MBP Part 2: Over 50 COs banned from property/fired or suspended by Marquette Branch Prison Warden Erica Huss – Warden at Marquette Prison is firing COs right and left – and disciplining others: Intimidation, corruption, malfeasance in office, forcing her staff to falsify official state reports – are among a myriad of criminal and policy violations alleged by corrections officers against the relatively new warden at Marquette Branch Prison

URGENT URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin and Ongoing U.P. Prisons Expose – Marquette Branch Prison Scandals Part 2 of 3: – 4-9-18 – 11 a.m. ET – 

Over 50 COs were recently banned from prison property, fired or disciplined by Marquette Branch Prison Warden Erica Huss – Corrections officers level serious criminal allegations against the new warden at the Marquette Branch Prison including allegedly ordering official reports to be falsified, intimidation and pitting senior officers and staff against each other

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Marquette Branch and other U.P. state prisons are tinderboxes on a powder keg due to extreme hatred by many inmates after they were fed rotten, maggot-infested food and in some cases physically abused by COs – with understaffing one of the worst problems.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

***We are doing layout on Part Three now, should be up within the hour if not sooner.

(Marquette, MI) – In a house-cleaning said to be targeting her enemies and whistle-blowers, the Warden at the Marquette Branch Prison has been firing and banning COs from the property, disciplined many others, and is claimed to have ordered the alleged falsification of official state reports to keep control of the Michigan’s toughest maximum security prison.

Sources says in recent weeks 51 MBP Corrections Officers were “stop ordered” (fire and banned) or received internal punishment and write-ups

The COs say its the latest round of alleged corruption, intimidation, and malfeasance in office. Sources have said the COs, and others she doesn’t suspect, are willing to testify before a federal grand jury, if it is convened by federal prosecutors. The grand jury topics could include alleged corruption by Warden Huss and criminal malfeasance at other U.P. state prisons. Often touted as nearly escape proof, the Marquette prison faces the rocky and unforgiving shores of Lake Superior.

The spartan, aging prison is infamous with the public for housing some of Michigan’s most vicious, cold-blooded, maniacal and hated killers plus sadistic torture-loving rapists, yet it is also infamous with inmates because of the harsh winter weather, cold cells, and the thick, swampy and bug-infested perimeters that stretch on seemingly forever if you are mired in its grip. However, its also houses inmates with short records and non-violent charges like burglary and drugs – and that description matches that 30-year-old MBP inmate who inexplicably died in  segregation about a year and a half ago.


Here are just some of the allegations at the Marquette Branch Prison made in a communique by corrections officers and obtained by U.P. Breaking News:

Corrections officers not allowed to inspect kitchen areas where inmates and kitchen staff have sex, would-be “nightmare scenario” involving a MDOC Sargent, warden allegedly threatens her under-bosses to influence official reports including an incident during which pepper spray used by a CO to stop an inmate hanging are among numerous allegations that have surfaced in an all-out war between the COs, administration and inmates at the scandal-plagued Marquette Branch Prison.

And all that is just the tip of the iron iceberg.

U.P. Breaking News has long-reported that understaffing in U.P. state prisons is such a critical problems it adds to extreme inmate abuse, plus CO and staff turnover, and a fear by all sides that a bloody inmate takeover could breakout at any second that would make the devastating Kinross riot look like a day in the park (see Part 3 for details).

MBP officers are not “allowed to enter certain areas of the Level 5 (maximum security) kitchen” including the offices, commissary and coolers. However, while the COs are banned, the prisoners and Trinity food service employees were allowed to frequent those places. The Trinity Food Services Group was finally fired by the Governor in the past month – years after he first learned of the company’s twisted reputation, and its cruel and unusual food complete with maggots.

What mystery lurks where the mystery meat is made? The answer: Sex. Then kitchen staff naïve enough to fall for the inmate’s lies – find themselves blackmailed by prisoners – and that leads to smuggling contraband into the prison.

“Normally custody staff have access to every area inside the (prison) facility to ensure safety and security,” states the communique from current, former and retired COs. “The only way officers are allowed to gain entry” to conduct a “shakedown” of the area is with prior “shift command approval.” Afraid of the warden, MBP shift command never allows those shakedowns – where the inmates and Trinity workers did their business.

MBP shift commanders walked around terrified about possible “backlash by the warden” – and not unlike U.P. reporters – have been taught absolute obedience or suffer swift retribution due to corruption.

For some reason the Warden doesn’t care if the Trinity Food Service employees and the inmates are playing footsie. Oh yeah, maybe it is because she married an inmate rapist.

COs fear that food service employees not only have sex with inmates –  canoodling is widely-known to be rampant across the MDOC – as Trinity workers fall for the fake sweet-talk from prisoners.

Then, if one food worker gets mad at the prison or has been completely duped by a con-artist inmate – that’s when a weapon could be smuggled in. Especially now that Trinity workers are being let go – and some already have secrets that that make them putty in the greedy hands of inmates – who threaten to tell if the worker doesn’t do even more illegals things for their one-time inmate lovers.

Erica Sholl FB 1

The COs list numerous acts of alleged “intimidation and corruption” by Warden Huss just this year including “major incidents” that were “mishandled.”

The COs say one of the worst was “covering up a sergeants potentially deadly mistake.”
The COs claim that a MBP sergeant ordered a CO to put himself into a “nightmare scenario” that is feared by law enforcement officers – and banned at all prisons – no ifs, ands or buts.

In fact, its unspeakable when you think what could have happened – inmates get gun, kill the COs in prison vehicle, and go on armed rampage though Marquette County.

There is a reason that no guns are allowed behind the prison doors or in prison vans/vehicles – because studies show that the guns are often taken from officers/guards by inmates looking for their chance – and that’s the nightmare scenario.

Nevertheless, the CO and sergeant sat with inmates in a moving prison vehicle – with pile of guns and ammo near convicts.

“A sergeant gave an order for an officer to sit in the back of a (prison) transportation vehicle with an inmate while having .45 caliber rounds, a handgun, and a can of pepper spray during a transportation run back to the prison,” said the COs communique obtained by U.P. Breaking News.

“This was potentially a ‘worst case scenario” for the officers, the sergeant and the public,” the COs state.

“The inmate was in a truck with two loaded guns, and 90 (.45 cal.) rounds at his disposal at an arms reach,” the COs stated. “The other officer had .45 caliber rounds, a gun, and pepper spray while the sergeant has a taser and pepper spray.”

And if the inmates took the vehicle they would be dressed and ready to cause horror and grief in many places. The prisoner would have “three uniforms and a state vehicle to run away with.”

Then Warden Huss allegedly covered up the incident for the sergeant but makes examples out of the corrections officers, the COs claim.

“The entire state is lucky nobody was hurt or killed,” the COs stated. “The warden dusts this incident under the rug for the sergeant with no write-up, demotion, suspension, or termination.”

“But one officer (the driver) has been disciplined and the other “ is/was under investigation, the communique states.

MBP MDOC 1Ironically, those punished corrections officers were the same COs who questioned the sergeant when he made the potentially catastrophic decision before the ride back to MBP, the COs state.

Remember prisons are run in a military-like structure, so questioning the sergeant’s decision at the time took guts even if it fell on deaf ears.

“The corrections officers involved even questioned the supervisor’s decision-making at the scene,” the COs stated.

And in another incident this year, a corrections officer used pepper spray to stop an inmate from hanging himself.

The MBP corrections officer “used his chemical agent (pepper spray) to stop a prisoner from hanging himself in his cell,” the COs said. “Immediately after the incident took place – video footage of the incidence was reviewed in the MBP Control Center.”

Present during the video viewing was an assistant deputy warden, who said that the incident was handled appropriately and there was no need for a report or investigation regarding the matter.”

The COs said Warden Huss hit the roof – and disciplined a CO – while keeping her officers and administration happy by not filing a charge higher up the prison food chain.

“Days later Warden Huss went to the shift commander that was on duty when the assistant deputy warden addressed the situation,” the communique reads. “”She told him (shift commander) she wanted a full investigation and incident report.”

The COs claim that’s when Warden Huss allegedly threatened one of her Lieutenants – the shift commander – with his job if he did not participate in an alleged coverup.
“She threatened the Lieutenant, saying that he needed to leave the assistant deputy warden’s name and what they said – out of the report, – or he would be disciplined for failure to report the incident and his career would be in jeopardy,” the statement reads.

“The officer who did his job the way he was trained has since been placed on a Stop Order and isn’t allowed on the property,” the COs stated. Meanwhile sources say its just one of 50 Stop Orders she has issued.

Warden Huss “has been using her position of power to threaten staff with their jobs and income to get certain ‘Critical Incidents’ written a certain way,” the COs said.

U.P. Breaking News believes that prison officials have the duty to release the footage – so the public can decide. And we mean without the usual unnecessary delays and hassles of filing a Freedom of Information Act request. After all, they charged a CO a half million dollars ($500,000) for requesting a few emails involving the MBP top brass. MDOC and MBP hired him – but completely dislike yours truly for exposing scandal after scandal at the Marquette prison – maybe that tape would cost us $1 Million Dollars.


Just this week, a prisoner at MBP as taken to the hospital for undisclosed reasons.

In the past week, U.P. prison inmate have been taken to the hospital by ambulances for reasons that included “chest pains,” seizures and one suspected drug overdose in the eastern U.P.


Read Part 3 to learn about terror on both sides of the prison bars:
U.P. Breaking News has long reported on the abuses on both sides of thee bars at Upper Peninsula Prisons.

U.P. Prison Red Flag Warning from UPBN

This includes lawsuits outlining how guards have physically and verbally abused U.P. inmates – to the state treating its corrections officers like a dispensable targets by cutting prison staff to extremely dangerous levels, to feeding the inmates maggots that causes anger at COs and so much more.
Being a CO in Michigan is so horrible, the state doesn’t even give them a pension – a thing that gutless union bosses allowed to happen during contract bargaining.

Upper Peninsula maximum security prisons are tinder-kegs ready to explode – and the state just doesn’t seem to care. If a CO or prisoner dies, big deal.- there are many more of each.

Being a corrections officer – is often said to be the state’s worst and most dangerous jobs – while the negative physiological affect on COs has led to horrible abuse to U.P. prisons.

Its a revolving door of hate, violence and mistrust that will soon leaves inmates, corrections officers and others dead.
We also revealed that the Marquette Branch prison new warden – was the first warden in Michigan history to marry a sex offender.

Part 1 of 2: Upper Peninsula Corrections Officers say conditions are so horrible at the Marquette Branch Prison that the COs believe it jeopardizes the lives of the public – plus prison employees and inmates: MDOC uses Freedom of Information Act as weapon against Corrections Officers – plus lowest morale ever at MBP – as we expose corruption and dirty dealings – Coming up in Part #2 We tell you about MDP kitchen staff canoodling with inmates – and a “worse case scenario” narrowly averted involving a MDOC Sargent and how it was covered up – plus other shocking incidents

U.P. Breaking News Ongoing U.P. Prisons Investigation and Bulletin: – 4-7-18 – 10:42 p.m. ET – Part #1 of 2:

Threats, brutality, supervisor revenge, mismanagement, sex with inmates and favoritism – mixed with extreme corruption – that Corrections Officers tell us is allegedly happening at Marquette Branch Prison – and jeopardizing public safety and the lives of inmates and all prison staff

COs warn public

Former Marquette CO sent a ridiculous $500,000 state bill while using Freedom of Information Act to uncover corruption by getting the incriminating emails of top officials at the prison

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – For those of you who did not believe what inmates were saying about Upper Peninsula prison conditions – now the COs basically agree – its a dangerous mess at the Marquette Branch Maximum Security Prison – so bad that lives are in jeopardy.

Some corrections officers at the Marquette Branch Prison say that morale has never been lower and the public has never been in more danger since the appointed of the new warden.

Upper Peninsula prisons are still a corrupt, vicious mess as corrections officers at Marquette Branch Prison say the public is in danger because of an alleged out-of-control warden who is allegedly running rough shod over everyone – while allegedly protecting her minions at the top ranks

In a communique obtained by U.P. Breaking News, Warden Erica Huss (aka Erica Scholl) is accused of allegedly spending her day threatening others at the prison and putting the lives of Marquette residents, staff and inmates in extreme danger. The new warden is not trying to fix the issues at MBP, the COs say, claiming she is just making it her kingdom behind bars

“Corrections officer morale is at an all-time low,” Marquette Branch Prison COs say in a communique obtained by U.P. Breaking News. “The turn over rate for new (prison) employees is at a record high.”

“Since she has arrived at Marquette Branch Prison, the safety and security of the public, employees, and inmates has been greatly jeopardized,” the communique reads.

“Employees at every level at MBP have been treated poorly, had their jobs threatened, or have been intimidated by Warden Erica Huss” the communique states, and has apparently gotten worse since U.P. Breaking News revealed the warden (above right) was married to a Michigan sex offender (above left) until recently.

“Dealing with the unneeded stress just isn’t worth it for some,” the document states. “Experienced staff (at MBP) with 5, 10, or 15 years of experience are quitting or taking different jobs for less pay,” the message states.

“This results in short staffing (and that means) all corrections officers have to work many hours and 16 hour shifts on a regular basis,” the communique states.


“This results in fatigue and burn out. That on top of the normal stress of the job and stress created by Warden Huss – creates and unsafe and hostile environment for all inside the prison and threatens the outside community”

Marquette Branch Prison Corrections Officers “are treated very poorly of late.”
When something goes down at MBP, the big bosses dump all the blame on corrections officers and other staff instead of performing their boss duties with integrity becoming of the job, say the worried COs who know this could be a long hot summer in the Upper Peninsula.

“When an incident does occur, (COs) are held to a higher standard (than their bosses) and are harshly disciplined” while the top prison officials blame everyone but themselves. “Supervisors and administrative staff involved aren’t held accountable – blame is placed on the officers either unfairly or though corruption.”

“There have been many incidents of covering up inmate assaults on staff, disturbances, and violations by the prison’s privatized food system” – involving an infamous company dubiously named Trinity.

Besides getting it on with inmates, Trinity’s idea of a food operation involved making the inmates sick and angry – feeding rotten potatoes, maggots, disgusting green spam-like meat, and other horrid, unhealthy so-called food to inmates.

The first food scandal resulted in the company changing its name to Trinity – but it did not change the bosses/owners – who are getting rich on state contracts while mistreating inmates – and its very reminiscent of the old prison camps and chain gangs run by southern sheriffs in the 1900s.

The four-year food scandal recently forced the corrupt Michigan governor to fire the company run by his buddies.

“Harassment claims and grievances are always denied or not handled properly,” the communique from prison employees states. “Certain shifts have been targeted to pileup mass write-ups and suspensions.”

“FOIA requests have been made some staff members to receive information proving unfair treatment or harassment,” the condemning communique states – as it outlines the basis for severe corruption at MBP and other U.P. maximum security prisons and corrections facilities.

The MDOC punishes those who seek public records – and actually charges obscene amounts of money to correction officers, inmates and the downstate press (U.P. media is unaware of FOIA).
Those Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests “have either been denied or the employee who filed receives a bill for a ridiculous amount of money to obtain information.
In fact, one case is beyond the pale – and proves 100 percent that the MDIOC bosses are stinking corrupt from the top to the bottom.

You may recall, it was an MDOC spokesman who made a fool out of the Marquette newspaper by lying about the recent riot at the infamous Kinross Correctional Facility. U.P. Breaking News reported for hours on that fateful Saturday afternoon and night that a major riot was underway – yet the Mining Journal front page on Sunday said there was no incident. Based on the MDOC spokesman’s lies, the Mining Journal reported that a handful of inmates marched around in the Kinross Correctional facility yard mildly protesting. Wow!

What really happened was a full-blown riot with many fires, injuries, and a lot of destruction. Plus the MDOC buried the inmates involves into the bowels of several U.P. prisons – never to be heard from again.

But the truth is the Marquette paper never acknowledged the unbelievable slight – and pretended like it did not happen because they are chums with the state bosses – and all had rotten eggs on their faces.


A former MBP employee “requested the internet history for a few administrative staff byway of FOIA,” the statement reads. Then the state sent the former employee a bill for $500,000. Yes – a half million dollars.

A corrections officer’s salary is approx. $50,000 to $60,000 per year, the statement says.

Yet MBP officials were able to obtain the internet history of about 20 Marquette corrections officers – some of whom were put on 10-day suspensions.

And the medical crisis involving inmates continues in U.P. prisons, as today April 7, 2018 at least two U.P. inmates were taken to the hospital. An inmate at the Chippewa Correctional Facility complained of neurological problems and Kinross EMS took him to the Soo hospital. An inmate at the Ojibway Correctional Facility in Marenisco was taken to the Ironwood hospital Saturday for unknown medical reasons.

In Part #2 coming very soon, we tell you about the sex with inmates, the new warden is allegedly preventing COs from stopping the problem – but remember she did marry a Michigan Sex Offender – plus some incredible corruption and blunders at MBP 

Naming Names #5: U.P. Inmates accuse guards and prison staff of heinous acts: Brutality while handcuffed, terrible medical care, disappearing evidence including video, and the infamous bug-infested food from U.P. prisons

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Naming Names #5 U.P. Prison corruption, evidence tampering – one inmate thanked the lord to be moved to downstate prison SELRES_3795309b-ac79-4a95-bff0-a37ce04ffe2bSELRES_6c20004b-ba62-4235-b60e-ef94b17cd33cSELRES_41409ba4-cf59-4d59-91f3-883e6444ffc7SELRES_2a3688ef-e7a2-4499-b38d-7f53c8aa53c8SELRES_4e6ed988-5d0e-494c-a882-d085162bffdb

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

**During some of the allegations we refer to COs as guards because if true they are not a true corrections officers
***Also today Part #1 from a CO point of view

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – Michigan inmates don’t have access to much evidence to bolster their lawsuits in federal court – and about the only evidence prisoners should have is the video from prison cameras but those tapes always mysteriously go missing, inmates say in their lawsuits

In addition, inmate lawsuits claim there is a huge issue pure brutality, lack of proper medical care, bug-infested rotten food, guards using excessive force while the inmate is handcuffed.

But any crooked corrections officers and crooked wardens have nothing – nothing to fear. Because an state inmate has never won a lawsuit in the history of federal court in Marquette. There have been small settlements but never for violating a prisoner’s civil rights.

Baraga Maximum Security Prison

Warden Daniel Lesatz
13924 Wadaga Road
Baraga, MI 49908-920

(906) 353-7070
Opened: 1993
Security Levels: I and V

Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility

Warden Connie Horton
4269 W. M-80
Kincheloe, MI 49784
(906) 495-2275

Opened: 1989
Security Levels: I, II and IV


Denzel Berry state mugshot 1

Inmate Denzel Berry lawsuit

Inmate Denzel Berry (state prison inmate #923827), who is imprisoned at the Baraga Maximum Security Prison

Read the 22-year-old Berry’s extensive criminal history including bank robbery, armed robbery, and three sexual assault convictions.


His longest sentence is 50 years in prison but its unclear of the many sentences are served consecutively or concurrently. Berry’s earliest release date is late 2045 and longest is 2082.

Berry filed an 18-page handwritten Violation of Civil Rights lawsuit: 11-29-17

Suit against:
RN Mrs. Cook at the Chippewa Correctional Facility in Kinross, MI
RN Mr. Finegan at the Baraga Maximum Security Prison
An unknown MDOC inmate (assaulted Berry)

Prison officials routinely state security camera recordings of an assault are always missing.

Violated inmate “right to receive proper medical health care treatment wile in incarcerated.”

Long-term improper medical care – only prior lawsuit was 1983 about medical care at the Chippewa Correctional Facility

Inmate vs. Inmate assaults witnessed by guards who did nothing


Chippewa Correctional Facility chow-hall inmate at 11:45 a.m. and noon on Sun., May 31, 2015

Improper medical care and continuous missing of video/digital tape recorded by prison security cameras

Inmate Berry was “struck” in the head and face area “three to four times with a lock and a sock” bu an unidentified fellow inmate.
Berry claims attacked was witnessed by correctional officers, chow hall employees (work for Trinity Food Service), and numerous inmates.

Berry states COs who did nothing included a captain, lieutenant, and sergeant
Berry says he was only given given Tylenol and told to do neck exercises.
Inmate Berry alleges his lasting injuries included a “keloid above my right eye”
Inmate Berry states his head still hurts and no one has done anything -and is having vision issues.

inmate Berry lawsuit 3Inmate Berry lawsuit 2

Remember a Michigan state prison inmate has never won a civil rights suit in the history of federal court in Marquette. Reasons include no lawyers (none appointed, can’t afford) , a wide variety of filing issues, and lack of evidence.

Several lawsuits state that prison cameras should have caught the assaults or violations of civil rights, however many lawsuits allege the MDOC always reports that video for those particular times are missing. of civil rights.
Critics point to settlements for smalls things – like one inmate is suing over the confiscation of his CD player.

No one has provided any proof and the thousands of pages of federal court records do not substantiate an civil rights ruling in favor of the inmate.

For lack of treatment, vision problems and ongoing head pains, Berry is asking for $200,000 against RN Mrs. Cook at the Chippewa Correctional Facility because “she kept saying I’m going to be OK.”

Berry is suing RN Finegan at Baraga Max for $150,000 for the lack of proper medical care at Baraga Max because of his injuries as “I really been having hard time seeing – vision messed up.”

Inmate Berry lawsuit 1

Inmate Berry is suing the unknown inmate who attacked him for $200,000 because of injuries that will last until his death.

Convict Berry is suing the MDOC for $150,000 for hiring medical care staff who failed to do their jobs even when inmates are seriously hurt. Inmate Berry wants the MDOC to pay for medical treatment and court costs. Berry says when given treatment it is ibuprofen and acetaminophen despite serious lasting injuries.

Berry says everything he alleges in the lawsuit should have been recorded by prison security cameras – but those tapes are missing.

Larence Dallas state mug 1

Inmate Lawrence Dallas, state (prison inmate #314685 )

Read the lawsuit:

Inmate Lawrence Dallas (1)

Inmate Lawrence Dallas (2)

Inmate Lawrence Dallas (3)

Currently at Oaks Correctional Facility in Manistee, MI
“Different place- thank goodness – just moved,” Dallas said

Convict Dallas filed hand-written 15-page federal civil rights lawsuit: 11/30/17
the 43-year-old Dallas has a criminal history dating back to 1994 and numerous convictions including home invasion, assault and most recently drugs and retail fraud. His earliest release date is September 2021 and longest is the year 2041.
Suit against:

Physically abusive and verbally abuse guard that injure prisoners in a variety of ways including while handcuff

Internal prison grievance systems is intentionally laborious, ineffective, waste of time, inmates never win, and evidence disappears

MDOC says it doesn’t have the security camera video for the time and date he requested – disappeared





Cut with glass, and taking 40 Claritin: Paramedics respond to laceration at Marquette Branch Prison involving another case of drugs not being tightly controlled or monitored, Plus separate report of criminal complaint at U.P. prison

Where is the pill control at Marquette Branch Prison? Many inmates have supposedly take large amount of pills by hoarding – or buying and selling drugs

MBP Suicide attempt graphic

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – Not much is known yet about an injury at the Marquette Branch Prison this afternoon that caused paramedics to respond but it is being described as self-inflicted suicide attempt.

One of the toughest prisons in the state, Marquette Branch has a long history of violence in which both corrections officer and inmates have been seriously injured.

About 2:05 p.m., U.P. Health Systems-Marquette paramedics were dispatched to the Marquette Branch Prison for report of “a laceration.” Paramedics reported to the hospital that the laceration was bandaged and the bleeding controlled. The inmate’s vital signs sounded positive.

An inmate has been taken by ambulance to the Marquette hospital after allegedly cutting himself with glass and taking 40 Claritin.

In fact, one version of last year’s MBP story on what happened to a young inmate that died was that he took an overdose.
Apparently prison officials in the U.P. are unable to come up with ways to prevent this pill hoarding and pill dealing at other prisons around the country. The storing or buying of meds inside a prison is serious.

The attempt suicide story rings true in the sense that in the past couple years numerous inmates have attempted suicide including an inmate hanging attempt in the eastern U.P. As prison conditions become worse and more dangerous, so do the suicides and attempts.

If we get more information – we will pass it along.

Earlier this afternoon, U.P. Breaking News heard a Michigan State Police detective who was gong inside a U.P. prison to investigate an alleged criminal “complaint.” It is not clear if the detective was at Baraga Max or at Marquette Branch.

Officials at Marquette Branch Prison never fessed-up publicly about what happened to a 30-year-old inmate who died mysteriously in a segregation cell.
U.P. Breaking News heard it go down – and it did not even closely match what prison officials and state police were telling the family.
U.P. Breaking News believes by CO claims that ‘all inmates are lying’ is an old misleading misnomer conveniently spread by prison officials to shame the media to not report such stories – just remember that all this goes on in the secrecy of the segregation bowels of prisons.

Do inmates lie in lawsuits – of course (duh?) – but its the lawsuits that ring true that has them so angry at our expose. However, inmates never,ever win in federal court in Marquette, MI.

U.P. Breaking News is told mostly that is because because of no legal representation but also interference by prison officials who have complete control of when, what and how info is given to a prisoner about the status of a case.
U.P. Breaking News believes that not every inmate could be lying – especially when their civil rights lawsuits read like journals.

U.P. Breaking News has started and series entitled “Naming Names” by being the first and only media organization in the Upper Peninsula to report on alleged brutality, sickening food, retaliation, mistreatment of elderly inmates and other dehumanizing claims against Upper Peninsula corrections officers.

In fact it goes deeper at one U.P. TV station, where the news director has dismissed inmates  and their lawsuit out of hand – because his father is a retired corrections officer.

Inmates from all U.P. Prisons have filed civil rights and inhumanity related lawsuits.

Prison officials notoriously lied about the last year’s riot at Kinross Correctional Facility until U.P. Breaking News started releasing audio of what was happening. They even tricked the Mining Journal in Marquette, MI – that put out a silly false story on the front page of their Sunday edition. To be fair it was an A.P. story – they got lied to as well. But the Mining Journal should have acted like a newspaper located in the U.P. and check out info when they hear a riot is taking place.

U.P. Breaking News Prison Bulletin: Naming Names #3 – Torture, assault and battery, racial slurs, abuse alleged at Baraga Max prison by allegedly corrupt Michigan prison officials

U.P. Breaking News Prison Bulletin: Torture, assault and battery, racial slurs, abuse alleged at Baraga Max prison by allegedly corrupt officials 11-30-17 2:30 a.m. ET
Naming Names #3

“Nigger”Baraga Max Corrections officers accused of provoking inmates into fights using techniques like racial slurs and threats, retaliation against inmates who complain, and threats to keep small time crooks (whom they hate) in prison for life

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Brutality and assault accusations filed against Baraga Max Inmates

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

Baraga Max Inmate Randy Henry Beasley 1

(Baraga, MI) – A Michigan prison inmate who started with a minor sentence – and then took on the administration and staff at Baraga Max – has filed a federal court lawsuit with accusations of brutality, racial slurs, and trying to provoke fights with inmates.

The revolving Michigan prison door often involves inmates and “guards” fighting – because some corrupt corrections officers act unprofessionally, instigate fights and conduct write-ups for revenge against inmates they hate

Plaintiff: Randy Beasley #631420

Baraga Max Inmate 3

Here are the alleged guards involved in crimes against an inmate as alleged in a federal court civil suit in Marquette, MI:

Defendant: Michigan Department of Corrections
Defendant: K. Blau
Defendant: D. Lesatz
Defendant: Unknown Petaja
Defendant: D. Snarsk
Defendant: L. Marshall
Defendant: W. Delene
Defendant: Noah Beesley
Defendant: Tim Maki
Defendant: S. Niemi
Defendant: J. Bessner

Baraga Max Michigan Photo

The civil rights lawsuit was filed by Baraga Maximum Security Prison Inmate Randy Beasley (#631420) on Nov. 6, 2017 at federal court in Marquette, MI.

Baraga Max Inmate Randy Beasley lawsuit 11-9-17

U.P. Breaking News believes in using the term”corrections officer” for true professionals however any CO that acts unprofessionally is nothing more than a miserable prison guard who should be locked up if committing crimes against prisoners. Under-staffing is one of the biggest issues – and of course certain state official are enriching themselves off the maggots that are fed to prisoners in the U.P mixed with rotten, non-nutritious food.

The Michigan union that represents corrections offices does little and considers those that exposes low-staffing and inmate abuses to be on their enemy list.

The Baraga Maximum Security Prison is located at 13924 Wadaga Road in Baraga, MI. Many of the inmates who organized the riot at Kinross were sent to maximum security prisons in U.P – including many to Baraga Max – to never be heard from again.

U.P. Breaking News is publishing these lawsuits because they never win in deferral court and it is the only way to put a spotlight on Michigan extremely corrupt prisons. U.P. Breaking News has been contacted by current and former COs who fear that unprofessional conduct by Cos and staff will lead to murder and riots. If you kick a dog – it will eventually bite you.

Baraga Max Inmate

Read lawsuit by Baraga Max Inmate Randy Beasley lawsuit 11-9-17

However, MDOC has a long policy of duping and lying to the media. U.P Breaking News lost faith in the honesty of MDOC when they lied about the Kinross riot and even fooled the Marquette Mining Journal into running a false story in their Sunday edition declaring it was a minor protest by a handful of Kinross inmates marching outside the eastern U.P. prison.

Baraga Max Prison


Excessive force against inmates by Baraga Maximum Security Prison corrections officers
Immediate Danger to inmate
Assault and battery
Constant danger of retaliation by corrections officers
Regularly using word “nigger” to provoke inmates
Mental and physical torture

Here is the state info on the convictions – and it bears the marks of an inmate who comes to prison on a short sentence – and then is given many more years after protesting his rights and a “assault” on Baraga Max Cos.

He had petty sentences until ending up in a Michigan Prison:

Photo of Offender
MDOC Number:
SID Number:
Racial Identification:
5′ 10″
167 lbs.
Date of Birth:
06/03/1982 (35)
Image Date:
Current Status:
Earliest Release Date:
Assigned Location:
Baraga Maximum Facility
Maximum Discharge Date:

Security Level:
Tattoo- Right Bicep – RT


Sentence 1
Assault Of Prison Employee
Minimum Sentence:
2 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
5 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:

Sentence 2
Asslt w/Int Gr Bod Hrm Less Murder
Minimum Sentence:
1 year 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
10 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:

Sentence 3
Weapons – Felony Firearms
Minimum Sentence:
2 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
2 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:

Sentence 1
Stolen Property – R/C $1000 or More But Less Than $20,000 – Attempt
Minimum Sentence:

Maximum Sentence:
1 year 6 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Discharge Date:
Baraga Max Inmate Randy Henry Beasley 1

MDOC Naming Names #2: U.P. Breaking News Urgent Bulletin: Current Michigan prison inmate files Kinross rotten food lawsuit

Kinross Correctional facility Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden recently filed suit alleging rotten food and retaliation at Kinross Correctional facility

Jonathan Stewart Roden 1

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By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 3Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 4

Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden is serving at 20 to 8 years state prison term for robbery, according to his lawsuit filed on Nov. 9. 2017.

Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 2Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 5

This prisoner – while outlining the rotten food – said he was the victim of retaliation by prison officials.

The MDOC tried to blatantly lie there was a riot going on at Kinross but U.P. Breaking News audio tapes forced them to admit it happened.

Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 2Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 1Kinross Inmate Jonathan Steward Roden lawsuit graphic 6

In the lawsuit, Roden  – like many other inmates before him – outlines details of the horrid, egg-filled, maggot-infested food served at the notorious Kinross Correctional Facility in the tiny eastern U.P. town of Kinross, MI. The site of a riot last year and repeated ongoing allegations about Trinity Food Services Group that is serving inedible, non-nutritious and vile food at Kinross Correctional Facility.

Read the Nov. 9, 2017 federal prisoners civil rights lawsuit against Trinity Food Services Group and Food Steward Don Plont

Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17

(2)Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17

(3)Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17

(4)Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17

(5)Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17 (6)

Kinross Correctional Facility Prison Inmate Jonathan Stewart Roden Lawsuit 11-9-17 (1)


Fourth amendment retaliation allegations

Eighth Amendment cruel and unusual punishment charges

Maggot crawled out of a banana followed by retaliation against inmate


The following was on the MDOC website – until it recently disappeared:


MDOC Number:
SID Number:
Racial Identification:
6′ 0″
200 lbs.
Date of Birth:
05/16/1981  (34)
Image Date:
Current Status:
Earliest Release Date:
Assigned Location:
Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
Maximum Discharge Date:
Security Level:
Tattoo- Left Arm – TT LEFT ARM
Sentence 1
Prisons – Prisoner Possessing Weapons – Attempt
Minimum Sentence:
1 year 0 months 1 day
Maximum Sentence:
2 years 6 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 2
Robbery Armed
Minimum Sentence:
10 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
50 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 3
Robbery Armed
Minimum Sentence:
8 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
30 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 4
Weapons – Carrying Concealed
Minimum Sentence:
1 year 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
5 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 5
Robbery Armed
Minimum Sentence:
10 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
30 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 6
Weapons – Felony Firearms
Minimum Sentence:
2 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
2 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Sentence 7
Robbery Armed
Minimum Sentence:
15 years 0 months 0 days
Maximum Sentence:
32 years 0 months
Court File#:
Date of Offense:
Date of Sentence:
Conviction Type:
Jonathan Stewart Roden 1

Naming Names at Michigan Department of Corrections: U.P. Breaking News will now start publishing the names of those corrections officers and MDOC officials accused of corruption and serving rotten food in U.P. prisons

Rotten Michigan prison food in U.P. – and related corruption – has been documented in numerous lawsuits filed recently in federal court at Marquette, MI

Inmate Darryl McGore at Baraga Max.jpg

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

The following is just one of dozens of federal lawsuits that have been filed in the U.P. about prisoner rights abuses, rotten food, and even theft of inmate money. We will be printing them all since the Michigan Dept. of Corrections seems unable to be honest.

Upper Peninsula Prison Inmate Darryl McGore – who is currently lodge at the Baraga Maximum Security Prison – has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Marquette accusing the Trinity Food group of serving rotten food to prisoners at the Marquette Branch Prison and the Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
Inmates getting violently sick – and losing weight – due to being served/eating the food served by Trinity

The trash being fed to U.P. prisoners as MDOC officials get rich off the food sales:
Making fake meat products using old cornbread

6 day old crumbled corn bread
Rotten potatoes
Rotten five to six day old vegetables with no nutritional value
Unknown poultry/unknown meat products
Non-nutritional food “products” that are unidentifiable
Not serving a 2,700 calorie meals diet each day

The inmate is asking a federal judge in Marquette to allow an expert witness to test the terrible food served by the crooked Trinity Food Service.
U.P. Breaking News will now start publishing these lawsuits since the Michigan Department of corrections is involved in corruption and coverups including a young inmates death at Marquette Branch Prison.
The inmate is making the nasty food plea to U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Jonker and U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley in Marquette.
McGore is serving life plus 100 years for armed robbery and sexual assault.
It’s an uphill battle as a prisoner/inmate has never won a civil rights suit in federal court in Marquette, MI
This despite overwhelming evidence of corruption and unhealthy food.
U.P. Breaking News is naming names beginning today.

Read the lawsuit filed on Monday, Nov. 26, 2017:

Upper Peninsula Prison Inmate Darryl McGore lawsuit 11-27-17 (1)

Upper Peninsula Prison Inmate Darryl McGore lawsuit 11-27-17 (2)

Upper Peninsula Prison Inmate Darryl McGore lawsuit 11-27-17 (3)


Warning to U.P. residents, prisoners, prison employees and the public: Things are bad due to low staffing and corruption – Inmates Down: Ambulance call this morning at the infamous Kinross Prison – yesterday at Chippewa – are just two of numerous inmates down at U.P. prisons who have needed ambulances this month alone – also Baraga Max and Marquette Branch. Sources say that the U.P. prisons are at such a breaking point that the state is putting the lives of correctional officers, staff, the public and inmates at risk

U.P. Breaking News Warns: Low staffing, rotting food issues and inmate abuse is so bad in U.P. Prisons that anything could happen – this is a warning cry

Humanity for all folks or call the undertaker

U.P. Prison Red Flag Warning from UPBN.jpg

Unhealthy food and abuse are alleged – though never in the history of the U.P. has a prison inmate won a federal lawsuit
Weird considering their have been thousands filed – and most never get lawyers

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
News Director/Co-Owner

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan Prisons) – Numerous ambulance calls this month at U.P. prisons including today are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to danger to the public and others involved in the U.P. broken U.P prison.

One problem is, the U.P. media is terrified of the prisons and do not investigate. We are raising the red warning flag to Michigan State Police detectives, paramedics and other officials – who know they have been lied to by prison officials.

U.P. Breaking News stresses, we have not been information any plot of plan – just people pleading with us to warn the public about what might happen – it did last year.

We have heard from numerous sources involved on both sides of the prison bars – and all are scared something is going to happen. Not something good.

About 2 a.m. today (Nov. 21, 2017, Kinross paramedics were called the Kinross Correctional Facility for a call of chest pains.

And on Monday (Nov. 20) they transported a prison from the Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility for an inmate who was having seizures in the medical clinic.
In fact, we believe there has been one maybe two recent ambulances calls at Marquette Branch Prison that are not being publicly broadcast which seems to be the case since coverup earlier this year of a suspicious death of a young prisoner at Marquette Branch. There have been recent calls to Baraga Max (few days ago) and to recently to the Marquette Branch Prison.

If you love and inmate or a CO (forget entrenched corrupt supervisors) – you had better demand that changes are made. If the inmates are not safe – then the COs lives are at risk. When will the union wake up. The union representing the COs needs to get some guts and quit blaming U.P. Breaking News. Be courageous or go home

U.P. Breaking news is hollering about this hoping to avoid more murders at U.P. prisons. And hopefully get the state to force the corrupt food service owners to be human.

Then there were the blatant coverup and (that fooled Sunday edition of the Mining Journal and other U.P. media) of last fall’s riot at Kinross.
CO and inmate related sources tell U.P. Breaking News that is become life or death in U.P. prisons for both COs and inmates.
Numerous sources continue to say low-staffing – and some burnout or a corrupt poor structure within the CO community.
U.P. Breaking News will be revealing some shocking lawsuits shortly in our ongoing investigation involving prisons in the Eastern U.P., Marquette, Munising, Baraga in Michigan and also a separate probe in the Augusta, GA areas. Lots of lives are at stake – including the public, the inmates and the COs. Naming Names.

Editor’s note: For those who participate in coverup – do not have the guts to come forward – or will criticize our warning. We pray to our Creator that we do not have to say ‘we told you so.’ Most of the union officers close ranks – and to not understand it is their safety at risk- brute force will not fix problem. Sources please keep calling.


URGENT: U.P. Breaking News Prison Bulletin – U.P. inmate attempts to hang himself this morning at the Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility – Three inmates down in three days at Chippewa

Happening Now – U.P. Inmate Hanging Attempt – and especially in eastern U.P. and in Marquette are suffering at the hands of officials:

11-9-17 4:30 a.m. ET

Hanging attempt this morning Thurs., Nov. 9, 2017 by U.P. prison Inmate- third call at Chippewa Regional prison in Kincheloe, MI

Chippewa Hanging 1

Third ambulance call in three days – now word of an attempted suicide by hanging at the Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility in the Eastern Upper Peninsula

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
News Director/Co-Owner

(Chippewa County, MI) – As a snowstorm bears down on the Upper Peninsula this morning, life was more than an Upper Peninsula Prison inmate could handle – attempting to hang himself about 4 a.m. today (Thurs. Nov. 9, 2017).

URGENT: U.P. Breaking News Prison Bulletin – U.P. inmate attempts to hang himself this morning at the Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility – Three inmates down in three days at Chippewa

This morning’s attempted hanging, was the third time in three days a Kinross EMS ambulance was called to the Chippewa Regional Correctional Facility. No word on the reasons for the first two calls.

Ambulance calls are a common thing at both state prisons in Chippewa County – prisons plagued by accusations of blatant corruption, cronyism, burned out bosses, dangerously low number of employees including corrections officers and food service staff. The prisons are among the many in the U.P. accused of serving spoiled and maggot-infested food.

U.P. Breaking News has been investigating and reporting on the coverups and dangerous under-staffing at U.P. Prisons.

Chippewa Hanging 2Chippewa Hanging 1

We are also launching a probe into the 5 suicides and more that have happened in a month in Georgia Prisons:
S.E. Social Justice Breaking News Bulletin – Georgia Prisons
11-8-17 4:30 am. ET
Augusta State Medical Prison Death is 5th “suicide” in month in Georgia Prisons: South Eastern Social Justice Breaking News announces probes into inmate abuse at Georgia prisons as the 6th prisoner in a month has allegedly killed himself and this time in August
Suspicious Deaths at Georgia Prisons:
The Georgia Department of Corrections claims 5 inmates committed suicide in past month – and the latest just happened in Augusta, GA
By Greg Peterson
S.E. Social Justice Breaking News
News Director/Co-Owner
The Georgia Department of Corrections has announced its investigating an inmate death in Augusta, GA – and it is claimed it is the fourth suicide in recent days and the fifth in a month.