Fatal shooting investigated in Gogebic County – Investigators on scene – but possible self-inflicted means yet another U.P. resident takes their life in despair – happening almost daily – Does anyone care?

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin: – 4-14-18 Update:

The shooting was reported at 4455 Nylund Road – located between Junet Road and Olson Road.
A neighbor found the victim.
However two immediate neighbors were mentioned by police – obviously shocked and sad. We are withholding all names of the neighbors and apparent victim at this point.

Officials in Gogebic County have not released anything about the shooting.

This apparent suicide underlines the need for better mental health services in the U.P. as we are experiencing about one suicide – and many attempts – almost every day in the U.P. especially among youth including at NMU in Marquette.

Its a tragedy that Lansing cares nothing about as they have slashed and slashed U.P mental health budgets – and mix it with poverty, despair, and one-sided court/cops system and we get suicides.

Plus the youth perceive there is nothing for them with only – low pay paycheck to paycheck and day-to-day living left by the older generations a gift to millennials.
We were hoping they forgive us.

Its has also left an older U.P. generation in despair and with little control of their once good iives – and add in the usual substance issues and its a major crisis that is U.P.-wide.

Like their secretive cop brothers in Ontonagon County and Luce County and more – just love duping the news media and keeping secrets

Its also brings up the coveted, secretive information that very rarely emerges from secret-secret Gogebic County- unless via a weak news release with omissions galore.

Police officials in Gogebic County and Ironwood DPS – have never been known for their candid response to the media – especially if they feel/perceive it embarrasses their controlled area of the U.P.

In fact, U.P. Breaking News has exposed several recent situations in Gogebic County that were false by omission. Keeping their secrets from you like the tragic fatal ice incident when a heavy machine broke thru ice and fell under a barge with a crane. Total cover-up .
It took them three weeks to admit there were two fires – an hour apart – in that triple fatal apartment fire in Ironwood. We reported both fires that tragic morning

4-13-18 – 2:10 p.m. ET 1:10 p.m. CT

Gogebic County officials investigating man found shot to death in his home
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Sadly, its beginning to look like the almost daily Suicide Crisis in the U.P., takes another victim

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Ironwood, MI) – Investigators are on the scene of a fatal shooting in Gogebic County.
A neighbor reported finding the victim with a gunshot wound to the head.

The shooting is in Ironwood, MI area – however we are withholding all roads connected to this tragic incident. U.P. Breaking News will not release locations until much later this evening.
The shooting was reported about 12:40 p.m. Central Time.

So far, we have not heard any indication that foul play is suspected.

However, it maybe the latest in a series of shootings, hangings and overdoses that are happening almost daily this winter in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The mental health organizations have their own crisis – ridiculously low funding and no follow-up care for those with depression. NMU has suffered their own suicides in past month.

When will enough people die in the U.P. before Lansing gets a clue.

Out U.P. legislative delegation suffered their own suicide incident – and yet nothing is done.
We stress this death remains under investigation – but have not heard MSP crime lab called

Suicides in U.P. continued this afternoon as tragically another Yooper takes his life – Lots of unreported U.P. suicides hidden from media – Public oblivious: Another recent NMU student suicide? – Marquette County school sports team suicide pact? – and it happened again today

U.P. Breaking News Ongoing Suicide Advisory – another today – 3-28-18 4:50 p.m. ET –

Another Yooper takes his life with a rope – as U.P. suicide epidemic continues with a more than weekly rate – Doesn’t count attempted suicides

Plus Another NMU suicide?/Public schools sports team suicide pact in Marquette County? – And it tragically happened again today in the U.P.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

U.P. lawmakers please help – as the U.P. averaging more than one suicide per week in recent months.
Even now this moment, U.P. police are handing a hanging of a 33-year-old man. Purposely not saying location-please do not say it if you know.

Unless we have it on tape from cops, there is no way to confirm any suicides in U.P. as police are afraid to speak publicly about it and media does their obligatory and vague once a year story.

I believed for 40 years that media should not report suicides – but that tactic has not worked – it has failed miserably.

The thought was reporting suicides increases suicides – well without the reporting – the U.P. suicide rate has tripled or more.

The U.P. weekly suicide rate is fat, far beyond – way, way out of control!

Since we reported the recent hanging of a 21-year-old male student at NMU – we heard there was yet another suicide of female NMU student.

Plus have gotten unconfirmed reports that some male members of a school sports team in Marquette County – had a suicide pact but a mom found out and stopped it.

We are not (yet) saying team at this point – and if I call and ask school officials they run away like track stars. No one wants to deal with this.

Or is it better to ignore it, not try to fix underfunded and broken system, and pretend our crushing poverty rate and addictive drug crisis is not happening. Also -we need to stop stigmatizing depression. People who feel depressed should be loved and helped – not shunned and bad-mouthed by judgmental Yoopers.

One start would be to throw our past three governors in prison for not protecting our communities – dereliction of duty.

Restore funding at levels that assures follow-up care happens always and a lot.

The old U.P. treat me like a mushroom comfort because nothing ever happens in mushroom world.

U.P. Suicide Prevention Coalition Facebok bannerU.P. Suicide Help Graphic

Lots of U.P. News headlines – One heckuva a weekend in the Upper Peninsula – Four U.P. snowmobilers crashes with injuries, Chocolay Township depressed 13-year-old drinks bleach, U.P. newborn with possible meningitis, aerosol can explodes in Delta County man’s face, some unusual arrests including federal suspect struggles with cops, man lies to the cops – and gets charged with it – and more

URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin and Headlines – 3-12-18 – 3:45 a.m. ET 

Weekend U.P. Headlines – Boy drinks bleach, newborn possible meningitis, numerous drunk drivers busted with very high blood alcohol levels, Delta County man gets facial injuries when an aerosol can explodes in trash he is burning (then accuses female partner), federal suspect charged with wrestling with cops and sometimes if you lie – that’s exactly what cops charge you with (They’ve heard it all)

UPBN Headlines Graphic

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – Police and fire officials across the U.P. Were kept busy this weekend including a suicidal teen who drank bleach, a man who was injured and then angry when a pressured can exploded while he was burning trash.

There were at least four snowmobile accidents with injuries on Saturday, March 10, 2018 including three in Chippewa County and one in Keweenaw County.
The Keweenaw County accident on Brockway Mountain – and two of those in Chippewa County involved snowmobilers driving fast and crashing into trees in corners – and absolutely destroying their snowmobiles.
In fact, its amazing someone survived the Brockway wreck – because the sled was smashed.
No serious injuries but four sledders were hurt.

The other Chippewa County crash was a sledder crossing the ice on the St. Mary’s River in Detour Village off the coast from Spring Bay Road and S. River Street area. The man was traveling at a high rate of speed and flipped the snowmobile.
He was “up and walking” shortly after the crash.
U.P. Breaking News has now confirmed that there have been at least 9 snowmobile fatalities and three critical injuries in the past 11 weeks.

Yet the state refuses to put up big, big signs warning about curves and demanding the sledders slow down. (U.P. Trails are deadlier than the highways).

Speeding over 100 MPH on today’s snowmobiles is suicide – and there is no way to fix it without behavioral changes – so anyone who has a loved one on a snowmobile should give them hell about slowing down – big time hell.

In Delta County Sunday afternoon, March 11, 2018, paramedics and others were called to a report that a man was cut all over his face, bleeding and in pain.

It appears an aerosol type can was in trash that the victim was burning – and it “exploded all over his face.”

The man also was sick to his stomach and had shooting pains through his thighs.

The dispatcher then warned officers the man was mad at his female partner, accusing her of putting the can in the trash to be burned.

Meanwhile near tragedy in Marquette County on Saturday night, March 10, 2018 at the Teaching Family Homes facility for youth that have been horribly abused or severely neglected – and the major affects that causes on a young person.
A 13-year-old boy “drank bleach” in a suicide attempt. He was on the edge of the property with two other youths. An ambulance and police were sent – and the boy apparently was not seriously injured after allegedly taking “a few gulps of bleach.” So Sad.

In Marquette County, a federal prisoner was taken into custody – and even charged with attempting to obstructing/resisting arrest with law enforcement officers.
He is 28-year-old Walter Noe Aguilera-Aguilar (address unconfirmed).
Aguilera-Aguilar is being held on a no bond federal detainer and has a $5,000 bond set for attempted resisting arrest/obstructing a police officer.
Aguilera-Aguilar was booked into the Marquette County Jail at two minutes before midnight on Saturday, March 10, 2018.
The details are not known.

Meanwhile – another man was busted Sunday afternoon for lying to the cops.
18-year-old Christopher Michael Hughes of Marquette, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail at 1:49 p.m. ET on Sunday, March 11, 2018.
Hughes remains jailed this morning (Monday) on a charge of “lying to a peace officer.”
The details are not known.

At least five people were busted this weekend in Marquette County and another five in Delta County for drunken driving – one suspect in Marquette had a blood alcohol level of .076 and another was charged under the “no tolerance” law – plus one woman allegedly was driving drunk with a kid in the car. U.P. Breaking News generally only reports names on felony drunken driving – although it varies by case – including when suspects resist arrest.

Non-scientific estimate by UPBN based on pullovers by police – 25 percent of U.P. drivers are illegal.

It appears at least one in four (25 percent) of Yooper drivers are either suspended, no insurance, or drunk driving with multiple arrests. That’s scary.

Generally though, we have heard some U.P. police running tags of older vehicles – while still rolling – before an official stop because its the poorer drivers who are most likely to be rolling illegal for something.

And finally on Sunday, heard about a 13-day old baby rushed from Munising Memorial Hospital the U.P. Health System Marquette to be treated for possible meningitis. Again, how terrible and gut-wrenchingly sad. Hopefully the docs are the Marquette hospital will work their magic. Prayers.


Editors note: If you did not see it – check out our FB advisory from Sunday on the downstate woman wanted by USCG Sector Soo for taking photos of the Soo Locks from an apparently restricted area. No word on whether the coasties had a chance to have a conversation with the woman. Plus see our report on the truck through the ice on Little Bay de Noc on Sunday.


Soo Student Massacre Threat: Male teen student allegedly threatens to shoot up the Soo High School, parents say little was done, police called late Friday morning

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin Update – 2-17-18 – 8:25 p.m.ET

This is what school officials sent parents -and the say a news release is pending:

Soo down plays incident



1:38 p.m. ET 

Threat to bring gun to school and kill fellow students at eastern U.P. high school – parents say little was done

SopoSchools Graphic

Did the Sault Ste. Marie Superintendent, High School Principal and other high-ranking school officials know about threat and did not warn students or parents?

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director
Scroll down to see our editorial, plus names etc.

(Sault Ste. Marie, MI) – Authorities have released no information publicly about an armed student’s threat to shoot up the Sault Ste. Marie High School, and parents say nothing much was done by the principal or superintendent.

One parent said online that the threat was very serious:

“This was real. The kid had a handgun, and three fully clips on him.”

Another Soo resident stated on Facebook:

“The kid in question did in fact have a loaded gun during gym class, and (allegedly) intended to shoot kids after school. Gym class was NOT locked-down during this “lock-down”, and they had no knowledge of anything happening until afterwards.”

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall

Some parents said if the allegations about Principal Carl McCready or Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall are true – they should be terminated or retire.

Yesterday morning, Fri. Feb. 16, 2018 – concern parents called police about a forwarded text received by their daughter and others at the Sault Ste. Marie High School. The dispatcher told officers the threat involved a male student (not clear if he had is suspended or expelled).

The Chippewa County 911 dispatcher was told by the student’s parents that a “friend is threatening to apparently ‘shoot up’ the school.”

Police were sent to the school district administration, where officials had after a relatively short conversation with the officer.
Then school officials essentially and basically turned police away yesterday telling officers they have known about the threat for two days or more – and are dealing with the issue.

On Facebook, parents are angry and accusing the district of not doing anything substantial – while elsewhere across the Soo rumors are flying.

In an online post, one well-known parent said:

“Apparently, he said he was going to start in the locker rooms and move on to classrooms. Also heard principal was warned about this prior and did nothing.”

Several parents said they had heard very similar info from their kids.

In fact, numerous parents said they heard the upset student showed a gun and three fully-loaded clips.

U.P. Breaking News hopes that police and administration of the Soo schools to please reach out to us with real info. Secrecy in these times is dangerous.

Anyone who has info, please contact us privately by phone/FB.

This is what we got when we went to the Soo schools safety plan – and under the tab to follow incidents – page not created – not clear if school district pays for this company:

Soo Safe Schools page info

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools
Administration Building
876 Marquette Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Sault Ste. Marie Area High School and Career Center
Carl McCready, High School Principal
Jeanine Sherman, Assistant Principal
Jo Anne Lussier, Career Center Director
904 Marquette Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783


The real problem behind the gun issues is money in politics – it will not change until campaign finance reform. Period.
We need to destigmatize mental health and talk to each other – no judgments – ignore bullies and what popular kids say. Blather!

U.P. Breaking News has the names of several of those involved (parents, students, suspect) – however – at this point and time – have made the editorial decision to withhold the names (could change our minds).

We also have the dispatch audio (sounds dramatic) and have decided (for now only) not to release it. Reasons include waiting to see what the district decides to do and if they make any kind of real statement.

In these times parents are understandably worried. Nothing will be done about automatic assault weapons (bullets, big clips, special stocks) until the money is taken out of politics.

Severe poverty, Bullying, addictive drugs everywhere, and parents not teaching their kids that words-are-only-words and property-is-only-property. Do not let someone else control your emotions, thoughts and actions.

Ignore what other idiots school friends say – trust me I have lots of people who write hateful things and threats – but do not take it personally or I’d go crazy. Some words are just fools who like to hear themselves talk. Blather.

By Greg Peterson, owner of U.P. Breaking News

SopoSchools Graphic

The Three Faces of Josh: Guarded 24/7, man who was shot by Michigan State Police goes from one foot in grave to walking the 7th floor at a Marquette hospital- Shot three times after 100 MPH chase on snowy U.P. roads – and U.P. Breaking News explains the chainsaws


Josh Stead at his parent’s cabin in Strongs, Michigan

Josh Stead lost after allegedly bringing a chainsaw to a gunfight – but was his real intention “suicide by cop”

Those who know him claim Josh would never hurt anyone intentionally and especially not with a chainsaw – a tool he used to create furniture

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Bellaire, Michigan) – Several faces are emerging of the scion of a prominent Bellaire, Michigan family – who allegedly brought a chainsaw to a gunfight with Michigan State Police after a 100 MPH chase on slippery snow-covered Upper Peninsula roads.

After being shot at least three times by a MSP trooper, 35-year-old Joshua Kenneth Stead of Bellaire almost died after being airlifted to a Marquette hospital. Steed was shot twice in the stomach and once in the arm – that is broken. Among Steed’s organs that were damaged are his spleen, gall bladder and liver. The gut shots have caused bile related issues.

It is believed that four to five shots were fired – and at least three hit Stead – who allegedly dropped a running chainsaw and collapsed into the middle of M-28 in western Chippewa County. There are dash camera videos of the incidents – but its unclear if the officers had body cameras. Sources say officers guarding Josh have allegedly told him things to cause anxiety or confuse the man – who doesn’t clearly – if at all – remember the incident.

The first civilian on the scene told U.P. Breaking News that he saw a trooper walk over to the running chainsaw and turn it off. U.P. Breaking News has published two audio tapes of the police chase and shooting – and will soon be releasing the audio on what led up to the near fatal event.

However, he is now walking the 7th floor and undergoing physical therapy – his condition having improved drastically last week – although there are still infection concerns. This under a 24-hour guard by police who are positioned outside his room at U.P. Health System – Marquette.

Using a computer in Marquette, Stead was arraigned via video link on Fri., Dec. 2, 2016 – by a judge at the 91st District Court in Sault Ste. Marie, MI – some 165 miles away.

Sitting up in his hospital bed, a bandaged up Stead was looking much better than he had only a week earlier. For several days he was in grave condition and even some doctors feared the infections alone could kill him.

Police have issued press releases about the incident, however the have not named their own. U.P. Breaking News has obtained the names of the MSP troopers involved and will be releasing that information soon – maybe later today,

To police he is a menace to society – however others want the public to know his soft and artful side.

He is not the monster they make him out to be,” a source said. “He is a very nice guy.”

U.P. Breaking News has been contacted by sources close to the investigation and close to the family.

These sources paint a differing picture of a man – who friends reportedly say had started behaving strangely in the days leading up to the domestic dispute with his father.

Sources say he maintained a loving relationship with his parents – that was often stormy as he dealt with drug addiction and other emotional issues.

Sources say Stead has allegedly been diagnosed as bipolar plus other issues like anxiety, depression. The shooting happened during the “first week of deer camp” in the Upper Peninsula, although Stead doesn’t hunt, doesn’t own a gun and his parents do not hunt.

That argument – allegedly over the way Stead was eating – lead to a confrontation at his parent’s cabin in Strongs, MI.

The Mirror Images of Josh and Dad.jpg

Which explain the true Joshua Kenneth Stead – maybe all or just some – maybe a combination make up the true third face of Josh


Alleged crazed madman with chainsaw ready to kill police, rammed police car, face-off in middle of highway with roaring chainsaw


Used chainsaws to cut logs as he is a talented artisan furniture-maker/wood-crafter, apprentice electrician, certified mechanic, animal lover and dog groomer  – Would never, ever have actually hurt police or anybody with a chainsaw.

He always carries his chainsaws,” a source said.

Chainsaw is last thing he would use as a true weapon as it is like his right hand.

Makes big beds, tables, chairs out of logs and does wood-burning and other techniques on furniture design, run car detail service and has turned old clunkers into brand new looking gems.

He makes cars look brand new,” a source said.


Convicted felon, could have surrendered at any point with a lot fewer charges and not have been almost killed


Some think – he was acting strangely going through a dis-associative incident (there is shocking, compelling evidence to back that up) – May not have wanted to go back to prison and could only think “suicide by cop”


Allegedly led police on 100 mph wild high-speed chase n snow-covered highways – endangering citizens, police, and originally parents


Friendly, kind, helpful to others, deals with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Has close relationship – sometimes intense relationship – with parents, whom he helps at their cabin.

Comes from prominent family, Stead is the father of a 12-year-old boy.

He speaks blunt – he’s a true talker,” a source said.

He’s the type of guy who would do anything – for anybody,” A source said. “He would give you the shirt off his back.”

If you are his friend, you are a friend for life,” a source said. “And he’s a helluva worker – working 12 and 18 hour days.”


Drug, alcohol addict, relapsing and in-crisis, left rehab early


Through determination has kicked heroin – unknown if relapse – and five days in treatment the week prior to shooting – and was set to re-enter treatment after Thanksgiving holidays.

Left rehab to be with parents for Thanksgiving and help around cabin.

He had been acting strangely a few days before he came to the U.P.,” a source explained. “He has struggled with drugs on-and-off since age 17. He went off his (prescribed) meds” for anxiety, depression and bipolar events.

He has been clean (heroin) for years,” a source said.


Fighting with parents/ alleged car thief who crashed alleged stolen vehicle, father had to call police after loud argument in cabin.


Some think one of the reasons his parents insisted he come to the U.P. Was because police back in Bellaire were investigating him for taking a car – with keys in it – that belong to the mother of one of Josh’s closest friends. Did allegedly have an accident in that car shortly before coming to U.P.


Blood Reigned Down


Stead was shot twice in the stomach and once in the arm. He reportedly received two “blood transfusions” although its not clear if transfusion was meant literally.

Stead’s mom Tammy (aka Tammie) owns a dog grooming business in Bellaire – and his middle name-sake father Kenneth is the superintendent of the Bellaire Department of Public Works and has served on the village’s building authority.

He is a mama’s boy, a mom’s child – he is definitely a mama’s boy,”said a source.

It was an argument with his father that began an evening of events spiraling downhill – almost leading to his death – and possible leading to a long prison sentence. Like all suspects, he is innocent until convicted in a court of law.

At some point after that argument, Stead flees cabin, then leaves in his 2006 Dodge Ram truck

Stead briefly pulled into a church parking lot after saying he’d talk with the police – but allegedly just sped away. The chase was on. The fateful high speed chase and shooting in Hulbert, Michigan – on M-28 just west of M-123. It’s approximately 13 miles via the highway from the Stead Cabin in Strongs, MI to the shooting scene in Hulbert.

He had at least one chainsaw in the open back of his pickup. He also had a container with tools inside the cab – that he allegedly threw from the car at police during the chase.

Chippewa County Prosecutor Dennis McShane said police acted very professionally even rendering aid to Stead before EMS arrived – and says that is backed up by dash-cam video of the incident apparently in the MSP cars.

McShane authorized charges on November 30, 2016 charging Stead with at least six felonies:

  • Three counts attempted homicide/murder
  • One count assaulting, resisting and obstructing a police officer causing injury
  • One count malicious destruction of police property
  • One count fleeing and eluding a police officer.

Stead is being held without bond. A preliminary exam is tentatively set for December 15, 2016.

His birthday is five days later – on Dec. 29 Stead will be 36 years old.


Related info/links



Joshua Kenneth Stead on Facebook


Electrician at Arndt Electric Service

Worked at L & R True Value Hardware

Studied at Jackson Community College

Went to Bellaire High School

Lives/From Bellaire, Michigan

In a relationship



Mother of suspect:

Tammy “Tammie” J. Stead, age 57

Bellaire, MI

Owner, Tammies Dog Grooming

208 Forest Home Ave.

Bellaire, MI

Father of suspect:

Kenneth “Ken” Stead, age 59

Village of Bellaire Superintendent of Public Works

Served on the Bellaire Building Authority


kmsteadvlg at bellairemichigan.com


News coverage and online reaction from friends and others who know Josh Stead:




Man Shot By Trooper In Chippewa County Charged With Attempted Murder

Dec 02, 2016

By Noah Jurik, Photojournalist


A friend’s message to Michigan State Police: Do not believe all of Ally’s family members – Friends of Ally want MSP Detectives to know – the person they know would not commit suicide – especially with the way her body was found and possible cause of death

U.P. Breaking News Exclusive 8:40 a.m. Monday, October 24, 2016


Friends say ‘Ally’ had a hard life – but the epitome of a unique individualist who was used to being the tall girl that never fit in – yet turning adversity into love – not hate


There is no way the person they knew would kill herself, friends say

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

(Whitefish Point, Michigan) – “Ally”

That’s how she was known to those who love her. Or “Ally Mo” when they greeted her.

And friends say say the “Aly” they know would not would commit suicide – especially in the fashion she was found.

As far as U.P. Breaking News knows Ally Mo was not shot or stabbed.
Several old friends of Ally do not believe she would kill herself – in the ultra bizarre way her body was found.

msp-logoU.P. Breaking News is withholding details of how she died – out of fear it could hurt the investigation – because it may indicate the cause of death of 42-year-old Allyson Motlinski-Jenkins of downstate Maybee, Michigan.

If police call her death a suicide – U.P. Breaking News will consider releasing the shocking info – but not if it is an ongoing murder investigation (without police permission).

The person I knew would not kill herself,” said a close friend and childhood sweetheart of the victim.

U.P. Breaking News has been told that close relatives of the victim are making calls claiming it was a suicide. Cut and dried.

But hold it a minute – a former Michigan resident who is now in Texas, says Ally would never kill herself – and while she endured a lot of suffering in her life she was resilient as the day is long.

Her body was discovered on a chilly, windy Lake Superior beach near the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum that is located at 18335 N. Whitefish Point Road. Ally was found just east of the popular “bird watching area.”

She was cold to the touch but no decomposition. In fact, there was talk of giving her CPR.

shipwreck-museum-bodyShock waves from this incident have hit friends in Texas, Colorado and other states – news that some friends can not believe.

Ally“was misunderstood,” said former Dundee, MI resident Chris Weber of Alpine, Texas.

Ally was one of the most beautiful people I have known in my life,” said Weber, who is an engineer with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).

Weber said friends of Ally want Michigan State Police to know – the person they know would not commit suicide – especially with the way her body was found and possible cause of death

She learned at a young age – that the world and classmates can be cruel – but in high school her tall gangling body made her a very good high school volley ball player.

Ally Mo was one of those tall girls – suffered teasing about his big nose – and she was growing faster than her classmates at schools in Monroe County, Michigan.

Ally also allegedly endured a life of abuse from close family – to her first and only husband.

She would never hurt anyone else,” but even might submit if being murdered by someone manipulating and berating her – because of the anguish deep in her heart. A heart that some tried to make as cold as Lake Superior – but she kept the kind warm fires burning within.

The Ally I know – would not commit suicide” because she accepted what came her way,”he said.

Weber could hardly fight back tears when he recalled something small – yet a big and significant memory. One of those memories you can taste.

Ally loved Extra Winterfresh “long-lasting” mint gum. Chewers of this particular flavor of gum must have it – mint gum that comes in a distinguishable dark blue package.

The gum “reminds me of her and our first kiss,” he said, with a flavor memory.

Its not that Ally did not have her sad and moody times – as she internalized everything as not to lash out.
“We were set up on a blind date,” said Weber, who was shocked that his first love was dead. And in such a horrible fashion.

I can still remember my first kiss with Ally – when I smell a pack of Extra gum in the dark blue pack,” Weber said.
Holding back tears of anguish – because he just found out about her death Sunday night.

I love her still” and so do many others, Weber said.

Ally used to take refuge at the Weber’s home when they were teens.

We did not try to ‘fix’ her, just accepted her,” said Weber, whose sister Cora Weber and Ally were roommates for six months back in the day.

Not really an ugly duckling, but rather a person who lived life by her own rules – never dressing or getting haircuts like everyone else. Ally was the epitome of an “unique individualist.”

With the toughest of exteriors and always mending a broken heart, Ally Mo danced through life to the beat of a different orchestra.

No kids, married once in her early 20s – that some allege was a violent – it was a short marriage.

Ally hung with those who understood she was a sensitive person – who was tough as a Texas bull yet forgiving and accepting.

Ally had a hard as hell life,”he said. “

I love her still,” Weber said – preparing to leave on a 400 mile ride to a TXDOT construction site.

A ride that will melt into dreams of the woman he loved, lost, wanted to help, and most importantly accepted for who she.”

She the only person I have every seen in this world who reminds me exactly of Holly Golightly”  – the role of Audrey Helburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” a 1961 American romantic comedy film directed by Blake Edwards, written by George Axelrod, and loosely based on the Truman Capote novella.

**Editor’s note – Mr. Weber originally thought it was Audrey Hepburn’s role in “My Fair Lady” but then remembered it was another Audrey Hepburn film and role released about the same time. So we fixed it. Hey I have mixed up movies tons of times, and we kind of put him on the spot. Thank you to Wikipedia for their movie info.






Previous stories:

URGENT URGENT URGENT: State Police wait over 25 hours before releasing any information on the body at Whitefish Point.
She is Allyson Marie Motylinski-Jenkins 42, of Maybee, Michigan
Autopsy being conducted to determine cause of death. More soon.



Officials probe suspicious death of young woman whose body was discovered on Whitefish Point along Lake Superior shore near Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Please see the editors note at the bottom of this story – and try your best not to overreact – we simply do not know if connected – but felt duty bound to report in the wake of no MSP public announcement about this death.

(Whitefish Point, Michigan) – Over 24 hours later, Michigan State Police cotninue investigating the suspicious death of a young woman whose body was found Saturday morning (Oct. 22, 2016) on a chilly Lake Superior beach near a famous northern Michigan museum dedicated to shipwrecks like the infamous sinking of the Edmond Fitzgerald.

First responders rushed to the scene – and while there was talk about CPR her body was reported cold.

U.P. Breaking News is withholding information that could tend to suggest a cause of death – out of concern it have a negative effect on a murder investigation. The unusual possible manner of death can suggest a murder and less likely it can suggest a suicide – but it happens. Officials have not said whether it is murder or suicide, but extremely unlikely are chances she died of natural causes. The body was reported shortly after 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

msp-logo-2U.P. Breaking News believes the MSP Crime Lab was called to the scene. Police collected the registrations of all the people whose vehicles were parked in the museum lot and at all nearby parking lots. Police checked on weather conditions at the time and Lake Superior currents.

U.P. Breaking News made numerous calls trying to get any kind of comment – because its not known if a vicious killer is at large – of if the poor young woman took her own like. Numerous area residents have contacted the U.P. Breaking News Facebook page asking for updates.

shipwreck-museum-bodyThe body of the woman was reported on a Lake Superior beach at/or near the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum that is located at 18335 N. Whitefish Point Road. The woman’s body was found just east of the popular bird watching area.

The discovery has shocked this tiny group of close-nit residents who live in nearby Paradise, Michigan.

The museum is best known for its Edmund Fitzgerald displays, an ore carrier that went down off Whitefish Point in a gale-ravaged Nov. 10. 1975 storm four decades ago, taking the entire crew of 29 slamming into the bottom of Lake Superior and the “the tombs of its ice water mansion.”


Once, emergency officials declared woman was dead – Michigan State Police and the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Department immediately ordered the beach closed to preserve the crime scene. A beach crime scene is one of the hardest – especially along Lake Superior in the late fall.

Michigan State Police on Saturday did not release any information to the media some 24-hours after the body was discovered.

U.P. Breaking News has left numerous messages for state police detectives at the Sault Ste. Maris Post. – through a phone system that doesn’t guarantee a message gets to police in a rapid way. U.P. Breaking News contacted the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Department that refereed all questions to MSP.

**Very Important editors note – and please people – take it for what it is – we have zero information that it might be connected – and likely isn’t.

U.P. Breaking News was asked last week not to broadcast information about a suspect vehicle possibly involved in a Minnesota kidnapping and homicide – possibly hauling a woman’s dead body – because it would jeopardize the Minnesota case. Police were infatic we not release the info but feel safetey and duty bound to mention it now in part.
That broadcast was put out over U.P. police radios last week – and we called the officials in Minnesota who were investigating this case.

But out an abundance of caution – we advise you tell all the young women you know: U.P. females and hitchhikers should not get into strange motor homes until police make an announcement. In fact do not hitchhike at all (never a good idea) until police tell us something.
The body of the victim in that homicide has not yet found. She is 48.


Michigan State Police detectives

Michigan State Police Sault Ste. Marie Post (notice the wonderful, modern website each post has – link:


Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Administrative office of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum:
US Weather Bureau Building
400 W. Portage Avenue
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783 906-635-1742
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Whitefish Point
18335 N. Whitefish Point Road
Paradise, MI
Previous stories:

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin Update 10-22-16 1:50 p.m.

The Michigan State Police Sault Ste. Marie Post is in charge of the investigation. It appears the MSP Crime Lab has been called in.

The entire area has been cordoned off from the public to preserve possible evidence.

Police collected the registrations of all the people who were parking in the Museum lot. Police are also checking on weather conditions at the time – and maybe tide currents.

U.P. Breaking News contacted Chippewa County Undersheriff Mike Bitnar – who said all press inquiries must go to the Michigan State Police. U.P. Breaking News has called MSP Post in Negaunee – and left messages for the MSP Soo Post

Young Woman Found Dead Along Lake Superior at Famous Point on the Beach


By Greg Peterson

U.P. Breaking News

Owner, News Director


11:50 a.m.

(Paradise, MI) – The body of young woman was found this morning (Sat., Oct. 22,2016) on a famous Lake Superior beach in the eastern U.P.

This may be very serious – not sure – but the body of a young woman has been found near one of the U.P.’s most famous sites.

The body of young female was found on the Lake Superior beach just off Whitefish Point.
We have some gruesome and strange details that we will withhold – in case it is a murder not suicide.

However – officials are treating the incident as a crime scene until they know otherwise.

It appears it is east of the bird watching area.
The body of a dead young female was found on the beach – and numerous law enforcement and emergency crews are on the scene. One detail in particular could indicate murder or suicide.
Of all places – its a crime/death scene now off the Whitefish Point Museum in Chippewa County.

The young woman was found on a Lake Superior beach – near The Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum that is located at the Whitefish Point Light Station 11 miles north of Paradise in Chippewa County. Address is 18335 N. Whitefish Point Rd, Paradise, MI 49768.

Whitefish EMS were the first on the scene.

Numerous people are reported at the scene but are now being held back – and law enforcement are just beginning their investigation. U.P. Breaking News will pass along more information once it is needed.







Speechless: Tears and gut ache over loss of Mr. Robin Williams

Depression: Please extend compassion, love, respect to someone you think may be depressed. Do not stigmatize if you truly care - not false care Lack of interest in normal stuff, a person who would normally be an active communicator - instead goes quiet.

(Photo by Greg Peterson) Took this photo (accidentally) at local cop scene seemed appropriate for the words. Please extend compassion, love, respect to someone you think may be depressed. Do not stigmatize if you truly care – not false care – Watch for Lack of interest in normal stuff, a person who would normally be an active communicator – instead goes relatively quiet.

We have always known that money doesn’t guarantee happiness – and often can have opposite effect.

The death of Robin Williams – shows why we need to remove the stigma of depression. And realize that no matter the problem with others (like past grudges, land disputes, petty/silly estate battles, dumb pigheaded stuff etc.), – that family and friends are more important than $ and other earthly garbage. Justice always. Humanity always. No stigma always.

When people are depressed – there is fear of stigma and being labeled – when they need another person the most – vicious circle.

A depressed person often knows and worries  – if they tell others – they will be labeled crazy.
What would say after someone you know takes their life:

“In only she had reached out”

“If only he had given me a clue I would have done anything”

“If only I had known”

But would you have judged?

Would you have stigmatized/judged”

Or would you truly been non-judgmental and loving. For real love and respect – not pseudo (say that because there is too much faux and pretend caring – too many narcissists).

btw – I will release the following video free to public online (won’t make buck off Robin’s back) but need free local dub from 3/4 inch to digital.
Does anyone locally have a 3/4 inch videotape machine – to dub to DVD or another digital format to put online for everyone, no charge at all.
Have priceless lost bootleg (1970 or 80s industry insiders used for Christmas party and convention) blooper reel – 3/4 inch tape of Mr. Robin Williams (The GFOS Mr. Brown taught me the respect of “Mr.”)
This tape is (screamingly funny) out- takes from Mork and Mindy-  tapes of Mr. Robin Williams.
Have not watched it since age 19 – and it was obvious then that the 3/4 inch videotape had been dubbed many times – some rolls and glitches etc
Any of us TV news reporters or production folk who used 3/4 inch and similar videotape felt it was a God-Send back then (no more shooting film) but digital took away ye olde (dreaded and permanent) glitch and roll scenario. Those were the days my friend.

Am still without words as my own inner soul – and funny bone – accept this loss.
Wonder if he knew how positive he made people feel after working 9 to 5  or  9 to 9.

Speechless – everything seems more heavy without his voice.

Thank you to the Creator for giving us Mr. Robin Williams.

Just speechless. But break into laughter just thinking about him.