Where is the Upper Peninsula Volunteer Firefighters Association – and the Where is the U.P. Fire Chief’s Association – in wake of a dozen serious fires including the daytime deaths of three elderly residents in past few weeks? Honoring Mr. Douglas Michael Lintz – the latest elderly Yooper to die in his home

Why are U.P. homes burning – with three elderly dead during daylight?

Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director


(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – U.P. Breaking News believes it is time for the U.P. Volunteer Firefighter’s Association to step up to the plate.

Where is the U.P. Fire Chief’s Association?


Stop hiding facts about recent fires.

Blaming the evil press is cop out – especially when most of the U.P. news media is basically docile

doug-lintz-1Sadly this comes in the wake of the most recent death – 60-year-old Douglas Michael Lintz (born 1956) – who died in his home on Monday afternoon at 1119 N. River Avenue in Iron River, MI.

Why has nothing been said about all the fires – and all the elderly deaths?

Fire officials only released the victim’s name today – and one newspaper speculated there might be more than one victim – a female.

We still do not know officially what happened to the female occupant of the home.


Douglas Michael Lintz, 60, was a native of Utica, Michigan – and graduated from Utica High School in 1974, according to his Facebook page.

Douglas Lintz on Facebook:

Works at Free Agent August 1978 to present

Went to Utica High School Class of 1974

On his Facebook account, Mr. Lintz listed these relatives – more than many people do – indicating his love for family.

Doug, Jr. – Son

Lyn Lintz – Brother

Susan Wyman – Sister

Christine McGuire Niece

Meghan Lintz Niece

Brandon Lintz Nephew


We tried – and are trying – to get photos of all involved – but none existed of the couple in Fulton in Copper Country.

What happened to the other occupant of the home. Who else was home at the time?

Has she been given a place to stay. What is happening? Her name is reportedly Kristine McNamara – and we have reached out to six family members but none have said anything about her status. Would be glad to run info on a fundraiser.

Sometimes the media fears the public doesn’t understand these are real humans unless you see a photo – not a quick blip of 15 seconds on TV news.

There have been so many recent major structure and other fires in Schoolcraft County – no info released – that we have lost count.

Too many people have died and too many homes have burned in past month for the U.P. Firefighters to do their usual run and hide. U.P. Breaking News has immense respect for firefighters and law enforcement – but a lot of blood is now at both of their doorsteps.

Went to the U.P. Firefighter’s Association webpage – and it had not been updated in a long time.

Maybe the shootings and the fires were not the fault of those officials – but it still lands smack in their laps especially when it gets unacceptably high.

We suspect poverty is behind a lot of these goings on – and how state budget cuts have trashed the system from top to bottom like blood letting.

In some TV newsrooms it is a joke – go do the annual smoke detector and batteries story. That can not be the only answer to this horrendous turn of events.

Are the victim’s poverty stricken – have issues not addressed by healthcare – what. What safety precautions were in place or not? If the U.P. Firefighters Association refuses to answer this – then shame on these officials – for all future blood is directly on your hands. You need to try and act like you care more than has been shown. The media is not the enemy – that is old-fashioned thinking.

No more elderly should burn to death (or smoke inhalation) in their homes – especially in broad daylight – without some kind of message from firefighters. There could be many reasons that fire departments do not interact with media (sometimes even the DNR officials act like children with media – only want us to get pictures days later) – but it is high time the U.P. Firefighters Association started to become more relevant.

I have also heard equipment is a big issue – after much was spent on across the trail mammoth big vehicles. How many firefighters are there actively volunteering or working in the U.P.

What are the names of the fire chiefs of each and every department?

Why is information not being released?

Who is to blame for this drastic oversight of public protection (some modern departments would consider it a dereliction of duty)?

What are their home and cell numbers – and lets work out something where info can be reported to a central source and proactively given to the media!

Listen I get it – many Yoopers like to be treated like mushrooms or act like the media is so terrible.

But now that three elderly are dead – we are calling your hand over false provincialism with gatekeepers thinking they are Gods.

Check your smoke detector batteries is not going to get it this time. Why were these elderly trapped – specifically. Why did the fires start – really – not just some woodstove thing.

I can only hope that the U.P. firefighters care enough they can address these fires without some kind of white wash.

There have been too many fires in past month or so – disgusting that the public is not being warned – and if it is different reasons – then the firefighters association should take five minutes and tell us..

About 80 percent of the U.P. serious house fires never get reported by the media.

Whether its intentional due to insurance costs/fire ratings – or for many other reasons like media not listening to scanner, and the fire chiefs (for whatever reasons) do not tell the media and do not return calls. Then some chief’s will call media – but want to play coy – and not say the name of the occupant/owner – even if no injuries.

The U.P. media is very docile compared to the rest of the country – so you can not claim you are trying to protect victims from the menacing media.

(every other fire department in the U.S. releases this basic info – who, what, when, where, why – how). I think with all the death and destruction this year – the U.P. Firefighter’s Association needs to step up.

And let’s not just remind folks about smoke detectors – that are crucial – but have never had a landlord provide me with an easy one to change batteries.


21 thoughts on “Where is the Upper Peninsula Volunteer Firefighters Association – and the Where is the U.P. Fire Chief’s Association – in wake of a dozen serious fires including the daytime deaths of three elderly residents in past few weeks? Honoring Mr. Douglas Michael Lintz – the latest elderly Yooper to die in his home

  1. I take exception to this article. Are you a fire fighter? Are you at least a ‘volunteer’ fire fighter? This article shows complete ignorance and disrespect not only for those that have suffered loss but also to those that give their all to try and save homes and more importantly lives. To group all fire fighters together across the U.P. is also stereotyping.
    My home was a complete loss in 2002 and I have nothing but thankfulness and appreciation to those that came …from MILES away working with no FIRE HYDRANTS for water… and in a blizzard.
    Do you realize there cannot possibly be a fire hall in all communities in the U.P.? Voumteer fire fighters get up in the middle of night to go help with fires… or they leave their PAYING job without pay to go VOLUNTEER their help …at the possible threat of injury or death.
    This time of year fires increase because of wood stoves and electric heaters. Especially when there is extremely cold temperatures.
    BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!! Are you kidding… what a shameful article and a retraction should be made.
    There is such as thing as self-responsibility. I would not blame my local fire fighters and volunteers because my home was a complete loss. I chose to live in a rural area that does not have a manned fire station close by. I chose to use the electric space heater to supplement the heat in my office area but I was not aware of the cracked propane pipe in the crawl space.
    Fires are not planned, they are not wanted, and those that put themselves in harms way to protect the lives and property of others should be praised and thanked…not chastised or laying the lost lives at their feet.
    Accidents happen … not all can be saved… and it grieves all fire fighters when there is a loss because they do what they do to prevent such loss or at least minimze it as much as possible.
    Shame on you for making such accusations while sitting comfortably behind a screen tapping away at your leisure with no danger to your life… but maybe carpal tunnel from pecking keys could be considered to be life threatening… burning up the keys could start a fire I suppose… and guess what ….a fire fighter and volunteer would be there to put your fire out.


    • I never attacked firefighters – I said that the chief’s or someone ought to be proactive and honest about why so many elderly people dying in daylight – and why so many fires.
      Why is that question some kind of insult. Nobody blames the firemen – I never did -but you also can’t be so sensitive – tell the truth – and be done with it – I for one am tired of the chief’s not calling. There has to be a reason for each fire – old wiring – not way out – this has to end. Or we should care enuf to fix it.


    • By bloodontheir hands I mean by ignoring the public need to be safe – why do they keep it all hush hush? If they will not release info then how can people understand – I hate the old standby “electrical short.”
      I have plenty of background in fire and fire training so you can not BS me with this tirade. I never attacked anyone. But shame on the gatekeepers who remain silent while people die. Why do they do this??????
      Plus it is my opinion that it is not professional to not autopsy a fire victim – why is that wrong?


    • Listen Bonnie – I get no pleasure calling out fire chief’s but why don’t they keep records of numbers of bad structure fires – and causes – recommend things different than change you smoke detector battery. Something useful. I am sure no-one feels worse about the deaths than the individual firefighters (like I say but people ignore – I respect all cops and firemen) – and there is a silent unwritten saying I heard 40 years ago while covering stories and riding with Augusta Fire department on hundreds of fires (My Augusta FD car number was 133):
      “You never let em die in the daylight – its bad for business.”
      Crass yes – not meant to be literal – but every firefighter who has been around for long knows this. See the problem with folks like Dear Mr. Todd- is they can not argue the facts so they haze the issue. I for one want to know the stats – what can be done – or just admit that the elderly are sitting ducks. I am saying no. Plus what are they afraid of – why not release info. Hmmm???
      These folks who cloud the issue- why not be part of solution – lets find out what’s happening. I think its important to the elderly and low income – many of whom are written off by the system. Severely written off. It sickens me that Michigan treats the low income elderly like crap – but the budget cuts have screwed so much up – where do ya start. By addressing issues – not faux caring and clouding the issues.


      • Look to all the firefighters – either you want to be part of the a solution – rather you – complain complain complain – oh I am being persecuted by that meany reporter guy. Wrong. People are dying – and (chief’s group job tho) firefighters Association are not keeping records – or not releasing them.
        Any fireman or cop who has known me a long time knows this – but they also know its time for change – we need to stop acting like it5s horse and buggy days (blaming it on this is better than truth – low income do not matter).

        And and and – anyone who thinks a fire victim should not get an autopsy – should retire. But they ruled the awful bungee cord thing a suicide with lightening speed – so I supposed this is about the same.
        I think they do not want to spend the money on low income elderly for an autopsy – period.


    • and – saying fires are not planned is such a brilliant statement – jeez.
      |I went into my first fire and my first burn house long before you were born son.
      I have training -but don’t think at my age anyone wants me running into anything. But I know a coverup when I smell one. Don’t speculate like you did above – tell us truth.


  2. Bonnie don’t even try to argue with this idiot. He loves the fact that his “articles” get people fired up (no pun intended). The fact that your trying to blame firefighters and even the police for these fires/deaths is crazy! If your so knowledgeable in fire science why don’t you make some suggestions to the fire departments rather than ridicule them. Better yet strap up your boots and join a volunteer department if your accusing them of being so short handed. Your reporting is a disgrace and I look at your “articles” for more amusement than I do news. Zero facts and classic media hype. I know you’ll comment back saying you were putting anyone down etc but that’s bs. Enjoy writing your crap stories looser haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • I never blamed the cops or firefi9ghters for deaths – if you are going to comment at leasst tell the truth. I am demanding that there be better accountabilioty. The reason no stats are availabvle on U.P. house fires is because they would look bad – fair or not – it would look bad. You see the DNR used to give a guesimate of deer herd – and only stopped when they realized the herd had been destroyed to less than 80,000 deer. Damn it – things have to change.


  3. Breaking News has immense respect for firefighters and law enforcement – but a lot of blood is now at both of their doorsteps.

    Maybe the shootings and the fires were not the fault of those officials – but it still lands smack in their laps especially when it gets unacceptably high.

    The two above paragraphs are copied directly from your “article”. Please tell me how the blood of these victims (which by the way is hugely sensationalized) is at the doorstep of police and firefighters?!?! last time I checked no firefighters or police were forced to do their jobs. Trying to point the finger at them is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. Please just answer my question instead of throwing insults back at me. And by the way, that’s very unprofessional to let a reader get under your skin and have the author comment back insults. Very professional and makes your “news” that much more reputable. I want you to know your website and news stories are comical talking points for most people. You are so quick to blame police and fire you fit right in with today’s news. So pleas answer this…how were firefighters or police suppose to prevent these deadly fires? Go to everyone’s house and inspect every inch? Or maybe they should teleport to the scenes so they get there quicker. Or maybe they could use their superpower of being fireproof and walk right into a fully engulfed fire to carry them out. Get real


    • Again I see you tell all the reasons it can’t be done – even awarness helps and not telling folks about all this stuff is wrong. I can not say – whether – or not – those officials were at fault – they police themselves and we have to take their word for it.
      Again your feeble attempt – stick to the real point – not reporting fires and no autopsies – what???
      I know what I said – and I know that fire officials in the U.P. should be telling us about all structure fires – and all fire victims should be autopsied. As far as homes not being up to code – and jammed packed with mold – that is a huge issue – so your thought is write them off – do not bother – let it go?
      And thin skinned cops and fire fighters amaze me – you know what I am talking about. Even if they gave us proper detauils – and timely basis – and with pohotos even – that would make people pay attention. But either the poor do not matter or it is an insurance coverup – because that’s even better than officials just not giving a damn. I know folks up here are used to the media NOT raising issues of concern or doing the ole battery story.
      – and anyone who wants to twist myself for their own agenda – fine. Like I said – I like all opinions. But its like Seinfeld said about the bizzarro world – I can not believe I live in an area where poor fire victims are not autopsied – and officials refuse to disclose all the fires. I mean really . answer me why on those two questions – the real point of all this.


    • I understand the need for some fiefighters to cover their butts and be indignant – but any fair minding cop or fireman knows I am right. Ever firer victim gets autopsied – and ALL fires (plus details) get reported – photos would really capture more public interest – even one or two . You are the one who brought up me firefighting – I merely stating the truth. Sorry I am not one of those reporters you can fool – because I have worked with professionals. In addition to all that – I had to take the body shots of dozens of fire vics for depts before digital with 35 mm in GA when cops did not have their own cameras – all those vics got autopsied. Plus lots more – so answer the darn questions – stop the coverup – and be truthful.


    • Reason I want all opinions is because we are all different – maybe I was trained in a day where individuals mattered more. I think the fire folks protesteth too much. is is the insurance thing? or other motive


  4. If your HUGE problem is autopsies than that is NOT up to the police or the firefighters. That decision is made by the county medical examiner. A reputable reporter would know this.


  5. Sorry you’re TOTALLY wrong here. The fire Marshall has no authority whatsoever to order an autopsie. Law enforcement usually contacts the ME ans advises him/her of the circumstances surrounding the death. Rarely does the ME respond to the scene and advises over the phone the body can be moved and if an autopsie will/will not be performed (now LE can suggest they would like an autopsie and influence their decision but most times they don’t). If you don’t believe me do some due diligence and contact your local police and ask. Guarantee you’ll get a very similar answer. FYI im not a firefighter and I’m not avoiding the issue, your response makes no sense. Further proving my point of your amature reporting skills. In the big picture your reporting really doesn’t matter. It reaches a very small audience and people still look to reputable news sources for their “breaking news”. I just take offense to your pointing the finger at law enforcement every chance you get and say you have the upmost respect for LE before doing it so that makes it ok.


    • I do appreciate you communicating even if we disagree and I would never dismiss your opinion on anything.
      First of all, in Georgia I knew the name and home number of every coroner in 16 counties in GA/SC. There the coroner is actually expected to go to the scene of ALL violent deaths – by law.
      Here the names of the medical examiners/pathologists are almost secret –
      They are great – but are not public servants in that they are not elected. Therefore (and I have tried) if you call the medical examiner in Michigan – either you do not get calls back (like some fire chiefs) or they will not comment – probably all connected in someway to a hospital like U.P. Health System.
      The coroner system ensures all deaths are treated equally – and that information can be garnered when the medical official goes to the scene – every scene.
      Now – I am not going to fight people over who has authority – trust me if the state police really want an autopsy – or any official – they get it. Boom. For my GA friends – honoring all coroners – and three of my favs – Longtime Richmond County ,GA Coroner Martin Woodward a gentleman’s gentleman; tough Augusta PD homicide cop Leroy Sims, and the wildman coroner “Sarge” in Aiken County, SC (kinda of an AH who scorned media – but if he was on the case you knew it; plus Grover Tuten – and the all-qualified Tommy King in Columbia County, GA – and others I am too old to recall this second.


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