Negaunee High School will be open today, officials say threat to student safety is “not credible”- District becomes at least the 7th in the Upper Peninsula to deal with shooting/bomb threats since the Valentine’s Day school massacre in Parkland, Florida – At least two U.P. students expected to be prosecuted

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 3-16-18 – 4:44 a.m. ET –

U.P. school officials continue to investigate threats with the latest at Negaunee High School – Negaunee school officials sent Thursday night message to parents

Negaunee High School threat

At least seven U.P. school districts probe threats since the Feb. 14th mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida – with the latest alleged threat in Negaunee, MI

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Negaunee, MI) – Negaunee High School will have classes as normal today, after school officials tell parents the latest threat is not credible

A rash of U.P. school shooting/bombing threats this week have keep police and school officials busy this week – with the latest triggering a statement Thursday night to parents by the Negaunee Public Schools superintendent.

Negaunee Public Schools Superintendent Dan Skewis said in a message to parents that a threat to student safety is not credible – following at least one threat to shoot up the high school.

An outbreak of threats has happened across the U.P. school districts since the Valentine’s Day mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The threats at high schools in at least 7 U.P. districts have mostly been debunked but in some cases validated.

One students from Escanaba is facing criminal charges, while charges are expected to be filed against a female student who made bomb threats in Munising.

Negaunee High School will be open this morning – and school officials say students will be safe in their classes.

Numerous parents contacted U.P. Breaking News upset that the district was not more forthright with information – because the lack of official information causes confusion.

In fact, it was obvious that rumors were spreading fast Thursday night, as parents are worried that one of these times it will not be a hoax. School officials have not released anything about the nature of the threat or threats.

The district did not issue a public news release or post anything on its social media pages (as of 4:45 a.m. Friday). In fact, it seems many U.P. school officials release as little as possible about the incidents, and only make public statements when the information leaks.

Several parents said the threat was made by a female sophomore (we are withholding her name). The sophomore reportedly made statements to other students, and district officials found out about the comments

Negaunee school officials said in a message to parents the threat is not credible.

A text was sent out Thursday night by the Negaunee Schools Superintendent about rumors “circulating” about a “potential threat to student safety tomorrow at school.”

The district stated its personnel and police had spent “several hours” investigating the allegations.

“We are concluding there is not a credible threat – again – there is not a credible threat to student safety,” the statement said. “School will be in session as normal” on Friday (today).

“We appreciate the calls” from the public “and (for) any tips that were provided – thank you and have a nice night,” states the Negaunee message to parents.

Numerous other U.P. school districts also dealt with threats and hoaxes this weekend and in the past few weeks:

MSHS Threat message 1

Officials at Marquette Senior High School issued a statement on Thursday (above) after graffiti was found on a bathroom wall. The statement was from MSHS Principal Jonathon Young.
Police were called, and officials ruled there was “no threat” to student safety. Some form of a school lock down was put in place during the investigation.

Bay PinesMeanwhile in Escanaba, a credible threat at the high school caused a student to be taken into custody on Wednesday.

The student was taken to the (MDHHS) Bay Pines Center  for U.P. juveniles accused of crimes. The student also received a mental health assessment.

The student allegedly made a verbal threat to student safety during a conversion with others.

Westwood High Bathroom Stalls Threat

At Westwood High School this week, a threat to shoot up the school appeared in several bathrooms. School officials said they believe it was not written by one of its students. NICE Community School officials told parents they believe it was written by someone from outside the area during a recent athletic event held at Westwood.

In Munising on Tuesday, March 14, 2018, a female student admitted making written bomb threats in two bathrooms.
The case against the suspended female student has been referred to the Alger County Prosecutor’s Office.

A few weeks ago immediately after the slaughter at a Florida school, threats were also investigated at the Soo High School and at the Rudyard schools.

On a brighter note, hundreds of U.P. students participated in this week’s national protest against school shootings and urging a wide-range of measurable action to prevent future shootings in American schools. The U.P. has yet to fall victim to the epidemic of U.S. school massacres in past decade.

Negaunee High School threat

MDHHS – Bay Pines Center – State of Michigan


Soo Student Massacre Threat: Male teen student allegedly threatens to shoot up the Soo High School, parents say little was done, police called late Friday morning

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin Update – 2-17-18 – 8:25 p.m.ET

This is what school officials sent parents -and the say a news release is pending:

Soo down plays incident



1:38 p.m. ET 

Threat to bring gun to school and kill fellow students at eastern U.P. high school – parents say little was done

SopoSchools Graphic

Did the Sault Ste. Marie Superintendent, High School Principal and other high-ranking school officials know about threat and did not warn students or parents?

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director
Scroll down to see our editorial, plus names etc.

(Sault Ste. Marie, MI) – Authorities have released no information publicly about an armed student’s threat to shoot up the Sault Ste. Marie High School, and parents say nothing much was done by the principal or superintendent.

One parent said online that the threat was very serious:

“This was real. The kid had a handgun, and three fully clips on him.”

Another Soo resident stated on Facebook:

“The kid in question did in fact have a loaded gun during gym class, and (allegedly) intended to shoot kids after school. Gym class was NOT locked-down during this “lock-down”, and they had no knowledge of anything happening until afterwards.”

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall

Some parents said if the allegations about Principal Carl McCready or Superintendent Dr. Timothy D. Hall are true – they should be terminated or retire.

Yesterday morning, Fri. Feb. 16, 2018 – concern parents called police about a forwarded text received by their daughter and others at the Sault Ste. Marie High School. The dispatcher told officers the threat involved a male student (not clear if he had is suspended or expelled).

The Chippewa County 911 dispatcher was told by the student’s parents that a “friend is threatening to apparently ‘shoot up’ the school.”

Police were sent to the school district administration, where officials had after a relatively short conversation with the officer.
Then school officials essentially and basically turned police away yesterday telling officers they have known about the threat for two days or more – and are dealing with the issue.

On Facebook, parents are angry and accusing the district of not doing anything substantial – while elsewhere across the Soo rumors are flying.

In an online post, one well-known parent said:

“Apparently, he said he was going to start in the locker rooms and move on to classrooms. Also heard principal was warned about this prior and did nothing.”

Several parents said they had heard very similar info from their kids.

In fact, numerous parents said they heard the upset student showed a gun and three fully-loaded clips.

U.P. Breaking News hopes that police and administration of the Soo schools to please reach out to us with real info. Secrecy in these times is dangerous.

Anyone who has info, please contact us privately by phone/FB.

This is what we got when we went to the Soo schools safety plan – and under the tab to follow incidents – page not created – not clear if school district pays for this company:

Soo Safe Schools page info

Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools
Administration Building
876 Marquette Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Sault Ste. Marie Area High School and Career Center
Carl McCready, High School Principal
Jeanine Sherman, Assistant Principal
Jo Anne Lussier, Career Center Director
904 Marquette Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

The real problem behind the gun issues is money in politics – it will not change until campaign finance reform. Period.
We need to destigmatize mental health and talk to each other – no judgments – ignore bullies and what popular kids say. Blather!

U.P. Breaking News has the names of several of those involved (parents, students, suspect) – however – at this point and time – have made the editorial decision to withhold the names (could change our minds).

We also have the dispatch audio (sounds dramatic) and have decided (for now only) not to release it. Reasons include waiting to see what the district decides to do and if they make any kind of real statement.

In these times parents are understandably worried. Nothing will be done about automatic assault weapons (bullets, big clips, special stocks) until the money is taken out of politics.

Severe poverty, Bullying, addictive drugs everywhere, and parents not teaching their kids that words-are-only-words and property-is-only-property. Do not let someone else control your emotions, thoughts and actions.

Ignore what other idiots school friends say – trust me I have lots of people who write hateful things and threats – but do not take it personally or I’d go crazy. Some words are just fools who like to hear themselves talk. Blather.

By Greg Peterson, owner of U.P. Breaking News

SopoSchools Graphic