U.P. Breaking News Reveals the Shocker Stories of 2016: As the “news readers” tell you in upcoming days about what happened in 2016 – U.P. Breaking News tells you the real “news” that happened in 2016 and what is could mean in 2017 – Plus some stories we will be breaking in upcoming days and weeks

U.P. Breaking News would like police input on these serious issues that were faced in 2016 and must be faced in 2017

Upper Peninsula Logo

We would like to hear (on or off the record) from even more of the fair-minded modern cops who understand the potential and obvious ramifications of these serious issues that if not addressed properly – could lead to officer’s deaths in 2017

And the headline we’d like to see before 2016 ends or in 2017 with our shameful governor Snidley Whiplash in a perp walk:

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges – RICO indictment returned by grand jury against worst governor in state history

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – As the obligatory “year-ender” stories will soon be in the U.P. media – as the U.P. “news readers” (TV, radio and newspaper) recall what they can about 2016.

U.P. Breaking News doesn’t expect the “news readers” to tell you what really happened (out of their press release world) – so we will.

Soon you will seen the U.P. media reminiscing about 2016 – in the same way they have since TV first came to northern Michigan. The papers sell their special year-end sections and rehash their original hash – but nothing really new.

In fact- even the TV reports look the same each year – just different names and places but often same annual events and perspective.

As the year 2016 ends, is the U.P. ready to face its issues?

Or will we collectively wait til the issues become too big and more people die?

Shall we punt into a Yooper end-zone – or take the first steps: Admit the problem and try to offer solutions.

First an fyi:

  • #1  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories on unsolved murders in the Upper Peninsula – plus suspicious deaths that seem to fall through the cracks even worse than the unsolved murders. If you know someone whose murder has not been solved – or there are highly-questionable circumstances – please give us a call. 906-273-2433
  • #2 –  If you have time – please join me this Tuesday at 8:45 a.m. in Marquette County Circuit Court.   U.P. Breaking News is under a judge’s demand that we appear in a Marquette courtroom. Against our will, we are being forced to go to that hearing Tuesday where a judge is trying to “restrain” U.P. Breaking News.
  • #3  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories revealing the truth behind Marquette County’s so-called torture case. The public has been misled by the press and officials to think it is comparable to the horrendous Cleveland torture and sexual assault case. Not even close – there are absolutely no similarities. Even Michigan’s high courts agree the case has big issues.  It’s one of those rare cases where the suspect may actually be innocent (according to some two dozen women). One so-called victim has died of a drug overdose. U.P. Breaking News feels very sorry for the only surviving “victim” Angel – who has actually been victimized and used by everyone involved. We have even heard there might be drug-addicted newborn baby thrown into the mix involving this case. U.P. Breaking News is going to name names – and show all faces.

Now – as U.P. news organizations prepare to tell you about what happened in 2016 – they will recall all the good news (nothing wrong with that) and the criminal cases in state courts. The U.P. news readers serve a niche for those Yoopers who like to dream we are in the 1950s.

But today’s modern Yooper demands more of their media. That’s why U.P. Breaking News devotes so much time, energy and money – instead of retiring on the Chocolay River – as a public service and to open your eyes.

If we break the ice, maybe one day there will be a media outlet in the U.P. that asks questions involving critical thinking – not just fluff or same ole stuff.

Believe it or not – the following is a description of the Upper Peninsula – a place that we think is still “someplace special” but now with an asterisk.

The following happened in final half of 2016:

  • Unsolved murders grow across northern Michigan including questionable deaths written off by media – and people who carer about victims claim little police effort is put into the deaths
  • Very strange deaths being quickly ruled suicide. Questionable “suicides” that are decided virtually overnight – in some cases, not even one day of investigation is given for each ten years of a person’s life – even in the oddest of cases without suicide note
  • U.P. police killing two retired men in their own homes during “well-being” checks – ruled OK bu local cops, probing local cops. And MSP says life goes on except for those shot. There was a third person shot by U.P. police that is also mental health related but that person is recovering.
  • Inmates strangely dropping dead in U.P. prisons in alleged unprecedented accidents. Plus inmates medical scandal leading to deaths and injuries – or many prisoners majorly ill from contaminated or under-cooked meals.
  • Few cops on the road; deadly under-staffing. Police and Corrections Officers are understaffed beyond bone that WILL lead to the death of an U.P. police officer – its only a matter of time before the rubber band breaks. Plus the few cops on road asked to be on-the-scene psychiatrists putting their lives in danger.
  • Skyrocketing suicide rate – and Pathways plus other community health organizations understaffed – and accused of not doing good job with their hands tied.
  • The Raging Children of the U.P. – Even this week U.P. Breaking News heard reports of teachers being attacked by students – from 7 years old – to their early teens. Kids attacking parents, grandparents and the other night attacking people attending a school function at a U.P. school named “Lincoln”
  • U.P. Dumpster Diving, Homelessness, Crushing U.P. Poverty at all time high – this winter expect the U.P,. homeless to freeze to death especially those not welcome at the overwrought shelters like those homeless with substance issues who are sent to fend with the wolves.
  • U.P. “News Media” in 2016 become “Fake News” at your doorstep – by going from simply not reporting stuff – to being duped or bought. For example, U.P. Breaking News was the only media not fooled by MDOC lies about the Kinross Riot. Newspapers and TV claimed that a riot was not happening at Kinross. U.P. Sunday papers had rotten egg omelets on their face with that one – TV was alseep.  Now the”news regurgitators” at the Hoton paper claim there are only 5 suspended black football players – rather than seven. Fake news in print delivered to your door! I would mention TV in all this but they are clueless about both.

Here is is more info on above:

First my message to the “reporters” who are just “news readers” or regurgitators – but want things to change:

To those reporters in the U.P. who are working under the bonds of their bosses – do not worry – newsrooms in other parts of the U.S. actually take their jobs seriously. U.P. newsrooms are very different from others. In some other newsrooms, you do not get discouraged when you come up with new ideas or hard news.

U.P. Breaking News is almost the only news media with the courage to tell you about serious (non-fluff) issues – the majority of other U.P. media hides like puppies.

I remember when paramedics and EMTs objected to be called simply “ambulance drivers.” That’s my comparison for the feckless members of the U.P. media – the media who are merely “news readers” or “news regurgitators” aka ambulance drivers. The difference is whether you read a press release with only the facts provided – or whether you look into the facts and ask questions.

Do you spend a few moments doing critical thinking before you go to a press conference? The weak “news regurgitators” are very obvious if you listen to their stories. Some of the U.P. young and older media really want to be journalists not press release puppets – but are held back by bosses with no guts.

But for example – the rest of U.P. media still has not gotten the Finlandia racism scandal correct.
It is “The Finlandia Seven” – not “The Finlandia Five” (Folks, send your old calculators to the editors at the Houghton paper to help them with math). But, at least the Hoton newspaper did a story with the main stuff coming from us, I do not even want to characterize how the other media handled it.

My message to police who really care (bored or puzzled reporters can stop reading now):

Kinross inmates still go to the hospital on a weekly basis but a federal court lawsuit filed this week may help explain some of the medical issues at Kinross and other U.P. prisons.

U.P. Breaking News is not specifically blaming the cops. The fair-minded cops we talk to regularly – understand we are fighting for their right to have more cops in the wake of an out-of-control system in the U.P. The cops in Yooperland are expected to spend most of their time handling suicidal/mental health situations – all three people that police shot in the U.P. in the final months of 2016 had mental health and/or depression issues.

Plus cops are pressured to close cases – and we are beginning to wonder about why some strange rulings have been made – like a woman whose death was ruled a suicide in less than three days even though she was found with a bungee cord around her neck laying on a famous Upper Peninsula beach – and no suicide note.

U.P. Breaking News stated in a editorial – that the integrity of MSP detectives is now on the line – and even the public is losing faith. I am not so cynical to believe these cops are bad – but it appears problems include low-staffing, pressure to move on, etc. There must be other reasons contribute to the U.P. being the place where people can apparently get away with murder – unless the case is gift wrapped for police.

Plus some days no cops are put on the road by U.P. county sheriff’s departments – and worse. We’d reveal more but it would be a treasure map for crooks (not that they do not already know this). Plus I’d hate to think our huge unsolved murder stats will encourage potential murderers into thinking getting away with the heinous crime is likely in the U.P.

If you are a fair-minded cop who understands and really cares about the future of the U.P. – and why we seem to be upending on many fronts. Rather than being reactionary – police officers please read this – even offer an opinion because we really want to know why this is happening. You do not have to give your name.

Am I the only one who thinks this is not sustainable?

We really want to know why police think this is happening. If this is not addressed – like a cancer – the public will begin the question the credibility of even U.P. law enforcement – where we love and believe in our police.

Please. If you are a professional law enforcement officer who recognizes the problems – and you do not easily get mad or your butt on your shoulders – then please tell us the possible solutions and how you think they can be achieved.
Or is all hunky dory from U.P. cops point of view?

Don’t worry we will hide your identity like our dozens and dozens of other sources – for whom we are very thankful. Some just want to blame media – we can take it. But that doesn’t solve anything.

*** Remember we NEED input from police and corrections officers who care instead of the usual sophomoric blaming of us. Remember, if you won’t help with information do not complain if we do not report it.

The Three Faces of Josh: Guarded 24/7, man who was shot by Michigan State Police goes from one foot in grave to walking the 7th floor at a Marquette hospital- Shot three times after 100 MPH chase on snowy U.P. roads – and U.P. Breaking News explains the chainsaws


Josh Stead at his parent’s cabin in Strongs, Michigan

Josh Stead lost after allegedly bringing a chainsaw to a gunfight – but was his real intention “suicide by cop”

Those who know him claim Josh would never hurt anyone intentionally and especially not with a chainsaw – a tool he used to create furniture

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Bellaire, Michigan) – Several faces are emerging of the scion of a prominent Bellaire, Michigan family – who allegedly brought a chainsaw to a gunfight with Michigan State Police after a 100 MPH chase on slippery snow-covered Upper Peninsula roads.

After being shot at least three times by a MSP trooper, 35-year-old Joshua Kenneth Stead of Bellaire almost died after being airlifted to a Marquette hospital. Steed was shot twice in the stomach and once in the arm – that is broken. Among Steed’s organs that were damaged are his spleen, gall bladder and liver. The gut shots have caused bile related issues.

It is believed that four to five shots were fired – and at least three hit Stead – who allegedly dropped a running chainsaw and collapsed into the middle of M-28 in western Chippewa County. There are dash camera videos of the incidents – but its unclear if the officers had body cameras. Sources say officers guarding Josh have allegedly told him things to cause anxiety or confuse the man – who doesn’t clearly – if at all – remember the incident.

The first civilian on the scene told U.P. Breaking News that he saw a trooper walk over to the running chainsaw and turn it off. U.P. Breaking News has published two audio tapes of the police chase and shooting – and will soon be releasing the audio on what led up to the near fatal event.

However, he is now walking the 7th floor and undergoing physical therapy – his condition having improved drastically last week – although there are still infection concerns. This under a 24-hour guard by police who are positioned outside his room at U.P. Health System – Marquette.

Using a computer in Marquette, Stead was arraigned via video link on Fri., Dec. 2, 2016 – by a judge at the 91st District Court in Sault Ste. Marie, MI – some 165 miles away.

Sitting up in his hospital bed, a bandaged up Stead was looking much better than he had only a week earlier. For several days he was in grave condition and even some doctors feared the infections alone could kill him.

Police have issued press releases about the incident, however the have not named their own. U.P. Breaking News has obtained the names of the MSP troopers involved and will be releasing that information soon – maybe later today,

To police he is a menace to society – however others want the public to know his soft and artful side.

He is not the monster they make him out to be,” a source said. “He is a very nice guy.”

U.P. Breaking News has been contacted by sources close to the investigation and close to the family.

These sources paint a differing picture of a man – who friends reportedly say had started behaving strangely in the days leading up to the domestic dispute with his father.

Sources say he maintained a loving relationship with his parents – that was often stormy as he dealt with drug addiction and other emotional issues.

Sources say Stead has allegedly been diagnosed as bipolar plus other issues like anxiety, depression. The shooting happened during the “first week of deer camp” in the Upper Peninsula, although Stead doesn’t hunt, doesn’t own a gun and his parents do not hunt.

That argument – allegedly over the way Stead was eating – lead to a confrontation at his parent’s cabin in Strongs, MI.

The Mirror Images of Josh and Dad.jpg

Which explain the true Joshua Kenneth Stead – maybe all or just some – maybe a combination make up the true third face of Josh


Alleged crazed madman with chainsaw ready to kill police, rammed police car, face-off in middle of highway with roaring chainsaw


Used chainsaws to cut logs as he is a talented artisan furniture-maker/wood-crafter, apprentice electrician, certified mechanic, animal lover and dog groomer  – Would never, ever have actually hurt police or anybody with a chainsaw.

He always carries his chainsaws,” a source said.

Chainsaw is last thing he would use as a true weapon as it is like his right hand.

Makes big beds, tables, chairs out of logs and does wood-burning and other techniques on furniture design, run car detail service and has turned old clunkers into brand new looking gems.

He makes cars look brand new,” a source said.


Convicted felon, could have surrendered at any point with a lot fewer charges and not have been almost killed


Some think – he was acting strangely going through a dis-associative incident (there is shocking, compelling evidence to back that up) – May not have wanted to go back to prison and could only think “suicide by cop”


Allegedly led police on 100 mph wild high-speed chase n snow-covered highways – endangering citizens, police, and originally parents


Friendly, kind, helpful to others, deals with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Has close relationship – sometimes intense relationship – with parents, whom he helps at their cabin.

Comes from prominent family, Stead is the father of a 12-year-old boy.

He speaks blunt – he’s a true talker,” a source said.

He’s the type of guy who would do anything – for anybody,” A source said. “He would give you the shirt off his back.”

If you are his friend, you are a friend for life,” a source said. “And he’s a helluva worker – working 12 and 18 hour days.”


Drug, alcohol addict, relapsing and in-crisis, left rehab early


Through determination has kicked heroin – unknown if relapse – and five days in treatment the week prior to shooting – and was set to re-enter treatment after Thanksgiving holidays.

Left rehab to be with parents for Thanksgiving and help around cabin.

He had been acting strangely a few days before he came to the U.P.,” a source explained. “He has struggled with drugs on-and-off since age 17. He went off his (prescribed) meds” for anxiety, depression and bipolar events.

He has been clean (heroin) for years,” a source said.


Fighting with parents/ alleged car thief who crashed alleged stolen vehicle, father had to call police after loud argument in cabin.


Some think one of the reasons his parents insisted he come to the U.P. Was because police back in Bellaire were investigating him for taking a car – with keys in it – that belong to the mother of one of Josh’s closest friends. Did allegedly have an accident in that car shortly before coming to U.P.


Blood Reigned Down


Stead was shot twice in the stomach and once in the arm. He reportedly received two “blood transfusions” although its not clear if transfusion was meant literally.

Stead’s mom Tammy (aka Tammie) owns a dog grooming business in Bellaire – and his middle name-sake father Kenneth is the superintendent of the Bellaire Department of Public Works and has served on the village’s building authority.

He is a mama’s boy, a mom’s child – he is definitely a mama’s boy,”said a source.

It was an argument with his father that began an evening of events spiraling downhill – almost leading to his death – and possible leading to a long prison sentence. Like all suspects, he is innocent until convicted in a court of law.

At some point after that argument, Stead flees cabin, then leaves in his 2006 Dodge Ram truck

Stead briefly pulled into a church parking lot after saying he’d talk with the police – but allegedly just sped away. The chase was on. The fateful high speed chase and shooting in Hulbert, Michigan – on M-28 just west of M-123. It’s approximately 13 miles via the highway from the Stead Cabin in Strongs, MI to the shooting scene in Hulbert.

He had at least one chainsaw in the open back of his pickup. He also had a container with tools inside the cab – that he allegedly threw from the car at police during the chase.

Chippewa County Prosecutor Dennis McShane said police acted very professionally even rendering aid to Stead before EMS arrived – and says that is backed up by dash-cam video of the incident apparently in the MSP cars.

McShane authorized charges on November 30, 2016 charging Stead with at least six felonies:

  • Three counts attempted homicide/murder
  • One count assaulting, resisting and obstructing a police officer causing injury
  • One count malicious destruction of police property
  • One count fleeing and eluding a police officer.

Stead is being held without bond. A preliminary exam is tentatively set for December 15, 2016.

His birthday is five days later – on Dec. 29 Stead will be 36 years old.


Related info/links



Joshua Kenneth Stead on Facebook


Electrician at Arndt Electric Service

Worked at L & R True Value Hardware

Studied at Jackson Community College

Went to Bellaire High School

Lives/From Bellaire, Michigan

In a relationship



Mother of suspect:

Tammy “Tammie” J. Stead, age 57

Bellaire, MI

Owner, Tammies Dog Grooming

208 Forest Home Ave.

Bellaire, MI

Father of suspect:

Kenneth “Ken” Stead, age 59

Village of Bellaire Superintendent of Public Works

Served on the Bellaire Building Authority


kmsteadvlg at bellairemichigan.com


News coverage and online reaction from friends and others who know Josh Stead:




Man Shot By Trooper In Chippewa County Charged With Attempted Murder

Dec 02, 2016

By Noah Jurik, Photojournalist


U.P. Breaking News Exclusive: Michigan State Police trooper hurt, suspect gravely injured with multiple gunshot wounds – The Aftermath – EMS, fire, police in Chippewa County during shooting/chase

The MSP Shooting Tapes #2: Help is coming for hurt trooper and wounded suspect!!!

Warning: just like Tape #1 – this is not for sensitive people


by Greg Peterson

Owner, News Director

U.P. Breaking News

Audio tape of the time just after the shooting as a MSP Trooper is hurt, and the suspect suffering multiple gunshot wounds after allegedly approaching the cop with a chain saw.
This tape speaks for itself – and it shows what our emergency folks have to deal with everyday and during a major event.

This all happened last night Mon., Nov. 21, 2016 in western edge of Chippewa County, MI near Newberry, MI.
The 100 MPH high speed chase ended in a wreck and a brief confrontation – leaving two down.


U.P. Breaking News Exclusive – The Tapes: High speed chase of crime spree suspect ends in a fight between a chainsaw and a gun – “Josh” was gravely injured when shot multiple times by police- the tapes start slow but then will put you on edge of your seat

2016-a-msp-shootingMichigan State Police pursue hit and run driver – and he allegedly pulls out a chainsaw after cops wreck his car after going 100 MPH

By Greg Peterson

U.P. Breaking News

Owner, News Director



Audio tapes of Michigan State Police, Chippewa County Sheriffs department, Chippewa EMS and fire during dramatic high speed chase and chainsaw vs gun battle that played out yesterday in western Chippewa County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. been a strange year as cops almost never shoot anybody up here but have shot three this fall/winter including two men in their homes during well-being check.

This MSP trooper was apparently threatened with a chainsaw as chase ended with 100 MPH crash. on M-28.

The story picks up as Josh exits parents home to talk with police but instead – chase is on.

U.P Breaking News continues to analyze other audio of the chase/shooting

PREAMBLE before chase:

At approximately Chippewa County Sheriff’s Department and MSP were dispatched to an address on Hungry Hollow Road for a guy named Josh that had recently been released from rehab where he had undergone treatment for meth.

He had smashed into several cars with his white Dodge truck. There was a weapon involved, as he was highly agitated and unstable. Dispatch was attempting to get further information.

Before police arrived it was determined, suspect Josh, was at his parents house and had smashed into their vehicles with his truck.

The weapon involved was a gun that his father was threatening him with, to leave the property.

Josh have smashed some windows on the home. Josh left before the police arrived and the father put his gun away.

But allegedly he was armed with a running chainsaw at end of high speed chase.

The Cool Hand Luke Tapes

Above is the nerve-racking audio tape of the high speed chase, ramming, shooting, and EMS – all in Chippewa County, Michigan.

The tapes will be released in next half an hour or less.

Trust me – you haven’t heard anything like it – cops do a great job – and this poor man – not sure his problem and his future is bleak.

Earlier in the day – he had been involved in several hit and run accidents – and ended up at his parents home on Hungry Hollow Road.

The tape picks up about the time police think the suspect “Josh” is about to come out of the home and talk with them.

Then the chase is on – first slow – then fast – then crazy apparently with a chainsaw.

Previous stories:


Witness: Chainsaw vs. MSP gun battle on M-28 – EXCLUSIVE NEW DETAILS: NUMEROUS SHOTS FIRED IN 100 MPH HIGH SPEED CHASE: Suspect shot multiple times by MSP – Michigan State Police car rammed – Major high speed chase an hour west of the Sault Ste. Marie area in Chippewa County – MSP trooper receives eardrum injuries – two ambulances called – M-28 finally reopens before sunrise Tuesday – did crime spree suspect have chainsaw? Wreckers given official MSP/police escort to Soo Post with two vehicles – wrecked troopers car and suspect vehicle

UPDATE – but scroll down for more info 11-22-16 6:47 a.m.
We have been duly corrected in ref. to on our editorial opinion about an ambulance being rerouted.

We were corrected by the the head of the Chippewa EMS moments ago.
U.P.Breaking News believes what this paramedic supervisor said.
So -sorry our editorial opinion has changed and was mostly wrong.
I like to admit when we are wrong (editorial or not) – and scroll down to see why (editorial part) – its has nothing to do with the shooting – but the ambulance that had to be rerouted.

UPDATE 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016
M-28 has reopened following the chainsaw/gun battle.

UPDATE 2:50 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016 M-28 Closure Update

Officials have called for two flatbed wreckers at the scene of the shooting on M-28 on the western edge of Chippewa County.
One wrecker for the wrecked MSP car – and the second wrecker for the wounded suspect’s vehicle.

Once the wreckers load the two vehicles on the flatbeds – the wreckers will be given an official MSP escort to the Michigan State Police – Sault Ste. Marie Post/Detachment.
This also means officials are getting a little bit closer to reopening the major east/west highway.


“There was a chainsaw running at the scene when we pulled up,” the witness says.  A MSP “trooper went over and turned off the chainsaw.

URGENT URGENT URGENT – Monday, Nov. 22, 2016- witness tells of chainsaw and suspect in bad shape in middle of highway.
A witness tells U.P. Breaking News:
“There was a chainsaw running at the scene when we pulled up,” the witness says.
“We were the first civilians at the seen,” the witness said.
“Perhaps he had that in hand threatening the troopers. Don’t know that for sure though. He had already been shot and was laying motionless in the middle of M 28 upon our arrival.”
U.P. Breaking News has also learned that officials are on the scene of another location involved in the incident – on Hungry Hollow Road.

Further the witness told U.P. Breaking News:

An “officer ran up and told us to turn around and leave,” the witness said. “Another trooper went over and turned off the chain saw.”

“The man was motionless and in cuffs when we arrived. Did see him move as we were leaving. Believe he was unconscious at first as his eyes were closed and he had a blank and frankly dead looking face.”


 Beautiful photo of Valley Med Flight, Inc. helicopter courtesy by Rebecca Meese.

Crime spree – that involved multiple vehicles crashes – allegedly preceded high speed chase and MSP shooting

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

2016-valley-med-flight-logo(Sault Ste Marie, Michigan area) – About 11:06 p.m. tonight a Valley Med Flight helicopter took off from Newberry, Michigan with the police shooting victim and with Paramedics aboard.

Paramedics were working on the shooting victim as they lifted off from Newberry en-route to the landing pad at U.P. Health System-Marquette.

U.P. Breaking News was contacted early Tuesday (today – 11-22-16)  by a witness who says he was first civilian on the scene after the police shooting (see his comments at end of our story in reader comments). That witness claims he saw the suspect laying in the middle of M-28 with gunshot wounds – and nearby a chainsaw.
Did he threaten cops with a chainsaw?
One of dozens and dozens of unknown questions.

We have been told the shooting victim’s first name is Josh and his family has been notified through various means. U.P. Breaking News has not yet confirmed his last name.

“Josh” was shot multiple times by a Michigan State Police trooper after going on alleged crime spree.
U.P. residents are lucky to have Valley Med Flight out of Escanaba that saves many lives in all weather.

Now our exclusive details about what led up to the shooting. We suspected these details were true but another source just came forward who is accurate – and has ties all over Chippewa County. But first even newer information:

OK we blew it – the head of Chippewa EMS says I am wrong  with this editorial:
She says the ambulance was always on duty in their township and the detour was 10 miles – furthermore she says it did not inconvenience the paramedics or put anyone in danger for many reasons. She had a reasonable set of facts – and we believe her:
EDITORIAL – MADDENING – SHAME SHAME SHAME – The Chippewa EMS ambulance needed to get back on duty fast last night – because of emergency coverage issues.

The ambulance requested to go through the roadblock on m-28 – but troopers apparently did not want paramedics seeing what was happening or what they were doing on the scene – and that ambulance took a detour of a couple hours to get back to serve the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie. This ambulance could have gone through without messing up the crime scene (many ways) but it was kept secret. This is horrendous.
Sadly U.P. Breaking News has noticed a certain arrogance by some high-ranking MSP on east end of U.P. – and it is hard to understand – and very suspicious! While their counterparts in other areas are open and honest about things. It reminds me of the cowboy cops days in Georgia – now that MSP has shot two people in eastern U.P. in past few months.

This (Monday) afternoon, the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Department and MSP were dispatched to an address on Hungry Hollow Road for a guy named “Josh” that had recently been released from rehab where he had undergone treatment for meth.
We have not confirmed Josh’s last name and the may not be from the area.
“Josh” had allegedly smashed into several cars with his white Dodge truck.

There was a weapon involved, as he was highly agitated and unstable.
At that point Chippewa County Central Dispatch was attempting to get further information.

Before police arrived it was determined that the suspect “Josh,” was at his parents house and had smashed into their vehicles with his truck. Not clear if drugs or alcohol were involved.
“The weapon involved was a gun that his father was threatening him with, to leave the property,” our source says.
It is possible that “Josh” may have smashed some windows on the home.
Josh left before the police arrived and the father put his gun away.
We have no reports the suspect was armed when shot – however he was allege3dly throwing objects out of his car like tools during a crazy high speed chase on snowy highways.

Update 1o p.m. 11-21-16

MDOT and local road commissions are deciding what traffic to send where – including trucks. M-28 will be closed at least all night.
So prepare for varying detours. Several detours have been set up on both ends of the police shooting scene.

By Greg Peterson

Update 8:30 p.m. 11-21-16

URGENT – MDOT please call the MSP or Chippewa County Central Dispatch – urgent!

M-28 closed in Chippewa County from Hulbert Corners to M-123 (traffic rerouted down to U.S. 2)

All Luce county deputies and auxiliary deputies have been called into work to assist with traffic control after this high speed chase and shooting in Chippewa County


Previous stories:

100 MPH high speed chase ends in with MSP shooting the suspect in Chippewa County; MSP trooper with minor injuries


By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Sault Ste Marie, Michigan area) – Michigan State Police have shot one person and a veteran MSP trooper received minor injuries during a wild 100 MPH high speed chase that just ended in Chippewa County.

The location the chase ended with shots is M-28 about one mile east of Hulbert Corners. No doubt the roads were slippery at some point during the brief chase.

Two people are hurt including the suspect who was shot by a Michigan State Police trooper.

No names have been released – and a long investigation has just started closing the highway.

A second ambulance has been requested as mutual aid in Newberry to help a Michigan State Police trooper who has ruptured eardrum due to the wild shooting and chase.

“We are going to have to shut down M-28,” said an officer on the scene.

Numerous MSP supervisors and detectives are converging on thew scene along with other law enforcement.

“The suspect is down,” said one officer.

The suspect “has multiple gunshot wounds,” said a paramedic. The trooper “is in stable condition.”

One MSP car was heavily damaged in the chase during which gunshots were fired and the suspect allegedly threw tools and other object at police 3was driving about 100 MPH.

Two people are down at least one seriously shot during wild high speed chase

The suspect is a male victim with multiple gunshot wounds. Officers had been watching the man before the chase – it seems like he was wanted.

“MSP shot him,” said one officer.

The MSP veteran whose has minor injuries reported that his car received heavy damage when rammed by the suspects’ vehicle.
MSP car/unit needs to be towed after numerous photos are taken and the scene documented. The chase last about 5 to 10 minutes.





Editorial: The Reputation and Impartiality of Michigan State Police Detectives is at stake after two U.P. deaths involving state employees: Eastern U.P. man shot dead by MSP in his own bedroom during well-being check (second time this year) – and the strangely handled and questionable death of a maximum security inmate in Marquette – MSP ‘Integrity’ to be seen

msp-logoThe Michigan State Police motto says: Excellence, Integrity and Courtesy

We will see if that Excellence and Integrity is true blue

Become MSP Detective:


Message to Michigan State Police Detectives: Please don’t issue sterile press releases – diminishing the importance of the lives of these two men – like officials did earlier this year after the first of several questionable deaths at the hands of U.P. law enforcement

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

An Eastern Upper Peninsula man in sleeping in his bed – before he knows it – cops are in his bedroom. He is gunned down. Did the Michigan State Police and other officers want to kill him – of course not. It was handled badly.

Handled badly – just like the fatal police shooting months earlier of an Ishpeming Township man they knew was suicidal.

Now the third Upper Peninsula death in front of government employees – this time its Corrections Officers with the Michigan Department of Corrections assigned to the rough Marquette Branch Maximum Security prison.

We have a few questions in case the issue a press release – remember these are human beings who died at the hands of – or in front of – government employees:


These are only a few of the basic questions the public and angry families have a right to know (I could submit a dozen or more questions on each death:

Was 51-year-old Dean Bruning also tazered/shocked before, during or after he was shot twice by at least one trooper.

Was he killed on his bedroom floor?

Were all Michigan State Police procedures followed as taught in your trooper schools or during ongoing training. – and if not – why!

Now – the deaths of several Michigan Department of Corrections inmates who are not receiving proper medical care like 30-year-old inmate Derrik Siminski of Saginaw was found in apparent cardiac arrest about 5 p.m. on Oct. 1, 2016 in front of Marquette Branch Prison officials.

Why did Marquette Branch Prison professionals ask a doctor over the radio to pronounced an inmate dead about 50 minutes after he was found in cell?

Why was he not already at the hospital?

Why was his medication not properly followed when he had issues with at least one of his meds?

Were all procedures followed after an inmate is found unconscious – like calling 911?

Did U.P. Breaking News call 911 before the state did? Release the audio tapes to prove it either way.

We already know this year’s death of another U.P. inmate – Charles Lee Anderson  was not properly handled. Anderson died because his medical condition was mishandled by officials at the Kinross Correctional Facility – yeah where prisoners rioted this fall and the state blatantly lied.

Oh yeah – why was the state officials allowed to blatantly lie about the “emergency” drill – that wasn’t – the day after the death this month in Marquette.  These are not small fibs.

And – if ya had any guts – how about putting that governor of ours behind bars – if ya have the time.


Stop throwing poor Native Americans in federal prison if you ignore serious white collar crimes in Upper Peninsula – U.P. Breaking News Editorial to the U.P. Feds

friendly fyi to Federal Prosecutors: U.P. and statewide white collar crime including indifference to human life – linked to recent cop-shooting deaths – prison riot – and other alarming environment crimes unrelated to Flint

Open message to Michigan’s two top cops – U.S. Attorneys Barbara L. McQuade and Patrick A. Miles, Jr.

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

The public is going to lose faith in the federal prosecutors office if you do not bring serious charges against our Governor Rick Snyder – and for that matter all the state, federal and locals involved in allowing crimes to happen (often under pressure) or indifference.

While maybe it is needed due to serious crimes – buts it is easy to throw a low-income Native American in federal prison. It is not easy to go after white collar crime especially white white-collar crime.

This comes from a big fan of the federal prosecutors and all the hard work they do across the Upper Peninsula and the state. But Michigan’s budget cuts have gone beyond the bone – and now U.P. ground blood-stained with the innocent.

U.P. Michigan State Police and other law enforcement budget cuts has forced the cops to be psychiatrists – and the mental health system is collapsing – suicides grow – and now retired Yoopers are being shot and killed in their bedrooms by cops who are punished if they follow protocol.
Modern police training dictates handling a suicidal person with the proper patience and care – not rushing into a man’s home. If I were the state troopers and the other cops I would be demanding to stop this before U.P. cops get killed. They normally have many other calls to go to and most of the time barging in doesn’t result in a death – its a budget issue red pen vs red blood.

You folks spend a lot of time throwing Native Americans in federal prison – most rightfully so – but when it comes to white collar corruption in the U.P. you are failing. Period. Your hard-working U.P. staff can barely handle the Native American related caseload – I know because I follow hundreds of cases.

Preferably it should be federal RICO charges against the Governor and his department heads and other minions – under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

In fact, as was done in the “ongoing crime spree” by the feds to the Illinois governor – you should act immediately to remove him from office – or take he and his top staff out of power.

In the Upper Peninsula cops this year have shot and killed two men in their own homes – during incredibly a “well-being check.” The Upper Peninsula prisons are so understaffed that another inmate riot like Kinross – is all but certain especially with under-staffing and angry inmates.

The U.P. state prison meals lines are a huge issue for under-staffing – dangerously riot prone – plus entrenched supervisors who just do not care about inmate rights (We are not sympathetic for those who commit violent crimes – but remember folks we are trying to run a society here).

We can prove – give you places to probe – that the state lied publicly about the U.P. prison riot before and after it happened – but all you have to do is read the Sunday U.P. Papers to get it. U.P. Breaking News was the lone wolf.

Plus a Kinross inmate just died after his medical needs were neglected – and we are about to report on another inmate who also just died – in the Jackson, MI area because of the lack of proper medical care.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, according to numerous sources.

This can not be allowed to happen in a civilized society – especially when faith in law enforcement is at stake. We need law enforcement. But white collar corruption especially when it leads to deaths – can not be tolerated..

These are not minor issues – even if we put aside the poisoning of a generation of low-income Flint children.

We have proof the state lied about environmental crimes in the U.P. including the destruction statewide of the deer herd – and the lie about the reason for the wolf hunt – that federal taxpayers paid a millions to reintroduce to have them killed for pennies a piece.

Plus if a grand jury probed the connection between the Marquette County Road Commission (notorious for pitiful record keeping) – and Kennecott and even the current mine owners over the superhighway that has replaced the once fabled two-rut/dirt Triple A Road for the Acid Mine – all those crimes from unrepentant local elected officials to state officials (we can prove it) – and both mine owners is rife with special treatment, sweetheart deals and luxury travel. Kennecott’s worldwide crime spree has been widely documented and they brought their dirty ways to the U.P. – then fled. No coincidence.

The problem is we can not trust the Michigan Attorney General’s Office to properly investigate its own boss. Remember it is called a conflict of interest.

So – white collar crime in Michigan should be just as important in the Upper Peninsula for the feds as throwing impoverished Native Americans in prison – which many deserve and we love the domestic violence and other initiatives.

U.P. Breaking News has clearly outline these crimes in our news stories and editorials. Now we officially put some of the responsibility on the federal doorstep if more people die or there is another riot. We have warned you – and everyone that U.P. lives are – indeed – at stake.

EMS audio of shooting of an eastern Upper Peninsula man inside his home by Michigan State Police doing well-being check along with Mackinac County Sheriff’s Department

EMS and First Responder dispatch audio of MSP fatal shooting in Hessel, Michigan

By Greg Peterson

Owner, News Director

U.P. Breaking News


dean-bruning-8-24-15-facebook-killed-by-state-policeHere is the audio of Clark Township First Responders and Kinross Township First Responders including EMS responding to the fatal shooting of 50-year-old Dean Allen Bruning of 2302 N Chard Road near Hessel, MI – who was shot and killed by a Michigan State Police trooper doing a well-being check with other officers including the Mackinac County Sheriff’s Department.

The shooting happened late Tuesday night, October 4, 2016 inside the victim’s home – and police say Bruning was armed with a handgun.

**We are efforting the MSP and other law enforcement agencies radio traffic and other information. For now, here is EMS dispatches.

The audio includes U.P. Breaking News exclusive audio and many thanks to Broadcastify and Radio Reference.

Scroll down for background and more information and background


Previous stories:

Michigan’s Mental Health System – including how cops react – is in shambles because of budget cuts and more poverty

Michigan State Police Shoot/Kill Mackinac County Man- whose body was guarded by a an angry dog – second fatal shooting this year involving depressed retired U.P. men and law enforcement


By Greg Peterson

Owner, News Director

U.P. Breaking News


(Mackinac County, MI) – Upper Peninsula Breaking News has confirmed for the second time this year an Upper Peninsula man has been shot by police doing a well-being check – and in both cases police say they had no choice.

The first incident occurred in Ishpeming in June this year involving a retired logger – 68-year-old U.S. Amy veteran Clifford Leroy Tucker – who served his country during the “Vietnam era” and was suffering from back pain – then he was was killed in his home by a Marquette County Deputy – who was cleared by Michigan State Police.

The latest involved the fatal shooting of 50-year-old Dean Allen Bruning of 2302 N Chard Road near Hessel, MI.

According to various sources the man was possibly shot twice – in the arm and abdomen – and his body was being guarded by a fierce dog – so a warning was put out to Kinross and other first responders in Clark Township.

Earlier today, U.P. Breaking News reached out to the Mackinac County Sheriff – however he has not gotten back to us.

According to reports, the Mackinac County man was shot and killed by a MSP trooper after a family member called police late last night and requested a well-being check.

About 11 p.m., several law enforcement officers entered the Clark Township home owned by Bruning – and located on West Chard Road near Hessel.
That’s when one of the troopers fired twice.

As in the Marquette County incident, police say the man they killed was suicidal and armed with a gun. Bruning with a handgun and Tucker with a shotgun.

Why do retired yoopers – who are depressed – keeping getting killed by cops?


Killed in his Ishpeming Twp. home by police


Another U.P. resident is shot and killed by police this time by Michigan State Police: Police in both incidents claim the depressed man they were checking on was armed and had to be shot

Michigan’s Mental Health System – including how cops react – is in shambles because of budget cuts and more poverty

Michigan State Police Shoot/Kill Mackinac County Man- whose body was guarded by a an angry dog – second fatal shooting this year involving depressed retired U.P. men and law enforcement


By Greg Peterson

Owner, News Director

U.P. Breaking News


(Mackinac County, MI) – Upper Peninsula Breaking News has confirmed for the second time this year an Upper Peninsula man has been shot by police doing a well-being check – and in both cases police say they had no choice.

The first incident occurred in Ishpeming in June this year involving a retired logger – 68-year-old U.S. Amy veteran Clifford Leroy Tucker – who served his country during the “Vietnam era” and was suffering from back pain – then he was was killed in his home by a Marquette County Deputy – who was cleared by Michigan State Police.

The latest involved the fatal shooting of 50-year-old Dean Allen Bruning of 2302 N Chard Road near Hessel, MI.

According to various sources the man was possibly shot twice – in the arm and abdomen – and his body was being guarded by a fierce dog – so a warning was put out to Kinross and other first responders in Clark Township.

Earlier today, U.P. Breaking News reached out to the Mackinac County Sheriff – however he has not gotten back to us.

According to reports, the Mackinac County man was shot and killed by a MSP trooper after a family member called police late last night and requested a well-being check.

About 11 p.m., several law enforcement officers entered the Clark Township home owned by Bruning – and  located on West Chard Road near Hessel.
That’s when one of the troopers fired twice.

As in the Marquette County incident, police say the man they killed was suicidal and armed with a gun. Bruning with a handgun and Tucker with a shotgun.

Why do retired yoopers – who are depressed – keeping getting killed by cops?


Killed in his Ishpeming Twp. home by police




Lest we forget: An Army veteran’s life of logging left him with debilitating back pain and then was killed in his home by a deputy sheriff during a fatal standoff in Ishpeming Township, MI

Clifford Tucker 5 (2)Clifford Tucker 5 (3)

Clifford Leroy Tucker
Ishpeming Twp. MI
Newberry native
(Jan. 26, 1948 – June 9, 2016)

Vietnam Era vet – killed by a Marquette County Deputy during a mental break insane with back pain from a logger’s life – will be remembered this Friday, June 24, 2016 and the family hopes you will help pay for this arrangements including cremation

By Greg Peterson

News Director, Owner

Upper Peninsula Breaking News

(Newberry, MI) – He was an elderly vet, retired logger who suffered back pain, grizzled outdoorsman with a rugged beard, loved hunting and fishing, spent hours reading old Westerns, would do anything to help anybody, was an avid antique collector, was shot and killed in standoff with police, and his family needs your help paying for costs of his death including cremation and a memorial service this Friday.

Clifford Tucker68-year-old U.S. Amy veteran Clifford Leroy Tucker served his country during the “Vietnam era.”

A Newberry, MI native, Tucker told neighbors he suffered unimaginable back pain due to decades of logging. Neighbors said the elderly man shared his residence with his grandson.

Clifford Tucker 4 with grandson gofundme page

He was shot and killed by police while in a psychotic break due to the terrible pain that made life not worth living. His family spent the next weeks clearing out his vacant home of personal belongings – a haunting reminder of a man’s life ended because he couldn’t bear the miserable pain of decades of logging.

A memorial service will be held 3 p.m. this Friday (June 24, 2016) at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles in Newberry followed by a luncheon.

The U.P. Funeral Honors Team will provide respectful military honors

A GoFundMe page has been set up by a friend for the family

Jake Van Effen set up a GoFundMe page to help the family defray costs of the heart-wrenching wrapping up the life of their beloved father and grandfather.

The beneficiary of the campaign is Donald Tucker, grandson of the cop shooting victim


Memorial considerations may be directed to a fund for Clifford’s grandchildren established at the First National Bank of St. Ignace- Newberry office, 1014 Newberry Ave. Newberry, MI 49868.

Cliff left behind his son Scott (Heather) and three beloved grandchildren,” the GoFundMe page states. “Cliff was an avid hunter and fisherman and had a great passion for collecting antiques and reading Old Westerns.”

“Knowing Cliff, personally, he would do anything for anyone if they needed help,” the public fundraising page from his friend states. “Whether your car didn’t start, or if you had a flat tire, or maybe you just had a bad day and needed someone to talk to, well he was always there.”

This fund has been set up to donate to funeral/cremation donations for Clifford’s son Scott (Heather) and grandchildren. Every little bit will help and would be greatly appreciated.

Shooting Victim Freeze Frames 3

Tucker “was passionate for the outdoors” and enjoyed hunting and fishing. A nice boat sat in his driveway at the moment of his death. Tucker was armed with a shotgun when killed by a cop, police say.

He was a member of the John T. Bouchard 3701 Fraternal Order of the Eagles of Newberry.

Thurs., June 9, 2016.

Suicide by cop – Marquette County Deputy Keith Romback:

During a standoff with a shotgun in his residence at 245 Silver St. in Ishpeming Township, MI, 68-year-old Clifford LeRoy Tucker was shot four times by Marquette County Deputy Keith Romback.

Officials say Tucker threatened Romback with the shotgun during the incident on June 9, 2016 in Ishpeming Township.

Memorial services

Clifford Leroy Tucker

Ishpeming Twp. MI

Newberry native
(Jan. 26, 1948 – June 9, 2016)


Clifford was born on January 26, 1948 and passed away on Thursday, June 9, 2016.

Clifford was born January 26, 1948 in Munising to Viola (Sevarns) and the late Leslie Leroy Tucker.

Clifford was a resident of Ishpeming Township, Michigan at the time of his passing.

Clifford served his country in the United States Army during the Vietnam era.

A memorial service will be held 3:00pm on Friday June 24 2016 at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles in Newberry. Military honors will be accorded by the U.P. Funeral Honors Team. A luncheon will be held following the service.

Jake Van Effen set up a GoFundMe page to help the family defray costs of the heart-wrenching wrapping up the life of their beloved father and grandfather.

The beneficiary of this campaign is Donald Tucker, relative of cop shooting victim


Clifford Tucker, 68 years old, died unexpectedly on June 9, 2016. Cliff left behind his son Scott (Heather) and three beloved grandchildren. Cliff was an avid hunter and fisherman and had a great passion for collecting antiques and reading Old Westerns. Knowing Cliff, personally, he would do anything for anyone if they needed help.

Whether your car didn’t start, or if you had a flat tire, or maybe you just had a bad day and needed someone to talk to, well he was always there. Clifford is also a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.

This fund has been set up to donate to funeral/cremation donations for Clifford’s son Scott (Heather) and Grandchildren. Every little bit will help and would be greatly appreciated. Please donate if you are able! Thank you!

Memorial considerations may be directed to a fund for Clifford’s grandchildren established at the First National Bank of St. Ignace- Newberry office, 1014 Newberry Ave. Newberry, MI 49868.

Clifford is survived by a son Scott (Heather Donato) Tucker of Ishpeming, his mother Viola Troop of Newberry, 3 grandchildren, Owen, Hunter and Hailey Tucker, sisters & brothers: Chris Thompson and Patty Shocinski both of Mesa, AZ Danny (Dorothy) Troop, Ernie (Liz) Troop both of Newberry, Jerry Troop of Texas, Helen (Ervin) Schroder of New Braunfels, TX, Cindy and Ann, and an uncle Roger (Florence) Sevarns of Newberry, along with many nieces and nephews. Clifford was preceded in death by his father, his wife Patricia Tucker, a sister Laura and a brother Tim Troop.

A memorial service will be held 3:00pm on Friday June 24, 2016 at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles in Newberry. Military honors will be accorded by the U.P. Funeral Honors Team. A luncheon will be held following the service.

Clifford’s obituary may be viewed at bjorkandzhulkie.com where relatives and friends may leave a note of remembrance

Memorial Service

Friday, June 24, 2016
3:00 PM

Eagles Club of Newberry
12020 Hwy M-28
Newberry, MI 49868

Get Directions on Google Maps

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U.P. Funeral Honors Team




Fort Leonard Wood is responsible for 88 counties in Missouri, and the states of Illinois and Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
The post’s Casualty Assistance Center facilitates about 4,000 military funerals each year.



(504) June 9, 2016, white male shot by police

Clifford Leroy Tucker, 68



Cops say victim was suicidal elderly man who left an MCSD deputy no choice but to shoot him. A press conference is planned:



