The Community Action Alger Marquette Agency has an acting Director – this after Amy Hodgins Lerlie resigned on Feb. 15, 2018 in midst of that scandal involving Sexual Harassment, Retaliation, and Board Corruption: Scandal Rocks Community Action Agency in Marquette and Alger Counties: Earlier CAAM Board of Directors Chairman Brad Cory resigns as scandal hits him – and his friend – a “Marquette socialite,” who is the mother of agency director

URGENT URGENT URGENT  U.P. Breaking News Bulletin – 2-15-18 4 p.m. ET – LERLIE RESIGNS

Community Action Alger Marquette Agency is trying to return to a new normal after months of a sexual harassment accusations that have led to the resignations of the agency director and board chairman

In midst of the crisis, an acting director has been named tonight.

The acting CAAM  director is Lori Stephens-Brown

Community Action Alger Marquette Agency Director Amy Hodgins Lerlie resigned this afternoon, Thurs., Feb.15, 2018, sources tell U.P. Breaking News.

She has been placed on leave in the midst of a scandal.

The scandal also forced the CAAM Board President to resign.

Scroll down to read background.


Out of control: The Director and the Board of Directors Chairman of the Community Action Alger Marquette in trouble – Also allegedly involves Marquette ‘socialite” who is the agency director’s mom

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Scandal Upends Community Action Agency in Alger and Marquette counties  – that provides services for poor and elderly

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – The director of the Marquette/Alger community action agency has been placed on leave as the board of directors investigates multiple accusations of sexual misconduct and one alleged victim is the Mayor of Munising, multiple sources tell U.P. Breaking News.

Amy Hodgins Lerlie

Amy Hodgins Lerlie

The board of directors of the Community Action Alger Marquette put agency director Amy Hodgins Lerlie on two weeks leave after a presentation by lawyers of the three victims.




Its unclear if Lerlie is on paid or unpaid leave. The board apparently decided it needed two weeks to do it own investigation, sources say.

Bradley Cory FB 1

Bradley Cory

Meanwhile, under scrutiny board chair Bradley N. Cory abruptly resigned for allegedly allowing his personal contacts to interfere with his job as board chair.

Community Action Alger Marquette is an agency that provides life or death help to Upper Peninsula’s poor.

The agency also oversees many badly needed services for the elderly including Lost Creek in Marquette, that offers low-income housing for the elderly.

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The agency also handles the new Grandview Marquette Apartments, the renovation project at the former Holy Cross Orphanage. Grandview officials have been accused of not providing enough apartments for the low-income – because much of the funding was based on claims it will going to help the growing problem of the Marquette area poor. Grandview Apartments is located at 600 Altamont Street in Marquette.

Rod DesJardins

Rod DesJardins

One of the three allegations are sexual harassment complaints from Munising Mayor Rod DesJardins.

DesJardins is the agency’s Housing Services Director.

Lerlie reportedly arranged an agency trip that included DesJardins.

Two female employees also claim Lerlie made unwanted sexual advances.

After the allegations by DesJardins became known about the office, sources say Lerlie became defensive and angry.

Lerlie allegedly retaliated by “making ridiculous demands on him and saying demeaning untrue statements to others in the workplace.”

In fact – the CAAM office dysfunction and retaliation under Lerlie’s command was so great that sources claim she caused the Mayor DesJardins to have a massive heart attack:

The CAAM Board has known these kinds of allegations for “a long time” but did nothing until Friday afternoons meeting with lawyers. The CAAM board has allow the atmosphere to continue despite knowing what was happened, sources say.

The board allegedly allowed Lerlie “to continue working and overseeing all the employees she has traumatized.”

Lerie’s “mother is long time Marquette socialite Rita Hodgins (Lerlie) , whose close friend is CAAM Board Chair Brad Cory,” who recently resigned, our sources said.

Under Cory’s leadership the CAAM board “decided to allow Amy to continue working and have made every attempt to hide all of this.”

DesJardins suffered “a serious heart attack that required a quadruple bypass,” sources say.

DesJardins “returned to work and the work environment is extremely hostile.”

Rod DesJardins - LinkedIn 2

“Amy Lerlie also kissed 2 separate female employees on the mouth and neither woman saw it coming,” sources say.

The names of the women making sexual misconduct accusations have not been confirmed.

One accusation against Lerlie involves the firing of the head of Cross Creek.

Lerlie also oversees Lost Creek that has a separate case against her for hostile work environment.


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Editorial: #MeToo “Cherry Picking” was the slang for older bosses going after young reporters at TV-6 News in Marquette, MI: Former TV-6 reporters preyed up on by former executives at WLUC TV-6 News – In fact I had to take one young reporter to get an abortion in Wisconsin after she had affair with TV-6 executive


U.P. Breaking News Editorial 11-29-17 11:45 a.m. ET:

I witnessed “cherry-picking” at WLUC TV-6 Newsroom – even had to take one young TV-6 reporter to get an abortion

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

With today’s firing of Matt Lauer – This reporter has decided to come to the defense of former WLUC TV-6 news reporters – all young females with their first job in broadcasting in Marquette, MI.

When I was a producer/assignment editor at TV-6 news – there was an awful joke.

It was called “Cherry Picking”in the TV6 newsroom by executives – who are no longer at TV-6.

In fact,I was given a paid day off to drive one reporter to get an abortion – after her affair with the top boss at TV-6 (I am not prepared to release the name of the victim without her permission – nor the name of the big shot – who left TV a long time ago.
We even had a coded message sent back to the secretary of the big boss at TV-6 – to let him know the abortion went well.

I was mortified about this but also had extreme sympathy for the young female reporter (who made arrangements for me to accompany her and get day off).

This wonderful young TV-6 reporter was out of her league when it came to how th e world works. She just desperately wanted a job in TV news. Eventually she got let go and no power to fight the system.

The offender sent her flowers in the newsroom – and everybody in the newsroom knew including current officials in the TV-6 newsroom.
I challenge those at TV-6 to reveal what they know.

If this isn’t handled properly – I will reveal some of the names.

Former young female reporters when I was at TV-6 did not think the U.P. “was someplace special.”

Its time for more retirements at TV-6 news.

If a U.P female reporter files a lawsuit – I am willing to testify. Want to hear from ex-TV-6 news reporters.

Does this practice continue today?