Pointed Question: Was K.I. Sawyer woman infected by a used drug needle?: Female victim taken to hospital early today

URGENT – U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 4-2-18 – 5:42 a.m. ET

K.I. Sawyer woman fears she was infected by a discarded needle in a dryer

Sawyer drug needle graphic

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Drug/Needle Disposal Sites in Marquette County

(Gwinn, MI) – Most Marquette County residents are aware of the relentless drug problems facing the community including at the former K.I. Sawyer near Gwinn, MI

But its still rare to hear about people poked by random needles and becoming infected at the former air force base – that the military left in its dust over 20 years ago.

A K.I. Sawyer woman was rushed to the hospital in Marquette this morning after possibly becoming infected by a needle while taking clothes out of a dryer.

An ambulance was called for the victim at 12:01 a.m. ET this morning, April 2, 2018.

The ambulance was sent to a residence on the 300 block of Commando Street at K.I. Sawyer for the woman who feared she had contracted an infection after she was “poked with a needle” apparently earlier – although the time frame hasnot been released.

Dispatched to the call at 312 Commando St. were Skandia/West Branch EMS and U.P. Health System-Marquette paramedics

“Apparently she was taking clothes out of a dryer and was poked by the needle,” a Marquette County 911 dispatcher radioed paramedics en-route to the incident.

“It’s unknown who it (the needle/syringe) belongs to or if it was used,” the dispatcher told responding paramedics. “She is having pain in her left arm that she was poked in and also states her veins look funny.”

Officials have not released information on the incident including the location of the dryer identified by the victim.