Major Announcement Pending by Upper Peninsula Breaking News: Plus Our criminal probe continues into the Looting of the Estate of the U.P. Coca-Cola King the late Gordon Elson, who died this year and an estimated $30 million was looted – while Mr. Elson’s suspicious will leaves pennies to a few people – compared to his real worth – Calling attorneys Richard Graybill and Daniel Mead – please call us – even off the record

Upper Peninsula LogoOn Monday, Upper Peninsula Breaking News will make what we consider a huge announcement.

In addition, major developments in two ongoing investigations.

I have not written much in the past 2 weeks because we (U.P. Breaking news) were in negotiations – and have been following major leads in the “The Looting of the Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King” – whose estate is missing millions and millions of dollars – plus missing luxury cars and more.

We are conducting a criminal investigation into the Looting of the late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – a kind, generous lovable man – who has been ripped off by attorneys, trustees, and a whole list of terrible things including the kidnapping of Gordon Elson.

Mr. Elson was held literally hostage in Florida by Marquette Businessman Bill Pesola and maybe others. Now those who accused Pesola have apparently done what Pesola did.

You see in this cast of characters – on one end its definitely incompetence – but the evidence indicates its major criminal conduct.

Graybill Office #1We keep begging attorneys Richard M. Graybill and Daniel D. Mead to please talk to us – even off the record – but at this point it seems like they have circled the wagons. I would appreciate you calling me – at the very least – please call Greg Peterson 906-204-2549.

We are investigating those attorneys – and much more.

And we are investigating the Elson estate trustee George Paavo of Negaunee, MI – about where did the $30 million go – and then there is questionable and very suspect Gordon Elson last will and testament.

We think there may have been previous Elson wills. We will explain in upcoming sensitive stories. None of our sources – believes Mr. Elson would have forgotten his alma-mater – and bequeath millions to his beloved Finlandia University. The University is not part of the will – but should be.

If you know of criminal activity involving the estate of Gordon Elson – or if you got lots of money from the Elson estate  – suggest you be the first in line asking for plea agreements etc.

Stories so far:

Eve of the Secret Estate Sale of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Its time for search warrants, seizures, grand jury proceedings in the looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coke King Gordon Elson

Looting of the estate of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson across northern Michigan and Florida by Greg John Peterson

Download the documents (one big tiff file – and notice the massive checks toward the end)

Gordon Elson, estate of Gordon Elson, Upper Peninsula, Coca-Coca

Gordon Elson Obit PhotoIt’s Officially a Scandal – and those involved better rush to become witnesses for the prosecution aka state’s witness – federal informant!!

The looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola Gordon Elson is shocking and there are many accusations that it continues today.

Here are 30 documents that show the current executor of the estate George Paavo – and attorney Richard Graybill – accused Elson power-of-attorney holder late Marquette Businessman William “Bill” Pesola with a lot of crimes in the millions of dollars (tho i a civil Marquette County Probate Court fashion).

Attorney Richard Graybill 'Ask the Lawyers' WNMU-TV with super Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (1) Bill Pesola - Sawyer propsIt also involves jewelry and vintage cars – massive property holdings – some have estimated Elson’s estate at $15 million or more (back in the day – 80s)

Then – inexplicably – they dropped the probate court accusations.

The Peninsula Bank fought the subpoenas.

*****Follow the money as they said during Watergate Scandal.

Toward the end of these documents you will see the checks – tallying millions.

Some of the checks may have been for legit reasons – but it’s a tiny glance into the finances of the late Mr. Gordon Elson.

We keep asking – Where is the Elson Rolls Royce – last spotted in Upper Peninsula.

We have a lot more info coming – as the scandal widens.

For those of you new to this site:

Upper Peninsula Breaking News stories on looting of estate of the late Gordon Elson


The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

youtube videos:

The Players #1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo and Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter

U.P. Coke Fortune: Estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale; Will of Gordon Elson

U.P. Breaking News probes what happened to the estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson