Marquette County: Son of fire victims charged with animal cruelty involving dog abandonment, and sexual assault charges filed against an Ishpeming man today

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin- 1-31-18 – 2:48 p.m. ET

Sexual assault and animal cruelty charges filed in Marquette County today

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – The son of that couple critically burned almost two weeks ago in that suspicious camp explosion was arrested today on an animal cruelty charge – while this morning a Marquette man was charged with sexual assault.

Taylor Wing

Taylor Wing

24-year-old Taylor Wing of Ishpeming, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at 11:39 a.m. on Wed., Jan. 31, 2018.

Wing is charged with three counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC).

Wing was arraigned Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 on three counts of third degree CSC, 15-year felonies.

Wing was arrested by Ishpeming Police after an investigation into allegations made on January 28, 2018 at 501 N. Third St.

Bond is set at $150,000.

 Third-degree CSC involves victims between 13 years of age and under 16 years of age. In addition, if the victim is coerced, helpless and/or is related to the suspect.



An animal cruelty charge was filed today against the son of the couple who were critically burned almost two weeks ago in that camp explosion in south Marquette County.

23-year-old David Anderson of Gwinn, MI was booked into the MCJ at 11:09 a.m. today, Wed., Jan. 31, 2018.

Anderson is charged with cruelty to animals by abandoning. Anderson’s bond has not been set.

Sadly, Anderson’s Facebook page may shed light on the charge.

“We have 6 dogs at home my mom and her husband are currently in the burn unit and house is condemned,” Anderson wrote on January 19, 2018 at 11:37 a.m. “We need to find homes because I can’t watch my puppies go to the pound right now.”

On Anderson’s Facebook page he received a passionate note today from family and friends telling him to be strong.

He is the son of burn victims 36-year-old James Mallon and his wife 40-year old Danica Mallon, both of Little Lake, MI.

They were critically burned in that explosion at a camp in Wells Township on Thurs., Jan.18, 2018 that is suspected to be a meth-related blast.

25 thoughts on “Marquette County: Son of fire victims charged with animal cruelty involving dog abandonment, and sexual assault charges filed against an Ishpeming man today

  1. That is not even a picture of David Anderson! And none of the animals were abandoned they are all with family or friends! I am David’s sister so I know this for a fact get your stuff straight!


      • So if you had two saved, then why did you originally post the picture of their person who tagged David in a post??? Your trying to make yourself look like less of an ass by acting like it was a valid mistake. You seen a pic, took the ball and ran with and decided it must be Davids picture. You didn’t have that other picture saved as a David Anderson on your computer lmfao, because that mans name done even begin with a D, and his last name don’t even start with a A… so tell it. And if ya want to post a post David made the day after the tragedy, then you went back 12 or so days, so you read every one of his posts… and considering the post from yesterday, why would you not defend him or share your confusion… the same confusion that everyone else has as to why he would be charged with animal cruelty when he confirmed just yesterday they all had homes, but there were issues and needed to transfer to different foster homes.. never stated that a single dog was not under the care of somebody. You should be charged with slander. Or intent to slander, or something cuz you take the what you think is juicy stuff and even when presented with conflicting information, you CHOOSE to ignore it because then your “breaking news” wouldn’t be so juicy now would it


      • You blame me for all the problems – I get it – you are still in shock and trying to even begin dealing with it. I try to be fair but in this type of news especially arrests people get mad. Then your family – an unimaginable tragedy. btw the photo thing is not paying attention to the face. Bonehead thing. So thank you again.


      • If you want me to say it was a two year old warrant – and not connected to recent events – I will be glad to add it to the story. But I need to know what it was for – what animal died? People try all the time to try to dupe me into thinking something else happened. you can sent it privately if you want to my FB page messages or whatever here is fine too


      • here is nothing “juicy” about any of this.
        I do not make money – lose it big time – doing this. So I do not care if people read or not. Spend most of the money paying for public records.


      • Mike – hope you are intentionally playing dumb. I have thousands of photos on my computer for a thousand different stories – lots and lots of photos of all kinds. Nothing on poaching tho. You would know about stalking and obsession and threats – a real piece of work


    • And not sure if you know but I personally donate to your GoFundMe – have nothing against you – actually the opposite.
      btw What dog at they taking about – am shocked a dog lover like your brother would get charged, He talked lovingly about the puppies. Thanks against ref. photo


      • You can blame me all you want – but meth is the real issue – and how it continues to destroy many lives – and we have to admit what is happening. Not just your terrible tragedy but across the U.P in past decade hundreds if not thousands. Yet little funding is available to really put a dent in it. Plus its crazy addictive, changes brain


      • You accuse me of everything in the world budget upset I mentioned donation, You need therapy bad. Plus have any other reporters or news departments donated? No! Your bitterness and anger is gonna be bad for your health. You folks need to be truthful if you are gonna take on this reporter. Your baseless arguments and bullying words show me your upbringing. You can bully the other reporters or TV stations – but not me. Tis is my last contact til you tell me some truth about the charges against their son. To me its not personal, but you twist it that way.
        I am the least of your troubles now, but am used to being the gripers target. No prob..


  2. My opinion in this whole stuff u keep posting on James and Danica. You. Really need to 1 get permission from there children to post stuff about them. They dont need to be talked about as the fire explosion meth suspect kids. That is very uncalled for It is completely wrong of u to do so. Are u at all thinking about how they feel in this matter. 2 you say fire in wells twp and then same story with south mqt. They were only in one fire and sure wasnt south marquette. And 3 David is not in jail for anything to do with there 6 dogs that he posted on facebook about. He had a warrent from past charges 2 years ago. Has nothing to do with there dogs. Whom he not only helped them all and kept them all safe but found them all loving homes to be placed in until his mom and james come home. And James and Danicas family and close friends dont need to be reading messed up stuff thats not even true that u are writing.


      • You report what you think makes ppl lookalike the worst person in the world or that the crime you talk about was done in the worst degree… yet then say your shocked lmao… you are not shocked cuz you read his posts and had to have read the one from yesterday morning… if you are shocked it should be at the lack of evidence for the charges. David is a dog lover and wouldn’t abandon them… what do you do all day? Just look at the arrest log constantly and dig for info on social media to attempt to make the charges look valid, when I’m fact you know different and only post the things that make it look bad. You jumped the gun, made mistakes, tried to make people believe you chose the wrong persons photo because it was the same name just different face when the pic was taken off his Facebook page, when you could have just took a second more of your precious time and looked through his pics and seen that the picture wasn’t David, or better yet read the name of the person who posted the post and simply tagged David in it. You should be ashamed and charged criminally and you should be in jail on the arrest log and let the victims of your ignorance make up the story as they want to and make you look horrible when they know there is conflicting posts but choose to leave them out just to have a good story


  3. So I know David personally, and if you look on his Facebook page you should see a post from yesterday morning stating that the current foster home that he provided for the dogs aren’t working out… and if anyone was still interested in fostering them please get ahold of him as they were having issues with their current homes… so how he abandon them


  4. Would like an apology to All three people, David Anderson, Danica Mallon, and James Mallon. David was arrested for failure to follow through on a charge from two years ago. He has since complied with all the consequences of this charge. Had nothing to do with the dogs.
    “SUPPOSED” meth explosion….. faulty propane heater. Fire Marshall stated after seeing the site of the explosion, he never thought he would be talking to the survivors . Has been ruled as a definite faulty heater. State Fire Marshall’s ruling!!
    As far as having “proof” for changing your story line….. you didn’t have proof in the first place! Just induendoes, random statements and made up ” facts” !
    All the dogs are doing very well. But better than that, Danica and James, are both out of the hospital and on the road to healing. Remarkably well. And to stop further made up ” facts”, amazingly, their scarring will be minor after healing. Danica was the star patient at the Burn and Trauma Unit of U of M. The staff were fantastic and cheered her on daily.
    Last of all, Just because people ” Want ” to know, doesn’t mean they have a right to know. if it is something that affects others lives, or puts them in danger, that might be news. But to write about a tragedy and post pictures, before family has been informed , is just wrong, and more than that cruel!


    • Just because they had meth issues doesn’t make them bad people. Glad they are doing well.
      Wow you should write novels – almost killed by exploding heaters and they do not want to warn others by showing fire marshal report?
      We’d love to be proved wrong and in process warn public about the heaters that explode.
      I can see through your BS and so can public – if they had the proof they’d be thrilled to share it to prove others wrong (unless they do not care for their fellow human – fire marshal report would warn people of these so-called exploding heaters. So unless you can provide proof I consider you part of the meth propaganda machine.
      If they are so innocent, how come they won’t show us fire marshal report. If these heaters are exploding they should want info out.


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