For Sale: Marquette County does more wheeling and dealing for the rich – than I ever saw in corrupt Georgia – At least in Georgia the FBI investigates white collar crime

U.P. Breaking News Editorial Thurs., Jan 18, 2018 11:20 p.m. ET

Did you see this coming – it was let’s make a deal day in Marquette County – where everything is for sale

Even the light bulbs are for sale – no longer needed – because good ideas are few and far between in the county of Marquette

Emezzler gets deal of century

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
Owner, News Director

And the winner is … 39-year-old Jamie Jean (Zambon) Tasson!
Thanks for playing Let’s Make A Deal – the Marquette County Edition. Everyone in the court should be ashamed of what happened today in Marquette County.


Jamie Tasson MySpace 1

Jamie (Zambon) Tasson’s old Myspace photo – Marquette County refuses to give mugshots of the rich. Which one is her?


Three months in prison for stealing more than a quarter million is a pretty good deal – if ya can get it. Hell she will be out in time for the beautiful U.P. spring and summer – and doesn’t have to deal with snow and cold.

Tasson was booked into the county jail this afternoon (1-18-18) for her quick 90 days. Investigators spent more time probing the case than she will spend in the jail.

Come to Marquette County – where they have not met a felony they won’t bargain. But you have a much better chance at the bargain if you’re wealthy and can influence the system.

Right now – the county is protecting a well-known Marquette businessman who was allegedly involved in a hit-and-run drunk driving incident. They refuse to disclose info – and the media here – well they are yellow-bellied scaredy cats.

In fact, the Upper Peninsula media could not wait to report the recent arrest of a black football player at Northern Michigan University. But none reported the white player just arrested for rape. Why?

The system in Marquette County – and many other counties – are rigged against the poor – jail and big fines. Hell you have to pay for jail. Will Tasson have to pay the county for 90 days in jail? She better

Now, she’s no better than a crook, thief, scofflaw, scoundrel, swindler.

If anyone witnesses special treatment of dear Jamie in jail – please let us know.

If Tasson was poor – do you think she would have been given a sweetheart deal? I do not think so. I mean – seven felonies – three months – that’s bad math.

She has means – and even claims she will pay back the $250,000 (How may I ask?). Even that apparently is going to be debated in an upcoming hearing – Let’s Make a Deal Part two. The money is supposed to go to the Superior Eye Health & Vision Therapy Center and its owner Dr. Heidi Johnson. Do not know her view on the matter.

Talk about an eye opener – imagine – she will spend up to three months in prison – and then if she stays out of trouble – that’s it.

Probation – big deal – anyone who violates probation also needs a shrink.

It took a little time for a Marquette eye doctor to see what was happening- but when she did Tasson had stolen over $250,000. Never heard why she did it.

Many Yoopers charged with embezzlement have gambling addictions – others are just plain greedy wanting a fancier lifestyle feeling they are entitled. Some narcissists think they are smarter than everyone including the cops – I have known a few doozies.

Recently prosecutors in Marquette County sent an Ishpeming man to prison for three years for a crime he did not commit. Not so much as a “we’re sorry.”

Yet – they had this woman dead to right – a literal orgy of evidence in the form of a paper trail – presumably bank video recordings if needed.

Hope you can see clearly now? I hope so.
Am sure all today’s bargainers have clear conscience