U.P. Breaking News Reveals the Shocker Stories of 2016: As the “news readers” tell you in upcoming days about what happened in 2016 – U.P. Breaking News tells you the real “news” that happened in 2016 and what is could mean in 2017 – Plus some stories we will be breaking in upcoming days and weeks

U.P. Breaking News would like police input on these serious issues that were faced in 2016 and must be faced in 2017

Upper Peninsula Logo

We would like to hear (on or off the record) from even more of the fair-minded modern cops who understand the potential and obvious ramifications of these serious issues that if not addressed properly – could lead to officer’s deaths in 2017

And the headline we’d like to see before 2016 ends or in 2017 with our shameful governor Snidley Whiplash in a perp walk:

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges – RICO indictment returned by grand jury against worst governor in state history

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – As the obligatory “year-ender” stories will soon be in the U.P. media – as the U.P. “news readers” (TV, radio and newspaper) recall what they can about 2016.

U.P. Breaking News doesn’t expect the “news readers” to tell you what really happened (out of their press release world) – so we will.

Soon you will seen the U.P. media reminiscing about 2016 – in the same way they have since TV first came to northern Michigan. The papers sell their special year-end sections and rehash their original hash – but nothing really new.

In fact- even the TV reports look the same each year – just different names and places but often same annual events and perspective.

As the year 2016 ends, is the U.P. ready to face its issues?

Or will we collectively wait til the issues become too big and more people die?

Shall we punt into a Yooper end-zone – or take the first steps: Admit the problem and try to offer solutions.

First an fyi:

  • #1  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories on unsolved murders in the Upper Peninsula – plus suspicious deaths that seem to fall through the cracks even worse than the unsolved murders. If you know someone whose murder has not been solved – or there are highly-questionable circumstances – please give us a call. 906-273-2433
  • #2 –  If you have time – please join me this Tuesday at 8:45 a.m. in Marquette County Circuit Court.   U.P. Breaking News is under a judge’s demand that we appear in a Marquette courtroom. Against our will, we are being forced to go to that hearing Tuesday where a judge is trying to “restrain” U.P. Breaking News.
  • #3  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories revealing the truth behind Marquette County’s so-called torture case. The public has been misled by the press and officials to think it is comparable to the horrendous Cleveland torture and sexual assault case. Not even close – there are absolutely no similarities. Even Michigan’s high courts agree the case has big issues.  It’s one of those rare cases where the suspect may actually be innocent (according to some two dozen women). One so-called victim has died of a drug overdose. U.P. Breaking News feels very sorry for the only surviving “victim” Angel – who has actually been victimized and used by everyone involved. We have even heard there might be drug-addicted newborn baby thrown into the mix involving this case. U.P. Breaking News is going to name names – and show all faces.

Now – as U.P. news organizations prepare to tell you about what happened in 2016 – they will recall all the good news (nothing wrong with that) and the criminal cases in state courts. The U.P. news readers serve a niche for those Yoopers who like to dream we are in the 1950s.

But today’s modern Yooper demands more of their media. That’s why U.P. Breaking News devotes so much time, energy and money – instead of retiring on the Chocolay River – as a public service and to open your eyes.

If we break the ice, maybe one day there will be a media outlet in the U.P. that asks questions involving critical thinking – not just fluff or same ole stuff.

Believe it or not – the following is a description of the Upper Peninsula – a place that we think is still “someplace special” but now with an asterisk.

The following happened in final half of 2016:

  • Unsolved murders grow across northern Michigan including questionable deaths written off by media – and people who carer about victims claim little police effort is put into the deaths
  • Very strange deaths being quickly ruled suicide. Questionable “suicides” that are decided virtually overnight – in some cases, not even one day of investigation is given for each ten years of a person’s life – even in the oddest of cases without suicide note
  • U.P. police killing two retired men in their own homes during “well-being” checks – ruled OK bu local cops, probing local cops. And MSP says life goes on except for those shot. There was a third person shot by U.P. police that is also mental health related but that person is recovering.
  • Inmates strangely dropping dead in U.P. prisons in alleged unprecedented accidents. Plus inmates medical scandal leading to deaths and injuries – or many prisoners majorly ill from contaminated or under-cooked meals.
  • Few cops on the road; deadly under-staffing. Police and Corrections Officers are understaffed beyond bone that WILL lead to the death of an U.P. police officer – its only a matter of time before the rubber band breaks. Plus the few cops on road asked to be on-the-scene psychiatrists putting their lives in danger.
  • Skyrocketing suicide rate – and Pathways plus other community health organizations understaffed – and accused of not doing good job with their hands tied.
  • The Raging Children of the U.P. – Even this week U.P. Breaking News heard reports of teachers being attacked by students – from 7 years old – to their early teens. Kids attacking parents, grandparents and the other night attacking people attending a school function at a U.P. school named “Lincoln”
  • U.P. Dumpster Diving, Homelessness, Crushing U.P. Poverty at all time high – this winter expect the U.P,. homeless to freeze to death especially those not welcome at the overwrought shelters like those homeless with substance issues who are sent to fend with the wolves.
  • U.P. “News Media” in 2016 become “Fake News” at your doorstep – by going from simply not reporting stuff – to being duped or bought. For example, U.P. Breaking News was the only media not fooled by MDOC lies about the Kinross Riot. Newspapers and TV claimed that a riot was not happening at Kinross. U.P. Sunday papers had rotten egg omelets on their face with that one – TV was alseep.  Now the”news regurgitators” at the Hoton paper claim there are only 5 suspended black football players – rather than seven. Fake news in print delivered to your door! I would mention TV in all this but they are clueless about both.

Here is is more info on above:

First my message to the “reporters” who are just “news readers” or regurgitators – but want things to change:

To those reporters in the U.P. who are working under the bonds of their bosses – do not worry – newsrooms in other parts of the U.S. actually take their jobs seriously. U.P. newsrooms are very different from others. In some other newsrooms, you do not get discouraged when you come up with new ideas or hard news.

U.P. Breaking News is almost the only news media with the courage to tell you about serious (non-fluff) issues – the majority of other U.P. media hides like puppies.

I remember when paramedics and EMTs objected to be called simply “ambulance drivers.” That’s my comparison for the feckless members of the U.P. media – the media who are merely “news readers” or “news regurgitators” aka ambulance drivers. The difference is whether you read a press release with only the facts provided – or whether you look into the facts and ask questions.

Do you spend a few moments doing critical thinking before you go to a press conference? The weak “news regurgitators” are very obvious if you listen to their stories. Some of the U.P. young and older media really want to be journalists not press release puppets – but are held back by bosses with no guts.

But for example – the rest of U.P. media still has not gotten the Finlandia racism scandal correct.
It is “The Finlandia Seven” – not “The Finlandia Five” (Folks, send your old calculators to the editors at the Houghton paper to help them with math). But, at least the Hoton newspaper did a story with the main stuff coming from us, I do not even want to characterize how the other media handled it.

My message to police who really care (bored or puzzled reporters can stop reading now):

Kinross inmates still go to the hospital on a weekly basis but a federal court lawsuit filed this week may help explain some of the medical issues at Kinross and other U.P. prisons.

U.P. Breaking News is not specifically blaming the cops. The fair-minded cops we talk to regularly – understand we are fighting for their right to have more cops in the wake of an out-of-control system in the U.P. The cops in Yooperland are expected to spend most of their time handling suicidal/mental health situations – all three people that police shot in the U.P. in the final months of 2016 had mental health and/or depression issues.

Plus cops are pressured to close cases – and we are beginning to wonder about why some strange rulings have been made – like a woman whose death was ruled a suicide in less than three days even though she was found with a bungee cord around her neck laying on a famous Upper Peninsula beach – and no suicide note.

U.P. Breaking News stated in a editorial – that the integrity of MSP detectives is now on the line – and even the public is losing faith. I am not so cynical to believe these cops are bad – but it appears problems include low-staffing, pressure to move on, etc. There must be other reasons contribute to the U.P. being the place where people can apparently get away with murder – unless the case is gift wrapped for police.

Plus some days no cops are put on the road by U.P. county sheriff’s departments – and worse. We’d reveal more but it would be a treasure map for crooks (not that they do not already know this). Plus I’d hate to think our huge unsolved murder stats will encourage potential murderers into thinking getting away with the heinous crime is likely in the U.P.

If you are a fair-minded cop who understands and really cares about the future of the U.P. – and why we seem to be upending on many fronts. Rather than being reactionary – police officers please read this – even offer an opinion because we really want to know why this is happening. You do not have to give your name.

Am I the only one who thinks this is not sustainable?

We really want to know why police think this is happening. If this is not addressed – like a cancer – the public will begin the question the credibility of even U.P. law enforcement – where we love and believe in our police.

Please. If you are a professional law enforcement officer who recognizes the problems – and you do not easily get mad or your butt on your shoulders – then please tell us the possible solutions and how you think they can be achieved.
Or is all hunky dory from U.P. cops point of view?

Don’t worry we will hide your identity like our dozens and dozens of other sources – for whom we are very thankful. Some just want to blame media – we can take it. But that doesn’t solve anything.

*** Remember we NEED input from police and corrections officers who care instead of the usual sophomoric blaming of us. Remember, if you won’t help with information do not complain if we do not report it.

Stop throwing poor Native Americans in federal prison if you ignore serious white collar crimes in Upper Peninsula – U.P. Breaking News Editorial to the U.P. Feds

friendly fyi to Federal Prosecutors: U.P. and statewide white collar crime including indifference to human life – linked to recent cop-shooting deaths – prison riot – and other alarming environment crimes unrelated to Flint

Open message to Michigan’s two top cops – U.S. Attorneys Barbara L. McQuade and Patrick A. Miles, Jr.

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

The public is going to lose faith in the federal prosecutors office if you do not bring serious charges against our Governor Rick Snyder – and for that matter all the state, federal and locals involved in allowing crimes to happen (often under pressure) or indifference.

While maybe it is needed due to serious crimes – buts it is easy to throw a low-income Native American in federal prison. It is not easy to go after white collar crime especially white white-collar crime.

This comes from a big fan of the federal prosecutors and all the hard work they do across the Upper Peninsula and the state. But Michigan’s budget cuts have gone beyond the bone – and now U.P. ground blood-stained with the innocent.

U.P. Michigan State Police and other law enforcement budget cuts has forced the cops to be psychiatrists – and the mental health system is collapsing – suicides grow – and now retired Yoopers are being shot and killed in their bedrooms by cops who are punished if they follow protocol.
Modern police training dictates handling a suicidal person with the proper patience and care – not rushing into a man’s home. If I were the state troopers and the other cops I would be demanding to stop this before U.P. cops get killed. They normally have many other calls to go to and most of the time barging in doesn’t result in a death – its a budget issue red pen vs red blood.

You folks spend a lot of time throwing Native Americans in federal prison – most rightfully so – but when it comes to white collar corruption in the U.P. you are failing. Period. Your hard-working U.P. staff can barely handle the Native American related caseload – I know because I follow hundreds of cases.

Preferably it should be federal RICO charges against the Governor and his department heads and other minions – under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

In fact, as was done in the “ongoing crime spree” by the feds to the Illinois governor – you should act immediately to remove him from office – or take he and his top staff out of power.

In the Upper Peninsula cops this year have shot and killed two men in their own homes – during incredibly a “well-being check.” The Upper Peninsula prisons are so understaffed that another inmate riot like Kinross – is all but certain especially with under-staffing and angry inmates.

The U.P. state prison meals lines are a huge issue for under-staffing – dangerously riot prone – plus entrenched supervisors who just do not care about inmate rights (We are not sympathetic for those who commit violent crimes – but remember folks we are trying to run a society here).

We can prove – give you places to probe – that the state lied publicly about the U.P. prison riot before and after it happened – but all you have to do is read the Sunday U.P. Papers to get it. U.P. Breaking News was the lone wolf.

Plus a Kinross inmate just died after his medical needs were neglected – and we are about to report on another inmate who also just died – in the Jackson, MI area because of the lack of proper medical care.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, according to numerous sources.

This can not be allowed to happen in a civilized society – especially when faith in law enforcement is at stake. We need law enforcement. But white collar corruption especially when it leads to deaths – can not be tolerated..

These are not minor issues – even if we put aside the poisoning of a generation of low-income Flint children.

We have proof the state lied about environmental crimes in the U.P. including the destruction statewide of the deer herd – and the lie about the reason for the wolf hunt – that federal taxpayers paid a millions to reintroduce to have them killed for pennies a piece.

Plus if a grand jury probed the connection between the Marquette County Road Commission (notorious for pitiful record keeping) – and Kennecott and even the current mine owners over the superhighway that has replaced the once fabled two-rut/dirt Triple A Road for the Acid Mine – all those crimes from unrepentant local elected officials to state officials (we can prove it) – and both mine owners is rife with special treatment, sweetheart deals and luxury travel. Kennecott’s worldwide crime spree has been widely documented and they brought their dirty ways to the U.P. – then fled. No coincidence.

The problem is we can not trust the Michigan Attorney General’s Office to properly investigate its own boss. Remember it is called a conflict of interest.

So – white collar crime in Michigan should be just as important in the Upper Peninsula for the feds as throwing impoverished Native Americans in prison – which many deserve and we love the domestic violence and other initiatives.

U.P. Breaking News has clearly outline these crimes in our news stories and editorials. Now we officially put some of the responsibility on the federal doorstep if more people die or there is another riot. We have warned you – and everyone that U.P. lives are – indeed – at stake.

U.P. Breaking News Exclusive – It Goes Both Ways: Federal Native American Domestic Violence Crack down by federal prosecutors results in non-native female charged with assaulting a Native American man on tribal property

 U.P. Breaking News has been focusing on the problem of habitual domestic violence involving Native American Males and female victims – and this is first we’ve found to this point with a female suspect up on federal charges

Marissa Nicole Sherlock 1b


By Greg Peterson
News Director, Owner
Upper Peninsula Breaking News


(Grand Rapids, MI) – In the past two years, federal prosecutors have been making cases against male domestic violence suspects on Native American reservations across northern Michigan and now a non-native female has been charged with assaulting a Native American man on tribal lands.

Marissa Nicole Sherlock 2Marissa Nicole Sherlock, a non-native, is accused of a Class B federal misdemeanor for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend on June 26, 2016 in Calhoun County “in Indian Country” on “lands held in trust Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians.” The tribal lands are located within Calhoun County.

The victim is “an adult Indian male” identified only as “L.D.”

A non-jury trial is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on August 30, 2016 at federal court in Grand Rapids. The final pretrial conference is August 23.

Sherlock is charged in a federal criminal information filed by Asst. U.S. Attorney Jeff J. Davis, the federal prosecutor in the case filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The federal misdemeanor charge carries a much lesser sentence than the federal felony habitual domestic violence cases that require three previous convictions in state or tribal court.

The case has also been assigned to Nancy A. Bogren, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Tribal Prosecutor and a Special Asst. U.S. Attorney

Sherlock is free on personal recognizance bond and must abide by several court conditions including not to contact the victim.

She was freed after entering a not guilty plea before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ray Kent. Sherlock’s defense attorney is Asst. Federal Public Defender Richard D. Stroba, according to federal court documents.
The Nottawasepe Potawatamie Reservation is located in Athens Township in southwestern Calhoun County in southwestern Michigan. The tribe has purchased an additional 230 acres of land for its use and operates a gaming casino in Battle Creek, according to Wikipedia.

Related links:

Marissa Nicole Sherlock, Asst. Public Defender aka defense attorney

Richard D. Stroba



Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians

Huron Potawatomi Inc.

2221 1 1/2 Mile Rd.

Fulton, MI 49052

(269) 729-5151





Asst. U.S. Attorney Jeff J. Davis

U.S. Attorneys Offices:

Grand Rapids, Michigan HQ Office













Nottawaseppi Tribal Prosecutor

Nancy A. Bogren

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Tribal Prosecutor

Special Asst. U.S. Attorney

Paw Paw, MI






Paw Paw Office

303 East Paw Paw Street

Suite 6

Paw Paw, MI 49079









