depression. People who feel depressed should be loved and helped – not shunned and bad-mouthed by judgmental Yoopers.

One start would be to throw our past three governors in prison for not protecting our communities – dereliction of duty.

Restore funding at levels that assures follow-up care happens always and a lot.

The old U.P. treat me like a mushroom comfort because nothing ever happens in mushroom world.

U.P. Suicide Prevention Coalition Facebok bannerU.P. Suicide Help Graphic