Negaunee High School will be open today, officials say threat to student safety is “not credible”- District becomes at least the 7th in the Upper Peninsula to deal with shooting/bomb threats since the Valentine’s Day school massacre in Parkland, Florida – At least two U.P. students expected to be prosecuted

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 3-16-18 – 4:44 a.m. ET –

U.P. school officials continue to investigate threats with the latest at Negaunee High School – Negaunee school officials sent Thursday night message to parents

Negaunee High School threat

At least seven U.P. school districts probe threats since the Feb. 14th mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida – with the latest alleged threat in Negaunee, MI

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Negaunee, MI) – Negaunee High School will have classes as normal today, after school officials tell parents the latest threat is not credible

A rash of U.P. school shooting/bombing threats this week have keep police and school officials busy this week – with the latest triggering a statement Thursday night to parents by the Negaunee Public Schools superintendent.

Negaunee Public Schools Superintendent Dan Skewis said in a message to parents that a threat to student safety is not credible – following at least one threat to shoot up the high school.

An outbreak of threats has happened across the U.P. school districts since the Valentine’s Day mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The threats at high schools in at least 7 U.P. districts have mostly been debunked but in some cases validated.

One students from Escanaba is facing criminal charges, while charges are expected to be filed against a female student who made bomb threats in Munising.

Negaunee High School will be open this morning – and school officials say students will be safe in their classes.

Numerous parents contacted U.P. Breaking News upset that the district was not more forthright with information – because the lack of official information causes confusion.

In fact, it was obvious that rumors were spreading fast Thursday night, as parents are worried that one of these times it will not be a hoax. School officials have not released anything about the nature of the threat or threats.

The district did not issue a public news release or post anything on its social media pages (as of 4:45 a.m. Friday). In fact, it seems many U.P. school officials release as little as possible about the incidents, and only make public statements when the information leaks.

Several parents said the threat was made by a female sophomore (we are withholding her name). The sophomore reportedly made statements to other students, and district officials found out about the comments

Negaunee school officials said in a message to parents the threat is not credible.

A text was sent out Thursday night by the Negaunee Schools Superintendent about rumors “circulating” about a “potential threat to student safety tomorrow at school.”

The district stated its personnel and police had spent “several hours” investigating the allegations.

“We are concluding there is not a credible threat – again – there is not a credible threat to student safety,” the statement said. “School will be in session as normal” on Friday (today).

“We appreciate the calls” from the public “and (for) any tips that were provided – thank you and have a nice night,” states the Negaunee message to parents.

Numerous other U.P. school districts also dealt with threats and hoaxes this weekend and in the past few weeks:

MSHS Threat message 1

Officials at Marquette Senior High School issued a statement on Thursday (above) after graffiti was found on a bathroom wall. The statement was from MSHS Principal Jonathon Young.
Police were called, and officials ruled there was “no threat” to student safety. Some form of a school lock down was put in place during the investigation.

Bay PinesMeanwhile in Escanaba, a credible threat at the high school caused a student to be taken into custody on Wednesday.

The student was taken to the (MDHHS) Bay Pines Center  for U.P. juveniles accused of crimes. The student also received a mental health assessment.

The student allegedly made a verbal threat to student safety during a conversion with others.

Westwood High Bathroom Stalls Threat

At Westwood High School this week, a threat to shoot up the school appeared in several bathrooms. School officials said they believe it was not written by one of its students. NICE Community School officials told parents they believe it was written by someone from outside the area during a recent athletic event held at Westwood.

In Munising on Tuesday, March 14, 2018, a female student admitted making written bomb threats in two bathrooms.
The case against the suspended female student has been referred to the Alger County Prosecutor’s Office.

A few weeks ago immediately after the slaughter at a Florida school, threats were also investigated at the Soo High School and at the Rudyard schools.

On a brighter note, hundreds of U.P. students participated in this week’s national protest against school shootings and urging a wide-range of measurable action to prevent future shootings in American schools. The U.P. has yet to fall victim to the epidemic of U.S. school massacres in past decade.

Negaunee High School threat

MDHHS – Bay Pines Center – State of Michigan


U.S. Justice Department Probe of Northern Michigan University policies

Now DOJ has launched a probe at NMU in Great Story Thanks to “FIRE” and reporter Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon:

This very important story was broken by reporter Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education:

DOJ Opens Investigation into Northern Michigan University Self-Harm Policies

By December 21, 2016

Northern Michigan University’s (NMU’s) policies on self-harm have once again brought scrutiny down on the Upper Peninsula school. In Setember of this year, FIRE reported on NMU’s practice of forbidding students from discussing thoughts of self-harm with other students. In response to a national outcry, the administration publicly announced an end to the practice of telling students suspected of having suicidal thoughts that discussing those thoughts with others would result in disciplinary action (although NMU has failed to remove related policies from its student handbook). Now, the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Civil Rights Division has opened an investigation into NMU to determine whether its treatment of students suspected of self-destructive thoughts amounted to disability discrimination under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The DOJ’s investigation is based on a complaint filed on behalf of an NMU student by attorneys for Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) and the Law Office of Karen Bower. NMU allegedly threatened to disenroll the student after he or she (identifying information is being kept confidential) discussed a mental illness with a friend. This despite the fact that state police, who were called in to investigate by a Resident Director, determined that the student was not in danger. Furthermore, a suicide assessment conducted by the NMU Counseling Center—to which the student acquiesced under pressure from Dean of Students Christine Greer—also determined he or she was not suicidal. In order to remain enrolled, Greer advised the student that he or she would have to sign a Behavioral Agreement that required, among other things, that the student not engage in any discussion of suicidal thoughts or actions with dormitory residents, friends, or any other students. Under protest, the student signed the agreement, which remains in effect today.

FIRE learned of MPAS’ DOJ complaint—as well as a long-pending investigation by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights based on the same facts—after FIRE’s September coverage of NMU brought to light that our organizations were focused on different legal aspects of the same problem: NMU’s practices around self-harm and student mental health. While FIRE’s primary concern is the First Amendment issue in the case, MPAS is a private, nonprofit disability rights organization, designated by the State of Michigan as the agency responsible for protecting and advocating for the legal and human rights of persons with disabilities in Michigan.

The DOJ investigation of MPAS’ complaint provides an opportunity to account for and address some of the extremely troubling open issues that remain regarding NMU’s treatment of students suspected of contemplating or engaging in self-harm. Although the administration quickly moved to quell last fall’s public outcry over its practices by publicly committing to end the practice of forbidding students from discussing self-harm, it left students like MPAS’ client with a number of unanswered questions. Does the administration’s September 26, 2016 statement that “NMU does not forbid, in writing or verbally, students from talking to others about self-harm thoughts[,]” mean that the Behavioral Agreement signed by MPAS’ client no longer applies? Does it mean that current students told by the Dean of Students’ office not to involve their friends in discussion of self-destructive thoughts—at least as recently as the Spring 2016 semester, per student reports to FIRE—are now free to ignore those directives? Do the NMU policies and practices related to self-harm raised in MPAS’ complaint result in unlawful disability discrimination against students?

Just as importantly, will NMU ever be forced to acknowledge and answer for the harm it has already done to so many named and unnamed students and former students? The administration acknowledged that its recently-jettisoned practice of imposing gag orders on the discussion of self-harm had been in place since 2002 and that the Dean of Students’ office sent out 25 to 30 emails per semester threatening students with discipline for reaching out to friends. While NMU’s mistreatment of potentially hundreds of students with mental health needs is staggering, and its response to exposure has been reactive and clumsy, worst of all is the school’s failure to remedy or apologize for past wrongs.   

The stories posted to social media and told to FIRE by students after our September coverage are painful and deserve acknowledgment from NMU. I recently spoke with NMU graduate student Molly Fox, who was hospitalized in January of this year because of self-harm. When Molly left the hospital, she was called in by the head of her department to learn that she had lost her graduate teaching position and her teaching stipend. Then, in early February, she was called in for a meeting with Associate Dean of Students Mary Brundage. At that meeting, she was informed she would not get in any more trouble as long as she had not “involved” any other students in the circumstances surrounding her hospitalization.

Molly had heard about the controversy the previous fall surrounding NMU’s practice of forbidding students from discussing self-harm with other students, had signed a petition on the issue, and even discussed it with the classes she taught. She was surprised that, after all of the public attention, this was still happening to her. She was particularly concerned because her roommates, also graduate students, had taken her to the hospital—so they knew what had happened. She left the meeting with the understanding that if the administration found out her roommates had been involved, she could be kicked out of school. Indeed, she received an email the next day reiterating that she wouldn’t get in any more trouble as long as she hadn’t told anyone of her ordeal.

As Molly finished up work on her graduate Writing degree that semester, she dropped a second concentration in Pedagogy, choosing not to take a required teaching class when she herself was prevented from teaching. She graduated in the spring of this year and is now doing community-based work in Detroit. She sent me comments about her experience this past semester that I would like to share in full. NMU needs to hear them:

What I want is for NMU to take this issue more seriously and with more compassion than they have, and I want them to recognize the harm that this policy has caused. When I was feeling most vulnerable and low, I found very little support from NMU, and was threatened with punishment if I simply reached out to my friends or others in my program. Once again, I found it reiterated that mental illness is something to be ashamed of, not a very real medical issue that I have little control of. I regret not saying something when this happened last February, but I was honestly concerned that I would be kicked out with only a few months left of my program. I focused on my thesis (which is comprised of personal essays that look at mental illness) and just tried to keep my head down and graduate. I felt completely beaten down by everything that had happened, but wish I had pressed harder on it and am happy that it is getting real attention now.

I feel like NMU is trying to sweep this under the rug and quiet down the controversy, but they have a responsibility to the students who’ve been affected by this policy to recognize and apologize for how destructive it was. I love NMU, and the six years I spent there as an undergraduate and graduate student were some of the most influential and important years of my life. But this policy and the way it was enacted made me feel ashamed, scared, and like the school I devoted so much time and energy to was a place I felt almost ashamed to have any connection with. I hope and have confidence that they will take the necessary steps to make this right, and think it’s the least they owe all of the students.

Molly is not the only one who has expressed love of her school community, and faith that the administration will act to reconcile past harms and make the necessary policy changes that still remain. NMU should work to deserve her as an alumna along with everyone else who has expressed such faith. NMU should answer the unanswered questions posed above, offer an apology for its past harms, and work to ensure that all of its policies and practices are compliant with the First Amendment, Title II of the ADA, and other applicable laws.

FIRE hopes that by bringing attention to MPAS’ work on behalf of NMU students, and its open DOJ investigation, we encourage past and present NMU students to continue sharing your stories and contributing your voice to the record by contacting MPAS and FIRE.