U.P. Breaking News Investigation: Marquette County Health Department covers up restaurant inspection records (on .com) website – and so do some of the other U.P. health departments – and allegations made against The Hong Kong Buffet in Marquette, MI: Where “Tea for Two” means “A Tea for All” – as previous customers have discarded the tea that you were just served; You are drinking used tea – and we mean used – plus oft-cited and closed for health violations – the Marquette, MI restaurant allegedly re-heats buffet food more than once

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin and Special Investigation:

To see an unpublicized .com website that the records are quietly kept at – you can now read about the health department violations at Hong Kong Buffet.

Its odd that Marquette County would not advertise the links – or better yet publish the records on their own government website as would be proper.
You can read inspection details about restaurants in about half the U.P.:

The info for some of the U.P. is now available through “Sword Solutions.”


Search Restaurant Inspection Reports




3-31-18 – 10:19 p.m. ET

No saliva in my tea please: Hong Kong Buffet again accused of shoddy and even gross food and tea practices – like serving you the same tea left over by previous customers in their cups and pots – plus U.P. health departments guard restaurant inspections records – and media also doesn’t care

Hong Kong Buffet

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – Upper Peninsula Health Departments are covering up restaurant inspection records – and the U.P. media doesn’t challenge the departments for reasons that include it will anger their advertisers who own restaurants.

The Hong Kong Buffet in Marquette, MI is back up to its past alleged shenanigans, according to insiders.
Previous owners have closed the restaurant after a crackdown by the health department.

But that brings up something this reporter has been fighting for decades, U.P. health departments use all sorts of excuses on why the restaurant inspection reports should not be revealed including their rating system – they are kind of like the bridge inspection warnings – just because something is “critical” do not worry – it means little (they say).

Did you know your tea at the Hong Kong Buffet – was allegedly in the cups and pots of previous customers?
Yummy – talk about “Tea for Two.”

U.P. Breaking News even saw a written conversation in which one of the owner’s admits they re-use their tea.

Our sources believe the owners are all about business and making money – and may not share traditional food service values expected in America – they call it a cultural differences.

Waitresses are allegedly told to gather all tea – what remains in cups and pots – and pour it into a larger container of tea.

The restaurant also allegedly reheats its buffet food, sometimes more than once.

Insiders also seriously question the temperature of the food in the buffet pans. Silverware cleanliness is another issue that a insider questioned because unused silverware at the tables is not washed – rather it is recycled back into the system.

Our insider said waitresses are told to quickly wipe off tables – and it doesn’t matter if the table is spotless for the next customer.

We’d Love to be Proven Wrong – but We Aren’t Wrong!

U.P. Breaking News welcomes any U.P. health department to say we are wrong – and then cough up the restaurant records for the past year or two.

A restaurant tip we leave for you who inspect restaurants: Don’t worry the media in the U.P. Is unlikely to ask.

To ask about restaurant inspections would go against the financial bottom-line U.P. TV stations, newspapers and radio stations – as restaurant advertising is valuable.

The real bottom line is neither restaurants or the public health officials want you to know what is found during inspections – after all they think you may get wrong idea just because feces or other violations are found (Always remember we live in Michigan, where the absolute top person who is charged with protecting your health is still in office after being arrested for killing taxpayers in Flint – you can thank our criminal governor sticky Ricky Snyder for that and much more).

I tried to access restaurant inspection cross while working at WLUC TV-6 and at the Mining Journal but was shut down by my bosses – this after Marquette County health department officials whined to my bosses and – and basically ordered the media to just worry about vaccinations not your food.

If you listen long enough, you get to believe their BS about why records should not be posted on their website. Just like U.P. counties do not put public records on their websites (Like all bigger cities downstate). The reason is because they get rich selling public records – charging 100 times what the feds charge for public records.

Public records are the Yooper government version of the cash cow – as are jail incarceration charges (prisoners must pay the county more than it would cost at nice local hotel and without terrible food), and a thousand fees that are tacked onto everything.
And in some of the dark U.P. counties it all about knowledge, power and protecting the wealthy when it comes to court, police and other records that should be made public under the law.

Some of the good guys:

On the opposite side, we have heard great things about the cleanliness of some Marquette restaurants – and generosity:

For example, we heard great things about clean kitchen and food at the Rice Paddy in Marquette.

We have no connection to the restaurant in any way – in fact its owned by wife of a WLUC TV-6 mainstay anchor (and you know what we’ve said about TV-6 and the rest of the lapdog U.P. Media). So no motive – just what we have heard.

We also think it is really neat that the Marquette Red Lobster immediately freezes its seafood and other goodies – and donates to local food giveaway. That treat means a lot when you have no food, I know it personally. I do have friend that works there, and I know that since they are dealing with seafood – they are super crazy clean.

The heck with quiet winter hibernation in the U.P.: Many Yoopers Turned Vicious This Weekend

Vicious strangling incident in Ishpeming – suspect wanted

Some arrests, some fugitives in weekend assaults across the Upper Peninsula – here are only as fraction of the incidents – A few minutes ago (Monday evening) we heard a woman hiding in her bathroom because of her angry, drunk boyfriend

Strangle suspectChloe surrender

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – It was as if something was in the water, judging by the shear number of truly heinous assaults across the U.P. this weekend.

Here are only a few:

A man calls 911 early today saying he is running down the Northland Truck Trail with someone shooting at him , The trail is one of two ways to go on a dirt back-road between Dickinson County and Marquette County.
Outcome: We do not know, but lots of law enforcement was involved, can’t confirm possible arrest.

Man serious injured after being hit over the head with a guitar at his K.I. Sawyer home – girlfriend is suspect (arrest made).

Six-month-old baby in Chippewa County with a severely twist arm brought to War Memorial Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie (outcome we do not know, CPS and police investigating)

Two women were charged with home invasion – both from Escanaba area – but one of the assaults committed in Marquette County (see our other stories for names etc.)

A fraction of the other assaults included woman whose boyfriend threatened to cut her wrists, another man disabled his girlfriend’s car and kicked her, a drunk very disorderly at Bell Hospital, another intoxicated person threatening twice to start killing people and cops if the UPSET drug team would not help him.

Strangle suspect

Chloe surrender

Now to our wanted suspect in that strangling incident at about 7 a.m. Sunday that sent a 36-year-old woman to the hospital.

The victim reported “difficulty breathing” after the attempted strangulation in room #8 at the usually quiet Wonderland Motel in Ishpeming, MI. The victim was rushed to U.P. Health System – Bell. The suspect allegedly used a phone cord to strangle the victim.

Ishpeming ambulances now called U.P. Health System “west” (in Marquette paramedics called east) but the hospital is commonly known as Bell Hospital in Ishpeming.

The suspect is 22-year-old Chloe Jazmin Shumate – wanted for the Jan. 21, 2018 incident. Online records state she has lived in Ishpeming and Champion, MI.
Police called her “a person of interest” in the assault.

he fled the scene – and if you know the whereabouts of Chloe Shumate – it will be safer for all if she surrenders. Please Chloe surrender.

Tracking dogs from the Michigan State Police K-9 unit tried unsuccessfully to follow her scent for very far. The case is being handled by the Ishpeming Police Department – and who sent thanks to those who assisted – MSP K-9 unit, the Negaunee Police Department and the Marquette County Sheriff’s Office.

The Wonderland Motel is located along U.S.-41 but its official address is on Palms Avenue in Ishpeming.

Its urgent you call Ishpeming Police or 911 if you have any info on Chloe. Chloe please surrender.

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin, Special Advisory and Editorial – “The Innocent Victims – Please show compassion and decorum” – Help two girls see their parents who are clinging to life in Ann Arbor – time IS of the essence

URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin, Special Advisory and Editorial – “The Innocent Victims – Please show compassion and decorum” – 1-20-18 – 2:22 a.m. ET – Help two girls see their parents who are clinging to life in Ann Arbor

Please help the innocent victims – please be compassionate

Mallon Brown Family Emergency fund

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – The Upper Peninsula is familiar with every form of addiction – whether it be drugs, booze, gambling and any kind of sexual addiction.

The addictions are too many to list – but the innocent victims are not – the children.

The same could be argued for children whose parents suffer destructive well-known personality disorders like narcissism. Its likely even workaholics leave U.P. victims.

Despite some arrogant folks who feel superior, everyone here in northern Michigan knows – even related – U.P. families have been torn asunder by addictions.

Meth is so insidious because its extremely and overwhelming addictive.
These are your neighbors, friends, and relatives.

So, U.P. Breaking News encourages everyone to consider helping these girls see their parents – time really is of the essence.

Desiree Giraud set up a GoFundMe page for the daughters of the fire victims – who literally are barely clinging to life. Time is of the essence.


Danica Mallon and her husband were badly burnt in an accident and sent to the burn facility at U of M. We are raising money so their kids can travel down their to see them. Right now there isn’t much known or many updates. Please share and donate if you can and keep the family in your prayers.

U.P. Breaking News Honors and Respect Desiree Giraud for helping when other may not have – you are a humanitarian. Thank You Desiree!

For Sale: Marquette County does more wheeling and dealing for the rich – than I ever saw in corrupt Georgia – At least in Georgia the FBI investigates white collar crime

U.P. Breaking News Editorial Thurs., Jan 18, 2018 11:20 p.m. ET

Did you see this coming – it was let’s make a deal day in Marquette County – where everything is for sale

Even the light bulbs are for sale – no longer needed – because good ideas are few and far between in the county of Marquette

Emezzler gets deal of century

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
Owner, News Director

And the winner is … 39-year-old Jamie Jean (Zambon) Tasson!
Thanks for playing Let’s Make A Deal – the Marquette County Edition. Everyone in the court should be ashamed of what happened today in Marquette County.


Jamie Tasson MySpace 1

Jamie (Zambon) Tasson’s old Myspace photo – Marquette County refuses to give mugshots of the rich. Which one is her?


Three months in prison for stealing more than a quarter million is a pretty good deal – if ya can get it. Hell she will be out in time for the beautiful U.P. spring and summer – and doesn’t have to deal with snow and cold.

Tasson was booked into the county jail this afternoon (1-18-18) for her quick 90 days. Investigators spent more time probing the case than she will spend in the jail.

Come to Marquette County – where they have not met a felony they won’t bargain. But you have a much better chance at the bargain if you’re wealthy and can influence the system.

Right now – the county is protecting a well-known Marquette businessman who was allegedly involved in a hit-and-run drunk driving incident. They refuse to disclose info – and the media here – well they are yellow-bellied scaredy cats.

In fact, the Upper Peninsula media could not wait to report the recent arrest of a black football player at Northern Michigan University. But none reported the white player just arrested for rape. Why?

The system in Marquette County – and many other counties – are rigged against the poor – jail and big fines. Hell you have to pay for jail. Will Tasson have to pay the county for 90 days in jail? She better

Now, she’s no better than a crook, thief, scofflaw, scoundrel, swindler.

If anyone witnesses special treatment of dear Jamie in jail – please let us know.

If Tasson was poor – do you think she would have been given a sweetheart deal? I do not think so. I mean – seven felonies – three months – that’s bad math.

She has means – and even claims she will pay back the $250,000 (How may I ask?). Even that apparently is going to be debated in an upcoming hearing – Let’s Make a Deal Part two. The money is supposed to go to the Superior Eye Health & Vision Therapy Center and its owner Dr. Heidi Johnson. Do not know her view on the matter.

Talk about an eye opener – imagine – she will spend up to three months in prison – and then if she stays out of trouble – that’s it.

Probation – big deal – anyone who violates probation also needs a shrink.

It took a little time for a Marquette eye doctor to see what was happening- but when she did Tasson had stolen over $250,000. Never heard why she did it.

Many Yoopers charged with embezzlement have gambling addictions – others are just plain greedy wanting a fancier lifestyle feeling they are entitled. Some narcissists think they are smarter than everyone including the cops – I have known a few doozies.

Recently prosecutors in Marquette County sent an Ishpeming man to prison for three years for a crime he did not commit. Not so much as a “we’re sorry.”

Yet – they had this woman dead to right – a literal orgy of evidence in the form of a paper trail – presumably bank video recordings if needed.

Hope you can see clearly now? I hope so.
Am sure all today’s bargainers have clear conscience

U.P. Breaking News Editorial: Not Your Fault

U.P. Breaking News Editorial – 1-6-18 4:25 p.m. ET

Not Your Fault – We say what others won’t

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

The real victims of the recent fatal crash on M-95 are the two young women who were forced to witness an apparent suicide – or at least suicidal behavior.

The man who apparently took his life by walking or laying in traffic – has in effect – destroyed the sanctity of life for the two survivors: His girlfriend, and the poor young woman driving the vehicle.

You can love – and feel bad for the man who died and his family (it is healthy human nature) but what he did to these woman is despicable and cruel.

Even veteran medical, fire and law enforcement officials are dealing with PTSD after witnessing the horrifying, unspeakable aftermath including extricating the body. Anyone at the crash is forever scarred, shocked and horrified.

Strange Marquette County told local media victim had been taken to hospital and in undisclosed condition – misleading at best.

We say what others will not:

Have always thought if you are going to commit suicide – there are only two critical rules. Quick/No pain and more importantly Don’t leave a mess/Don’t force others to be witnesses. Some people chose to make others witness the their death. Its about feeling helpless, nobody cares. That statement, in no way, supports committing suicide. Never. Just saying what others think but no one says out loud.

In fact, tragically the suicide and attempted suicide rate in the U.P. is at horrific levels.

The old saying is very true – suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem.” In today’s times you just survive any way you can. Please do not consider suicide to be an answer. We need more people who are understanding and loving – rather than judgmental and righteous lectures.

The women who witnessed the death are feeling guilt – and that is normal but just not true. Neither are to blame – in any way – for this man’s death.

Fighting Unfairness:

Before his wicked deed, this man was a hero for the everyday person – the common man. The guy fighting to pay bills coming in like bullets from everywhere. He went a step further and told a federal judge – not a formal lawsuit – just an information that the judge read and ruled upon. Amazing statement of our times.

U.P. Breaking News thinks the man was right in his federal filing a few years ago stating the system is rigged against the poor – forced jailings instead of allowing people to work. Huge fines, fees and other dastardly money that Marquette County ekes out of the poor in hundreds of ways. He was right the system in unfair and rigged.

Its incredible – counties/cities/townships now charge you for even minutia. At least property taxes went across the board – but locals had to find other ways to fund services. Then there are those who abuse the system – like UPPCO’s current rates. 

If your life is comfortable – then you likely have no idea what I am talking about.

Strangely, a lot of readers thought his federal filing was negative. He ventured where many want to go – but do not. A cry in the wilderness. We strongly disagree – his point was enough is enough and he wanted a to a federal judge to be aware of the unfairness. However, the judge ruled unfair is not necessarily illegal. That is where we have come to be as a society. Unfair and even cruel things – all OK.

The fines for everything you can think of  – just keep people from getting ahead. We have oft accused U.P. counties of trafficking in public records for charging up to 100 times more than the feds for public information.

Period! The system is rigged again low-income. Before people whine – I am not talking about those who abuse system – they are only 10 percent.

However, our point really is to those two young women going through all stages of grief including guilt- it is:
Not Your Fault

“Marquette County Prison” accused of not giving legal mail to inmates: Federal lawsuit against bosses, deputies in Marquette County Jail – is the latest legal bomb tossed by a Soo man convicted in an explosives case that made international headlines – Suit seeks $75 Million in Damages

URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 1-29-17 6 a.m. ET – Marquette County Jail officials accused of conspiracy not to giving mail to inmates – $75  million in damages sought – URGENT


$75 Million Dollars Sought in Damages:

The 35-page, seven-count federal civil law suit against Marquette County Jail officials, turnkeys: The Mail Stops Here

inmate John Francis Lechner vs Mqt Cnty, Graphic.jpg

Former inmate accuses jailers of conspiring not to allow inmates to get mail including from attorneys and information vital to the prisoner’s defense

Lawsuit calls county jail – “Marquette County Prison”

Deputies, jail bosses accused in conspiracy to allegedly withhold mail from inmates – including from their attorneys


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

A Sault Ste. Marie man – whose explosives case made international headlines and sent him to prison – has now tossed a legal bomb charging bosses and deputies at the Marquette County Jail of violating his civil rights including withholding all his important legal mail.

He is seeking $75 million dollars minimum in actual and punitive damages.

This unsatisfied inmate had his case compared in international stories with having more than the Oklahoma City bomber.

John Francis Lechner was arrested by federal agents including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) on On Sept. 21, 2011 “for alleged felony violations” including “illegal possession, storage and transfer of explosives,” the suit states.

A jury convicted John Francis Lechner of multiple counts of explosive related offenses, and he was sentenced to four years and three months in prison – aka 51 months incarceration – followed by three years supervised release.

He is suing the bosses and unknown turnkeys at the Marquette County Jail – but because of the way the legal system works – the suit also names the entire Marquette County Board of Commissioners – and the U.S. Marshals Service

John Francis Lechner federal civil lawsuit filed on Jan. 9, 2017: Entered into court records this week on Thurs., Jan 26, 2017 and released publicly Saturday.

“The defendants overall conduct” was “so outrageous that it shocks the moral and legal conscience of the community,” the lawsuit states. “This outrageous conduct resulted in’ Lechner’s “shameless and brazen denial” of his civil rights and resulting in his “malfeasant incarceration in a federal prison.”

“The manner, method and design” of those employed in the Marquette County Jail “amounted to cold, callous and premeditated abuse of legal authority,” the suit alleges.

The “defendants regularly acted maliciously, unjustifiably, vindictively and deliberately designed to cause” Lechner “mental and emotional harm, humiliation and denial of effective assistance from counsel, denial of a fair trial and knowingly withholding exculpatory evidence” from Lechner and his attorneys.”

The lawsuit states that there have “been previous incidents” involving other inmates who are also alleged victims of the non-delivery of legal mail.

Lechner alleges that Marquette County officials “committed a conspiracy” to not deliver his legal male, states the lawsuit under the “facts and allegations.”

The federal lawsuit says those name allegedly violated Lechner’s rights under the First, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteen Amendment amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Lechner alleges he suffered “immediate and irreparable injury” and “ultimately causing wrongful incarceration in federal prison.”

Lechner “experienced extreme emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation, degradation and severe emotional anguish.”

Count 1:

Deprivation of civil rights

Count 2:

Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights

Count 3

Neglect or failure to prevent conspiracy

Count 4

Failure to adequately train and supervise deputies

Count 5

Negligent hiring, retention and failure to discipline or take necessary correction action

Count 6

Tort Outrage (common law)

Count 7

Intentional infliction of emotional distress

While in the Marquette County Jail, Lechner states he was housed in an “eight (8) man cell block” where he ate three times daily, laundry was cleaned three times a week, and he was allowed to use the commissary once a week.

However, Lechner was not happy with mail delivery – or lack thereof – no delivery of legal papers, the lawsuit alleges. The lawsuits accused jail officials of “sporadic, random, erratic and inconsistent delivery of inmate male by the staff of the Marquette County Jail.”

The lawsuits alleges the non-delivery of the legal correspondence from Lechner’s attorneys amounts to a violation of his constitutional rights. Marquette County jail officials “regularly, deliberately, unjustifiably and maliciously” interfered with Lechner’s First and Fourteenth Amendment Rights.

The undelivered mail involves legal paperwork from defense attorneys, that the suit describes as “intended for delivery on the same day.” Lechner alleges he did not find out about numerous legal mailings from his attorneys – all addressed to the Marquette County Jail – for 10 months beginning in Oct. 2011.

Lechner says his legal mail was discovered ‘by happenstance” when he was transferred on July 17, 2012 to the Chippewa County Jail. Alleging he did not received mail from his attorney while in the Marquette County Jail

Brought by ATF agents to the Marquette County Jail – suit describes it as the “Marquette County Prison”


Legal Mail at issue:
Oct. 23, 2011
From Lisa Honeycoutt
4441 I-75 Business Spur
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Oct. 24, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Nov. 6, 2011
Audrey Plastino
1418 Hyde St.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Nov. 21, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Dec. 19, 2011
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Dec. 26, 2011
From “Dooley” family
Jan. 2, 2012
Attorney Charles W. Mallette, Esquire
651 Bingham Ave. Apt. 1
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Jan. 28, 2012
Audrey Plastino
1418 Hyde St.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Feb. 7, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
March 8, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
March 15, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
May 10, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
May 28, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI
July 17, 2012
Ken Lechner
1901 Delta Road
Bay City, MI


Inmate John Francis Lechner
2:17-cv-00020 Lechner v. Marquette, County of et al
Date filed: 01/26/2017
Date of last filing: 01/26/2017
Case Summary
Filed: 01/26/2017
Nature of Suit: 550
Cause: 28:1441 Petition for Removal
Chippewa County
Related Case: 17-55349-CZ
Marquette County Circuit Court
plaintiff: John Francis Lechner
defendant: Marquette, County of
defendant: Marquette County Board of Commissioners
defendant: Gerald O. Corkin
defendant: Debbie Pellow
defendant: Steve Pence
defendant: Paul Arsonault
defendant: Bruce Heikkila
defendant: Gregg Sippanen
defendant: Scott Erbisch
defendant: Marquette County Sheriff’s Department
defendant: Jack Schneider
defendant: Unknown Parties
defendant: Unknown Parties
Defendant: United States Marshal Service represented by Carolyn Ann Almassian
Phone: (616) 808-2028
Email: Carolyn.Almassian@usdoj.gov


Federal Criminal Case Summary
2:11-cr-00049-GJQ-1 USA v. Lechner et al
Date filed: 10/04/2011
Date terminated: 12/03/2012
Date of last filing: 12/07/2016
John Francis Lechner (1)
Office: Northern Division (2) Filed: 10/04/2011
County: Chippewa Terminated: 12/03/2012 Reopened:
Magistrate Case: 2:11-mj-00041-TPG
Count: 1 citation: 18:842i.f offense level: 4
18:842(i)(1), 18:841(d)(f)(1), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 ship or transport explosive material interstate; possession of explosives while under indictment
Count: 2 citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(j)(m), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 importing explosive material; transportation of explosive materials
Count: 3 citation: 18:842b.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(b), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(j)(m), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material
Count: 4 citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(d)(2), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f)(l), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons;distribution of explosive materials to a convicted felon
Count: 5 citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j), 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f), 18:844(b), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291, 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq. Not conforming to storage of explosive material;improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 6 citation: 18:1001.F Offense level: 4
18:1001(a)(2) statements or entries generally; false statement to law enforcement
Count: 1s citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18:844(a)(1); 18:2(a); 75 fed. Reg. 1,085; 75 fed. Reg. Importing explosive material – transportation of explosive materials
Count: 3s citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j); 18:841(c)(d); 18:844(b); 75 fed. Reg. 1,085; 75 fed. Reg. 70, 291; 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq not conforming to storage of explosive material – improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 4s citation: 18:842i.f offense level: 4
18:842(i)(1); 18:841(d)(e)(f)(1); 18:844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 ship or transport explosive material interstate – possession of explosives while under indictment
Count: 5s citation: 18:1001.F Offense level: 4
18:1001(a)(2) statements or entries generally – false statement to law enforcement
Count: 6s citation: 18:842a.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(a); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18: 844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 importing explosive material – transportation of explosive materials
Count: 7s citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(a)(3)(b); 18:841(c)(d)(j)(m); 18:844(a)(1); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons – distribution of explosive materials
Count: 9s citation: 18:842j.m offense level: 3
18:842(j); 18:841(c)(d)(e)(f); 18:844(b); 75 fed. Reg. 70,291; 27 c.f.r. 555.201 et seq not conforming to storage of explosive material – improper storage of explosive materials
Count: 8ss citation: 18:842d.f offense level: 4
18:842(d)(2), 18:841(c)(d)(1), 18:844(a)(1), 75 fed. Reg. 70,291 distribute explosive material to unauthorized persons; distribution of explosive materials to a convicted felon
Defendant custody status: released
Flags: appeal,closed,jurytrial,sealeddoc(s)
plaintiff: USA represented by Joel S. Fauson
Phone: (616) 456-2404
Email: joel.fauson@usdoj.gov
plaintiff: USA represented by Maarten Vermaat
Phone: (906) 226-2500
Email: Maarten.Vermaat@usdoj.gov

Federal News Releases:



Related info:















April 20, 2012

MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN — U.S. Attorney Donald A. Davis announced today that Kenneth Ageed Kassab, age 53, a resident of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, was arraigned on April 19 in U.S. District Court in Marquette on charges of unlawful transportation of explosives and possession of explosives by a convicted felon. The superseding indictment (Link) alleges that these offenses took place in November 2010. Both charges carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison.

Kassab was listed in the superseding indictment (Link) as a co-defendant with John Francis Lechner, age 65, also a resident of Sault Ste. Marie. Lechner was originally the sole defendant in an explosives case stemming from the discovery of 4,200 pounds of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, commonly known as “ANFO,” and various other explosive materials, in September 2011. The superseding indictment, which replaces the original charges, repeats Lechner’s original charges and also adds charges relating to his possession of ANFO with Kassab in November 2010.

Lechner had been set to be tried on the original charges on May 21, 2012. With the addition of Kassab as a co-defendant, the trial date is likely to be rescheduled for later in the summer.

An indictment is merely an instrument to put the defendant on notice of the charges against him. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until found guilty by a jury of his peers.


Second Michigan man arrested in explosives investigation

Suspected of possessing more than two tons of bomb-making materials

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – A second man suspected to be involved in an explosives investigation was arrested Thursday by special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and deputies with the Chippewa County Sherriff’s Department.

Kenneth Kassab, 53, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., was taken into custody without incident Thursday on charges related to the unlawful transportation of explosives and possession of explosives by a convicted felon.

Both charges carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in federal prison.

Donald Davis, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan; David McCain, ATF special agent in charge in Detroit; and Brian M. Moskowitz, special agent in charge for HSI Michigan and Ohio, announced the arrest.

Kassab was listed in a superseding indictment as a co-defendant with John Francis Lechner, 65, also a resident of Sault Ste. Marie. Lechner was originally the sole defendant in an explosives case stemming from the discovery of 4,200 pounds of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, commonly known as “ANFO,” and various other explosive materials, in September 2011. Lechner was arrested last September and remains in custody.

The superseding indictment repeats Lechner’s original charges and also adds charges relating to his possession of ANFO with Kassab in November 2010.

Lechner had been set to be tried on the original charges May 21, 2012. With the addition of Kassab as a co-defendant, the trial date is likely to be rescheduled for later in the summer.

An indictment is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty



The Elephant Carfentanil Stomps U.P. Lives: Super powerful tranquilizer mixed with heroin has cross the Mackinac Bridge and is now linked to Upper Peninsula deaths and overdoses


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director / 1-906-273-2433

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – A new tranquilizer drug named “the Elephant” has started to stomp out young lives across northern Michigan.

Dozens of deaths across the country have been attributed to this drug that is sweeping the streets of the U.P.

carfentanil-laced-heroin-abuse-and-addiction_elephantSources tell U.P. Breaking News that the elephant tranquilizer is now being mixed with heroin and other notorious other street drugs.

The elephant tranquilizer is said to be a making a highly deadly concoction.

Officials say it is 10,000 times more potent than morphine and 100 times more potent than fentanyl.

Meanwhile, U.P. Breaking News has confirmed there was a major drug raid in Baraga County involving the UPSET SWAT unit – after a night of terror for a group of friends who were allegedly held at gunpoint by the suspect early Wed., Dec. 28, 2016. The raid was about 1 p.m. in Baraga on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, U.P. Breaking News has concluded that witness reports spotting the SWAT unit in Michigamme was likely this team traveling to Baraga County. But without that tip – we would not have this information from six sources. U.P. Breaking News has been given names of the suspects and we are attempting to confirm their arrests.

Meanwhile – sources say at least three people were arrested on drug and other charges during the raid. The suspect allegedly held three people at gunpoint – and one of the oddest details is – the suspect’s allegedly used a “hot pink” 22 caliber gun that was fired at least once. A person heard the gunshot and the victims fled – and police got involved.

Sources say “it was a scary night” for the three victims.

U.P,. Breaking News has been told that at least one person – and possible more – have died in the U.P. Because of this drug that is causing massive overdoses.

In October, the Detroit papers reported that at least 8 deaths had been tied to the drug in the

Sources say the tranquilizer is much stronger than what has been in the streets of the U.P., in the past – stronger than many of the better know animal tranquilizers that are abused.
At least 19 deaths have been blamed on the elephant drug – carfentanil – in Wayne County, MI.


In fact, we are trying to confirm that thew elephant is not just a nickname – but the actual drug carfentanil – apparently a form of extremely power fenantil – and CNN has reported the drug is causing deaths in other areas. Even 100 times more powerful than morphine.

Sources say after the epidemic showed up in several areas – U.P. firefighters and police officers were recently briefed and given a handout on this dangerous drug.

Sources tell U.P. Breaking news that the tranquilizer is even stronger than the ones used on moose – and “the local fire departments just got a hand out about the issue at recent meetings.”

Detroit Free Press: Drug overdose victims may get immunity from prosecution



U.P. Breaking News Reveals the Shocker Stories of 2016: As the “news readers” tell you in upcoming days about what happened in 2016 – U.P. Breaking News tells you the real “news” that happened in 2016 and what is could mean in 2017 – Plus some stories we will be breaking in upcoming days and weeks

U.P. Breaking News would like police input on these serious issues that were faced in 2016 and must be faced in 2017

Upper Peninsula Logo

We would like to hear (on or off the record) from even more of the fair-minded modern cops who understand the potential and obvious ramifications of these serious issues that if not addressed properly – could lead to officer’s deaths in 2017

And the headline we’d like to see before 2016 ends or in 2017 with our shameful governor Snidley Whiplash in a perp walk:

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges – RICO indictment returned by grand jury against worst governor in state history

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – As the obligatory “year-ender” stories will soon be in the U.P. media – as the U.P. “news readers” (TV, radio and newspaper) recall what they can about 2016.

U.P. Breaking News doesn’t expect the “news readers” to tell you what really happened (out of their press release world) – so we will.

Soon you will seen the U.P. media reminiscing about 2016 – in the same way they have since TV first came to northern Michigan. The papers sell their special year-end sections and rehash their original hash – but nothing really new.

In fact- even the TV reports look the same each year – just different names and places but often same annual events and perspective.

As the year 2016 ends, is the U.P. ready to face its issues?

Or will we collectively wait til the issues become too big and more people die?

Shall we punt into a Yooper end-zone – or take the first steps: Admit the problem and try to offer solutions.

First an fyi:

  • #1  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories on unsolved murders in the Upper Peninsula – plus suspicious deaths that seem to fall through the cracks even worse than the unsolved murders. If you know someone whose murder has not been solved – or there are highly-questionable circumstances – please give us a call. 906-273-2433
  • #2 –  If you have time – please join me this Tuesday at 8:45 a.m. in Marquette County Circuit Court.   U.P. Breaking News is under a judge’s demand that we appear in a Marquette courtroom. Against our will, we are being forced to go to that hearing Tuesday where a judge is trying to “restrain” U.P. Breaking News.
  • #3  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories revealing the truth behind Marquette County’s so-called torture case. The public has been misled by the press and officials to think it is comparable to the horrendous Cleveland torture and sexual assault case. Not even close – there are absolutely no similarities. Even Michigan’s high courts agree the case has big issues.  It’s one of those rare cases where the suspect may actually be innocent (according to some two dozen women). One so-called victim has died of a drug overdose. U.P. Breaking News feels very sorry for the only surviving “victim” Angel – who has actually been victimized and used by everyone involved. We have even heard there might be drug-addicted newborn baby thrown into the mix involving this case. U.P. Breaking News is going to name names – and show all faces.

Now – as U.P. news organizations prepare to tell you about what happened in 2016 – they will recall all the good news (nothing wrong with that) and the criminal cases in state courts. The U.P. news readers serve a niche for those Yoopers who like to dream we are in the 1950s.

But today’s modern Yooper demands more of their media. That’s why U.P. Breaking News devotes so much time, energy and money – instead of retiring on the Chocolay River – as a public service and to open your eyes.

If we break the ice, maybe one day there will be a media outlet in the U.P. that asks questions involving critical thinking – not just fluff or same ole stuff.

Believe it or not – the following is a description of the Upper Peninsula – a place that we think is still “someplace special” but now with an asterisk.

The following happened in final half of 2016:

  • Unsolved murders grow across northern Michigan including questionable deaths written off by media – and people who carer about victims claim little police effort is put into the deaths
  • Very strange deaths being quickly ruled suicide. Questionable “suicides” that are decided virtually overnight – in some cases, not even one day of investigation is given for each ten years of a person’s life – even in the oddest of cases without suicide note
  • U.P. police killing two retired men in their own homes during “well-being” checks – ruled OK bu local cops, probing local cops. And MSP says life goes on except for those shot. There was a third person shot by U.P. police that is also mental health related but that person is recovering.
  • Inmates strangely dropping dead in U.P. prisons in alleged unprecedented accidents. Plus inmates medical scandal leading to deaths and injuries – or many prisoners majorly ill from contaminated or under-cooked meals.
  • Few cops on the road; deadly under-staffing. Police and Corrections Officers are understaffed beyond bone that WILL lead to the death of an U.P. police officer – its only a matter of time before the rubber band breaks. Plus the few cops on road asked to be on-the-scene psychiatrists putting their lives in danger.
  • Skyrocketing suicide rate – and Pathways plus other community health organizations understaffed – and accused of not doing good job with their hands tied.
  • The Raging Children of the U.P. – Even this week U.P. Breaking News heard reports of teachers being attacked by students – from 7 years old – to their early teens. Kids attacking parents, grandparents and the other night attacking people attending a school function at a U.P. school named “Lincoln”
  • U.P. Dumpster Diving, Homelessness, Crushing U.P. Poverty at all time high – this winter expect the U.P,. homeless to freeze to death especially those not welcome at the overwrought shelters like those homeless with substance issues who are sent to fend with the wolves.
  • U.P. “News Media” in 2016 become “Fake News” at your doorstep – by going from simply not reporting stuff – to being duped or bought. For example, U.P. Breaking News was the only media not fooled by MDOC lies about the Kinross Riot. Newspapers and TV claimed that a riot was not happening at Kinross. U.P. Sunday papers had rotten egg omelets on their face with that one – TV was alseep.  Now the”news regurgitators” at the Hoton paper claim there are only 5 suspended black football players – rather than seven. Fake news in print delivered to your door! I would mention TV in all this but they are clueless about both.

Here is is more info on above:

First my message to the “reporters” who are just “news readers” or regurgitators – but want things to change:

To those reporters in the U.P. who are working under the bonds of their bosses – do not worry – newsrooms in other parts of the U.S. actually take their jobs seriously. U.P. newsrooms are very different from others. In some other newsrooms, you do not get discouraged when you come up with new ideas or hard news.

U.P. Breaking News is almost the only news media with the courage to tell you about serious (non-fluff) issues – the majority of other U.P. media hides like puppies.

I remember when paramedics and EMTs objected to be called simply “ambulance drivers.” That’s my comparison for the feckless members of the U.P. media – the media who are merely “news readers” or “news regurgitators” aka ambulance drivers. The difference is whether you read a press release with only the facts provided – or whether you look into the facts and ask questions.

Do you spend a few moments doing critical thinking before you go to a press conference? The weak “news regurgitators” are very obvious if you listen to their stories. Some of the U.P. young and older media really want to be journalists not press release puppets – but are held back by bosses with no guts.

But for example – the rest of U.P. media still has not gotten the Finlandia racism scandal correct.
It is “The Finlandia Seven” – not “The Finlandia Five” (Folks, send your old calculators to the editors at the Houghton paper to help them with math). But, at least the Hoton newspaper did a story with the main stuff coming from us, I do not even want to characterize how the other media handled it.

My message to police who really care (bored or puzzled reporters can stop reading now):

Kinross inmates still go to the hospital on a weekly basis but a federal court lawsuit filed this week may help explain some of the medical issues at Kinross and other U.P. prisons.

U.P. Breaking News is not specifically blaming the cops. The fair-minded cops we talk to regularly – understand we are fighting for their right to have more cops in the wake of an out-of-control system in the U.P. The cops in Yooperland are expected to spend most of their time handling suicidal/mental health situations – all three people that police shot in the U.P. in the final months of 2016 had mental health and/or depression issues.

Plus cops are pressured to close cases – and we are beginning to wonder about why some strange rulings have been made – like a woman whose death was ruled a suicide in less than three days even though she was found with a bungee cord around her neck laying on a famous Upper Peninsula beach – and no suicide note.

U.P. Breaking News stated in a editorial – that the integrity of MSP detectives is now on the line – and even the public is losing faith. I am not so cynical to believe these cops are bad – but it appears problems include low-staffing, pressure to move on, etc. There must be other reasons contribute to the U.P. being the place where people can apparently get away with murder – unless the case is gift wrapped for police.

Plus some days no cops are put on the road by U.P. county sheriff’s departments – and worse. We’d reveal more but it would be a treasure map for crooks (not that they do not already know this). Plus I’d hate to think our huge unsolved murder stats will encourage potential murderers into thinking getting away with the heinous crime is likely in the U.P.

If you are a fair-minded cop who understands and really cares about the future of the U.P. – and why we seem to be upending on many fronts. Rather than being reactionary – police officers please read this – even offer an opinion because we really want to know why this is happening. You do not have to give your name.

Am I the only one who thinks this is not sustainable?

We really want to know why police think this is happening. If this is not addressed – like a cancer – the public will begin the question the credibility of even U.P. law enforcement – where we love and believe in our police.

Please. If you are a professional law enforcement officer who recognizes the problems – and you do not easily get mad or your butt on your shoulders – then please tell us the possible solutions and how you think they can be achieved.
Or is all hunky dory from U.P. cops point of view?

Don’t worry we will hide your identity like our dozens and dozens of other sources – for whom we are very thankful. Some just want to blame media – we can take it. But that doesn’t solve anything.

*** Remember we NEED input from police and corrections officers who care instead of the usual sophomoric blaming of us. Remember, if you won’t help with information do not complain if we do not report it.

U.P. Breaking News Exclusive: Federal civil lawsuit claims scandal involving the Michigamme Township Employee Pension Plan – that lawsuit states is out of money – Amendments to pension plan called illegal

Michigamme Township employee pension plan said to be out of money – and federal civil lawsuit accuses top township board members of many violations of law including embezzlement


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – An eight-count civil lawsuit has been filed in federal court raising embezzlement and other questions about the legality of the allegedly defunct Michigan Township employee pension plan – and accuses the township’s top elected officials of improperly handling the pension/retirement account through amendments and other actions.

Among the allegations in the lawsuit are numerous violations of Michigan law, breach of contract, violation of the Public Employee Retirement System Investment Act (PERSIA); breach of common law fiduciary duties; statutory conversion, and common law conversion.

“There are no assets remaining in the pension,” the lawsuit states. “at some point, the defendants dispersed all pension money.”

The federal civil suit was filed Thursday (Dec. 1, 2016) by former township DPW official Leighton “Jim” J. Carlisle, III and Jeannie L. Carlisle.

A similar suit was recently filed in Marquette County Circuit Court.

The suit seems to claim that the pension plan is out of money – and questions payments to several officials who were elected officials and also employees

The suit mentions pension amendment actions and payments involving township officials – including Township Supervisor Alvar Maki, Township Clerk Jean Howe (employed as secretary) and Township Treasurer Carla Skytta (also employed by twp.)

“The defendants’ conduct arises to embezzlement and/or converting property” for the township’s own use, the lawsuit alleges.

The Champion residents are seeking at least $25,000 in damages plus court costs and interest.

As a result of the actions of township officials, the suit alleges the Carlisles “have suffered and will continue to suffer substantial damages” involving the alleged loss of pension monies and attorneys fees.

At issue is the oft amended Michigamme Township retirement/pension plan set up for township board members and township employees.

Jim Carlisle worked for the township for 24 years (Aug. 1992 to Aug. 2016).

Jeannie Carlisle worked for the township for 14 years (April 1999 to Feb. 2013).

The township was supposed to put 7.5 percent of employee’s salaries into the pension.

In several instances, the lawsuit accuses the township and its officials of violating Michigan’s Constitution.

Issues include a 2015 amendment to the pension plan that the plaintiffs say violated state pension laws that cover government employees.

Read the lawsuit – and see exhibits and more details by click on these three links:

Michigamme Township Lawsuit



The 2015 amendment to the township pension plan “was designed to extinguish, limit, diminish and otherwise impair hired employee’s rights to pension money,” the suit alleges.



Another issue was no “notice of a hearing” when the board amended the township’s pension plan, the lawsuit states.

“The defendant’s actions (against the Carlisles) were grossly negligent, recklessly indifferent, and/or arbitrary and capricious,” the suit alleges.

Jim Carlisle, Michigamme Township Department of Public Works:




Jim Carlisle is a member of the Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority (MCSWMA) representing a three-year county seat (appointed 2013) – according 2013 meeting minutes of the Marquette County Board of Commissioners meeting and from a MCSWMA meeting.

Michigamme Township info:



Michigamme Township is 144 square miles – and the western most township in Marquette County.

It borders Spurr and L’Anse Townships to the west, Powell to the north, Champion to the east, and Republic to the south.

The community represents the most significant populations concentration in Michigamme Township.

Several plats are being developed around Lake Michigamme for year around residence.

Michigamme Township

202 W. Main Street

PO Box 220

Michigamme, MI 49861

906.323.6608 (office)

906.323.6344 (fax)



Carlisle et al v. Michigamme Township et al

Date filed: 12/01/2016

Case Summary:

Demand: $25,000

Nature of Suit: 440

Cause: 42:1983 Other Civil Rights

Jurisdiction: Federal Question


Exhibit 1 – Summons

Exhibit 2

Complaint and Jury Demand


Related info:

Plaintiff attorney:

Dominic F. Andriacchi, P.C.

Dominic F. Andriacchi

Dominic F. Andriacchi, Jr.

321 West Division St.

Ishpeming, MI 49849

AndriacchiLaw at gmail.com

906-486-4457 (office)

906-486-8551 (fax)

Editor’s Note: There are many lawsuits that taxpayers and other people never find out about that are discretely filed in Marquette County Circuit Court and other counties across the U.P.

Marquette County officials try to make very difficult for media to get copies of lawsuits and other public records filed in the Marquette County Clerk’s Office – it was different when there was a different longtime clerk Dave Roberts.– and charge 100 times what the feds charge for many public records.

In Marquette County another related lawsuit has been filed.

In fact, U.P. Breaking News encourages attorneys to send us copies of lawsuits they have filed in Marquette County – another way of stopping the gatekeepers from keeping secrets from the media.

Case: 16-55135-CZ in Marquette County Circuit Court

Defendants: Michigamme Township, Michigamme Township Supervisor and the Michigamme Township Clerk

Represented by Brian Mark Schwartz

(313) 963-6420

schwartzb at millercanfield.com


