U.P. Breaking News Reveals the Shocker Stories of 2016: As the “news readers” tell you in upcoming days about what happened in 2016 – U.P. Breaking News tells you the real “news” that happened in 2016 and what is could mean in 2017 – Plus some stories we will be breaking in upcoming days and weeks

U.P. Breaking News would like police input on these serious issues that were faced in 2016 and must be faced in 2017

Upper Peninsula Logo

We would like to hear (on or off the record) from even more of the fair-minded modern cops who understand the potential and obvious ramifications of these serious issues that if not addressed properly – could lead to officer’s deaths in 2017

And the headline we’d like to see before 2016 ends or in 2017 with our shameful governor Snidley Whiplash in a perp walk:

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges – RICO indictment returned by grand jury against worst governor in state history

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan) – As the obligatory “year-ender” stories will soon be in the U.P. media – as the U.P. “news readers” (TV, radio and newspaper) recall what they can about 2016.

U.P. Breaking News doesn’t expect the “news readers” to tell you what really happened (out of their press release world) – so we will.

Soon you will seen the U.P. media reminiscing about 2016 – in the same way they have since TV first came to northern Michigan. The papers sell their special year-end sections and rehash their original hash – but nothing really new.

In fact- even the TV reports look the same each year – just different names and places but often same annual events and perspective.

As the year 2016 ends, is the U.P. ready to face its issues?

Or will we collectively wait til the issues become too big and more people die?

Shall we punt into a Yooper end-zone – or take the first steps: Admit the problem and try to offer solutions.

First an fyi:

  • #1  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories on unsolved murders in the Upper Peninsula – plus suspicious deaths that seem to fall through the cracks even worse than the unsolved murders. If you know someone whose murder has not been solved – or there are highly-questionable circumstances – please give us a call. 906-273-2433
  • #2 –  If you have time – please join me this Tuesday at 8:45 a.m. in Marquette County Circuit Court.   U.P. Breaking News is under a judge’s demand that we appear in a Marquette courtroom. Against our will, we are being forced to go to that hearing Tuesday where a judge is trying to “restrain” U.P. Breaking News.
  • #3  – U.P. Breaking News is starting a series of stories revealing the truth behind Marquette County’s so-called torture case. The public has been misled by the press and officials to think it is comparable to the horrendous Cleveland torture and sexual assault case. Not even close – there are absolutely no similarities. Even Michigan’s high courts agree the case has big issues.  It’s one of those rare cases where the suspect may actually be innocent (according to some two dozen women). One so-called victim has died of a drug overdose. U.P. Breaking News feels very sorry for the only surviving “victim” Angel – who has actually been victimized and used by everyone involved. We have even heard there might be drug-addicted newborn baby thrown into the mix involving this case. U.P. Breaking News is going to name names – and show all faces.

Now – as U.P. news organizations prepare to tell you about what happened in 2016 – they will recall all the good news (nothing wrong with that) and the criminal cases in state courts. The U.P. news readers serve a niche for those Yoopers who like to dream we are in the 1950s.

But today’s modern Yooper demands more of their media. That’s why U.P. Breaking News devotes so much time, energy and money – instead of retiring on the Chocolay River – as a public service and to open your eyes.

If we break the ice, maybe one day there will be a media outlet in the U.P. that asks questions involving critical thinking – not just fluff or same ole stuff.

Believe it or not – the following is a description of the Upper Peninsula – a place that we think is still “someplace special” but now with an asterisk.

The following happened in final half of 2016:

  • Unsolved murders grow across northern Michigan including questionable deaths written off by media – and people who carer about victims claim little police effort is put into the deaths
  • Very strange deaths being quickly ruled suicide. Questionable “suicides” that are decided virtually overnight – in some cases, not even one day of investigation is given for each ten years of a person’s life – even in the oddest of cases without suicide note
  • U.P. police killing two retired men in their own homes during “well-being” checks – ruled OK bu local cops, probing local cops. And MSP says life goes on except for those shot. There was a third person shot by U.P. police that is also mental health related but that person is recovering.
  • Inmates strangely dropping dead in U.P. prisons in alleged unprecedented accidents. Plus inmates medical scandal leading to deaths and injuries – or many prisoners majorly ill from contaminated or under-cooked meals.
  • Few cops on the road; deadly under-staffing. Police and Corrections Officers are understaffed beyond bone that WILL lead to the death of an U.P. police officer – its only a matter of time before the rubber band breaks. Plus the few cops on road asked to be on-the-scene psychiatrists putting their lives in danger.
  • Skyrocketing suicide rate – and Pathways plus other community health organizations understaffed – and accused of not doing good job with their hands tied.
  • The Raging Children of the U.P. – Even this week U.P. Breaking News heard reports of teachers being attacked by students – from 7 years old – to their early teens. Kids attacking parents, grandparents and the other night attacking people attending a school function at a U.P. school named “Lincoln”
  • U.P. Dumpster Diving, Homelessness, Crushing U.P. Poverty at all time high – this winter expect the U.P,. homeless to freeze to death especially those not welcome at the overwrought shelters like those homeless with substance issues who are sent to fend with the wolves.
  • U.P. “News Media” in 2016 become “Fake News” at your doorstep – by going from simply not reporting stuff – to being duped or bought. For example, U.P. Breaking News was the only media not fooled by MDOC lies about the Kinross Riot. Newspapers and TV claimed that a riot was not happening at Kinross. U.P. Sunday papers had rotten egg omelets on their face with that one – TV was alseep.  Now the”news regurgitators” at the Hoton paper claim there are only 5 suspended black football players – rather than seven. Fake news in print delivered to your door! I would mention TV in all this but they are clueless about both.

Here is is more info on above:

First my message to the “reporters” who are just “news readers” or regurgitators – but want things to change:

To those reporters in the U.P. who are working under the bonds of their bosses – do not worry – newsrooms in other parts of the U.S. actually take their jobs seriously. U.P. newsrooms are very different from others. In some other newsrooms, you do not get discouraged when you come up with new ideas or hard news.

U.P. Breaking News is almost the only news media with the courage to tell you about serious (non-fluff) issues – the majority of other U.P. media hides like puppies.

I remember when paramedics and EMTs objected to be called simply “ambulance drivers.” That’s my comparison for the feckless members of the U.P. media – the media who are merely “news readers” or “news regurgitators” aka ambulance drivers. The difference is whether you read a press release with only the facts provided – or whether you look into the facts and ask questions.

Do you spend a few moments doing critical thinking before you go to a press conference? The weak “news regurgitators” are very obvious if you listen to their stories. Some of the U.P. young and older media really want to be journalists not press release puppets – but are held back by bosses with no guts.

But for example – the rest of U.P. media still has not gotten the Finlandia racism scandal correct.
It is “The Finlandia Seven” – not “The Finlandia Five” (Folks, send your old calculators to the editors at the Houghton paper to help them with math). But, at least the Hoton newspaper did a story with the main stuff coming from us, I do not even want to characterize how the other media handled it.

My message to police who really care (bored or puzzled reporters can stop reading now):

Kinross inmates still go to the hospital on a weekly basis but a federal court lawsuit filed this week may help explain some of the medical issues at Kinross and other U.P. prisons.

U.P. Breaking News is not specifically blaming the cops. The fair-minded cops we talk to regularly – understand we are fighting for their right to have more cops in the wake of an out-of-control system in the U.P. The cops in Yooperland are expected to spend most of their time handling suicidal/mental health situations – all three people that police shot in the U.P. in the final months of 2016 had mental health and/or depression issues.

Plus cops are pressured to close cases – and we are beginning to wonder about why some strange rulings have been made – like a woman whose death was ruled a suicide in less than three days even though she was found with a bungee cord around her neck laying on a famous Upper Peninsula beach – and no suicide note.

U.P. Breaking News stated in a editorial – that the integrity of MSP detectives is now on the line – and even the public is losing faith. I am not so cynical to believe these cops are bad – but it appears problems include low-staffing, pressure to move on, etc. There must be other reasons contribute to the U.P. being the place where people can apparently get away with murder – unless the case is gift wrapped for police.

Plus some days no cops are put on the road by U.P. county sheriff’s departments – and worse. We’d reveal more but it would be a treasure map for crooks (not that they do not already know this). Plus I’d hate to think our huge unsolved murder stats will encourage potential murderers into thinking getting away with the heinous crime is likely in the U.P.

If you are a fair-minded cop who understands and really cares about the future of the U.P. – and why we seem to be upending on many fronts. Rather than being reactionary – police officers please read this – even offer an opinion because we really want to know why this is happening. You do not have to give your name.

Am I the only one who thinks this is not sustainable?

We really want to know why police think this is happening. If this is not addressed – like a cancer – the public will begin the question the credibility of even U.P. law enforcement – where we love and believe in our police.

Please. If you are a professional law enforcement officer who recognizes the problems – and you do not easily get mad or your butt on your shoulders – then please tell us the possible solutions and how you think they can be achieved.
Or is all hunky dory from U.P. cops point of view?

Don’t worry we will hide your identity like our dozens and dozens of other sources – for whom we are very thankful. Some just want to blame media – we can take it. But that doesn’t solve anything.

*** Remember we NEED input from police and corrections officers who care instead of the usual sophomoric blaming of us. Remember, if you won’t help with information do not complain if we do not report it.

See the ‘Boo Hoo Letter’ from a Michigan Child Pornographer who wants to marry his co-defendant: Michigan’s Child Pornographers – Plus the alleged suspects in federal cases involving charges of child porno and sex crimes against kids across the Upper Peninsula, Michigan and northern Wisconsin

This is the new U.P. Breaking News page devoted to exposing the many federal cases involving child pornographers and the child pornography and sex cases filed in northern Michigan federal courts and some of the Lower Peninsula (if you are found not guilty let us know otherwise do not complain that we expose the admitted creeps of society)

U.P. Breaking News lets the chips fall where they may – raising public awareness is one of the duties of the media.

If you know someone with child pornography or who has committed sex crimes against children – please call the police asap!


Page under construction – constantly updating – will be adding more cases and their results plus updating all cases – if you have a federal case you would like to see us feature – please send the name to U.P. Breaking News through Facebook, email or call


Normann Robert Pittelkow of Albion, MI – 22 years in prison for child porno

Girlfriend Nicole Renee Jacob – 15 years in prison


Just released by U.P. Breaking News – Read the astounding “Boo-Hoo Letter” from a Michigan child pornographer who was sentenced this week to two decades in prison


Couple involved in child porn – now off to prison – but will they be allowed to get married

Boo-Hoo Letter from child pornographer Normann Robert Pittelkow

Normann Robert Pittelkow Sentencing Child Porn 11-20-16

Nicole Jacob Sentencing

Normann Robert Pittelkow and Nicole Renee Jacob, Child Porn Indictment 12-08-15

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

A longtime Albion, Michigan couple – who want to get married in federal slammer – are headed to federal prison for a long time after pleaded guilty in connection with shocking case in Calhoun County involving child porn and exploitation of children for getting three underage girls to pose for naked photos that he posted on the internet.

For the next 30 plus years the feds to keep an eye on the man – mostly in federal prison and has been ordered to pay over $20,000 to his minor victim plus restitution for his prosecution in a series of fees/fines.

Normann Robert Pittelkow of Albion, MI will spend over 22 years (265 months) in federal prison for sexual exploitation children and and possession of child pornography.

Pittelkow and his long-time girlfriend, coerced young three sisters to pose for nude and lingerie photos The girls were aged 13, 14, and 16. The crimes committed in September 2013.

In an incredible letter to the judge, Pittelkow said he seeks to “repair the damage” his crimes have caused and “figure out why my thought process broke down and get it mended.”

Saying he has lost all friends, co-workers and family, who are apparently not interested in his apologies.

Pittelkow was sentenced this week (Nov. 30, 2016) by a disgusted U.S. District Judge Robert Holmes Bell in Grand Rapids, MI.

His girlfriend, Nicole Renee Jacob, will spend over 15 years (180 months) in prison after a plea agreement with federal prosecutors. She was sentenced on Oct. 27, 2016 by Judge Bell.

In a five page letter to the judge, Pikkelkow even claims to want to marry his partner of 14-years – even though they were involved in a child porn plot.

Pittelkow was represented by attorney Helen Nieuwenhuis.

After serving the 22 years, he will be placed on ten years of supervised release.

Pittelkow was indicted with numerous felonies including four counts of “sexual exploitation of children; sexual exploitation of a child and attempted sexual exploitation of a child and one count of material constituting/containing child porno; possession of child pornography

Jacob was charged with sexual exploitation of children; sexual exploitation of a child and attempted sexual exploitation of a child

The federal prosecutors in the case is Assistant U.S. Attorney Tessa K. Hessmiller and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer S. Murnaha.

Federal prosecutors:

Assistant U.S. Attorney Tessa K. Hessmiller

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer S. Murnahan

(616) 456-2404

tessa.hessmiller at usdoj.gov

jennifer.murnahan at usdoj.gov


Aaron Tyler Dulac – 15 years in prison

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

Aaron Tyler Dulac was sentenced on Nov. 28, 2016 to 15 years (180 months) in federal prison – followed by eight years of supervised release – by United States District Court Judge Paul L. Maloney for child porn offenses on March 27, 2013 in Ingham County, MI.

Distribution of Child Pornography

Counts 2-4 and 5-6 are dismissed

United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan Southern Division

Dulac knowingly distributed child pornography that was shipped and transported using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce, including by computer. Specifically, the defendant distributed approximately 24 images and 2 videos of child pornography via e-mail through the internet, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following visual depictions:


Other Sexy party with some children 3 (400).3gp

[name redacted]_005.jpg

[name redacted]_006.jpg

[name redacted]_007.jpg


Robert Thomas Carlson of Marquette County

Carlson was indicted for possession of child pornography by a federal grand jury in Marquette on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 – one of three U.P. cases filed by the office of United States Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan that includes the Upper Peninsula.


54-year-old Mark Earl McLeod of Marion, Michigan – died before sentencing after pleading guilty

In May 2015, a federal judge dismissed the indictment after the suspect’s death

“Having received and reviewed the government’s motion to dismiss the indictment due to the defendant’s confirmed death, and defense counsel not opposing the motion, the court hereby grants the motion, and orders that the indictment be dismissed.”

Distribution of Child Pornography on or about February 25, 2012, in Osceola County, in the Southern Division of the Western District of Michigan.

McLeod was indicted on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 for possession and distribution of child pornography – involving preteen boys – during 2012 in Osceola County.

McLeod “knowingly possessed approximately 564 images and approximately 48 videos of child pornography,” the indictment states.

McLeod “knowingly distributed child pornography that was shipped and transported in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce by any means, including by computer,” the indictment states and continues “the defendant distributed child pornography via the Internet using a peer-to-peer file sharing program.”

Mark Earl McLeod knowingly distributed child pornography that was shipped and transported in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce by any means, including by computer. The defendant distributed child pornography via the Internet using a peer-to-peer file sharing program, including, but not limited to, one or more of the visual depictions listed below by file name:

REALLY SICK 9yo boys xxxing in the Axx Preteen Pedo Boys Playing Sucking Gay

inzest, incest, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16RBV KDV PT R@YGOLD PRT PTHC PJK

dick cock Preteen.jpg; and

!2005! Preteen boys posing nude zadoom kdv rbv pthc fenerbahce shx gay sex 9yo 106yo

11yo 112(1)(1).JPG.

Count two possession of child pornography on or about May 7, 2012, in Osceola County, in the Southern Division of the Western District of Michigan, Mark Earl McLeod knowingly possessed approximately 564 images and approximately 48 videos of child pornography, including, but not limited to, one or more of the visual depictions listed below by file name:

1. aaaa boylove gay pedo preteen boy sex child porn 107.jpg;

2. aaaa boylove gay pedo preteen boy sex child porn 129.jpg;

3. aaaa boylove gay pedo preteen boy sex child porn 143.jpg;

4. 1 [name redacted] & [name redacted] 2 Cute Gay Preteen Boys 11Yo 10Yo Brothers

Naked Nude On Bed Pedo Young Child Sex Kdv Rbv Pjk(11).jpg;

5. {FC03A2F5-2875-496D-86D2-C86F8C1BF739}.jpg; and

6. Preteen Boys 3some RBV KDV PT R@YGOLD PRT PTHC PJK Preteen Kids Boys

Little illegal Incest Pedo Young Gay Teen Innocent Child Hairless 08.jpg.

Such depictions were shipped and transported using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce. Specifically, the defendant downloaded these images from the Internet.





Christopher Michael-Ernest Smith a/k/a “mikedphunt at yahoo.com” of Grand Rapids, MI was sentenced to seven years (84 months) in prison on Oct. 21, 2016 by U.S. District Court Judge Riobert J. Jonker for Receipt of Child Pornography that occurred in September 2014 in Kent County, Michigan.

After prison, he will spend 10 years on supervised release

Indictment: Christopher Michael-Ernest Smith a/k/a “mikedphunt at yahoo.com” knowingly distributed child pornography that was shipped and transported using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce. Specifically, the defendant distributed approximately 16 images of child pornography via e-mail through the internet, including, but not limited to, one or more of the visual

depictions listed below by file name:

1. dsc00035.jpg

2. dsc00057.jpg

3. dsc00074.jpg

4. dsc00080.jpg

5. [name redacted]1_set36_066.jpg

6. [name redacted]1_set36_062.jpg

7. [name redacted]1_set36_065.jpg

8. [name redacted]1_set36_067.jpg

9. [name redacted]1_set36_093.jpg,

10.[name redacted]1_set36_095.jpg

11.[name redacted]1_set36_096.jpg

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14.[name redacted]1_set36_100.jpg



18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(2)(A) and (b)(1)

18 U.S.C. § 2256(8)(A)

Criminal Sexual Conduct – Second Degree (person Under Thirteen) Date Convicted: 07 July 2005


34-year-old Douglas Emil Kugler, Jr. of Vilas County, Wisconsin on Wednesday, July 13, 2014 agreed to a plea bargain and pleaded guilty to one count of abusive sexual contact with a child under the age of 12.

Kugler signed the plea agreement on August 7 before his defense attorney Derek G. Swajanen and assistant U.S. Attorney Paul D. Lockner.

The maximum penalty if Kugler pleads guilty is 20 years in jail, a $250,000 fine and five years probation.

Kugler must file as a sexual offender in Wisconsin.

A non-native Kugler allegedly had sexual contact with a young Native American boy- about 3 and a half years old – while visiting a family member at the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community in Baraga, Michigan.


61-year-old Tommy Alan Cain, formerly of Kincheloe, was arrested in Grand Rapids on July 24, 2014 after his indictment by a federal grand jury on multiple sexual abuse laws involving a minor:

Five counts of Sexual Abuse by Threat (Max life sentence if convicted)

One count of Abusive Sexual Contact by Threat (Max 3 years if convicted)

Six counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor. (Max 6 years per count – or 36 years total – if convicted

The indictment alleges Cain engaged in sexual acts with a minor victim over a four-year period beginning in 2007 on trust lands of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

Cain,who is non-native, is accused of molesting and terrorizing a female minor who is Native American.


Derek Allen Kidder of Kent County, Michigan was indicted on August 6, 2014 by a federal grand jury in Grand Rapids on two felonies involving the receipt and possession of child pornography depicting very young boys and girls.

Kidder allegedly received and viewed child pornography on or about September 6 and 7, 2011 in Kent County on his computer.


John Richard Balyo of Kalamazoo was indicted on July 23, 2014 by a federal grand jury in Grand Rapids on felony charges of sexual exploitation of a child and possession of child pornography.

Balyo allegedly “produced photographs of a boy” about 12 years old and then “engaged in sexually explicit conduct” on April 19, 2014 in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

Under forfeiture proceedings, if Balyo is convicted the government plans to take his Apple iPhone4S, and Apple iMac computer and a Nikon digital camera.


Related info:

Michigan child porn stories: Mid-Michigan man facing felony child pornography charges: Willard Wallace Jr., 56, of Midland is accused of producing child porn with kids between the ages of 2 and 7


Perv Priests:

http://bishop-accountability.org/priestdb/PriestDBbylastName-M.html http://bishop-accountability.org

FBI Dead Pool:


Perv stories:



18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(2)(A) and (b)(1)

18 U.S.C. § 2256(8)(A)

18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(5)(B) and (b)(2)

Upper Peninsula Breaking News Traffic Advisory

URGENT: U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory: 11-12-16  8:15 p.m ET

Airport Park Road near Dollar Bay, MI accident.

The one-vehicle accident is reported on Airport Park Road just north of Dollar Bay, MI involving a utility pole.

The vehicle was reportedly “wrapped around” a power or telephone  pole.” Unclear on injuries.

The Mercy Ambulance Service EMS and the Dollar Bay Township Volunteer Fire Department and First Responders are among those responding.

U.P. Breaking News URGENT – Houghton County/Keweenaw County News and Public Safety Bulletin
Copper City, Michigan Power Outage due to hit and run wreck 11-12-16 3 a.m.


Officials are searching for a black pickup truck that crashed into a power pole about 2:40 this morning near the front of the Drift-Inn Bar in Copper City, MI.

The suspect fled the scene but police are narrowing in on the person – whose vehicle likely has heavy damage – black Chevy pickup.
Much of the area is reported without power – and the power pole is broken in half.

The suspect’s vehicle may have been located in nearby Phillipsville Location. But suspect may be fleeing/hiding on foot.

Meanwhile officials in the Copper Country may have a serious situation developing involving a man allegedly held against his will by a felon – but it remains to be seen what is happening.
We will not release information on the situation unless it is truly warranted.
But that’s why so much police activity going on.

2016-tamarac-city-wreckU.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory: 11-11-16 6:10 p.m: Tamarack City, MI in Houghton County for two vehicle accident with injuries

Dollar Bay Township Volunteer Fire Department and EMS have been dipatched to the two-vehicle wreck on M-26.

Two people are said to be hurt.


U.P. Breaking News Public Safety Advisory – Bay Mills, MI Power Outage/Transformer fire. 11-11-16 3:45 a.m. Gumshoe and S. Towering Pines Rd.
2016 Bay Mills Transformer.jpg
Strong winds have been causing power issues and trees/limbs downed across U.P. – most recently all or part of the Bay Mills community is reportedly affected by a small fire in the trees on power lines/possibly transformer issue in the area of Gumshoe Rd and S. Towering Pines Rd.
White Fish Township and Bay Mills Fire Departments have been paged.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Ishpeming, MI

U.S.-41 and Lakeshore Dr. Accident with injuries 11-10-16 7:35 p.m.

At least a two-vehicle wreck in front of Jubilee Foods – 41/Lakeshore in Ishpeming.

One of the vehicles is a pickup that was also towing a car

U.P. Health System ambulance paramedics from Marquette were sent to treat and transport one female patient reported in and out of consciousness with back injuries.

Stay away from area for a while as traffic is tied up.


U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Delta County

11-1o-16 8:20 p.m.

Three vehicle accident in Rapid River/Update on Carney Motorcycle Accident Road Closure

No injuries reported but heavy damage to at least one vehicle east of Gladstone/Rapid River on U.S. 2/41 at S.75 Road

Masonville Township Fire on scene and Michigan State Police investigating.

Meanwhile – alcohol may be a factor in the accident listed (see just below) though not sure which vehicle – in Menominee County.

The road was closed for at least 15 minutes beginning at 7:20 p.m. CT for MSP measurements. An MSP accident investigator is probing the wreck

11-10-16 4:10 p.m.

(Carney, MI) – A accident is reported involving a motorcycle with a passenger and a vehicle near the Carney/Nadeau Township Volunteer Fire Department’s fire hall on U.S.-41 south. The two victims are expected to be taken to St. Francis hospital.

Numerous police, fire and ambulance emergency officials are en-route and on scene.

First reports indicate the two people on the motorcycle were conscious and breathing – but in roadway.

Please avoid this area.

Plus in Alger County, MI on U.S.-41 – a green Dodge mini van southbound on 41 in Trenary area driving reckless including doing circles around vehicles.

11-4-16 1 p.m. Central Time – Menominee County fire near Carney, MI


Numerous police agencies are responding to handle traffic control on G-18 Road.

The structure fire is reported on G-18 Road just off U.S.-41.
Several fire departments are battling the fire.

No injuries have been reported.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 11-1-16 12:25 a.m.

Reported Dead Bear on M-95 near Witch Lake. Michigan State Police en route.

Dead Bear reported in northbound lane of M-95 – was struck by vehicle that was reportedly driveable and reported accident but left the area.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory Town Hall Rd. Tree Down Skandia, MI and all communities across the U.P. 10-31-16 10:17 p.m.

High wind advisory across U.P. are causing trees to fall on roadways and more. This has created dangerous situations. Travel with care. Car/Deer accidents have also spiked in recent weeks.

Town Hall Road near Shaw Road a tree is reported down. Road commissions across the U.P. are on standby.

There are numerous advisories posted including:

Gale Warning

Small Craft Advisory

Hazardous Weather Outlook

357 PM EDT MON OCT 31 2016

357 PM EDT MON OCT 31 2016 /257 PM CDT MON OCT 31 2016/










U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory Painesdale, MI 10-31-16 10:35 a.m.


Watch for fire vehicles in and around Painesdale, MI in Houghton County.

Officials battling a fire of unknown cause and origin.

Its is reported North of M-26 along or near a powerline.

The Adams Township Fire department is trying to fight the fire – but it is unclear the cause.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 10-31-16 7:30 a.m.

Hit and run drama in Marquette, MI.

Craig Street and Champion Street in city of Marquette

Apparently an elderly gentleman who lives on Craig St. has called cops to report his accidents. Heavy damage to three or more vehicles.

A small red Dodge SUV is being sought with heavy damage.

SUV hit cars on Champion St. and fled.

It was the second manhunt of morning and quick to end.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-29-16 9:52 a.m.

Three vehicle accident with no injuries in Hancock


U.S. 41/North Lincoln Dr. near Elevation St. in Hancock, MI.

Mercy ambulance was responding but apparently canceled – and police agencies on scene asking for wreckers.

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin 10-28-16 11:10 a.m.:

May get some treatment for exposure, more – but all patients well.

URGENT – 11:07 a.m. – all four patients accounted for after scary incident – all apparently doing OK for their time in Lake Michigan – may be getting some medical treatment. USCG also told it can cancel its launched helicopter response

URGENT – stand down given 11 a.m.  “all four accounted for” – S&R canceled

10-28-16 10:50 a.m.


URGENT URGENT – Water rescue launched after call in Delta County at Camper’s Paradise Resort originally reported as “four overboard” in Ogontz Bay in the Rapid River/Nahma area

Numerous rescue personnel responding from several agencies including Delta County Search and Rescue.


This is off northern Bay de Noc.

Search is for overturned 18-foot flat-bottom boat and one man

Even the USCGV has offered assistance for the call in Lake Michigan – possibly a helicopter to be launched. Officials are putting in at several boat launch sites including Nahma.

Four people were in the water – three have been recovered in good condition.

One man unaccounted for – search underway

10-27-16  7:53 A.M. K.I. Sawyer

For the second morning in a row, a vehicle has struck a utility pole and brought down lines at K.I. Sawyer – 400 block of Stratofort.

Forsyth Township Police investigating. UPPCO has been notified.

Check your clocks, again.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-26-16  7:57 A.M.
Hancock Accident with injuries reported on S. Lincoln Rd and Michigan St. in Hancock, MI

Mercy Ambulance, Hancock fire department and police all on scene or en-route. Two heavily damaged vehicles – reportedly a Jeep and Subaru.

Minor injuries. Debris intersection must be washed away after vehicles moved.


U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin: 10-26-16 6:38 a.m.

Major Gladstone home explosion

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director – 906-273-243

A residence is reportedly in smoke and flames following a Gladstone explosion – on 715 Minnesota Ave.

The Escanaba Township Fire Department has been called for mutual aid. Rampart EMS was rolled for safety as firefighters battle the blaze. Power officials have also been notified.

Initial reports stove exploded – but that remains to be seen as police and firefighters probe the explosion on Minnesota Ave. Look out for emergency officials from all agencies.


U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory  10-16-16 12:45 a.m.
Hit and run probe in Gwinn, MI – power poles, transformer down

Update at:


A major manhunt and – hit and run investigation – is underway in the Gwinn, Mi area at this hour after a serious hit and run accident involving a the driver of a vehicle and a power pole.

The power pole is broken in half and the transformers are down in the street – no arching.

Forsyth Township Police are probing the accident – and the vehicle has fled the scene leaving behind a lot of damage on Jupiter St.

It appears police are searching vehicle leaking fluids allegedly driven by a K.I. Sawyer man last spotted driving toward Sporley Lake Rd.

Search for four-door purple passenger car with heavy damage.

The power pole is broken in half and the transformers are down in the street – no arching.

U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin: 10/25/16 6:29 a.m.
Injury – Car Fire Reported on Kelly Johnson Road near entrance to the Marquette County Airport.
It always good to take extra time going to make a flight, but for the next 30 minutes or more – drivers may be slowed by a reported car on fire with the driver reporting he is injured.

Responding are the Forsyth Township Fire Department and Forsyth Township First Responders plus an ambulance from U.P. Health System – Marquette.
At first report, the injury is apparently minor

Bear reported in Marquette, MI neighborhoods – but appears to be moving fast. 10-24-16 9:50 p.m ET


Latest was: Rublein St between Bluff St. and Ridge St.

This is a growing issue – as man and wildlife mix.
Please stay away from this area as police are searching. Report sightings to officials but do not try to interact. Not sure where the first location it was spotted – somewhere on Michigan St., but police say it was moving fast – if its same bear

U.P. Breaking News is not going to provide addition locations unless warranted.

U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin – Search and Rescue launched for missing 10 year old boy in Delta County (found)

Urgent: U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin:

6:27 p.m. The boy has apparently been found safe as all units appear to be clearing

Update 6 p.m. 10-23-16
Boy Missing for almost two and a half hours as of 6 p.m.
Delta County Dispatch will not even confirm the huge search is happening – the Valley Med Flight chopper is assisting.
ALSO – Delta County Dispatch declined to release a photo. Why? Who knows but said they would call us if they decide to.

Update 10-23-16 4:55 p.m.
Chopper may be launched – they are asking Valley Med Flight to assist

Sunday Oct. 23, 2016 4:40 p.m.

By Greg Peterson

U.P. Breaking News

Owner, News Director


(Escanaba, MI) – Delta County Search and Rescue has been called to help find a boy who slipped away from his mother at a Wells Township motel – but could not chase him because she had several others children to tend.

Officials are meeting in the area of the the Sunset Lodge motel at 6386 N 11th in Escanaba, MI.

The boy has been missing since about 3:40 p.m. – about an hour from time of this post.

See graphics below.

Officials are gathering in a parking lot next to Upper Peninsula Concrete Pipe Company at 6480 US-2 in Escanaba.

The boy was wearing a blue T-shirt, blue jeans and black Nike tennis shoes.

The boy’s name is Aiden – and he got upset at mom and ran off.

He has a previous history of hiding in the huge concrete pipes at the plant.

Those assisting include Delta County Search and Rescue, the Delta County Sheriff’s Department and Escanaba Department of Public Safety.


U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory:

Sunday 10-23-16 2 a.m.

Police in the southern U.P. are reportedly investigating a one-vehicle roll over accident shortly before 2 a.m. today (Sun., Oct. 23. 2016) in the parking lot of The Buck Inn at 6696 US-2 in Wells, Michigan.

Minor injury to the male driver.

Numerous emergency vehicles responding.

U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin – Manistique River incident

10-22-16 3:25 p.m.

By Greg Peterson

U.P. Breaking News

Owner, News Director


Emergency officials are responding to assist a family involved in a water incident in Germfask, MI at Northland Outfitters in the Manistique River.

Northland Outfitters is on the 800 block of M-77.

The 44-year-old mom was in a kayak that overturned in the Manistique River – and she was stranded on the far shore of the river – so her 14 and 11 year old, daughter and son respectively, called 911 and requested helped reuniting with their mom.

No injuries reported but likely the river is flowing very fast.

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory/News Bulletin

Houghton, Michigan 7:30 a.m. 10-21-16
Emergency officials at scene of an accident with injuries in the city of Houghton, MI

College Avenue at Agate Street

At least two vehicles with front end damage – including pickup and car.

The Houghton Fire Department is responding to clean up routine spills connected to the wreck on the street.

Paramedics and police also on scene.

To follow this story go to:

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and News Bulletin 10-22-16 Update 5:30 a.m.

A specialized Accident Investigator (AI) from the Michigan State Police was called in from home to join the probe.

That AI – veteran MSP Trooper Andy Rigling – is now in charge of the investigation

The victim was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

It’s not clear if the accident scene has been located. Victim reportedly said he crashed his vehicle into a tree.

4:45 a.m.

Republic, Michigan crash search.

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

U.P. emergency personnel are searching for crash scene between Republic, Michigan and North Republic, Michigan at an unknown location after victim emerges at relative’s home.

A 44-year-old man reportedly involved in wreck –  showed up at at a relative’s home in Republic and collapsed – apparently from crash-related injuries.

Crash apparently happened about 5 miles away – how he made it to a relative’s home is unknown.

Claims to be only one in vehicle. Exact location of wreck not known

Numerous law enforcement and emergency personnel are on there way to North Republic

Officials are heading to the 400 block of Republic Avenue in Republic – where crash victim showed up.

Cross streets are Front St. and Fourth Street in North Republic.

fyi – there are other medical emergencies going on around U.P. – a lot of emergency people out during busy night – please drive with caution. One involves a child with medical emergency – another an assault victim – and others.
also fall trend of numerous car deer accidents continues.


URGENT U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Bulletin: M-28 Chocolay Township

Update 9:50 p.m.

It began as a Marquette County Sheriff’s Deputy ran a name check on a possible passenger of a mini-van he was watching – a white mini-van.

A Chocolay township unit was requested for back up because a check showed the man was wanted on a charge of failure to appear in court for child support.

The sheriff’s department stopped the van on M-28 near Chocolay Downs.

“He’s running into the woods,” the deputy said while pulling over the vehicle and reading the license plate number.

Suspect may have fled because reportedly he has a $500 cash only bond on that warrant.

The suspect is reportedly 38-year-old local man.
U.P. Breaking News has his name – but a withholding maybe until he is in custody

The initials are J.P.A.

He has been tracked on the north side of the highway but originally fled on the south side in toward the golf course.

It appears the female driver was not wanted and the suspect took her cell phone to use for texting. She has apparently been released.

Manhunt continues.

9:10 p.m. Manhunt Update:

Police are now tracking the suspect with a K-9 westbound in the area of Lakewood Lane headed toward Lake Superior.

8:05 p.m. 10-21-16

Chocolay Township manhunt

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

A perimeter has been set up in the area of this manhunt said to be on M-28 east of Harvey – near the Chocolay Downs Golf Course.

Numerous police officers from several departments are searching for the suspect.
A K-9 has joined the search -latest said to be in general area behind Marquette fence Company – on the 1400 block of M-28 East.
Officials are back on some soggy trails looking for this man.

Not sure what he is wanted for – but it sounds like a traffic stop that ended up with warrants being discovered on an occupant – either way it is on warrants.
Not sure if new charges could be filed for fleeing and manhunt.

If you see a person fitting this description in your yard – or at your door – please call 911 for police asap. He could be wet and even out of breath.

Suspect is wearing:

White jacket

Dark colored pants

Ball cap

URGENT U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Bulletin:

10-21-16 1:15 a.m. Chocolay Township

Report at or near 680 Cherry Creek Rd. – Owner reported a burning 27-foot camper – smoke and flames reported – Now contained – Big camper very close to house.


BUT police on scene just reported the fire had been contained -and advised fire trucks to slow down.

Chocolay Township Police and Fire plus others responding.

South of County Road 480.

More if warranted

10-21-16 2:15 p.m.

Two vehicle T-bone type accident in Delta County.

No Injuries, two heavily damaged vehicles.

N. Lincoln Ave at 5th Avenue north in Escanaba
Rampart EMS was en route and canceled. Escanaba Department of Public Safety investigating and directing traffic.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Bulletin: U.S Highway 2/41 was just reopened in Menominee County after a fatal traffic accident

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

U.S Highway 2/41 was just reopened in Menominee County after a fatal traffic accident.

Menominee County law enforcement, Michigan State Police and others are helping with the probe or helped at the scene. MSP Troopers have been on the scene of this accident for several hours. No information on this accident has been released by officials.

However through our sources – we have confirmed that the accident did have at least one fatality.

The accident was apparently reported around 7:25 p.m. Central Time.
No other information is available about this accident but we are working to gather more info.


10-20-16 12:15 p.m.

By Greg Peterson

U.P. Breaking News

Owner, News Director


Chocolay Township Fire Department is at 25 Edgefield Drive in Harvey after the occupants called 911 and reported smoke in the basement

Police confirmed smoke in basement and shut off main breaker

No fire has been seen so far – and the cause is being investigated.

It is not a busy road but anyone going there should use care.


10-19-16 6:20 p.m. Urgent

By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News

Update extraction canceled

A serious accident U.S. – 41 South – south of M-94

Apparently a vehicle that police had been searching for after two reports to 911 – of the pickup truck driven by a female that was swerving across the centerline with a possible sleeping driver with an infant in a car seat

Vehicle “snapped guard rail” South of M-94 by the railroad overpass.

Skandia Township Fire Department and First Responders,the Marquette County Sheriff’s Dept.,  the Marquette County Extrication Unit 131,  ambulances, and state police are among those responding. The Unit 131 was cancelled shortly after leaving its station.

Two patients may be taken to hospital


9:30 A.M. 10-18-16


Flooding has closed roads in several U.P. counties:

U.S.-41 South, M-94, Green Garden Road, and more

all updates on rescues (appear over) at:



By Greg Peterson
Owner, News Director
U.P. Breaking News


Marquette County declares emergency water rescues needed along Chocolay River in the Green Garden Rd. area – Ambulances, Rescue boats and officials are preparing for these rescues. Please check your family in these areas – and stay away from rising flood waters. Firefighters, search and rescue and firefighters are trying to rescue at least two residents and  by a boat.
Barricades are up.
County Road 545 is flooding.
Over 100 yards of pooling river surrounding the house – firefighters trying to help by wading – boats in route. The Chocolay River River is at “bridge level” and will wash the road out if it rises a couple more feet.

Severe Weather apparently causes lighting to strike eastern U.P. MSP Post

10-17-16 10:19 a.m.

The severe storms have caused routine calls for U.P. fire departments – until now – but likely all is OK.  Storms that rolled across the U.P. have mainly localized street flooding.

However, we just heard a report that the fire department has been sent to an eastern U.P. Michigan State Police Post – that is also connected to or shares space with the Michigan DNR.

We think it is Post 83 – St. Ignace but have decided not to bother officials since it sounds busy.
Its apparently has affected power.
If it warrants an update, we will pass it along.
Below is radar when report came in.

It appears – Detour Fire was dispatched – but is being told to have extra units stand by at their fire dept.

Also – a non emergency run for Chocolay Township Police this morning as a homeowner on Cherry Creek Rd. reported a lightening strike – no fire or smoke – just electrical small in air and wanted to be safe.
Plus we have heard calls for trees on power lines – plus a transformer fire on M-133.

MSP Post wx map.jpg

URGENT URGENT – U.P. Breaking Traffic Advisory Sunday morning 10-16-16 11:40 a.m.

Three Vehicle Accident Involving Cargo Trailer with Injuries U.S.-41 in Humboldt Township in west Marquette County, MI.

Many ambulances and police and other emergency vehicles responding.

Two minor injuries but it is a big mess.

One of the vehicle is said to be pulling a 20-foot cargo trailer. The victims received apparently minor injuries.

Two of the badly damaged vehicles are in traffic. Rear-end kind of accident – airbags deployed – wreckers needed. Nobody ejected.

Police are getting conflicting info on location of wreck U.S.-41 – near County Road FN – or near M-95.

U.P. Breaking News Boat on the Rocks Traffic Advisory Sunday morning 10-16-16 11:58 a.m.

Plus missing U.S. Coast Guard Dog – brown and white husky – believed in area – please help find! He got out from behind the gate at USCG – Station Marquette

Sailboat on rocks in Marquette off shore in Lake Superior not far from the U.S. Coast Guard Station.

Owner call Marquette Police to get damage report – however first those involved have to figure how to get the boat back in its slip – problems include know one knows extent of damage

Plus don’t forget about the missing U.S. Coast Guard Dog

Update on smoke in Marquette house at 9 a.m:

Cause of the smoke is burned food – as officials report the microwave caught on fire while the residents were making popcorn.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Sunday morning 10-16-16 8:50 a.m.

Emergency vehicles on scene of possible structure fire on the 300 block of E. Crescent St. in Marquette with a report of smoke in the residence.

There was not a fire – just smoke.

The occupants escaped, no injuries.

The address is 316 E. Crescent St.

Ambulance, police and fire officials are on the scene.

The Marquette Board of Light and Power was also en-route and then cancelled.

“Minor situation here – we just have to ventilate – you can cancel BLP,” one Marquette fire official said.

Pine and Spruce are the cross streets.

Scroll down to see previous traffic advisories:

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10/ /16
Upper Peninsula Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10/ /16
U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 10/ /16
Upper Peninsula Breaking News Public Safety Advisory
Upper Peninsula Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 10/ /16

Marquette County Traffic Advisory

Delta County Traffic Advisory

Menominee County Traffic Advisory

Baraga County Traffic Advisory

Houghton County Traffic Advisory

Luce County Traffic Advisory

Chippewa County Traffic Advisory

Mackinac County Traffic Advisory

Iron County Traffic Advisory

Dickinson County Traffic Advisory

Ontonagon County Traffic Advisory

Gogebic County Traffic Advisory

Keweenaw County Traffic Advisory

Alger County Traffic Advisory

Schoolcraft County Traffic Advisory

Update on smoke in Marquette house at 9 a.m 10-16-16:

Cause of the smoke is burned food – as officials report the microwave caught on fire while the residents were making popcorn.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Sunday morning 10-16-16 8:50 p.m.

Emergency vehicles on scene of possible structure fire on the 300 block of E. Crescent St. in Marquette with a report of smoke in the residence.

There was not a fire – just smoke.

The occupants escaped, no injuries.

The address is 316 E. Crescent St.

Ambulance, police and fire officials are on the scene.

The Marquette Board of Light and Power was also en-route and then cancelled.

“Minor situation here – we just have to ventilate – you can cancel BLP,” one Marquette fire official said.

Pine and Spruce are the cross streets.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Sunday morning 10-16-16  2:40 a.m

Rollover with injury Delta County/Menominee County area
U.S.-41 near LaBelle Road

About 30 miles south of Powers, MI
Rollover accident reported with one possible serious injury
Rampart EMS and others emergency officials responding
Victim breathing but unresponsive – male – possible alcohol involved

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Saturday night 10-15-16 6:40 p.m

Paradise Rd. in Portage Township in Houghton County

Single vehicle accident – car off the road and smoking – no injuries.

Watch for police and fire units.

Paradise Road near Pilgrim Road close to the school.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 10-15-16 11:53 a.m

The Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge – in the eastern Upper Peninsula
Police are en-route to probe a truck hitting something related to a tollbooth – maybe the “display”

The truck has pulled into a parking lot – but this may still effect travel.
Watch for officials of all kinds – drive slow.
Don’t need another “international” incident – OK bad pun – no one hurt.


U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory 10-15-16 11:40 a.m:

The DNR is headed to the Big Lake State Park Campground in Baraga County near L’Anse, MI:

Report: Two vehicles stuck “beyond” the boat launch –  unclear exactly what is happening – but on dirt or water – sounds like its going to be blocked.

Also – There have been numerous vehicle-deer accidents in past 24 hours – and recently – and even though its is an annual U.P. deer fall rut/hunters in the woods issue – it is dangerous and we urge every who doesn’t need to rush – to take extra time especially dusk, dawn and overnight but all hours beware.

Also – high winds continue causing tree, limbs and power line/utility issues – but reports have slowed in recent hours – and even one report early today of a tree belonging to the hospital in Mqt. taking down a neighbor’s fence.


U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Advisory Saturday early morning 10-15-16 12:45 a.m.
Trees and branches falling, high winds, downed power lines and moving deer are making travel hectic in some areas and even dangerous.
There are too many to list.
However – the road commission had just cleared one tree on U.S. 2 – with help from police – when another tree down was just reported not too far away.
U.S. Highway 2 near Marenisco in western U.P. – Maple tree blocking “both lanes.”
Downed power lines, trees and branches have been reported in numerous locations.

URGENT UPDATE 10-14-16 11:49 p.m.

Another tree down – now Marquette County on CR 550 – not sure exact location said to be in southbound lane – and that’s from a mine truck reporting to 911.
Police and road commission notified.

#2 location:
Tree is down and blocking the eastbound lanes of U.S. Highway 2 – in the western U.P. Near mile marker 23 in Michigan – between Wakefield and Marenisco.

10-14-16 11:40 p.m.
URGENT URGENT – Winds knocking down trees, powerlines across U.P. – now blocking US-2 near state line in western Upper Peninsula.
We have begun hearing reports of trees and limbs down in several areas.
Now, police are saying a tree is down and blocking the eastbound lanes of U.S. Highway 2 – in the western U.P. Near mile marker 23 in Michigan – between Wakefield and Marenisco, MI
Please watch for falling objects whether inside car or outside.
This mixed with deer moving earns extra driving caution

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-14-16 11:02 p.m.

We continue to remind people about the sharp increase in vehicle/deer accidents across the U.P. There have been another half dozens wrecks today and one just occurred in Marquette County.
Watch for police investigating this wreck near the youth home on County Rd. 553 in Marquette County.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Delta County near Esky KFC – 10-14-16 8:30 p.m.
Pedestrian crossing road struck by vehicle on 1500 block of N Lincoln Rd in Escanaba – near the Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Victim is breathing, talking and has leg injury.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory and Public Safety Warning
10-13-16 12:40 a.m. Base area and Gwinn
Beware Vehicle with heavy damage and allegedly without one of its tires after hit and run into building
Green Toyota
Police rushing to – and in area  – to the Happy Hour Bar at #5 Stephenson Ave in Gwinn.
Maybe anywhere in area including back way to 553 toward base – and on base.
If warranted, we will pass along more info.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Baraga County – 11:47 a.m. 10-12-16
Fire dept. now responding to meet law enforcement for vehicle in ditch – U.S.-41 about two miles “south” of L’Anse.
Watch for emergency vehicles and slow down.

U.P. Breaking News Bulletin/Traffic Advisory – 10-11-16 11:11 p.m.
Law Enforcement in Delta County just blocked all intersections to allow an Rampart ambulance to arrive unimpeded to St. Francis. The person in the ambulance is an elderly beloved member of the community – it was a serious medical call.
We do not want to release more information because to do so – would ID the person. Let’s hope doctors at St. Francis can help him – prayers.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory: 10-11-16 11:45 a.m. Menominee County
Emergency vehicles responding and on scene: Bark River area just inside Menominee County – Old U.S. 2 and 41 – one vehicle roll over with injury – Female minor injuries

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisories: 10-10-16 10:45 p.m.

CR 550 tree down/Deer vs. Motorcycle – deer accidents increase across U.P.

Police have been called to a possible downed tree blocking northbound lane on CR 550:
Northbound lane of County Road 550 near Wetmore Landing

Also this weekend we reminded folks about the extreme hazard of deer accidents this time a year as it has been happening all over the U.P.
Tonight a motorcycle reportedly collided with deer near Cedarville, MI. No other info available on accident. There were several today.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Monday 10-10-16 2:24 p.m.
Avoid Wright St. if you are in a hurry.
Construction has traffic down to one lane and is causing a large back-up of traffic on Wright Street inside the city limits of Marquette at  the Marquette Township Line.
Wright St. remains open but you may prevent traffic delay headaches if you take an alternate route or allow extra time.

U.P. Breaking News Important Public Safety Advisory and Traffic Advisory.
Power issues after large tree falls in Trowbridge Park area of Marquette Township
Monday 10-10-16 11:37 a.m.
Officials are sending police to help at intersections where the power has caused the traffic lights to go out.
We understand that several main units owned by the power company have been damaged – and it may be a while before power is restored – and possibly expected intermittent trouble if you live in that area.
Also – understand an apparently unrelated – one of those slow moving huge vehicles was reported in the area

Urgent – Urgent:

U.P. Breaking News Public Safety and Traffic Advisory: in Boot Jack area of Houghton County, MI Sunday, October 9, 2016 – 2: 52 p.m.

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
News Director

Numerous fire departments

Emergency vehicles including several fire departments have been called to a reported fully-engulfed house fire in the area of the 45000 block of Rabbit Bay Road in the Lake Linden, MI area.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory: Streets of Ishpeming, MI Sunday, October 9, 2016 11:33 a.m.
Keep off streets – victim being rushed to Bell now – good news is good vitals – but multiple injuries from a crush incident

11:06 a.m.

A serious accident has been reported at the Tilden Mine a short while ago.


No information is available on what happened – but apparently there is only one victim – who has received multiple serious injuries. There are not thought to be other injuries.

5 hurt in two accidents: ORV Rollovers in Delta County, MI and Iron County, WI – One victim trapped for about 7 hours underneath ORV

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
News Director


(Hurley, WI) – For the second time this weekend, an Upper Peninsula hospital was called on to treat a victim from a serious off-road-vehicle accident.

Another Important U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-7-16 11:20 p.m.
In the past two weeks, we have noticed a big spike in car/deer accidents across the U.P. – at least two tonight including one was just reported on U.S. 2.
Remember its not the deer you see – its the one following it. Be extra cautious and aware – slow down if your are not in a hurry especially from dusk to dawn. But really all day.
Many Reasons:
These colder temps will trigger even more mating behavior plus with hunters now in the woods for various species – many deer are moving. Plus those setting up blinds for the Nov 15 opener.
As we reported a few weeks ago, moose are also on the move and pose a danger to drivers.
All an irony –  as the U.P. deer herd has decimated by state mismanagement – and is now estimated at less than 80,000 deer. Plus the wasting disease has been a huge issue in Wisconsin and across the Lower Peninsula – again from bad practices.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory Update 11:16 P.M.
A helicopter will be landing soon either in a field or at the intersection of 426 and Cedardale roads.
Initial reports are good that the female victim with head injury who was hurt but all things seem positive.
The other three victims are “walking wounded” aka minor injuries.
Stay away from this area for at least another hour.

10-7-16 10:54 p.m.
Officials responding to an ORV accident reported in field on CR 426 (B-Road) – near Cedardale Road – in the Delta/Menominee County line area.
A helicopter is being launched as there are said to be four victims – one with a possible head injury.
Three other injuries not as serious.
Rampart Ambulance, several first responders including Cornell Township, several fire departments and numerous police are responding.
There seems to be an issue about a proper landing zone for the helicopter from U.P. Health System-Marquette that is stationed out of Escanaba.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-7-16 2:25 p.m.:
2700 block of Wright St. – Marquette, MI – in hill and curve near gas company.
An awkward backing up job by a semi truck will be happening soon – and police will have to block traffic.
There are apparently two semis total and involves picking up a large piece of equipment and more.
One semi has made it in and another is coming.

U.P. Breaking News Traffic Advisory 10-6-16 4:57 p.m.:
Numerous emergency units including Rampart EMS responding to an accident at Lincoln Ave. and Ludington Street in Escanaba.
Expect rush hour traffic  to be tied up for a while.












































U.P. Breaking News Exclusive – It Goes Both Ways: Federal Native American Domestic Violence Crack down by federal prosecutors results in non-native female charged with assaulting a Native American man on tribal property

 U.P. Breaking News has been focusing on the problem of habitual domestic violence involving Native American Males and female victims – and this is first we’ve found to this point with a female suspect up on federal charges

Marissa Nicole Sherlock 1b


By Greg Peterson
News Director, Owner
Upper Peninsula Breaking News


(Grand Rapids, MI) – In the past two years, federal prosecutors have been making cases against male domestic violence suspects on Native American reservations across northern Michigan and now a non-native female has been charged with assaulting a Native American man on tribal lands.

Marissa Nicole Sherlock 2Marissa Nicole Sherlock, a non-native, is accused of a Class B federal misdemeanor for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend on June 26, 2016 in Calhoun County “in Indian Country” on “lands held in trust Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians.” The tribal lands are located within Calhoun County.

The victim is “an adult Indian male” identified only as “L.D.”

A non-jury trial is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on August 30, 2016 at federal court in Grand Rapids. The final pretrial conference is August 23.

Sherlock is charged in a federal criminal information filed by Asst. U.S. Attorney Jeff J. Davis, the federal prosecutor in the case filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The federal misdemeanor charge carries a much lesser sentence than the federal felony habitual domestic violence cases that require three previous convictions in state or tribal court.

The case has also been assigned to Nancy A. Bogren, the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Tribal Prosecutor and a Special Asst. U.S. Attorney

Sherlock is free on personal recognizance bond and must abide by several court conditions including not to contact the victim.

She was freed after entering a not guilty plea before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ray Kent. Sherlock’s defense attorney is Asst. Federal Public Defender Richard D. Stroba, according to federal court documents.
The Nottawasepe Potawatamie Reservation is located in Athens Township in southwestern Calhoun County in southwestern Michigan. The tribe has purchased an additional 230 acres of land for its use and operates a gaming casino in Battle Creek, according to Wikipedia.

Related links:

Marissa Nicole Sherlock, Asst. Public Defender aka defense attorney

Richard D. Stroba



Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians

Huron Potawatomi Inc.

2221 1 1/2 Mile Rd.

Fulton, MI 49052

(269) 729-5151





Asst. U.S. Attorney Jeff J. Davis

U.S. Attorneys Offices:

Grand Rapids, Michigan HQ Office













Nottawaseppi Tribal Prosecutor

Nancy A. Bogren

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Tribal Prosecutor

Special Asst. U.S. Attorney

Paw Paw, MI






Paw Paw Office

303 East Paw Paw Street

Suite 6

Paw Paw, MI 49079









