Editorial: The Great Upper Peninsula Medical Marijuana War: As Marquette County rich blither into the medical marijuana business – Those courageous small time growers who have done it legal for years – will be left in the dust – Prices to skyrocket – and even the conservative wealthy want their share

U.P. Breaking News Editorial – – 11-28-17 9:25 a.m. ET :

The rich say we are not going to be dopes about dope – show us the green
The first salvo in the Great Medical Marijuana War in the U.P. as Marquette County Economic Club launches first missile: As marijuana laws change, the U.P. rich got a great lesson on how to cash in on Medical Marijuana – and potentially legalized pot

medical marijuanna war graphic update

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Upper Peninsula Medical Marijuana War – who will get rich – the rich are making a grab for it:

Did you hear about last week’s Marquette County Economic Club speaker .
When the Marquette County Economic Club invites a pot producing expert to speak – you know that checks are already being written. Its great for those wealthy with the inside track.

You see Republicans hated pot til they figured out how to get rich off the backs of legal small-time growers.

You see, the legalization of pot – on next fall’s ballot – is very likely to pass. Even the anti-pot folks know this and are getting their plans to cash in – in order. The genie is out of the bottle and the cat is out of the bag. Now the rich of the U.P. want to smoke out the money.
The econ club speaker explained to the wealthiest in Marquette County how they can get rich – and drive the smaller growers out of business.
Numerous sources say the medical marijuana prices in Marquisette County are relatively low – and legally provided by small-time growers who got into the legal business early – even though all the cops were UPSET.

Remember we are talking the same thing that the American farmer has dealt with – being pushed out by giants.
Watch how the county and townships are all changing their regulations – and trying to get their share of the green.
You see different townships and officials in Marquette County can decide who can grow and who cannot grow.
Trust me this means tens of millions of dollars to the rich – and they WILL set up huge grows – taking away the small time grower who started the business and kept prices low.
When will medicaid or medicare pay for these prescriptions?
If the rich take over the U.P. Medical Marijuana business – that will drive up prices and create needless regulations. Trust us – those who have been legally growing pot in the U.P. are experts and they do not need the additional regulations and taxes. There are already a ton of laws and rules in Michigan pertaining to legal marijuana growing.

LARA – Michigan Medical Marihuana Program – State of Michigan

He did not mentioned subsidies like the American farmer was and is given in order to keep the farm open.
Even if you oppose medical marijuana – do not be fooled your conservative neighbor with cash will be getting that green.
U.P. Breaking News would love to know what you know – about how the medical pot business is now – and how you see the future.

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