Major Announcement Pending by Upper Peninsula Breaking News: Plus Our criminal probe continues into the Looting of the Estate of the U.P. Coca-Cola King the late Gordon Elson, who died this year and an estimated $30 million was looted – while Mr. Elson’s suspicious will leaves pennies to a few people – compared to his real worth – Calling attorneys Richard Graybill and Daniel Mead – please call us – even off the record

Upper Peninsula LogoOn Monday, Upper Peninsula Breaking News will make what we consider a huge announcement.

In addition, major developments in two ongoing investigations.

I have not written much in the past 2 weeks because we (U.P. Breaking news) were in negotiations – and have been following major leads in the “The Looting of the Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King” – whose estate is missing millions and millions of dollars – plus missing luxury cars and more.

We are conducting a criminal investigation into the Looting of the late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – a kind, generous lovable man – who has been ripped off by attorneys, trustees, and a whole list of terrible things including the kidnapping of Gordon Elson.

Mr. Elson was held literally hostage in Florida by Marquette Businessman Bill Pesola and maybe others. Now those who accused Pesola have apparently done what Pesola did.

You see in this cast of characters – on one end its definitely incompetence – but the evidence indicates its major criminal conduct.

Graybill Office #1We keep begging attorneys Richard M. Graybill and Daniel D. Mead to please talk to us – even off the record – but at this point it seems like they have circled the wagons. I would appreciate you calling me – at the very least – please call Greg Peterson 906-204-2549.

We are investigating those attorneys – and much more.

And we are investigating the Elson estate trustee George Paavo of Negaunee, MI – about where did the $30 million go – and then there is questionable and very suspect Gordon Elson last will and testament.

We think there may have been previous Elson wills. We will explain in upcoming sensitive stories. None of our sources – believes Mr. Elson would have forgotten his alma-mater – and bequeath millions to his beloved Finlandia University. The University is not part of the will – but should be.

If you know of criminal activity involving the estate of Gordon Elson – or if you got lots of money from the Elson estate  – suggest you be the first in line asking for plea agreements etc.

Stories so far:

Eve of the Secret Estate Sale of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Its time for search warrants, seizures, grand jury proceedings in the looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coke King Gordon Elson

Looting of the estate of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson across northern Michigan and Florida by Greg John Peterson

Download the documents (one big tiff file – and notice the massive checks toward the end)

Gordon Elson, estate of Gordon Elson, Upper Peninsula, Coca-Coca

Gordon Elson Obit PhotoIt’s Officially a Scandal – and those involved better rush to become witnesses for the prosecution aka state’s witness – federal informant!!

The looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola Gordon Elson is shocking and there are many accusations that it continues today.

Here are 30 documents that show the current executor of the estate George Paavo – and attorney Richard Graybill – accused Elson power-of-attorney holder late Marquette Businessman William “Bill” Pesola with a lot of crimes in the millions of dollars (tho i a civil Marquette County Probate Court fashion).

Attorney Richard Graybill 'Ask the Lawyers' WNMU-TV with super Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (1) Bill Pesola - Sawyer propsIt also involves jewelry and vintage cars – massive property holdings – some have estimated Elson’s estate at $15 million or more (back in the day – 80s)

Then – inexplicably – they dropped the probate court accusations.

The Peninsula Bank fought the subpoenas.

*****Follow the money as they said during Watergate Scandal.

Toward the end of these documents you will see the checks – tallying millions.

Some of the checks may have been for legit reasons – but it’s a tiny glance into the finances of the late Mr. Gordon Elson.

We keep asking – Where is the Elson Rolls Royce – last spotted in Upper Peninsula.

We have a lot more info coming – as the scandal widens.

For those of you new to this site:

Upper Peninsula Breaking News stories on looting of estate of the late Gordon Elson


The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

youtube videos:

The Players #1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo and Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter

U.P. Coke Fortune: Estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale; Will of Gordon Elson

U.P. Breaking News probes what happened to the estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce

The drama, secrecy and scandal surrounding what happened to the fortune of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson

Rolls Royce #1(Ishpeming) – Upper Peninsula Breaking News has confirmed that a Rolls Royce is (or was) part of the estate of multimillionaire businessman Gordon Elson.

Elson was reportedly pressured into buying the Rolls – that stayed at the Florida home – but was last spotted by my sources in the garage at 601 Cooper Lake Rd.

However the Rolls Royce was not visible during last weekend’s estate sale.

IBill Pesola Obitn addition, U.P. Breaking News is expecting to publish information that ties late Marquette businessman William “Bill” Pesola into the scandal.

Pesola was an affable entrepreneur who was involved in projects at K.I. Sawyer and may be best known for his Big Boy restaurants.

Back in the day, Pesola was liked in newsrooms around Marquette County – but now his legacy may be in doubt.

Was Pesola involved in putting Elson into a since-closed scandalized Florida nursing home, where many were concerned Elson was being held against his will?!

There are many questions surrounding Pesola’s involvement in Elson’s life including in Florida.

Bill Pesola - Sawyer props

The only controversy we ever heard about Pesola was the two fires – one at his luxury home (“camp”) on the Dead River Basin and at the Marquette Big Boy.

However, no charges arose from the fires.

In addition, there are questions swirling about if there is enough of the estate left to give out inheritances.

Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (1)Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (42)

There are questions about how estate executor George Paavo (pictured above at Gordon Elson Estate Sale) has acted since the death of Elson – one allegation involves the most expensive of the Gordon Elson Coke memorabilia.

U.P. Breaking News has learned that Paavo has called many involved in the will – and ordered them not to talk to us or to the media.

Sources say Elson had vast property holdings including on Lake Michigaamme plus many boats, lots of vehicles including the Rolls Royce and a 1924 Packard and a1932 Lincoln.

Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-034We plead with those handling the Gordon Elson Estate/Last Will and Testament to answer some questions surrounding an empire that touched many U.P. lives. Any soda drinker who has passed through the U.P. in the last century – has likely refreshed their taste buds on a pop from the H. W. Elson Bottling Company.

Our plea is to Estate Executor George Paavo of Negaunee, MI – his Ishpeming attorney Richard ‘Bill’ M. Graybill.

In the next few days, we will be showing some shocking revelations on the estate of a kind man – who may have been duped by others.

Coke Memorabilia at Estate sale Video Freeze of Garage Estate saleAttorney Richard Graybill 'Ask the Lawyers' WNMU-TV with super Gordon Elson Obit #2 MJ Florida Home Gordon Elson #2 ground Bill Pesola Obit #2 Florida Home Gordon Elson #1 Satelite Graybill Office #1 Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (28) Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (10)

Poster (10)

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

U.P. Breaking News probes what happened to the estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

The plots thickens.

Buyers ordered to stay away from the press.

This past weekend’s Estate Sale for Gordon Elson was not advertised – except for a few posters.

However, Upper Peninsula Breaking News discovered the estate sale – and Gordon Elson was the Coca-Cola King of the Upper Peninsula – as he ran a successful bottling works that produced a variety of soft drinks.

Chances are if you were in the Upper Peninsula in the 50s to the 90s – you likely drank pop that originated at his bottling plant.

Elson owned the Marquette Coca Cola Franchise until 1989 when he sold the family business that was started by his family in the 1800s.

Elson served on the board of Directors of the Peninsula Bank for just shy of 3 decades – including 8 years a board chairman.

What appeared to be missing at the estate sale was Gordon Elson’s most valuable Coca-Cola memorabilia.

In fact, we’re told a feature story was in the Mining Journal once described Elson’s memorabilia alone to be worth one million dollars ($1,000,000).

We’d love to see a copy of that article.

So what happened to Elson’s most valuable collectable and who got the proceeds?

In fact, what happened to Elson’s multimillion dollar fortune – before and after his death?

The estate sale was held at 601 Cooper Lake Road in Ishpeming Township.

The very first people in line on Saturday morning presumably got the first picking – and the most expensive item we could see was this old mini-truck that had as price tag of $10,000.

That truck sparked a lot views but its unknown if it sold.

It was one of the few things in plain view – another was this golf cart – and furniture.

At 9 a.m. Saturday July 12, 2014 , the doors opened on a garage that appeared to hold memorabilia – and other items listed on the poster.

The buyers of items from the Elson said they were warned not to talk to Upper Peninsula Breaking News:

We saw much of the operation seemed to be run by Ed St. Aubin – who accosted this reporter the day before the sale – and said he was court-appointed to assist.

Upper Peninsula Breaking News has not heard back from Marquette County Probate Court to verify St. Aubin was court appointed.

We spotted the executor of the Elson estate – George Paavo of Negaunee.

Another player in this saga was also present – executor Paavo’s attorney – Richard Graybill of Ishpeming.

Paavo and Graybill have declined to comment was we try to shed light on what’s left of the Elson estate and question whether any of those listed in the Elson will every see a nickle.

A records check shows Elson owned an expensive Florida home valued at over 600 thousand dollars – reportedly purchased after his wife’s death.

By many accounts, Elson was devastated by the dearth of his wife Catherine in 1989 – the year he sold the business and franchise.

Apparently all of his close relatives have died.

That plush home was then sold for half a million dollars in 2009.

Upper Peninsula Breaking News is checking into Elson property, vehicles, stocks and bonds, collectibles and any other valuables he obtain.

We are also seeking information from the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, Michigan Attorney Discipline Board, Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission.

Upper Peninsula Breaking News intends to file complaints against those involved.

Greg Peterson, Upper Peninsula Breaking News

Audio excerpts from the funeral service of Gordon Elson held at the Mission Covenant Church in Ishpeming, Michigan on April 5, 2014

Download Audio File of the funeral of Gordon Elson

Pastor Karen Hinz

Mission Covenant Church

1001 N. 2nd Street

Ishpeming, MI 49849


The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

The Players:

Estate Sale Boxes, more

U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during Upper Peninsula Breaking News investigation

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during Upper Peninsula Breaking News investigation

Who are the Players:

Scroll down as please help us identify to of the players – photos below:

Images of Mr. George Paavo (older gentleman in front), executor of the massive estate of the late Gordon Elson on the eve of the estate sale; and a man who identified himself as Ed. St. Aubin, who claimed he is court-appointed to help with estate sale.

Paavo, St. Aubin, Poster collage #2

St. Aubin had earlier accosted investigative reporter Greg Peterson, founder of Upper Peninsula Breaking News.

Ed St. Aubin collage

On two occasions – one each before and after the incident with the reporter – St. Aubin decided to make a point with his finger.

While going after the reporter, St. Aubin put his cap on the camera lens.

The Finger 3-shot

The lawyer handling the Last Will and Testament and the Estate Sale – for Estate Executor George Paavo of Negaunee, MI – is Ishpeming attorney Richard ‘Bill’ M. Graybill.

Graybill has not returned phone calls or answer any questions.

Mr. Graybill Please call Greg Peterson:


Attorney Richard Graybill 'Ask the Lawyers' WNMU-TV with super

Video freeze from “Ask the Lawyers” on WNMU-TV in 2012

Graybill Office #1

Graybill & Mead

Estate Planning

Real Estate Law

Mr. Richard Graybill, Attorney

Mr. Daniel Mead

216 S Main St
PO Box 6
Ishpeming, MI


(906) 485-6420 (office)
(906) 485-6416 (fax)

Attorney Richard Graybill office 7-10-14 (2)

Help us identify these two people – show below in collages of both after they arrived at the estate.

Players - Unknown Female

Players - Unknown Male

Poster (10)

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

A man identifying himself to police as Ed St. Aubin came after this reporter (Greg Peterson), creator of Upper Peninsula Breaking News.

Below are details of the will and tomorrow’s estate sale of the U.P. Coca-Cola and bottling fortune – the late Gordon Elson.

When approached by St. Aubin – I was attempting to take video (from across the street) of some of the valuable Coke Memorabilia that is being sold off tomorrow and Sunday.

St. Aubin said he was involved in assisting in the estate sale saying he was “court-appointed.”

Here is the raw video – and I will have further reports including from the weekend estate sale.

Plus Here other photos from across from the estate on Friday, July 11, 2014.

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during Upper Peninsula Breaking News investigation

Coke Logo #2

Mr. Gordon Elson, founder of Elson Bottling Works

Mr. Gordon Elson, founder of Elson Bottling Works


Concerns about Will and Testament belonging to an Upper Peninsula pop bottling magnet

Memorabilia being sold at this weekend’s estate sale in Ishpeming

Elson Bottling Works Old Bottle

Elson Bottling Works Old Bottle

(Ishpeming, MI) – Questions are swirling about details of the estate of the man who created the Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola fortune – and a lot of it is being sold off this weekend.

I am still investigating – but want to get this information out publicly due to the Gordon W. Elson Estate Sale this weekend during which a huge amount of Coca-Cola memorability is for sale.

Will soon post the entire huge list of items on a poster (too big to fit in my scanner).

Suffice it to say a lot of Coca-Cola collectibles are up for sale at 601 Cooper Lake Road in Ishpeming from 9-5 p.m. This Sat and Sun., July 12 and July 14, 2014.

Elson Estate Sale

Coke Logo #1There are many unanswered questions – as the executor and his attorney have refused comment to this point.

Graybill’s office was rude when I called, and I stopped by executor George Paavo’s home – and he was not home according to his wife.

Mr. Graybill or Mr. Paavo have not yet called back.

Questions include a wide range of issues from:

Has the most valuable of Mr. Elson’s Coke Memorabilia already been sold ?

Why is there no date on the Will next to George Elson’s signature?

Why has the Michigan Attorney General’s office now been added to the list of individuals who have had money bequeathed?

Many other questions

Here is the 3-page Will and Testament of Gordon Elson:

Elson Estate Sale Elson Will and Testament Pg. 1

Elson Will and Testament Pg. 1

Elson Will and Testament Pg. 2

Elson Will and Testament Pg. 2

Elson Will and Testament Pg. 3

Elson Will and Testament Pg. 3

George Paaavo-Controls Elson Will

George Paaavo-Controls Elson Will

Gordon Waldemar Elson, age 86 of 601 Cooper Lake Rd, Ishpeming, passed away Monday, March 31, 2014 at the D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans, stated his obit at the Bjork & Zhulkie funeral home.

Brewer's Journal on Elson Gordon Elson Obit #3 Bjork and Zhulkie Gordon Elson Obit #2 MJ Gordon Elson Obit #1 MJ Elson Bottling Old Bottle #2

Related Links:

Gordon Elson relative info on ancestry

Google Books
Brewers Journal 56-57
