Cut with glass, and taking 40 Claritin: Paramedics respond to laceration at Marquette Branch Prison involving another case of drugs not being tightly controlled or monitored, Plus separate report of criminal complaint at U.P. prison

Where is the pill control at Marquette Branch Prison? Many inmates have supposedly take large amount of pills by hoarding – or buying and selling drugs

MBP Suicide attempt graphic

By Greg Peterson
Upper Peninsula Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Marquette, MI) – Not much is known yet about an injury at the Marquette Branch Prison this afternoon that caused paramedics to respond but it is being described as self-inflicted suicide attempt.

One of the toughest prisons in the state, Marquette Branch has a long history of violence in which both corrections officer and inmates have been seriously injured.

About 2:05 p.m., U.P. Health Systems-Marquette paramedics were dispatched to the Marquette Branch Prison for report of “a laceration.” Paramedics reported to the hospital that the laceration was bandaged and the bleeding controlled. The inmate’s vital signs sounded positive.

An inmate has been taken by ambulance to the Marquette hospital after allegedly cutting himself with glass and taking 40 Claritin.

In fact, one version of last year’s MBP story on what happened to a young inmate that died was that he took an overdose.
Apparently prison officials in the U.P. are unable to come up with ways to prevent this pill hoarding and pill dealing at other prisons around the country. The storing or buying of meds inside a prison is serious.

The attempt suicide story rings true in the sense that in the past couple years numerous inmates have attempted suicide including an inmate hanging attempt in the eastern U.P. As prison conditions become worse and more dangerous, so do the suicides and attempts.

If we get more information – we will pass it along.

Earlier this afternoon, U.P. Breaking News heard a Michigan State Police detective who was gong inside a U.P. prison to investigate an alleged criminal “complaint.” It is not clear if the detective was at Baraga Max or at Marquette Branch.

Officials at Marquette Branch Prison never fessed-up publicly about what happened to a 30-year-old inmate who died mysteriously in a segregation cell.
U.P. Breaking News heard it go down – and it did not even closely match what prison officials and state police were telling the family.
U.P. Breaking News believes by CO claims that ‘all inmates are lying’ is an old misleading misnomer conveniently spread by prison officials to shame the media to not report such stories – just remember that all this goes on in the secrecy of the segregation bowels of prisons.

Do inmates lie in lawsuits – of course (duh?) – but its the lawsuits that ring true that has them so angry at our expose. However, inmates never,ever win in federal court in Marquette, MI.

U.P. Breaking News is told mostly that is because because of no legal representation but also interference by prison officials who have complete control of when, what and how info is given to a prisoner about the status of a case.
U.P. Breaking News believes that not every inmate could be lying – especially when their civil rights lawsuits read like journals.

U.P. Breaking News has started and series entitled “Naming Names” by being the first and only media organization in the Upper Peninsula to report on alleged brutality, sickening food, retaliation, mistreatment of elderly inmates and other dehumanizing claims against Upper Peninsula corrections officers.

In fact it goes deeper at one U.P. TV station, where the news director has dismissed inmates  and their lawsuit out of hand – because his father is a retired corrections officer.

Inmates from all U.P. Prisons have filed civil rights and inhumanity related lawsuits.

Prison officials notoriously lied about the last year’s riot at Kinross Correctional Facility until U.P. Breaking News started releasing audio of what was happening. They even tricked the Mining Journal in Marquette, MI – that put out a silly false story on the front page of their Sunday edition. To be fair it was an A.P. story – they got lied to as well. But the Mining Journal should have acted like a newspaper located in the U.P. and check out info when they hear a riot is taking place.

Naming Names #4: Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays is suing corrections officers and medical staff at Baraga Max Prison in a case with vial and explosive civil rights and abuse allegations: “This is why we beat your fucking ass” – “We tried to break your fucking jaw and knock your head off your fucking shoulders you little spotted bitch”

Another Baraga Inmate with less than fives year prison sentence gets more time attached for allegedly attacking corrections officers at Baraga Max Prison – Inmate claims the officers regularly abuse prisoners

Baraga MaxInmate Marcus Dirk Mays mugshot 1.jpg

Explosive allegations by a convicted bank robber outline claims of civil rights crimes for alleged systemic abuse of inmates and revenge

“Fucking Nigger”

Baraga Max Michigan Photo

By Greg Peterson
U.P. Breaking News
Owner, News Director

(Baraga, MI) – A recent federal court civil lawsuit filed by a convicted bank robber outlines allegations of a house of horror, terror and torture.

Some inmate lawsuits are considered frivolous but the allegations in this lawsuit are particularly explosive.

Baraga Max Guards allegedly said:

“Fucking Nigger”
“This is why we beat your fucking ass”
“We tried to break your fucking jaw and knock your head off your fucking shoulders you little spotted bitch”
“A little ass whipping is not going to hurt you (inmate) Mays”
“Hope you choke on that blood you are spitting up and die”
“Fuck You” when inmate asks for help
“Damn your fucking injuries”
“We stick together here at Baraga” Max
“How long do you think are you are going to keep filing lawsuits on our co-workers around here”

Detroit area convicted robber and 53-year-old Baraga Max inmate Marcus Dirk Mays – who claims to be in constant fear of retribution.

Baraga MaxInmate Marcus Dirk Mays mugshot 1Mays was in the prison for a Nov. 2001 bank robbery convict out of Wayne County.
Mays could have been released in May 2016 if not for his conviction of assaulting a Baraga Max corrections officer. Most inmates cannot afford a civil attorney – so their claims are dismissed within two years in federal court in Marquette, MI.

There is no way for U.P. Breaking News to verify the claims made by Mays – which are likely denied by the defendants. Often inmates have no way to prove allegations that are true – and some make up allegations.

In a perfect world – and these these allegations are true – and they are only alleged – the guards and medical staff would be in prison.
Inmates must first go through the prison grievance process before filing a federal court civil suit in Marquette, MI.

U.P. Breaking News can only presume that inmate Mays will remain in good health after the publishing of this story – and we say this hopefully despite his claims.
If you represent inmate Mays or are a friend or family member – please contact U.P. Breaking News.

In addition, as usual, we are willing to talk to any of these- or other corrections officers – either on or off the record.

To read or download the lawsuit and its exhibits click on the links below (Obtaining this lawsuit from the feds cost U.P. Breaking News about $20 – so feel free to download):

Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (1)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (2)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (3)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (4)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (5)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (6)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (7)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (8)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (9)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (11)
Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (12)

These graphics in this story outline just some of the claims – and the rest can be read in the lawsuit.

Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 lawsuit graphic 2Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 (12) allegations against COs

Baraga Max Prison

Baraga Maximum Security Prison
13924 Wadaga Road
Baraga, MI,4551,7-119-68854_1381_1388-5325–,00.html


baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays mug graphic 2.jpg

Baraga Max Inmate Marcus D. Mays #218101 v. Pynnonen et al

U.S. District Court Judge Paul L. Maloney
U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

Date filed: 10/05/2017
Demand: $225,0000
Nature of Suit/Cause: 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights

Plaintiff: Marcus D. Mays #218101

Baraga Max Civil Rights Federal Lawsuit Defendants:

Corrections Officer (CO) Pynnonen
CO Coronado
CO Perala
CO Massie
CO Geneman
CO Anderson
CO Grubb
CO Wealton
Register Nurse Elizabeth M. Corrigan
Head Nurse Supervisor Sabrina Snyder
Registered Nurse Ryela
Registered Nurse Usitalo
Registered Nurse Nicole Sunburg
Registered Nurse David Fingan
Physician Assistant Kristine Nyquist

Lawsuit Allegations:

Violent and excessive force
Targeted food poisoning
Baraga Max Corrections Officers “here have a history of assaulting prisoners”
Baraga Max Corrections Officers allegedly kick prisoners at Baraga Max
Baraga Max Corrections Officers allegedly beat inmates
Baraga Max Corrections Officers allegedly punch inmates
Guards allegedly take revenge in many ways including fa lase write-ups for false misconduct
Refusing needed medical treatment after allegedly assaulted by guards
Poisoning individual food trays for revenge
Retaliatory excessive excessive force
Violating inmates constitutional rights


Mays rap sheet:

MDOC Number: 218101

Name: Marcus Dirk Mays

Racial Identification: Black
Gender: Male

53 years old
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 140 lbs.

Marcus Dirk Mays

Image Date: 5/7/2014

Earliest Release Date: 5/08/2016

Assigned Location: Baraga Maximum Facility

Maximum Discharge Date: 11/12/2026

Security Level: V

J X, J-X, JX, X J
Eric Jackson
Eric Jones
Eric Thomas
Eric Dirk Jackson
Marcus Mayes
Rodney Thomas
Tony Jackson

Sentence 1
Offense: Assault Of Prison Employee
Minimum Sentence: 2 years

Maximum Sentence: 5 years 0 months

Date of Offense: 8/23/2013

Baraga County Max Prison
Date of Sentence: 5/09/2014
Conviction Type: Nolo Contendere

Sentence 2
Offense: Bank Robbery
Minimum Sentence: 1 year 3 months
Maximum Sentence: 10 years
Date of Offense: 11/01/2001 in Wayne County
Date of Sentence: 1/28/2002
Conviction Type: Plea

Sentence 3
Offense: Unarmed Robbery
Minimum Sentence: 3 years
Maximum Sentence: 15 years 0 months
Date of Offense: 5/24/1991
Wayne County
Date of Sentence: 7/19/1991
Conviction Type: Plea
