VA hospital in Louisiana chases man to Upper Peninsula because he did not like their food – Gulf Coast petty offense misdemeanor tickets get man arrested in Iron County, MI

Upper Peninsula Breaking News Bulletin  11-21-17 9:45 p.m. ET

He didn’t like the VA food in Louisiana – and he got a ticket for smuggling in food. He was tracked down in Iron County, Michigan and dragged into a Marquette federal courtroom

Cedric Jones graphic 2

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
News Director/Co-Owner

(Marquette, MI) – If you are being treated by a Veterans Affairs Hospital (maybe any hospital) do not order outside food – or at least don’t get caught – because you could be in a lot of trouble.

Also – if you are charged with two petty offense misdemeanors – the long arm of the feds will find you in northern Michigan – because you owe $500 in fines after bust at the Overton Brooks Veterans Administration Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Cedric D. Jones of 5076 Fairfield Ave. in Shreveport, Louisiana was busted in Iron County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Just how he got arrested in Iron County is not known – either from traffic stop or federal agents went after him.

On the bright side, a federal magistrate judge in Marquette turned the man free.

He was recharged by federal prosecutors in Marquette with the same unusual drug crime and disorderly conduct in connection with an incident involving a “disruptive patient” a year and a half ago at the V.A. Hospital in Shreveport.

The federal charges in the U.P. were filed on Mon., Nov. 20, 2017 – although the initial incident apparently happened on July 19, 2016.

He was given a “U.S. District Court Violation Notice” (see below) – that resembles a ticket.

Cedric Jones graphic

“Jones would not following (VA) rules after being told on several occasions he could not order food from an outside restaurant,” states a ticket he received at the time.

VA officials ordered Jones “not to cross the ‘red line‘ without being told or asked,” the federal ticket states.

“Jones was escorted to the “seclusion room because of his bad behavior,” the officer wrote. “Jones was searched for contraband after (staff) observed Jones with unauthorized items in the seclusion room,” the ticket states. “V.A. Police confiscated 10 and one half colored pills from Jones.”
“Jones stated it was Xanax,” the violation notice states.

An initial appearance was held today, Tues., Nov. 21, 2017 in Marquette before U.S. District Court Magistrate Timothy P. Greeley. The crimes are designated as misdemeanor petty offenses.

Judge Greeley noted that Jones was “advised of the charges and the collateral forfeiture amount” and said he “would pay both tickets” on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017.

The judge ordered Jones freed from custody.

Therefore today’s initial appearance turned into a new date – and that future hearing won’t be be needed if Jones pays what is owed to the feds.

Judge Greeley set a hearing for Dec. 29, 2017 but said he’d cancel the hearing if all fines and frees are paid.

Meanwhile, One federal document suggests a an “initial appearance” is technically set for Feb. 1, 2018 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark L. Hornsby in federal court in the Western District of Louisiana in Shreveport, LA. Likely to be canceled as well. A lot over a couple of petty offense misdemeanors.

Count: 1

Disorderly Conduct

Count: 2

Unauthorized Introduction on VA Controlled Property of Narcotic Drugs

The federal prosecutor is Asst. U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat.

Suspect Cedric D. Jones is represented by U.S. Public Defender Elizabeth A. LaCosse.