Well-known Democrat and union activist Jack LaSalle files complaint against one of his own – State Rep. Sarah Cambensy: It’s surprising that two top Democratic leaders would fight over about six grand – or maybe they did not expect their money dispute to leak

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin 1-22-18 – 6:15 p.m. ET 

Kramer vs Kramer – ooops – Dem vs. Dem

LaSalle vs Cambensy graphic

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, Michigan) – Just when you thought the fight over the 109th was over – it erupts.
The battle lines are being drawn between two well-known democrats – all over about six grand.

At issue is money that consummate Democrat Jack LaSalle’s company says it is owed by the campaign of Sara Cambensy – who was elected to the 109th Michigan House Seat in a special election last November.

LaSalle Enterprise Services, a limited liability company (LLC) filed the complaint in district court against State Rep. Sara Cambensy.

The “summons and complaint” was filed on Dec. 28, 2017 in Marquette County 96th District Court.

LaSalle is perhaps best known as a decades-long field representative for the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council. He started in January of 1986.

The complaint states LaSalle’s company is in the business of “providing election services to prospective candidates for political office.” The company is owned by LaSalle and his wife, Jeanne I. LaSalle. The company states it provided “campaign and election services” to Cambensy during the “primary election and General Election in 2017.”
The bill to Cambensy is $5,690 plus “interest, costs, and reasonable attorney’s fees.”

Below is a little background on both Dems


P.S. – While unrelated – this makes us wonder if some who provide “elections services” in the U.P. also include dirt files on other politicians like we’ve heard in the infamous Trump dossier. The answer – of course its a famous part of political intrigue in America.

Jon G. “Jack” LaSalle
LaSalle Enterprise Services, a limited liability company (LLC)
1842 Niedhart Avenue
Marquette, MI
(Filed by Marquette attorney William B. Ferns)


Sara Cambensy
225 W. Washington Street
Apt. 3
Marquette, MI


Jon G. “Jack” LaSalle:
Jack LaSalle – he is everything Democrat and Union in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – including served on NMU Board of Trustees, Representative fpr the Michigan Labor and Trades Council – political activist for democrats. You name it (anything Democrat/Pro-Union), he’s done it
If his profile from 12-years ago is impressive in this NMU press release look what he’d done by then.
Sarah Cambensy was elected – by some as a breath of fresh air – with few obligations to the powerful.
Her victory – and entire race – was tempered by the reason for the special election.


Sara Cambensy was elected to the U.P. state house seat with aout 56 percent of the votes to 42 percent over Republican/Marquette School Board member Rich Rossway

A special primary was held prior to the November 2017 general election in the four county race for 109th District, in the wake of the tragic suicide of late Rep. John Kivela, who sadly killed himself in May after his arrest for drunken driving in the Lansing area

Democrats running were:
Then Marquette City Commission Sara Campensy
Limestone Township Supervisor Tom Curry
Marquette County Commissioner Joe Derocha
Jeremy Hosking, who had served as regional manager for U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow
The lone Republican was Marquette school board member Rich Rossway, TV marketing executive/Member of the Marquette Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

Wrongway Rossway: Destruction of U.P. “Someplace Special” designation and lapdog heritage are among reasons not to vote for a man I still consider a friend but who is not a good choice public office

Wrongway Rossway Editorial

U.P. Breaking News Editorial

By Greg Peterson

News Director/Owner


I am writing this editorial because of a two-bit backhanded slap that 109th state representative candidate Rich Rossway approved in a recent TV political ad – in which he made it seem bad that his opponent wants to protect the declining natural beauty in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Let’s face it – The Upper Peninsula of Michigan – which 20 years ago could boast about its natural beauty – is no longer someplace special – rather someplace average. If you truly care about your children’s environmental future then vote for Sara Cambensey in the race for the 109th state house seat in Michigan. I am sick of those members of my generation who are leaving an environmental mess for our children – while claiming to care about their future.

Rossway is also a member of the party whose top health chief in Michigan is accused of felonies for literally killing taxpayers – and the governor doesn’t have the guts to remove the environmental simpleton. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Nick Lyon has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for allegedly killing Michigan residents during the Flint water crime spree – yet still holds his job thanks to Republicans.

With deer season approaching, we are the only media to point out that the U.P. deer herd is small and pitiful – both in population and individual size. The deer herd destruction is just one of the many environmental crimes and yet another example of political cronyism that are destroying the U.P.

Hey don’t complain. Our leaders do not mind it being someplace average – so you should be happy because its your votes that have allowed it to happen.

I could list many reasons and ways the U.P. is no longer “someplace special” – from the absolute destruction of the U.P. deer herd to the overall neglect of nature including no longer getting estimates of the partridge (ruffed grouse) population.

If you live downstate or out of state – don’t bother to hunt for deer in the U.P. for at least 20 years. Do not waste your money here.

Even our once famous namesake “Triple A” road is now a remote super highway to the acid mine and that’s not enough for the greedy – they want to plow another highway through the middle of natural areas that haven’t yet been tainted.

This is due to greed and corruption in both major political parities and the lack of guts by local media. The U.P. Media – for the most part – are lapdogs not watchdogs. Rich has been part of that media.

Back to my real point today, Rich Rossway is one of those guys who goes along with the next guy – a good pole boy with no original ideas. Its our opinion that even his service on the Marquette, MI school board has seen a decline in the quality of education provided in Marquette. We love you Rich, but today’s political bosses have enough “yes men.” Just because he’s a “nice guy”doesn’t mean he is watching out for the poor and those without power. If he can’t take the criticism – that’s even more proof. We’ll see.

And Rich – I am glad that your opponent cares about the environment – even though the “EPA” no longer has any power or teeth. Remember even under a Democrat as president – the EPA

I am going to vote for Sara Cambensy – even though she is a Democratic and I am a independent who has lost faith in the democrats.

I also am very disappointed in the corruption in local, state and national Democratic politics.

Rich I have generally been quiet about political candidates – but your cheap shot at the EPA was too big to ignore. Whose bright idea was that? Fire that person.

If you’re happy with someplace average – then vote for Rich this Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017.

If you want to see a watchdog in office vote for Sara Cambensy. Hopefully she will be in Lansing in time to see our governor indicted on federal RICO charges – that will be the best of all killer perp walks.