Videotape emerges – as Delta County tries to stop you from knowing – of an assault and domestic violence melee that happen Sunday night in a Ford River Bar – and a convicted sex offender has been arrested

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 5-1-18 – 1 p.m. ET

Convicted sex offender accused of assault – and domestic violence after he allegedly attacked his wife and another man in a bar Sunday night – this as Delta County authorities do not want you to know which people are charged with domestic assault


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – While the Delta County Sheriff and Prosecutor continue protecting the identities of those who beat women, U.P. Breaking News keeps getting information from behind their Iron Curtain – as a convicted sex offender has been released on bond after allegedly brutal attack on his wife and another man in a Ford River Bar on Sunday night.

43-year-old Richard Dale Stannard was booked into the Delta County Detention Center late Sunday, April 29, 2018 and released on bond just over an hour later.

Richard Dale Stannard - mugshot 2

Stannard was convicted on May 17, 1996 of criminal sexual conduct (CSC) – assault with intent to commit sexual penetration in Delta County 47th District Court.

U.P. Breaking News has found a video of the altercation involving three people – Richard Stannard is shown allegedly beating up Brent Papineau Jr.

Richard Stannard is allegedly shown throwing his wife Nicki Stannard. We have tried to upload the video but so far have not been able to do it.

He apparently has had addresses in Escanaba and Ford River.

Richard Lee Stannard 1

Richard Lee Stannard, with his wife cropped out

Stannard’s sex offender registration states he currently lives at 3774 L.15 Lane in Escanaba.

The Delta County Prosecutor and Sheriff recently decided to protect those charged with all violence because U.P. Breaking News pointed out they have given sweetheart deals to men who beat and terrorize women.

They are releasing the photos and names of people booked, but no longer showing what criminal charges had been filed.

U.P. Breaking News believes that the U.P. domestic violence epidemic will continue if the suspects are allowed to hide in the shadows of the egos of electrocuted officials – as women are beaten every night across the U.P.

We have heard every excuse in the book for not identifying those who commit these horrendous crimes.

The exact charges against Stannard are not known because Delta County is hiding that information. Our sources tipped us off to this case.
Stannard is said to be charged with assault and battery, and domestic violence

U.P. Breaking News has read numerous online comments about this case – some demonizing Stannard fearing what will happen next – and others who have strongly defended him.

Many residents spoke out about their concern for the couple’s child/children.

Some say the male victim – Brent Papineau Jr. – and Stannard’s wife do not deserve to get a beat down.

With some even blaming the victim for “pushing him too far.” That seems to be a common attitude amongst domestic violence cases – the falsehood that it is somehow the victim’s fault.

“I fear he may do worse, and there are kids in the home,” exclaimed one concerned citizen who knows the couple. Some stated that Stannard has the money to buy himself out of past beating incidents.

“The fact that he is a rich guy scares the hell out of me – if he can throw around his own wife like that,” stated one of several sources.

Stannard has the aliases of Rocky Stannard, and Rocky Dale Stannard.

As U.P. Breaking News closes down today, we hope our effort to show light on domestic violence will help even one woman from being beaten. We will reopen once we can afford our expenses of $250 per month.

I have spent thousands to bring you the information on brutality in U.P. counties and tribal nations therein. We hope U.P. residents who live in the Iron Curtain counties of news blackouts – will remember this when they go to the polls to vote for sheriff and prosecutor.

If you would like to help us get restarted call 905-273-2433.

Thank you and I pray for all the woman who will be beaten this weekend and do not know it yet.

After getting a sweet plea bargain on drug charges in Delta County a couple of years ago, a Marquette man is back in jail tonight on four charges including two felonies – like carrying a concealed weapon in his car

URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 4-21-18 – 10:40 p.m. ET

A Marquette man who got a deal on four drug charges in Gladstone, MI about two years ago – was arrested again Saturday night in Marquette County on charges that including felony carrying a concealed weapon and felony fraudulent license plate

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – A Marquette man who skated on drug charges in Delta County was arrested on two felonies including a gun offense Saturday night during a traffic stop in Marquette County.

He is already a convicted of being a second-offense habitual offender.
40-year-old Gregory Scott Ogea of Marquette, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail

40-year-old Gregory Scott Ogea of Marquette, MI

40-year-old Gregory Scott Ogea of Marquette, MI

Ogea is charged with felony carrying a concealed weapon (CCW) in a motor vehicle, felony fraudulent use of a license plate, driving with a suspended license and driving with no insurance

Ogea was arrested about 9 p.m. ET tonight, Sat., April 21, 2018 during a traffic stop on M-553 near Silver Creek Road near Teaching Family Homes in Marquette County

On August 20, 2015, Ogea, then 37, was busted in Gladstone, MI on four felony drug charges and was released on a bond of $30,000 (10 percent).

In Delta County, Ogea faced numerous drug charges including three four-year felonies – two counts of possession of less than 25 grams of narcotic Methylphenidate, and possession of less than 25 grams of narcotic Hydrocodone, and possession of less than 25 grams of the narcotic Clonazepam (two-year felony); and driving on a suspended license (93-day misdemeanor).

40-year-old Gregory Scott Ogea of Marquette, MI

MDOC Mugshot of Gregory Scott Ogea of Marquette, MI

In Feb 2016, Ogea, then 38 years old, was sentenced to six months in jail, had his driver’s license suspended 60 days/and then restricted for over 300 days; plus about $200 in fines/costs.

Ogea got a super sweet plea bargain in Delta County as most of the felonies were dropped after he pleaded guilty to second-offense habitual offender involving possession of drug analogues.

Suspect round up: Juveniles on a motorcycle and an ATV take police on a wild chase through the streets of Gladstone, MI before pursuit was terminated for safety reasons

URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 4-21-18 – 4:25 p.m. ET

Suspects, ATV identified: Wild Saturday afternoon chase pits Gladstone, MI cops against wild male juveniles on an ATV and motorcycle – winding around numerous streets of the town in and around a cemetery

Juvenile chase in Gladstone, MI.jpg

Suspect roundup, ATV inspected – after juveniles teens led Gladstone Police on a Saturday chase involving a motorbike and an ATV – in and around a cemetery

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Gladstone, MI) – A group of juveniles on a motorcycle and an ATV led police on a dangerous several mile pursuit through the streets of Gladstone, MI on Saturday afternoon – before police made the decision to end the chase for safety reasons.

Late reports indicated that officers found the suspect ATV – and are still looking for and questioning teen male juveniles.

The juveniles are wanted on a multitude of probate court charges – and were riding dangerously on a blue motorbike and a green and white squad four-wheeler ATV. The officer described the vehicle as a motorcycle during the chase and later described it as a motorbike (smaller vehicle than motorcycle).

The chase started about 3:15 p.m. ET on Saturday afternoon, April 21, 2018. It ended about 7 minutes later.

Gladstone Police first spotted the juveniles on 29th Street – and the chase was on.

Chase map 2

Streets and locations mentioned in the winding circular chase included 29th Street, Weston Avenue (several times), 27th Street, N. Bluff Street, a fire hall, the Fernwood Cemetery and at one point “heading toward M-35.”

The lead pursuit officer told another that the suspects were juveniles and both officers immediately had safety concerns.

One officer suggest that since the suspects are juvenile teens “it is probably correct to shut it down.”

The second officer said “I would agree.”

Police soon stopped the chase near Ketcham Street.

“Lets stop the pursuit all together,’ radioed one of the officers – as his siren blared in the background of his transmission.

Another said he could hear the ATV in the distance – and officers started driving around looking for parked vehicles similar to the ones in the chase.

“I can hear them toward South Hill Road doing circles,” one of the officer stated.
The officers were inspecting a nearby parked ATV on the 900 block of Loueda Avenue.

It appears it was the one of the two suspect vehicles.

Chase map

UPDATED Janitor manhunt causes closure of Hannahville school for second day: U.P. BOLO for a wanted armed man – Delta County 911 issues BOLO for an armed man wanted felonious assault

URGENT URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News – Manhunt for Janitor in Felonious Assault with Gun Case Closes Hannahville School Again Today – 4-19-18 – 7:22 a.m. –
We need your help as Hannahville school officials won’t confirm but parents are sending out messages.
Have been reporting all night that the Delta County authorities are looking for a man who is wanted for felonious assault
Officials have told many stories to parents.
Official have told parents/workers that its due to waterline issues, then told them its a crazy man – and now say the Hannahville school will be closed again today due to “unforeseen circumstances.”
But parents say it is because of the janitor wanted for felonious assault – AND the suspect worked as a janitor there.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director


URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin –  4-18-18 – 11:45 p.m.

10:35 p.m. ET

42-year-old Nathan Adam Smith of Escanaba, MI is wanted because he allegedly pointed a 9 MM pistol at his girlfriend, then put the gun in his mouth and a short time later fired the weapon into the air. Police are concerned for his well-being – as an updated BOLO stated he may be suicidal.

Cops search for armed felonious assault suspect in Escanaba area – but who could be anywhere tonight

felonious assault graphic

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – Police across the U.P. are searching tonight for an armed felonious assault suspect.

42-year-old Nathan Adam Smith of Escanaba, MI is wanted for an incident that happened about 4:23 p.m. CT on Tuesday, April 17, 2018.

Smith was last seen Tuesday night at the Hannahville Island Resort & Casino. Smith was able to hitch a ride with a friend away from the casino and to Escanaba.

Smith allegedly “pointed a loaded 9 MM at his girlfriend,” the BOLO stated. “He then put the gun in his mouth and walked out, and fired a round.”

Police are very concerned about his well-being, as he has made suicidal comment and stuck the gun in his mouth. They hope he will surrender.

The BOLO issued in Delta County tonight is for 42-year-old Nathan Adam Smith, who is wanted for felonious assault.

He is possibly walking on foot, but hitched are ride away from the alleged crime scene.

Officials believe he was in Escanaba just after 11 p.m. tonight, March 18, 2018.

Wanted for Felonious Assault:

42-year-old Nathan Adam Smith of Escanaba, MI:

The suspect is described as a male, 5 feet 9 inches tall (5’9”), 180 pounds, is “believed to have a 9 mm pistol” and carrying a “camo” backpack

Officials say he was last thought to be in the Escanaba area.

Two more DV stories they do not want you to know about: Man arrested today after call that baseball bats were being used in an argument between a Marquette County couple – and an arrest this morning for domestic violence on grounds of a U.P. Native American nation – but the extraordinary effort to keep this info from you has taken a bad, corrupt and evil turn thanks to U.P. elected officials

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin and Editorial: – 4-13-18 – 7:40 a.m. ET –

Two men arrested this morning for separate alleged domestic violence assaults in Marquette County – one involved baseball bats and the other occurred on tribal lands

Violence in U.P. graphic.jpg

Shame on U.P. Sheriff’s and Prosecutors – who have taken the extreme step of dumping Mobile Patrol – effectively cutting off your right to know – hiding everything – unless they deem it fit for the public consumption

The real U.P. News Directors are the cops/prosecutors – who are acting like narcissistic, emotionally troubled children by taking info off mobile patrol

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette County, MI) – Friday the 13th is turning out to be a bloody day for Upper Peninsula women.

A man was booked into the Marquette County Jail early today after a domestic violence call involving a baseball bats.

Meanwhile another man was booked a short while ago for “a DV on the Rez,” an Marquette County Sheriff’s Department deputy radioed to the Marquette County Jail.

Little is known about these cases, and don’t expect the cops to tell you.

Marquette County has listed some of the arrests on Vinelink but Mobile Patrol seems to be permanently down for the entire U.P.

“She hit him with a bat,” stated a dispatcher, adding the male suspect allegedly used the bat on a vehicle.

The dispatcher even stated that the neighbors were worried about the male suspect’s well-being due to numerous arguments with the female half of the incidents.

53-year-old Jeffrey Paul Norman (address unconfirmed) was arrested on a domestic assault/violence charge.

Norman has online past addresses in Rock, Gladstone, Perkins and Aurora, Colorado.

Meanwhile – 42-year-old Brian Allen Johnson (address unconfirmed) was arrested about 7 a.m. ET this morning, Friday, April 13, 2018 for that alleged assault on a Native American reservation apparently in Marquette County.

If you have a photo of Mr. Norman or Mr. Johnson – please send it to us.

There were numerous DV calls during the night across the U.P. – but only this one arrest. Many agencies convince victims not to file charges. Despite an assault.
Please keep us informed about DV in your area – we will actively pursue these cases in the name of public decency.


While spending the once magic summers in the U.P. as a kid – always thought the elected officials here were extra honest. Boy was I duped.

Editorial on state of the DV and assault jail cover-ups in the U.P.:

Have you noticed we are the only media who really cares about this – all the other media hide behind mama’s apron – because of their needs to get lifeblood press releases from the cops (way after the fact, hardly news).

In fact, some media has wanted to see mobile patrol end because we have made the U.P. media look like the lame lapdogs that they are.

Purple DV RibbonOur question is to the women’s groups in the U.P. – do you folks support not identifying the suspects and not reporting to public the disposition of the DV cases???

If even the women’s groups are going along with the sheriff’s and prosecutors who like it covered up – God help the women of the U.P.

If the women’s groups do not go along with coverup – then why are they quiet as a mouse about it???

We expose all this because – one day – with more enlightened officials in charge – the pathetic U.P. abusers will be exposed.

Like the prisons, many will have to die before changes are made.

All need to be booted from office for dereliction of duty to protect the public from violent people.
Then there are the Mushroom Yoopers who like being raised in a vacuum. They prefer to believe the jolly TV newscasts – happy happy, joy joy (unless cops give the media permission to run a story via news release).

U.P. TV/Radio/Newspapers constantly coverup the arrests of wealthy advertisers and community leaders – we have proven that many, many times.

Now every law enforcement agencies and jail in the U.P. is violating the law by keeping the names/charges secret.

I am surprised Yoopers do not demand their rights – but media and crooked elected officials want it secret.

The reason – even last week we revealed a PPO case involving a powerful U.P. business man that was swept under the rug by U.P. media.

I hope young future reporters and future directors of U.P. women’s centers – decide they will not tolerate this. It may take 20 years and lots of black eyes, but hopefully one day the sun will shine on this scourge.

This is so disgusting its beyond words. We can only surmised they either sympathize with abusers (heard one cop in western U.P. has beaten women in his life without consequence, working on exposing him).
Until U.P. residents start demanding that their right to know – then your rights keep slipping away. The media will never take action like it has in other areas of the country.
The Boss Hogg cops and prosecutors will never tell the public about DV cases because they do not want you to know.
U.P. prosecutors treat the cases like they are not important and meant to be plea bargained away (they often even blame victim for having second thoughts about having their abuser prosecuted – and defense attorneys know it).

Lately U.P. law enforcement has started completely hiding all their arrests from Mobile Patrol, because of the crooked prosecutors and sheriff’s who do not want you to know what is happening.
They are embarrassed after running for office claiming to be tough on DV – when they are really soft and will plea down any and all cases – and we wonder why DV is only getting worse.

DV suspects know they will likely serve little time – so why not pummel the woman they “love.” Woman on woman DV is also a problem.

Only minorities in the U.P. have their DV cases thoroughly prosecuted. Heard about a case in Chippewa County where black suspects were jailed for year – no trial – and then released with no charges but stuck with huge attorney bills.



Delta County businessman busted again for allegedly violating personal protection order (PPO): Hilltop RV co-owner again arrested for PPO violation involving the alleged stalking of his estranged wife; Swanson’s arrests have not been reported by U.P. media – with whom Hilltop RV has advertising contracts.

URGENT URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin: – 4-9-18 – 3:02 p.m. ET

Upper Peninsula business man arrested twice in a month for allegedly violating a PPO involving the alleged stalking of his estranged wife

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – An Upper Peninsula businessman has been arrested again for allegedly violating a personal protection order (PPO) involving the alleged stalking of his estranged wife who is seeking a divorce.

Steven Swanson April 7 arrest61-year-old Steven Alan Swanson of 6569 M Road in Escanaba, MI spent about five hours in the Delta County Detention Center on Saturday morning, April 7, 2018.

It was the second time he has been arrested on the charge in about a month, and each time he has been quickly freed on bond.

Swanson is the co-owner of Hilltop RV.

In fact, frustrated sources contacted U.P. Breaking News – saying his arrests never get reported.

The sources claim that Swanson’s alleged power has stopped him from being arrested in past alleged stalking cases involving women and a child.

Steven Swanson March 9 arrestSwanson was booked into the DCDC at 6:24 a.m. ET on Saturday morning, and was released on bond at 11:22 a.m.

A check by U.P. Breaking News shows that many of the Upper Peninsula newspapers, television and radio stations have lucrative contracts with Hilltop RV Super Center – with superstores located in Ishpeming and Escanaba.

Those same media outlets have not reported on Swanson’s arrests. Officials in Delta County remain tight-lipped.

Meanwhile, Swanson was also booked into the DCDC at 8:22 p.m. ET on Friday night, March 9, 2018.

Swanson was charged with violation of a personal protection order (PPO).

Swanson was released from the DCDC on his own recognizance.

Our sources said it is unusual for people arrested for violating a PPO twice in a month – would be eligible for a quick bond.

“Less than one month after the last time he violated the Court Order (PPO) to STOP STALKING – Somebody please explain why he was released from jail on bond,” a source told U.P. Breaking News.

Sources say the latest alleged victim is Swanson’s estranged wife.

“She has been trying to divorce him and he’s making her life a living hell,” a source told U.P. Breaking News.

Swanson has a long history at the business founded by his parents.
In fact, Swanson and his family’s business history is proudly displayed on the Hilltop RV website:

“Steve Swanson’s journey to an RV Superstore did not happen overnight,” the company website states. “He began as a part-time employee in 1972 while still attending High School. That’s when his parents, Ken and Theresa Swanson, launched their business as manufacturers of truck campers.”

“The Swanson family business focused away from camper manufacturing to RV sales in the mid 70’s. Within a decade, Hilltop RV became one of Michigan’s largest RV dealers.”

“We decided to get out of every endeavor that wasn’t directly related to the RV industry,” recalls Steve Swanson. “We decided to do what we do best, RV sales and service. That decision not only simplified our entire operation, but it allowed us to focus on what we really enjoyed most.”–info

Gladstone man who surrendered 44 puppies and a rabbit to the Delta Animal Shelter – was given a trespass warning Saturday after allegedly making threats in effort to get his animals back


U.P. Breaking News Bulletin: – 4-7-18 – 2:45 p.m. ET

Threats Against the Delta Animal Shelter Escalate – Gladstone man whose 44 dogs and a rabbit were surrendered was given a trespass warning today by the cops

Dog Graphic 2

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – Delta County law enforcement officers to responded to reports of threats and a trespassing disturbance Saturday morning at the Delta Animal Shelter in Escanaba, MI – as the man whose 44 dogs and a rabbit were surrendered wants the animals back – and he blames shelter employees.

Police today officially gave a trespassing warning to 66-year-old Herbert “Herb” Raymond Watson of 1311 Delta Avenue in Gladstone, MI.

“They are having a problem with a subject (Watson) calling and threatening and its starting to escalate,” a Delta County 911 Dispatcher told police officers who were en-route to the shelter to meet with manager Sue Gartland.

Plus Watson was told to stop making alleged threats against the Delta Animal Shelter and its employees/volunteers.

Knowing they would be seized anyway, Watson agreed last month to surrender 44 puppies and the rabbit to the Delta Animal Shelter.

The 44 puppies and a rabbit were removed from Watson’s Gladstone home by shelter officials and Gladstone Police on Thursday, March 22, 2018. Some sources who contacted U.P. Breaking News claimed the man was allegedly running a puppy mill in the middle of Gladstone.

It seems concern over Watson’s alleged threats have to be taken seriously in light of his sentencing in court last month.
Five days before he surrendered the animals in March 2018, Watson was sentenced to the 31 days he had just spent in the Delta County Detention Center jail after he pleaded guilty to domestic violence Watson was ordered to pay $125 in fines/costs.

Technically, the tiny chiweenie puppies were surrendered to the Delta Animal Shelter by Watson – although they would have been removed if he did not cooperate as officials had extremely serious concerns for the care of the animals.

The 44 dogs are a small breed called “chiweenies” – a cross between a Chihuahua and dachshund (aka wiener dogs).

The shelter is hoping the public will adopt the dogs – however in the meantime the outdoor dogs are now inside being loved, socialized/house trained and treated at the Delta Animal Shelter – A “No Kill” operation.

The dogs must be spayed/neutered, given both rabies vaccinations, deworming, flea treatment, – all thanks to a kind veterinarian. Shelter officials feel sure that the puppies will make amazing and fantastic pets. They animals were surrendered in fairly good condition – however some were scared.

That cute fuzzy rabbit can be adopted at the shelter.

Delta County residents and the entire Upper Peninsula community have already been sending much needed donations.

The shelter needs your help as cash donations go specifically for the welfare of the dogs and cats – and rabbit.

Those who care and an afford it – are urged to donate canned dog food, paper towels, chewy doggie treats, puppy pads, brand name Frontline topical flea treatment (for small dogs); and bring on the Lysol cleaner – as much as your can.

Its against the law to run a puppy mill – or any big and filthy collection of animals – especially in the city limits of numerous U.P. communities

Delta Animal Shelter

Sue Gartland, shelter manager

If you would like to Adopt a Cat or Dog in Escanaba, MI call the shelter during regular weekday hours at 789-0230.



Delta Dog Threats 3Delta Dog ThreatsDelta Animal ShelterDog Graphic 2

Delta County bookings/busts since Thursday: All weekend arrests in Delta County – that is now hiding which people are charged with domestic violence so we have to show everyone

URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 3-26-18 – 3:47 p.m. ET

Delta County arrests/bookings from Thursday thru Sunday, March 26, 2018 – Delta County is now protecting domestic violence suspects by hiding the charges – They are thin skinned and did not like one of our editorials that said they were soft on DV – so we are now forced to show all arrests

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Escanaba, MI) – U.P. Breaking News is now forced to show all arrests in Delta County – since the Delta County Sheriff and Prosecutor just began hiding charges again domestic violence and other assault suspects.

They did this a day or so after we criticized them for being weak on DV suspect – who had attacked two people in his short life – and put one in a coma.

We do not know – and neither does the public – what these people were charged with – and officials in Delta County like it that way.

U.P. Breaking News believes strongly in exposing domestic violence that is rampant across northern Michigan. It is sad that 14 of the 15 U.P. counties (exception is Marquette County) hide domestic violence and other felony arrests from the public.

They like the power and control of information – and like to decide what you know. This is unacceptable in a free society – especially in an area where a women are violently attacked daily by other men and women. Sometimes the victims are men – but most are beaten by cowardly men (the prosecutors, sheriffs are men).

Domestic violence must be brought out of the shadows even if the U.P. local Boss Hoggs want to protect the offenders. Women have the right to know what men and other women are violent.

Apparently they want you to guess the charges.


Booked into the Delta County Detention Center (DCDC) on Sunday, March 25, 2018:

Ronald Dean Micheau

Ronald Dean Micheau

Ronald Dean Micheau, 30, Escanaba, MI
On Feb. 10, 2018, Micheau was sentenced to 120 days in jail, two years probation and nearly$1,000 in costs/fines after he pleaded guilty to attempted assaulting a police officer/resisting arrest/obstructing a police officer


Stephen Charles Wight

Stephen Charles Wight

Stephen Charles Wight, 54, Escanaba, MI
In August 2016, Wight, then 52, was sentenced to six months probation, 30-days drivers license suspension for 30 days/restricted for 150 days; and nearly $500 in fines/costs after he pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana.


Photo withheld by DCDC

Michael James Baker, 24, Escanaba/Gladstone


Logan Adam Peter

Logan Adam Peter

Logan Adam Peter, 28,


Booked into the Delta County Detention Center (DCDC) on Saturday, March 24, 2018:


Jeffrey Lee Lockhart

Jeffrey Lee Lockhart

Jeffrey Lee Lockhart, 53, Manistique, MI


Dennis John Reese

Dennis John Reese

Dennis John Reese, 24, Escanaba, MI

In Dec. 2016, Reese crashed his vehicle into a utility pole in Escanaba causing power outages at nearby restaurants. Reese was charged with drugged driving, possession of marijuana, and possession of a contraband in jail.
Reese was charged charged with five-year felony prisoner possessing a contraband in jail after police found drugs on him during booking.
Reese was the driver of a pickup truck that crossed the center-line at a high rate of rate of speed on 1st Avenue North near North Lincoln Road – and during the wreck collided with a parked, unoccupied vehicle and crashed into a utility pole.
Reese pleaded guilty in Feb. 2017 and was sentenced inMay 2017 to 10 days injail and three yars probation on one count of operating while intoxicated and one count of possession of analog drugs. The wreck into the utility pole knocked out power to Wendy’s, Hudson’s, and Elmer’s restaurants.
The costs of the damage involve about $45,000 in restitution.


Booked into the Delta County Detention Center (DCDC) on Friday, March 23, 2018:


Michael Paul Giraud

Michael Paul Giraud

Michael Paul Giraud, 24, Escanaba, MI


Susan Ann Johnivan

Susan Ann Johnivan

Susan Ann Johnivan, 36, Gladstone, MI


Jesse James Tahash

Jesse James Tahash

Jesse James Tahash, 24, Gladstone, MI
On Feb 28, 2018, Tahash was sentenced to four days in jail and fined after he pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly.
In July 2015, Tahash was sentenced to 53 days in jail (time served) and six months probation and community service after he pleaded guilty to attempted no account check.


Diana Marie Snowaert

Diana Marie Snowaert

Diana Marie Snowaert, 27, Gladstone, MI
Snowaert was arrested on Friday, Jan. 5, 2018 on a charge of possession of analogues.


E. Ethan Peterna Halverson

E. Ethan Peterna Halverson

E. Ethan Peterna Halverson, 26,


Heather Marie Mlostek

Heather Marie Mlostek

Heather Marie Mlostek, 26,


Kimberly Ann Warner

Kimberly Ann Warner

Kimberly Ann Warner, 42,


Zachary Craig Micheau

Zachary Craig Micheau

Zachary Craig Micheau, 26,


Traci Lyn Uskihith

Traci Lyn Uskihith

Traci Lyn Uskihith, 32,

Booked into the Delta County Detention Center on Thursday, March 22, 2018:


Brian James Crawford

Brian James Crawford

Brian James Crawford, 34,



Ronald Joseph Peterson

Ronald Joseph Peterson, 18,



Two Ishpeming residents charged with domestic violence in separate cases, A Gwinn woman is arrested on embezzlement charges, a Negaunee woman arrested for fourth degree child abuse, and a downstate man runs from cops in Harvey but is arrested and held on $100,000 bond on a contempt charge and no bond weapons charge

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 3-25-18 – 4:15 p.m. ET –

Arrests in Marquette area for domestic violence, embezzlement, fourth-degree child abuse, possession of analogues and a man is held on a $100,000 for contempt

Delta County arrests later as sheriff, prosecutor go soft on domestic violence

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette County, MI) – In the past 36, hours, two west Marquette County residents are busted on domestic assault charges, a Gwinn woman on an embezzlement charge, and a Negaunee woman is charged in a fourth degree child abuse case – plus a downstate man is held on a $100,000 contempt of court charges and held without bond in Marquette County on a weapons charge.

fyi – Delta County goes dark and turns soft on DV, like 13 other U.P. Counties – who do not want to admit the crime in their area and thus protect men who commit domestic violence – we believe everyone and especially women have the right to know this information even if their Boss Hogg leaders are asleep at the wheel.
U.P. Breaking News used to provide the detailed arrests in Delta County, but county officials this week stopped revealing charges even in domestic violence cases – because they did not like our editorial accusing them of giving good deals to male abusers. We do not want to miss a DV or assault arrest – so we are now force to print all names – we will be printing all the Delta County arrests later today – a lot of them since Friday.


33-year-old Joseph Dean Pennala of Ishpeming, MI as booked into the Marquette County Jail at 12:48 a.m. ET on Sunday, March 25, 2018.

Pennella is charged with domestic assault.
Bond has not been set for Pennala.

In October 2013, Pennala was charged with a felony and pair of misdemeanors after his early morning drunken crash into the Ishpeming High School – and fled on foot.

Pennala, then 29 years old, was charged with felony resisting arrest/obstructing a police officer, and the two misdemeanors – failure to stop at a personal injury accident and operating a motor vehicle while impaired (OWI).

Pennala crashed his Jeep Cherokee into the building and his SUV became stuck in the north side wall of Ishpeming High School. The outcome of that case is not known.


A Marquette County woman was released on bond Sunday afternoon after being arrested for an assault on Saturday night.
28-year-old April Lynn Cox of Ishpeming, MI as booked into the Marquette County Jail at 8:08 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 24, 3018.
Cox is charged with domestic assault.
Cox was released on a $10,000 bond at 12:02 p.m. ET on Sunday afternoon.


A man remains jailed on a $100,000 bond of a contempt of court and a weapons charge.
29-year-old Aaron Andrew-Paul Cole (address unconfirmed) s booked into the Marquette County Jail at 10:04 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 24, 3018.
Cole is charged with felony carrying a concealed weapon and contempt of court.
It is not clear why the extra high bond of $100,000 is set for the contempt of court charge – and no bond on the weapons charge.
However, it appears he is wanted by other jurisdictions.
He was arrested by Chocolay Township Police Saturday night after they spotted him in a parking lot of a business on County Road 480.

If you have a photo of Mr. Cole please send it to U.P. Breaking News.


A Marquette County woman charged Saturday night with embezzlement was released on a $10,000 bond late Sunday morning.
32-year-old Megan Marie Codd of Gwinn, MI as booked into the Marquette County Jail at 9:32 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 24, 3018.
Codd has ties to Gogebic and Marquette counties – with past recent addresses listed online in Ishpeming, Bessemer, Ironwood, Wakefield, Marquette, and Skandia.
Codd is charged with felony embezzlement by an agent or trustee between $1,000 and $10,000.
Codd was freed on bond at 11:36 a.m. ET on Sunday morning.

If you have a photo of Ms. Codd, please send it to U.P. Breaking News


Kichiri Malia Rodrick

26-year-old Kichiri Malia Rodrick of Negaunee, MI released from the MCJ on bond at 2:57 p.m. ET on Friday afternoon, March 23, 2018.

Rodrick was booked into the MCJ at 10:52 a.m. ET on Friday.

Rodrick is charged with fourth-degree child abuse.

Details of the alleged abuse have not been released, fourth degree is the least charge you can get in that type of case..

Shawn Dale Hakkarinen 219-year-old Shawn Dale Hakkarinen, Jr. of Ishpeming, MI was booked at 7:45 p.m. ET on Friday, March 23, 2018.

Hakkarinen is charged with possession of an analogue.

Bond has not been set for Hakkarinen.

Details have not been released.


Delta County becomes latest county to hide domestic violence suspects (so now we print all names/photos) – as Marquette County is now the last U.P. county not hiding domestic violence suspects (Delta County got mad at us reporting sweet plea deals for abusers, changed mobile patrol feed) – plus numerous Marquette County arrests including man charged in brutal attack on Tuesday – and a man convicted of a 2004 armed robbery in Christmas, MI has been arrested again

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 3-21-18 – 8:35 a.m. ET –

Marquette County man busted in Tuesday brutal assault, a man who held up a Christmas, MI store back in 2004 is now back in jail – and so is a man who got a break for running a meth lab – and many more arrests in the Escanaba/Marquette area

Kudos to Marquette County for being the last County in the U.P. to reveal domestic violence suspects – all the other sheriffs have decided not to tell you – some even sympathize with males suspects

Delta County stopped revealing charges – so we are showing everyone arrested rather than having editorial discretion because we do not want to hide DV suspects – Delta County changed their mobile patrol feed because they are mad we criticized a sweet plea deal for a man charged in brutal attacks

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette/Escanaba) – Violent assault arrest in Marquette County – while Delta County decides to start hiding domestic violence suspects (and giving sweet plea bargains to DV men)  – and this leaves only Marquette County following the law – plus other arrests like a man convicted of a stickup in Alger County 13 years ago – is now back in jail.


21-year-old Desmen Rushod Black of Marquette, MI was booked into the Marquette County Jail (MCJ) at 1:41 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Black is charged with assault by strangulation, aggravated assault/domestic violence, and a district court probation violation
Bond has not been set for Black.
Police have not released the details of the alleged brutal attack.


Eric Scott Miller

Eric Scott Miller

35-year-old Eric Scott Miller of Negaunee, MI was booked into the MCJ at 7:47 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.

Miller is jailed on a Marquette County Circuit Court probation violation.

In May 2016, Miller, then 33, was sentenced to drug court and two years probation by Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Mazzuchi.

Miller pleaded guilty to operating/maintaining a meth lab.



John David Zardus MDOC Mugshot

John David Zardus MDOC mugshot

32-year-old John David Zardus of Ishpeming, MI was booked into the MCJ at 3:47 p.m. ET on Tuesday afternoon, March 20, 2018.

John David Zardus

John David Zardus

Zardus is being held on an inmate detainer/parole violation.

Zardus was one of three men who heldup the convenience store/gas station at the Pair-A-Dice Inn in Christmas, MI on March 29, 2004.

During the armed robbery, Zardus took $345 after threatening to shoot a store clerk with a BB handgun.

Zardus and his co-defedants bought the BB gun at the Marquette Wal-Mart.

Zardus also picked up a weapons charge in 2009 while a state prisoner. Zardus was paroled to Marquette County after his release from state prison on March 7, 2017.
He was on parole/probation until March 2019.

John Zardus in March 9, 2017 FB post

John Zardus in March 9, 2017 FB post

Zardus has been using the alias Sigurd “Sig” Carlson on facebook.

John Zardus Feb. 4, 2018 FB post

John Zardus in Feb. 4, 2018 Facebook post

Offense: Prisons Charge – Prisoner Possessing Weapons
Sentence: 2 to 5 years
Date of Offense: 3/05/2009
Chippewa County
Date of Sentence: 3/23/2010
Conviction Type: Plea

Sentence 2
Armed Robbery
Sentence: 6 to 15 years
Date of Offense: 3/29/2004
Alger County
Date of Sentence: 7/19/2004
Conviction Type: Plea


28-year-old Jacob Bryant Lutey of Negaunee, MI was booked into the MCJ at 3:07 pm on Tuesday second offense driving with a suspended license. Lutey was fined in August 2017 in Petosky, Michigan area on first offense of having no valid license.


35-year-old Charles Raymond Elvetici of Negaunee, Mi was booked into the MCJ at 12:48 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Elvetici is being held on a parole violation/inmate detainer.
In May 2013, Elvetici, then 30 years old, was sentenced to a year in jail for a helping to steal a wallet at the Wild Rover Bar in Marquette on March 5, 2013 and then two days later he admits robbing the Huron Mountain Bakery in Ishpeming.
Among his Wisconsin arrests in the past few years, Elvetici was convicted in Brown County, WI of bail jumping, and possession of marijuana and possessing drug paraphernalia.


Since Delta County has decided to hide the domestic violence charges from mobile patrol – we have no choice but to print all pictures – they want you to guess the charges. They changed the policy because U.P. Breaking News exposed how nice DV suspects are being treated and the sweet plea deals.

Booked into the Delta County Detention Center (DCDC) on Wednesday, March 21, 2018:


Christopher Robert Reid

Christopher Robert Reid, 32, Escanaba, MI


Aaron John Husted

Aaron John Husted

Booking photo of Husted withheld by Delta County

Aaron John Husted, 31, of Escanaba and Green Bay

Husted has numerous felony convictions in Wisconsin including
a June 28, 2016 multi-felony attack in Brown County, WI.
In Green Bay, Husted was charged with assault and battery, 2nd-degree recklessly endangerment/crimes against persons, assault by strangulation and suffocation, aggravated assault causing substantial battery, kidnapping/false imprisonment and disorderly conduct.

Booked into DCDC on Tuesday, March 20, 2018:

Booking photo of Jerry Mitchell withheld by Delta County

Jerry Randall Mitchell, 56, Escanaba, MI
In September 2017, Mitchell, was ordered to pay over $725 in fines/costs for first offense driving on a suspended license in Delta County.

Brian Joseph Deiter

Brian Joseph Deiter

Brian Joseph Deiter, 24, Gladstone, MI
In May 2016, Deiter lost control of an ORV he was driving hit a rut and overturned on trails near the Gladstone Water Tower – seriously injuring a 45-year-old Escanaba, MI woman who was a passenger. He was not injured.

Diana Marie Snowaert FB 1

Diana Marie Snowaert

Delta County withheld Snowaert booking photo

Diana Marie Snowaert, 27, of Gladstone, MI
Snowaert was also arrested on Friday, Jan. 5, 2018 on a charge of possession of analogues.


Rebecca Ann Corbett

Rebecca Ann Corbett

Rebecca Ann Corbett, 33, Gladstone, MI
in May 2016, Corbett, then 31, was sentenced to 78 days injail and fined for one count of use of a controlled substance.

Brian Michael Peltin

Brian Michael Peltin

Brian Michael Peltin, 46, Escanaba, MI

