Today’s Eviction Raid in Escanaba, MI: U.P. homeless and poverty problem continues spilling over into the streets; Bands of roaming homeless, squatters kicked out of uninhabitable homes, dozens of evictions in U.P. cities; and a homeless man passed out on a toilet in a Marquette laundromat

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 4-27-18 – 3:39 p.m. ET

A raid on an “uninhabitable home” in Escanaba aimed a female tenant – plus a reported “homeless crew” causing police concern in Marquette – and just a few of many recent incidents involving the U.P. homeless

Eviction raid graphic

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – In Escanaba this afternoon court officials, a building inspector, police and others forcefully evicted a female squatting in a dilapidated house, Marquette police today handled a complaint about a “homeless crew,” plus a homeless man passed out on a toilet in a Marquette laundromat bathroom, a needle scare at same place earlier in day, and dozens of U.P. evictions even moments ago – and this is just in the past week.

Its soon another spring Friday Night in the U.P. If recent events are a judge – it could be a long night for U.P. cops and emergency officials.

In Delta County District Court today, the Escanaba Building Inspectors Office got court backing to evict a tenant from a home on N. 14th Street because the home is in ill-repair (a problem facing every U.P. city that has mining-era housing still in use by the poor – in fact all U.P. fatal fires are in old homes).

It seemed more like a raid than a normal eviction in Escanaba today.

The address they hit just after 1 p.m. was at 224 N. 14th Street in Escanaba (lower apartment).
Among those called to the scene were the Escanaba Police, the building inspector, the landlord – with officials armed with a handy court order.

“The tenant is a Amanda Brown,” the dispatcher said to the officer on the scene. “And Blake, and the landlord are supposed to meet there as well.”
Are police needed on the scene for standby or “in case there is trouble?,” the officer asked the dispatcher.

“Not sure, they did state its a building deemed uninhabitable by the building inspector – I think it was just a standby,” the dispatcher answered.
That’s when another official got on the radio and said he too was en-route.
The dispatcher said “Blake” but may have meant City Hall’s Blaine DeGrave, the Escanaba “Code Enforcement Official.”

Over the past week U.P. Breaking News has heard a large increase in evictions – plus police calls related to evicting people from abandoned or dilapidated city homes in Marquette County. In fact, as we were posting this story – at 3:15 p.m. ET today (Friday) – another evection was ordered in Ishpeming, MI at 230 N. Elm Street.

Last night a “homeless crew” were allegedly pounding on at least one door in the city of Marquette – resulting in a second 911 call to police on Friday afternoon. With domestic violence out of control, cops seem actually relieved to handle the more mundane, yet very important, mental issues. For example, in Houghton County today a scared woman called 911 to report someone spread dust around her house. She has called many time for many reasons. But moments later they were called to a doctor’s office for a disruptive patient.

Friday morning, Marquette Police and firefighters were called to a homeless man found passed out on a toilet of a Third Street laundromat. Earlier, county deputies visited the same laundromat because of a man reported to have a bunch of needles.

U.P. will soon not be able to sweep the problems from public view – as more and more incidents happen and social problems fester. Highly-addictive drugs like meth and heroin are flooding U.P. streets and there is a soaring problem in the U.P involving suicide, domestic violence and mental issues issues. The numbers are growing on all fronts in an exponential form – as only band-aids are put on the northern Michigan problems that once only plagued the gloomiest cities in the Lower Peninsula.

We have only two things to say to those who think we are exaggerating, or think its not a big deal, or believe we should punt it down the field like we have done as a country with North Korea. Do you think the problem just go away? Plus remember big Michigan cities are better equipped to handle the social problems – tho few are shining examples – because if they did not do something there would be many people laying dead in the street.

If history is any example, little will be done until people die. Just like the issues caused by the criminal underfunding and short-staffing at U.P. prisons. Many think it will take some COs murdered to capture Lansing’s attention. Until then prisoners will continue to be beaten, abused, and fed garbage. While experienced COs will continue to quit in droves for their own health and because it is a no-win job with no state pension.

Over the past decade, Lansing’s reaction to the far north issues by cutting funding to U.P. social programs and greedily raping the U.P. environment by destroying the deer herd and the pitiful over-site of mining-related pollution. Local U.P. governments, state officials are unable to stop the growing problems – as even well-meaning groups are unable to do more than put a bandage on the gushing problems of wounds – created by homelessness, poverty and mental health issues.

With little increase in tax revenues, local governments have offset their budget deficits by increased fees on everything – and we mean everything. Today all government-related issues in the U.P. now have an onerous fee attached.
U.P. Breaking News has documented how U.P. counties profiteer off government documents and public records – which SHOULD be no more than the cost of the paper to print document. Governments had their taxing hands tied since the Headlee Amendment. Tax revenues have dwindled since the Headlee Amendment that protects property owners from rising taxes.

As poverty and oppressive government fees continue to keep the low-income and homeless down across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, officials are not able to stop the issue from continuing to spill out into the streets causing pain, suffering and lots of your tax dollars.

Michigan’s governor has made it clear he distains the problems of the poor – and loves to squeeze every penny out of the U.P. despite the bigger cost. He has also armed landlords – many are slum lords who once watched a midnight scam involving property-buying commercials that let all think they would become overnight millionaires.


Escanaba Community Development / Code Enforcement
City of Escanaba – City Hall
Blaine DeGrave, Code Enforcement Official
410 Ludington Street
Escanaba, MI 49829
Phone: (906) 786-9402 Fax: (906) 786-4755
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Community Development-Planning Department is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, and preserve the aesthetic character of Escanaba through the enforcement of Zoning Ordinance, Planning Ordinance, Property Maintenance Codes, Bed and Breakfast Ordinances and the Fence and Hedges Ordinance.

Suicides in U.P. continued this afternoon as tragically another Yooper takes his life – Lots of unreported U.P. suicides hidden from media – Public oblivious: Another recent NMU student suicide? – Marquette County school sports team suicide pact? – and it happened again today

U.P. Breaking News Ongoing Suicide Advisory – another today – 3-28-18 4:50 p.m. ET –

Another Yooper takes his life with a rope – as U.P. suicide epidemic continues with a more than weekly rate – Doesn’t count attempted suicides

Plus Another NMU suicide?/Public schools sports team suicide pact in Marquette County? – And it tragically happened again today in the U.P.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

U.P. lawmakers please help – as the U.P. averaging more than one suicide per week in recent months.
Even now this moment, U.P. police are handing a hanging of a 33-year-old man. Purposely not saying location-please do not say it if you know.

Unless we have it on tape from cops, there is no way to confirm any suicides in U.P. as police are afraid to speak publicly about it and media does their obligatory and vague once a year story.

I believed for 40 years that media should not report suicides – but that tactic has not worked – it has failed miserably.

The thought was reporting suicides increases suicides – well without the reporting – the U.P. suicide rate has tripled or more.

The U.P. weekly suicide rate is fat, far beyond – way, way out of control!

Since we reported the recent hanging of a 21-year-old male student at NMU – we heard there was yet another suicide of female NMU student.

Plus have gotten unconfirmed reports that some male members of a school sports team in Marquette County – had a suicide pact but a mom found out and stopped it.

We are not (yet) saying team at this point – and if I call and ask school officials they run away like track stars. No one wants to deal with this.

Or is it better to ignore it, not try to fix underfunded and broken system, and pretend our crushing poverty rate and addictive drug crisis is not happening. Also -we need to stop stigmatizing depression. People who feel depressed should be loved and helped – not shunned and bad-mouthed by judgmental Yoopers.

One start would be to throw our past three governors in prison for not protecting our communities – dereliction of duty.

Restore funding at levels that assures follow-up care happens always and a lot.

The old U.P. treat me like a mushroom comfort because nothing ever happens in mushroom world.

U.P. Suicide Prevention Coalition Facebok bannerU.P. Suicide Help Graphic

Pelkie Woman: She served federal time for bath salts distribution in the Marquette area – and now is suspected of dealing meth; arrested with her man in St. Ignace, MI

Update: 3-25-18 5 p.m. ET

U.P. Breaking News has identified the second suspect arrested in Pelkie meth probe:

Ronald Francis Thompson lived with Kristin Bergeron and lived with her in Puuri Rd in Pelkie. Both are suspects in a meth investigation:


One Baraga County resident remains jailed in the eastern Upper Peninsula, whereabouts of other suspect unclear – as police investigate the couple for allegedly distributing meth – the female half already served time for being part of bath salts ring

bath salts graphic.jpg

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Baraga County, MI) – At least one member of a Baraga County couple jailed in the eastern U.P. for suspected meth distribution served time for dealing a powerfully addictive drug with an extreme amphetamine-like buzz called bath salts – one of several drug epidemics that have swept the U.P. since the 90s.

Kristin Ellen Bergeron

Kristin Ellen Bergeron

34-year-old Kristin Ellen Bergeron of Pelkie, MI was one of two people arrested on Wed., March 14, 2018 in Mackinac County by troopers from the Michigan State Police St. Ignace Post.

Bergeron and her “civil union” partner – also 34 years old – are expected to face meth distribution-related  charges in Baraga County. Detectives also confiscated a weapon.

Federal prosecutors got a guilty plea from Bergeron in 2014  for being involved in a bath salts ring. She was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison – no parole. (scroll down to read press release).

Federal agents worked hard with U.P. drug teams to wipe out the bath salts epidemic that swept the U.P. in the late 2010. Another big epidemic that swept northern Michigan was CAT – or methcathinone. The drugs all provided a speed like buzz – with ghastly side-effects.

Why meth is worst so far: God Bless our drug teams but they do not have the funding and manpower to make a dent in the problem including funds for massive operation  going after those who ship ephedrine to the U.P. – or drive it here

All these highly-addictive drugs happened to otherwise good people in the Upper Peninsula, where family values still have a credible meaning.

The drugs simply changed them – consuming the lives of the addicts – though rehab helps. That’s another problem

If there were more treatment facilities in the U.P. lots more people could become healthy instead of choosing the abyss. Remember if you love the person, do not be judgmental- as addicts already know what they have done.
The meth epidemic and the drop in heroin prices have led to the worst of the epidemics so far – due to the vast number of users (and poverty) – versus relatively small police drug teams.

The drug teams could use twice the funding and manpower to really make a bigger effect – more if you want to end it for all practical purposes.
However our readers say that China is pumping ephedrine into the U.P. (a critical component of meth) – and so are dealers from bigger Midwestern cities.

With the large epidemic under way in U.P. history – its important to wipe out meth by turning in dealers and providing treatment to others (yes they are victims).

“Bath Salts”

Alpha-pyrrolidinopentiphenone, commonly known as alpha-PVP, and pentylone.

The term “bath salts” refers to a group of substances containing synthetic cathinones that all have similar chemical properties. These substances have a powerful amphetamine-like effect on the central nervous system when consumed. Synthetic cathinones are chemically similar to the natural drug cathinone, a drug that comes from khat plants in east Africa.

In Mackinac County, the pair are charged with operating under the influence of drugs and possession of methamphetamine.

During the raid, UPSET “seized several more grams of methamphetamine, as well as scales, packaging for distribution, and a firearm.”

Press release by federal prosecutors on May 14, 2014:

MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN – U.S. District Judge R. Allan Edgar sentenced three people for their involvement in distributing two powerful “bath salts” – alpha-pyrrolidinopentiphenone, which is commonly known as alpha-PVP, and pentylone – for human consumption in the Upper Peninsula.

Scott Bernard Will, age 56, of Mass City, Michigan, received a sentence of 137 months (11 ½ years) in federal prison. Last December, a federal jury in Marquette found Will guilty of distributing and conspiring to distribute alpha-PVP and pentylone in Baraga and Houghton Counties. In imposing the sentence, Judge Edgar commented on Will’s extensive criminal history, noting that Will was a “walking crime wave.”

Also sentenced were Derrick John Guzek, age 34, also of Mass City, and Kristen Ellen Bergeron, age 31, of Pelkie, Michigan. Guzek received a sentence of 16 months in prison while Bergeron was sentenced to 18 months.

The term “bath salts” refers to a group of substances containing synthetic cathinones that all have similar chemical properties. These substances have a powerful amphetamine-like effect on the central nervous system when consumed. Synthetic cathinones are chemically similar to the natural drug cathinone, a drug that comes from khat plants in east Africa.

The evidence presented at trial showed that Will began selling bath salts in the Marquette area in 2011. He was jailed for his activities from June 2011 until November 2012. But, upon release from jail, he went back to selling the substances. Will’s sales of alpha-PVP and pentylone in Baraga and Houghton Counties in early 2013 drew the attention of the Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team and the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs.

An undercover officer made a number of purchases of these substances from Mr. Will and his co-conspirators in March and April 2013. He and his co-conspirators were arrested in April 2013. Guzek and Bergeron pled guilty and testified for the government. Will went to trial in Marquette on December 9, 2013.

As part of its case, the government presented testimony from users who said that the bath salts sold to them by Will were extremely powerful and addictive. They reported staying up for days after injecting the substances, and experiencing psychosis, paranoia and suicidal thoughts. Judge Edgar noted that the users were “physically wrecked by these drugs.”

The evidence at trial showed Will specifically targeted people with drug problems by offering the substances for free. Once the user was hooked, Will charged up to $200 per gram.

This case was investigated by the Michigan State Police as part of the Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maarten Vermaat and Paul D. Lochner prosecuted the case.

On Thursday, March 15, 2018 – agents from the Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement team (UPSET) raided the couple’s home near Pelkie, MI. UPSET executed a search warrant at the couple’s residence on Puuri Road in Baraga County.

Bergeron’s 34-year-old male partner was jailed in Mackinac County – but is no longer listed as an inmate.

Baraga County is among the growing number of  U.P. counties who refuse to publicly release info on booked suspects – so it is unclear if he is out on bond – or has been transferred.

If you know the other suspect’s name (partner of Bergeron) please contact U.P. Breaking News.

Bergeron is a native of Dearborn Heights, according to her Facebook page.

UPSET Commander Lt. Timothy “Tim” L. Sholander and the entire UPET team hope you will turn in meth dealers – as it is a scrounge that has ruined thousands of U.P. families – along with the other easy-to-get highly addictive drugs like heroin, fentanyl and cocaine.


Do you have information about illegal drugs in your community?
Contact UPSET at 906-228-1002 or leave an anonymous tip on the UPSET website at

With last week’s heroin wins, federal prosecutors in Marquette, MI are preparing take down an armed meth ring allegedly operating in three U.P. counties

URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 2-14-18 – 5:30 p.m. ET –

Federal prosecutors prep for meth ring that allegedly spread the devious highly-addictive drug in Ontonagon, Gogebic and Baraga counties:

Where is the ever-present pseudoephedrine supply coming from?

Hundreds – if not thousands of lives – have been ruined in the U.P. due to Meth, heroin, opioids, and fentanyl – and cops are trying hard to stop the flow

Feds brought down heroin ring during trials last week – with several convictions and one not guilty verdict

(Scroll down to read all new federal indictments – download for free as we paid for them  another one of those five hour reads like meth trial)

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – Federal prosecutors in Marquette, MI are now focused on an upcoming big meth trial – this after they got several heroin distribution convictions last week and only one loss.

Federal prosecutors have one meth defendant ready to testify and three others charged in new indictments for an alleged meth distribution ring that distributed untold pounds of the deadly drug in three Upper Peninsula counties.

The amounts of meth involved are vague – however in one case seven ounces was sold and in another incident 220 grams. Police confiscated weapons, thousands of dollars in cash and a plethora of items used to manufacture and sell meth like scales and baggies. The ring operated for at least two years, according to the indictment.

Like all good undercover probes, police use wires and confidential informants to make purchases of meth.

Charged in the meth ring that prosecutors say was operating in the western Upper Peninsula:

35-year-old Patrick Joseph Sievers of Ironwood, MI
27-year-old Kathryn Maria Hellen of Ironwood, MI
43-year-old Dion R. Jolliff of Ontonagon, MI (Milwaukee and Watertown, WI)
30-year-old Jennifer Elizabeth Smith of Ontonagon, MI

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An initial pretrial conference on the latest meth distribution indictment for Jolliff, Hellen and Sievers is set for March 7, 2018. The trio are set to go to trial on April 9, 2017.

In their arsenal, federal prosecutions have suspects on audio and videotapes – made during undercover buys with an informant wearing a wire.

ishpeming-meth-lab-7-2-14-by-greg-peterson-73Ishpeming Meth Bust E. Euclid St. 10.29 (30)

The charges involve the distribution of meth across the western Upper Peninsula – while armed with handguns – during most of 2016 and 2017.

The indictments claim some of the suspects were armed with handguns “in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime.”

The weapons included a loaded Taurus International .357 magnum revolver and a loaded Glock .40 caliber pistol. The operation allegedly were run from homes in Ontonagon and Gogebic counties including on Dutch Road in Rockland, MI; and on Pennsylvania Ave. in Ontonagon.

Prosecutors say Sievers, with help from Smith, allegedly distributed meth in Ontonagon and Gogebic Counties. Prosecutors say Jolliff, Sievers and Hellen allegedly distributed meth in Ontonagon and Baraga counties. Trial is set in less than two months.

Recently there have been several motions in the case that allowed two defendants to be released on bond after completing substance abuse treatment.

The Marquette federal prosecutors on the case are Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul D. Lochner and Assistant U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat.

The cases are now joined together – after numerous motions, indictments, and even a superseding indictment.
The trio were given an extension to file their motions and other pretrial paperwork because of the new indictment in December 2017.

U.S. District Court Judge Hon. Paul L. Maloney

U.S. District Court Judge Paul L. Maloney

Chief U.S. District Court Judge the Hon. Paul L. Maloney approved a prosecution motion to dismiss previous charges against Kathryn Maria Hellen and Diona Roy Jolliff – as a new indictment was handed down.
On Nov. 27, 2017, Smith entered into a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.
Smith agrees to plead guilty to one of the meth distribution charges in the first superseding indictment.

Smith told federal prosecutors she bought meth from Sievers in Ontonagon County on March 23, 2017 for the purpose of distribution. Smith has agreed to cooperate with a myriad of law enforcement agencies as the feds, state ad local police try to stop the endless supply of meth in the Upper Peninsula.

Smith could received the maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison, or on on the other end of the justice scale – the minimum penalty is three years of supervised release. On Feb. 12, 2018, a judge approved personal recognizance bond (PR) bond for Hellen. She was/is undergoing intense treatment at Great Lakes Recovery Center.

Basically, the order extends bond conditions from Hellen’s initial arrest remain in place, as she and Jolliff have been charged in a new indictment.

These conditions for the Hellen PR bond includes do not leave the U.P. , cannot possession or consume alcohol and illegal drugs, can’t possession guns, and must surrender if ordered to by federal pretrial services.

She cannot have any contact – in any way – with witnesses in the case inducing, but not limited to, two witnesses identified only by initials P.S. and J.S.

On Feb. 9, 2018, Jolliff requested a jury trial, according to Jolliff’s Initial Pretrial Conference Summary Statement.

On Dec. 12, 2017, U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley approved the dismissal of the previous indictment against Jolliff and Helen as the new superseding indictment had just been returned.

1-29-18 Pretrial extension for defense motions for Jolliff, Hellen, and Sievers

2-9-18 Dion R. Jolliff asks jury trial Initial Pretrial Conference Summary Statement

2-17-18 Judge Greeley orders Hellen PR bond

10-25-17 Criminal Complaint Kathryn Maria Hellen 1

10-25-17 Criminal Complaint Kathryn Maria Hellen 2

10-31-17 Penalty Sheet Kathryn Maria Hellen

11-1-17 Superseding indictment Sievers, Smith

11-21-17 Indictment Hellen, Jolliff

11-27-17 Plea Agreement Jennifer Elizabeth Smith

12-5-17 U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley dismissed indictment of Jolliff, Hellen

12-5-17 Chief U.S. District Court Judge Paul L. Maloney orders dismissal Jolliff, Hellen without prejudice

12-5-17 Motion to dismiss Hellen, Jolliff because now in new case with Sievers

12-5-17 Penalty sheet 2nd Superseding indictment Hellen, Jolliff, Sievers

12-5-17 Superseding indictment Jolliff, Sievers, Hellen

12-7-17 Hellen motion for bond stipulations, conditions

12-20-17 Jennifer Elizabeth Smith bond motion to attend treatment

Patrick Joseph Sievers (1)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 06/20/2017
County: Ontonagon Terminated: Reopened:
Magistrate Case: 2:17-mj-00019-TPG

Count: 1 Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 2 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 3 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 4 Citation: 18:924C.F Offense Level: 4
18:924(c)(1)(A)(i) VIOLENT CRIME/DRUGS/MACHINE GUN; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
Count: 1s Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 4s Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 5s Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 6s Citation: 21:856=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:856(a)(1), 21:856(b), 21:856(d) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL/DISTRIBUTE/DISPENSE; maintaining drug-involved premises
Count: 7s Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 8s Citation: 18:924C.F Offense Level: 4
18:924(c)(1)(A)(i) VIOLENT CRIME/DRUGS/MACHINE GUN; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
Count: 1ss Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 2ss Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 3ss Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 4ss Citation: 21:856=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:856(a)(1), 21:856(b), 21:856(d) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL/DISTRIBUTE/DISPENSE; maintaining drug-involved premises
Count: 5ss Citation: 18:924C.F Offense Level: 4
18:924(c)(1)(A)(i), 18:924(c)(1)(C)(i) VIOLENT CRIME/DRUGS/MACHINE GUN; possession of firearms in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
Count: 6ss Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine
Count: 7ss Citation: 18:924C.F Offense Level: 4
18:924(c)(1)(A)(i), 18:924(c)(1)(C)(i) VIOLENT CRIME/DRUGS/MACHINE GUN; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
Defendant Custody Status: Custody This Court

defendant: Patrick Joseph Sievers represented by Elizabeth A. LaCosse (FPD)(Designation Public Defender or Community Defender Appointment)
Phone: (906) 226-3050
Fax: (906) 273-0070
plaintiff: USA represented by Paul Lochner(Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500
plaintiff: USA represented by Maarten Vermaat(Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500

Jennifer Elizabeth Smith (2)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 06/20/2017
County: Ontonagon Terminated: Reopened:
Other Court Case: None

Count: 1 Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 2-3 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 4 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine
Defendant Custody Status: Custody This Court

defendant: Jennifer Elizabeth Smith represented by Michael J. Manning (Designation CJA Appointment)
Phone: (906) 786-7224
plaintiff: USA represented by Paul Lochner (Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500
plaintiff: USA represented by Maarten Vermaat(Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500

Kathryn Maria Hellen (3)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 06/20/2017
County: Ontonagon Terminated: Reopened:
Other Court Case: None

Count: 1 Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 10 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 12 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 13 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 14 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 15 Citation: 21:856=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:856(a)(1), 21:856(b), 21:856(d) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL/DISTRIBUTE/DISPENSE; maintaining drug-involved premises
Count: 16 Citation: 18:924C.F Offense Level: 4
18:924(c)(1)(A)(i) VIOLENT CRIME/DRUGS/MACHINE GUN; possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
Count: 8 Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Defendant Custody Status: Released

defendant: Kathryn Maria Hellen represented by Monica Mary Lubiarz-Quigley(Designation CJA Appointment)
Phone: (906) 253-9330
plaintiff: USA represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Lochner
Phone: (906) 226-2500
plaintiff: USA represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat
Phone: (906) 226-2500

Dion Roy Jolliff (4)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 06/20/2017
County: Ontonagon Terminated: Reopened:
Other Court Case: None

Count: 10 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine and aiding and abetting the distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 11 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine
Count: 12 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C), 18:2(a) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 8 Citation: 21:846=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:846, 21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(A)(viii), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONSPIRACY TO DISTRIBUTE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE; conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Count: 9 Citation: 21:841A=CD.F Offense Level: 4
21:841(a)(1), 21:841(b)(1)(C) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE – SELL, DISTRIBUTE, OR DISPENSE; distribution of methamphetamine
Defendant Custody Status: Custody This Court

defendant: Dion Roy Jolliff represented by Richard E. Zambon(Designation CJA Appointment)
Phone: (616) 456-7831
plaintiff: USA represented by Paul Lochner(Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500
plaintiff: USA represented by Maarten Vermaat(Designation Assistant U.S. Attorney)
Phone: (906) 226-2500

Big Brute Bruin: Trained in martial arts, an Escanaba, MI man this morning allegedly violently attacked his girlfriend

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 2-13-18 – 6:35 a.m. ET

Upper Peninsula Mixed Martial Artist accused of beating up his girlfriend

Kory Bruinsma

Kory Bruinsma

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – An amateur fighter – trained in the Mixed Marshal Artist – was arrested this morning for allegedly using his brute force against a girlfriend.

31-year-old Kory L. Bruinsma of Escanaba, MI was booked into the Delta County Detention Center (DCDC) at 3:14 a.m. ET this morning, Tues., Feb. 13, 2018.

Bruinsma is charged with domestic violence and interfering with electronic communication (phone).

Bruinsma is a Mixed Marshal Arts (MMA) expert – as his Facebook page shows him fighting and those huge first prize belts.

Police have no released details of the alleged attack – and it is not known if the victim was taken to the hospital.

The MMA website states:

“Kory Bruinsma is a MMA fighter with a amateur fight record of 0 wins, 1 losses and 0 draws.”

Amateur Record:
0-1-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
6′ 0″
145 lbs.
Out of:

Wisconsin man arrested in Marquette County on rape charge, plus charges filed against Marquette woman involved in Friday’s apartment standoff with cops; plus a pair of downstate teens arrested in a theft case – one is a high school football stand-out

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 2-12-18 – 8 p.m. ET

CSC, felonious assault, fraud/theft crimes among arrested today in Marquette County, MI

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – Serious charges were filed today in Marquette County against five people including a Wisconsin accused of rape, the woman involved inlast Friday’s stand-off at a Marquette apartment complex – plus a pair of downstate teens charged in a theft crime – one is a football standout.

Andrew Sobay

Andrew Sobay

33-year-old Andrew David Sobay of Marinette, WI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at 5 p.m. ET tonight, Mon., Feb. 12, 2018.

Sobay is charged with second-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC) and with being a fugitive from justice.

Sobay also had ties to Escanaba and Menominee.

Sobay is being held without bond.

Details about the case have not been released.


Lorin Rochon

Lorin Rochon

Charges were filed today against the woman who allegedly pointed a handgun a police in Marquette triggering a stand-off on Fri., Feb. 9, 2018.

31-year-old Lorin Elise Rochon of Marquette, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at at 4:15 p.m. ET this afternoon, Mon., Feb. 12, 2018.

Rochon is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon/felonious assault.

Rochon is being held on a $150,000 bond.

She is charged in connection with this past Friday’s stand-off with police from several agencies at her apartment at a complex located at 200 Northland Drive in Marquette.

Police went to her apartment on a well-being check.


Two downstate teens were arrested in Marquette County this morning and charged with numerous theft related felonies- and one is a high school football standout.

Tatyana Cunegin

Tatyana Cunegin

18-year-old Tatyana Cunegin of Ypsilanti, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) on two felonies at 11:05 a.m. ET this morning, Mon., Feb. 12, 2018.

Cunegin is charged financial transaction device forgery and larceny from a building.

Cunegin is being held on a $10,000 bond.

Details about the arrest and the crime have not been released by police.

Kevontae Jewitt

Kevontae Jewitt

18-year-old Kevonta Jewitt of Harper Woods, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) on three felonies at 10:16 a.m. ET this morning, Mon., Feb. 12, 2018.

Jewitt is charged with using a computer to commit a crime, financial transaction device forgery and larceny from a building.

Jewit is being held on a $10,000 bond.

Jewitt is mentioned on numerous websites that touted his recent abilities as a defensive end in high school. It is unknown why the couple were in Marquette County.


33-year-old Alex Acevedo (address unconfirmed) was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at 3:26 p.m. ET this afternoon, Mon., Feb. 12, 2018.

Acevedo is being held on an inmate detainer and is charged with a parole violation.

Acevedo is being held without bond.




Trout Creek, MI: Fatal fire kills man and a boy on Old Mill Town Road in Ontonagon County; Six people have died in U.P. fires this winter

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin Update – 2-12-18 – 1:50 p.m.

Young boy, man killed Sunday in Trout Creek, MI house fire

Trout Creek Fatal Fire 3

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Trout Creek, MI) – A Sunday morning blaze killed two people including a young boy in Ontonagon County.

About 6:38 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, 2018, firefighters were called to an engulfed house fire on Old Mill Town Road.

Killed in the blaze was a 48-year-old man and a 6-year-old boy. The home was destroyed. The  names of the victims have not been released.

Trout Creek Fatal Fire 1

The cause of the fatal fire remains under investigation by the Michigan State Police Fire Marshal and the Ontonagon County Sheriff’s department.

U.P. Breaking News has discovered one common thread in fatal fires so far this winter,  and last winter’s fatal fires across the U.P.

The blazes all occurred in older wood-frame homes – none in modern homes. The homes often have old wiring, and in some U.P cities a lot of renovation created over the decades are ab ig fire hazard.

It is not clear if Trout Creek fire was in one of the older wood frame homes.

At least six people have died in Upper Peninsula fires this winter (2017-2018). At last six people died in U.P. fires during the winter of 2016-2017 – all but one were in older homes, and one was in an old camper used as a home.

Other who had died this winter in house fires:

22-year-old Krista Urbanc, 23-year-old Zachary Johnson, and their unborn child were killed  in a January 9, 2018 house fire in Marquette.

46-year-old Leo Gruber of Calumet, died on January 27, 2018 in an old brick apartment building fire.
***Remember to have a fire evacuation plan for all family members – practice these escape routes – and discuss it with children – Practice – Practice – Practice.

Among those assisting on the scene in Ontonagon County Sunday morning were the Trout Creek Township Volunteer Fire Department, the Duncan Township Volunteer Fire Department, Ontonagon County Victim Services Unit, Michigan State Police  including K-9 dogs trained to work fire scenes.

Trout Creek Fatal Fire 2Trout Creek Fatal Fire 3

Marquette County: Son of fire victims charged with animal cruelty involving dog abandonment, and sexual assault charges filed against an Ishpeming man today

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin- 1-31-18 – 2:48 p.m. ET

Sexual assault and animal cruelty charges filed in Marquette County today

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – The son of that couple critically burned almost two weeks ago in that suspicious camp explosion was arrested today on an animal cruelty charge – while this morning a Marquette man was charged with sexual assault.

Taylor Wing

Taylor Wing

24-year-old Taylor Wing of Ishpeming, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at 11:39 a.m. on Wed., Jan. 31, 2018.

Wing is charged with three counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC).

Wing was arraigned Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 on three counts of third degree CSC, 15-year felonies.

Wing was arrested by Ishpeming Police after an investigation into allegations made on January 28, 2018 at 501 N. Third St.

Bond is set at $150,000.

 Third-degree CSC involves victims between 13 years of age and under 16 years of age. In addition, if the victim is coerced, helpless and/or is related to the suspect.



An animal cruelty charge was filed today against the son of the couple who were critically burned almost two weeks ago in that camp explosion in south Marquette County.

23-year-old David Anderson of Gwinn, MI was booked into the MCJ at 11:09 a.m. today, Wed., Jan. 31, 2018.

Anderson is charged with cruelty to animals by abandoning. Anderson’s bond has not been set.

Sadly, Anderson’s Facebook page may shed light on the charge.

“We have 6 dogs at home my mom and her husband are currently in the burn unit and house is condemned,” Anderson wrote on January 19, 2018 at 11:37 a.m. “We need to find homes because I can’t watch my puppies go to the pound right now.”

On Anderson’s Facebook page he received a passionate note today from family and friends telling him to be strong.

He is the son of burn victims 36-year-old James Mallon and his wife 40-year old Danica Mallon, both of Little Lake, MI.

They were critically burned in that explosion at a camp in Wells Township on Thurs., Jan.18, 2018 that is suspected to be a meth-related blast.

The Community Action Alger Marquette Agency has an acting Director – this after Amy Hodgins Lerlie resigned on Feb. 15, 2018 in midst of that scandal involving Sexual Harassment, Retaliation, and Board Corruption: Scandal Rocks Community Action Agency in Marquette and Alger Counties: Earlier CAAM Board of Directors Chairman Brad Cory resigns as scandal hits him – and his friend – a “Marquette socialite,” who is the mother of agency director

URGENT URGENT URGENT  U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 2-15-18 4 p.m. ET – LERLIE RESIGNS

Community Action Alger Marquette Agency is trying to return to a new normal after months of a sexual harassment accusations that have led to the resignations of the agency director and board chairman

In midst of the crisis, an acting director has been named tonight.

The acting CAAM  director is Lori Stephens-Brown

Community Action Alger Marquette Agency Director Amy Hodgins Lerlie resigned this afternoon, Thurs., Feb.15, 2018, sources tell U.P. Breaking News.

She has been placed on leave in the midst of a scandal.

The scandal also forced the CAAM Board President to resign.

Scroll down to read background.


Out of control: The Director and the Board of Directors Chairman of the Community Action Alger Marquette in trouble – Also allegedly involves Marquette ‘socialite” who is the agency director’s mom

CAAM graphic.jpg

Scandal Upends Community Action Agency in Alger and Marquette counties  – that provides services for poor and elderly

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – The director of the Marquette/Alger community action agency has been placed on leave as the board of directors investigates multiple accusations of sexual misconduct and one alleged victim is the Mayor of Munising, multiple sources tell U.P. Breaking News.

Amy Hodgins Lerlie

Amy Hodgins Lerlie

The board of directors of the Community Action Alger Marquette put agency director Amy Hodgins Lerlie on two weeks leave after a presentation by lawyers of the three victims.




Its unclear if Lerlie is on paid or unpaid leave. The board apparently decided it needed two weeks to do it own investigation, sources say.

Bradley Cory FB 1

Bradley Cory

Meanwhile, under scrutiny board chair Bradley N. Cory abruptly resigned for allegedly allowing his personal contacts to interfere with his job as board chair.

Community Action Alger Marquette is an agency that provides life or death help to Upper Peninsula’s poor.

The agency also oversees many badly needed services for the elderly including Lost Creek in Marquette, that offers low-income housing for the elderly.

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The agency also handles the new Grandview Marquette Apartments, the renovation project at the former Holy Cross Orphanage. Grandview officials have been accused of not providing enough apartments for the low-income – because much of the funding was based on claims it will going to help the growing problem of the Marquette area poor. Grandview Apartments is located at 600 Altamont Street in Marquette.

Rod DesJardins

Rod DesJardins

One of the three allegations are sexual harassment complaints from Munising Mayor Rod DesJardins.

DesJardins is the agency’s Housing Services Director.

Lerlie reportedly arranged an agency trip that included DesJardins.

Two female employees also claim Lerlie made unwanted sexual advances.

After the allegations by DesJardins became known about the office, sources say Lerlie became defensive and angry.

Lerlie allegedly retaliated by “making ridiculous demands on him and saying demeaning untrue statements to others in the workplace.”

In fact – the CAAM office dysfunction and retaliation under Lerlie’s command was so great that sources claim she caused the Mayor DesJardins to have a massive heart attack:

The CAAM Board has known these kinds of allegations for “a long time” but did nothing until Friday afternoons meeting with lawyers. The CAAM board has allow the atmosphere to continue despite knowing what was happened, sources say.

The board allegedly allowed Lerlie “to continue working and overseeing all the employees she has traumatized.”

Lerie’s “mother is long time Marquette socialite Rita Hodgins (Lerlie) , whose close friend is CAAM Board Chair Brad Cory,” who recently resigned, our sources said.

Under Cory’s leadership the CAAM board “decided to allow Amy to continue working and have made every attempt to hide all of this.”

DesJardins suffered “a serious heart attack that required a quadruple bypass,” sources say.

DesJardins “returned to work and the work environment is extremely hostile.”

Rod DesJardins - LinkedIn 2

“Amy Lerlie also kissed 2 separate female employees on the mouth and neither woman saw it coming,” sources say.

The names of the women making sexual misconduct accusations have not been confirmed.

One accusation against Lerlie involves the firing of the head of Cross Creek.

Lerlie also oversees Lost Creek that has a separate case against her for hostile work environment.


CAAM graphic

The heck with quiet winter hibernation in the U.P.: Many Yoopers Turned Vicious This Weekend

Vicious strangling incident in Ishpeming – suspect wanted

Some arrests, some fugitives in weekend assaults across the Upper Peninsula – here are only as fraction of the incidents – A few minutes ago (Monday evening) we heard a woman hiding in her bathroom because of her angry, drunk boyfriend

Strangle suspectChloe surrender

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – It was as if something was in the water, judging by the shear number of truly heinous assaults across the U.P. this weekend.

Here are only a few:

A man calls 911 early today saying he is running down the Northland Truck Trail with someone shooting at him , The trail is one of two ways to go on a dirt back-road between Dickinson County and Marquette County.
Outcome: We do not know, but lots of law enforcement was involved, can’t confirm possible arrest.

Man serious injured after being hit over the head with a guitar at his K.I. Sawyer home – girlfriend is suspect (arrest made).

Six-month-old baby in Chippewa County with a severely twist arm brought to War Memorial Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie (outcome we do not know, CPS and police investigating)

Two women were charged with home invasion – both from Escanaba area – but one of the assaults committed in Marquette County (see our other stories for names etc.)

A fraction of the other assaults included woman whose boyfriend threatened to cut her wrists, another man disabled his girlfriend’s car and kicked her, a drunk very disorderly at Bell Hospital, another intoxicated person threatening twice to start killing people and cops if the UPSET drug team would not help him.

Strangle suspect

Chloe surrender

Now to our wanted suspect in that strangling incident at about 7 a.m. Sunday that sent a 36-year-old woman to the hospital.

The victim reported “difficulty breathing” after the attempted strangulation in room #8 at the usually quiet Wonderland Motel in Ishpeming, MI. The victim was rushed to U.P. Health System – Bell. The suspect allegedly used a phone cord to strangle the victim.

Ishpeming ambulances now called U.P. Health System “west” (in Marquette paramedics called east) but the hospital is commonly known as Bell Hospital in Ishpeming.

The suspect is 22-year-old Chloe Jazmin Shumate – wanted for the Jan. 21, 2018 incident. Online records state she has lived in Ishpeming and Champion, MI.
Police called her “a person of interest” in the assault.

he fled the scene – and if you know the whereabouts of Chloe Shumate – it will be safer for all if she surrenders. Please Chloe surrender.

Tracking dogs from the Michigan State Police K-9 unit tried unsuccessfully to follow her scent for very far. The case is being handled by the Ishpeming Police Department – and who sent thanks to those who assisted – MSP K-9 unit, the Negaunee Police Department and the Marquette County Sheriff’s Office.

The Wonderland Motel is located along U.S.-41 but its official address is on Palms Avenue in Ishpeming.

Its urgent you call Ishpeming Police or 911 if you have any info on Chloe. Chloe please surrender.