RED RED RED: $19 Grand in Red Cash Missing, Red Warnings, Red Condo Assoc. Members at Red Fox – its all still a mess

Condo Owners Seeing Red – Red Flags at Red Pines Leaves Condo Assoc. Red-Faced – allegations of nepotism and embezzlement

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Members of condo association in Marquette County received a terrifying Halloween surprise from their attorney – embezzlement by an official who has been busted and removed.

That official – Treasurer Tracy Marie Spruitenburg, 44, of Gwinn was arrested by Forsyth Township Police after a six-week probe – and has been released from jail on bond.

Tracy Spruitenburg related to the current high ranking board members including Association President (pictured together below) Kevin Parsons – we are told brother and sister – but have asked for their comment.

The letter announcing a $19,000 in missing money was sent to “all members of record” of “The Pines at Red Fox Woods Condominium Association, Inc.” and is from Marquette attorney Adrianne Wolf of McDonald & Wolfe, a Michigan LLC. The letter is dated October 25, 2016. A copy of the letter was sent to U.P. Breaking News.

The question tonight is – how much money is remaining in the Associations bank account – since it appears the association only provides a small amount of services – and will the place get plowed this winter. Sources say the members pay dues for snowplowing and to provide lawn care in commons areas of the development of about 40 to 50 condos.

It seems things have always been a mess with all the Red Fox properties at K.I. Sawyer.

For several years, this reporter has been investigating the corrupt business dealings of the late founder of the Red Fox Golf Course and others for malfeasance. Our investigation is ongoing and has taken some unusual developments that will be reported in the future.

A couple years ago a judge ordered relatives of late Marquette County businessman Bill Pesola to repay the estate of U.P Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson. Pesola was best known for his many business ventures and charming local media – including the he Red Fox Inn Golf Course at K.I. Sawyer and U.P. Big Boy restaurants.

U.P. Breaking News contacted the law firm representing the current condo association and was told she would not be back until Thursday. McDonald has not returned calls from U.P. Breaking News.

“In early September, the Board of Directors became aware of unauthorized withdrawals from the Association’s bank accounts,” states the letter from McDonald, the attorney for the The Pines at Red Fox Woods Condominium Association.


The Pines at Red Fox Woods Condominium Association has apparently taken down its Facebook page – and has not responded to our calls for comment.

However – the probe into the “extent” of the malfeasance continues.

The Condo Association Board of Directors will call a December meeting “once additional information is available, and the extent unauthorized activity is clear.”

“Steps have been taken to safeguard the current balance in the account of future assessment deposits,” the letter states. It doesn’t state what is left in the accounts.

U.P. Breaking News wants to know the exact relationship between the suspect and some board members like Kevin Parsons – who she is photographed with numerous times.

The suspect reportedly has two big motor homes in her condo driveway. It’s unclear
the motive for the alleged embezzlement. She had been treasurer for about a year.


**Editors note – anyone representing the people we mention of the association – we would welcome any kind of comment/interview. It seems there are many unanswered questions. 906-273-2433 Greg Peterson

