Hypothermia: Woman crashes snowmobile, lays along trail for three hours waiting to be rescued – Victim choppered to Marquette trauma center Friday night

URGENT – Upper Peninsula Breaking News Bulletin – 3-3-18 – 9:40 a.m. ET

Freezing Cold: Woman airlifted to Marquette, after it took about three hours to get help – following her snowmobile slamming into a tree in Luce County

Luce crash 2

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Newberry, MI) – A woman was airlifted to the Marquette trauma center after a snowmobile crash into trees that left her injured and waiting for help on the trail for hours suffering from hypothermia.

It apparently took about three hours or longer before the woman was rescued. Details of the crash have not been released. The wreck happened about 3 p.m., she was rescued around 6 p.m., and brought to the hospital for a flight to Marquette.

During the flight, paramedics said the woman was still very cold after she waited those long painful and freezing hours to be rescued. Paramedics were trying to raise her body temperature.

Them victim told paramedics “she struck a tree – going about 30 to 35 mils per hour.”

“She hit the tree with the right side of her snowmobile – and she kind of – got thrown up into the tree also.”

The 52-year-old woman was apparently in a snowmobile crash in remote Luce County, although officials have not released any information.

Valley Med Flight air paramedics picked up the woman at the Helen Joy Newberry Hospital. She was brought to U.P. Health System-Marquette for treatment of abdominal pains and other injuries.

Law enforcement in Luce County has not released information on this accident.

If you have not seen this video from the Luce County Sheriffs Department Facebook page – its worth a look – and its not about blame – its about education and safety. SCARY!!


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