Routine oven fire call turns more serious in Chippewa County

Smoke fills Chippewa County home, ambulance called for resident

kinross smoke victim 1


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Kinross, Michigan) – A routine oven fire call on Sunday night turned into a medical issue for the homeowner in Kinross Township.

The Kinross Volunteer Fire Department  was called to 21 Blueberry Road near Red Cedar Road just before 9 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 3, 2017 after the occupant called to report lots of smoke had filled the house. The caller said she could not see flames however she was evacuating the home due to thick smoke.

Shortly after arrival, firefighters called for Kinross Township EMS because the homeowner was suffering respirator distress.

Ovens fires are usually routine calls – and happen more frequently during the holidays – however can be dangerous.

The woman’s injuries did not sound life threatening, however respiratory distress can be very serious.