Folks we have a Watergate quote that fits nicely here: “A non-denial denial”

“A non-denial denial”  sayeth famed Washington Post editor Benjamin C. Bradlee

MAGM logo better

A non-denial denial – remember that from “All the President’s Men?!.”

I hath been denied – but not really folks.

For those keeping score, heard back from the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission ref. our request to investigate two attorneys involved in the looting of the Gordon Elson estate.

One Problem.

The information in the commission’s response doesn’t apply to our case – for example, the letter states that we/I have pending litigation against those attorneys (not true).

Not sure how they (da commission) got so much wrong – but alas Yoopers are always at a loss to explain some responses we get from people and entities from “downstate”

Our Pledge. We will persevere for all those who loved Mr. Elson.

Evil only exists if good people do nothing.

So – our complaint against the attorneys still has legs.

We will continue to fight for the rights of Mr. Elson.

Have been told to submit additional info – and boy oh’ boy – do we have names, places, times, peoples, checks etc – and never forget the missing Rolls Royce.

To go into further details would only be embarrassing for some involved “downstate”  – and I want to keep the high road.

Major Announcement Pending by Upper Peninsula Breaking News: Plus Our criminal probe continues into the Looting of the Estate of the U.P. Coca-Cola King the late Gordon Elson, who died this year and an estimated $30 million was looted – while Mr. Elson’s suspicious will leaves pennies to a few people – compared to his real worth – Calling attorneys Richard Graybill and Daniel Mead – please call us – even off the record

Upper Peninsula LogoOn Monday, Upper Peninsula Breaking News will make what we consider a huge announcement.

In addition, major developments in two ongoing investigations.

I have not written much in the past 2 weeks because we (U.P. Breaking news) were in negotiations – and have been following major leads in the “The Looting of the Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King” – whose estate is missing millions and millions of dollars – plus missing luxury cars and more.

We are conducting a criminal investigation into the Looting of the late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – a kind, generous lovable man – who has been ripped off by attorneys, trustees, and a whole list of terrible things including the kidnapping of Gordon Elson.

Mr. Elson was held literally hostage in Florida by Marquette Businessman Bill Pesola and maybe others. Now those who accused Pesola have apparently done what Pesola did.

You see in this cast of characters – on one end its definitely incompetence – but the evidence indicates its major criminal conduct.

Graybill Office #1We keep begging attorneys Richard M. Graybill and Daniel D. Mead to please talk to us – even off the record – but at this point it seems like they have circled the wagons. I would appreciate you calling me – at the very least – please call Greg Peterson 906-204-2549.

We are investigating those attorneys – and much more.

And we are investigating the Elson estate trustee George Paavo of Negaunee, MI – about where did the $30 million go – and then there is questionable and very suspect Gordon Elson last will and testament.

We think there may have been previous Elson wills. We will explain in upcoming sensitive stories. None of our sources – believes Mr. Elson would have forgotten his alma-mater – and bequeath millions to his beloved Finlandia University. The University is not part of the will – but should be.

If you know of criminal activity involving the estate of Gordon Elson – or if you got lots of money from the Elson estate  – suggest you be the first in line asking for plea agreements etc.

Stories so far:

Eve of the Secret Estate Sale of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

Michigan Blueberry Fight Over Cash and Corporate Espionage: Alleged theft of trade secrets by former top employees are outlined in a federal lawsuit that reveals the rivalry between the Michigan Blueberry Growers Association and 11 other corporations involved in the blueberry business

Blueberry Pie Fight: Rivalry and serious allegations of trade secret thefts – and who wins and loses profits in Michigan’s Blueberry industry, Upper Peninsula Breaking News has learned

Blueberry graphic photo by Greg Peterson

Blueberry graphic photo by Greg Peterson


Michigan Blueberry Growers Association


Brenda Reeves; True Blueberry Management, LLC (John Connor, CEO); True Blue Custom Farm Management, LLC; True Blue Farms, LLC, True Blue Processing, LLC; True Blue Manufacturing, True Blue Fresh, LLC; True Blue Holdings, LLC; TBF A&L Farms, LLC; TBF A&L Packaging, LLC; TBF Heritage Farms, LLC; TBF Emmert Farms, LLC; TBF Midwest Farms, LLC; TBF North Farms, LLC; TBF North Packaging, LLC; and TBF Sales, Inc.

By Greg Peterson, Upper Peninsula Breaking News

Blueberries near Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Wild Blueberries near Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

(Grand Haven, Michigan) – Michigan’s blueberry fields are not a likely place for allegations of corporate espionage, but the Michigan Blueberry Growers Association recently filed a federal civil lawsuit involving at least two former top employees and 11 blueberry related corporations that they accuse of conspiracy, fraud, theft of trade secrets, and use of a proprietary computer program named Produce Track that is “unparalleled in the industry” with about “600,000 lines of code” and that tracks “100 million pounds of blueberries from the field to market,” Upper Peninsula Breaking News has learned.

The 36-page, nine-count federal lawsuit lists alleged violations of state and federal laws including evidence of a conspiracy between the defendants, violation of the “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,” violation of the Michigan Uniform Trade Secrets Act, “tortious interference with business and contractual relationships,” common law conversion of property and business information, unjust enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duty.

Tortious interference is also known as intentional interference with contractual relations

Story on MBG in Fruit Growers NewsMBG wants a federal judge to issue a one year injunction stopping all the defendants from contacting or being involved with MBG blueberry growers plus stopping use of MBG programs and information.

The Michigan Blueberry Growers Association (MBG), located in Grand Junction, MI, filed suit against Brenda Reeves of Van Buren County, MI, the company’s former manager of information services.

Reeves joined the MBG on on March 6, 2000 and “resigned her employment with MBG” on September 16, 2013 and “began working with one of the named defendants True Blue Entities, which directly competes with MBG,” the suit states.

MBG President/CEO Robert Hawk

MBG President/CEO Robert Hawk

MBG is a “producer-owned blueberry cooperative” and the president and CEO is Robert Hawk, sign an affidavit swearing the allegations in the lawsuit are true.

The suit filed by MBG on August 26, 2014 alleges all the corporations fall under “True Blue Entities” and that the corporations named “are all owned managed and controlled by Dennis Hartmann and Shelly Hartmann, thus that they operate effectively as one entity.”

Shelly Hartmann is listed as the secretary of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

“The defendants’ misappropriation of trade secrets under the Michigan Uniform Trade Secrets Act, tortious interference with economic advantage and existing business relationship,” alleges the suit filed at federal court in Grand Rapids.

Story TrueBlue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann in Fruit Growers NewsThe MBG lawsuit accuses Reeves of “breach of the duty of loyalty” and violations “of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.”

Reeves is accused by former boss MBG of “willful and intentional interference with the ownership rights, financial management and confidentiality policies” of the Michigan Blueberry Growers Association (MBG)”

John Connor, CEO, True Blueberry Management, LLC on LinkedInThe suits lists True Blueberry Management, LLC in Grand Junction, Michigan, the CEO of which is John Connor.

Connor is the former MBG director of formation technology “and was actively involved in the recruitment” of Reeves, the suit alleges.

ewoman Network pix of Shelly Hartmann at 2007 7th annual Intl. Conference & Business ExpoThe blueberry growers group is asking a federal judge to for “immediate injunctive relief.”

Reeves was “the lead developer of software for MBG and was responsible for the maintenance and support of all MBG’s custom and proprietary applications, including but not limited to, Produce Track,” the lawsuit states. She was the “direct liaison with MBG’s growers, and often was the first and primary contact MBG growers had with MBG.”

“Produce Track is a custom and proprietary, non-commercially available application developed by MBG,” according to the lawsuit. “Produce Track tracks 100 million pounds of blueberries from the field to market”

Produce Track “capabilities include, but are not limited to, tracking the MBG grower picking, pricing, and distribution of fresh and frozen blueberries,” the suit states.

True Blue Farms #2“It is instrumental in field management, tracking field transactions, and managing potential recall and other food safety events,” the lawsuit states. Produce Track is used to track “grower documents, grower transportation documents, grower inventory information and quality control specifications relating to the grading of the growers’ blueberry crops.”

“Produce Track took nearly 10 years to develop and its program consists of approximately 600,000 lines of code,” the suit states. “Highly specific” source code that could not be recreated “without unauthorized and unlawful copying of this product”

TrueBlue sposorship, info Souty Haven CoCReeves held a “position of trust” at MBG that gave her access, training and intimate knowledge of:

“MBG’s product strength and weaknesses in comparison to competitors’ offerings” including “grower pricing, budgets and margins; growers’ needs; the terms of grower contracts; growers contact and information; prospective grower information; market strategies; sales plans; sales forecasts, referral-source information; access to valuable reporting and yield data.”

Reeves “signed an agreement on Feb. 20. 2013” prohibiting her from “distributing proprietary software to any third party” without company authorization.

True Blue Farms #3

The Blueberry People logo #1Reeve’s “duty of loyalty to MBG” prohibited her from using proprietary and confidential information to aid in the pursuit of a competing business opportunity” and prohibits her from using MBG financial and business information “for her own benefit,” alleges the lawsuit.

In developing the “proprietary software program Produce Track,” Reeves had “access to confidential information concerning MBG growers, its highly confidential financial information including its contracts, pricing, profits, yields, margins, marketing and sales strategies,” the lawsuit states.

The Blueberry People logo #2

Reeves was given a laptop computer on which was stored confidential and proprietary information owned by MBG, the suit alleges.

The Blueberry People logo #3Reeves was “given a secure company email account and granted access to MBG’s password protected server” that contained “important and confidential” financial information including “grower contracts, (and) pricing information,” according to the lawsuit.

“MBG is a producer-owned blueberry cooperative engaged in the business of producing, marketing, shipping and storing of blueberries as well as the breeding and development of new proprietary blueberry varieties,” the law suits states.

MBG started suspecting Reeves “several months after” her resignation when MBG learned Reeves “may have been communicating” with defendant True Blue Entities prior to resigning.

The Blueberry People logo #1MBG “initially attempted to conduct an internal forensic analysis” of Reeve’s computer, however she “had attempted to wipe the data from the computer.” In the spring of 2014, the computer was sent to “third party” ReNew Data for forensic analysis, the lawsuit says.

The suit alleges the forensic analysis by ReNew Data discovered:

Reeves corresponded on her “her personal Gmail account” between Sept. 4-13, 2014 “in relation to obtaining employment at one of the True Blue Entities.”

Immediately prior Reeves resigning on Sept. 13, 2013 “two external USB drives were attached” to her computer – and there was no “legitimate business reason” for the devices to be connected to her computer.

  • “These storage devises were likely connected (by Reeves) for the purposes of copying data” despite signing an agreement that required her to get permission to attach the such devices and “Reeves never had written authorizations to copy, distribute or otherwise use this data.”

  • “On September 13, 2013 at 2:08 p.m. several human resources network locations were accessed” and “these files included information related to salary, budgets, bonus allocations, and other human resources documents” and because Reeves “was not related to human resources”therefore “she had no legitimate business reason” related to her employment for accessing MBG files.

  • Reeves allegedly “opened seven files related to MBG’s Produce Track program, a proprietary computer software program that is unparalleled in the industry” however, the “forensic analysis could not determine what, if any, files were copied to USB devises” that were “attached contemporaneously” without authorized access.

  • “Eight files related to payroll maintenance, payroll allocations. Salary budgets, bonus allocations and compensation history” were “opened at the time the USB devices were attached” to Reeves’ computer.

  • Gmail records between Reeves and True Blue Management, LLC Executive John Connor discussing an $80,000 per year job that includes medical/dental benefits, and tuition reimbursement. That acceptance was “awaiting approval” from Dennis and Shelly Hartmann.

  • MBG sent a “cease and desist demand letter” to Reeves insisting she”cease and desist from any further use of MBG confidential and proprietary information” and “provide the two identified external storage devices for forensic analysis.”

  • On April 4, 2014 in response to the cease and desist letter, Reeves offered to meet with MBG to remove “confidential or proprietary items on what she deemed her personal backup system” but later stated the device were turned over to her attorney – and that “she had not taken or used any MBG trade secrets or proprietary, confidential information. A series of letters between both sides led 14 months later (June 25, 2014) to Reeves’ attorney sending the devices for a third party analysis.

  • MBG discovered Reeves’ allegedly “had accessed over 93,000 MBG files after she had left MBGs employment” including the Produce Track system and other confidential data – and there was “a mass uploading and/or deletion of files from Reeves’ USB devices,” the analysis revealed. Reeves allegedly “has downloaded and taken tens of thousands of MBG files including grower trade secrets information and Produce Track.

  • MBG says it learned on August 18, 2014 that “confidential information” was being used by True Blue Entities to “contact a commercial builder about building a cold storage facility to directly compete with MBG” and allegedly were using an expensive MBG “feasibility study stored” in electronic files on Reeves’ computer “unlawfully taken by” Reeves “upon her resignation.”

  • The study included “specifications and yields of blueberry crops” in Michigan. The use of the MBG study constitutes “and unfair competitive advantage” as True Blue Management, LLC won’t have to finance its own study – and that the stealing of trade secret information “has impaired MBG’s competitive edge” and the alleged theft of information “will irreparably harm MBG” unless an injunction is issue by a federal judge.

  • MBG states it has been harmed by the alleged thefts and it is worried Reeves’ has spoiled evidence by deleting files “in an effort to hide her unlawful conduct.” The full extent of the harm against MBG isn’t known but “Reeves’ breach greatly exceeds $5,000” and includes loss of current and future blueberry growers, and loss of grower goodwill and market positions. MBG states True Blue Entities “knew or had reason to know” they were using stolen data that intentionally and willfully has lead to the loss of MBG profits and damaged its goodwill and economic relationships with growers.

MBG is being represented by Grand Rapids attorneys Katherine J. Van Dyke and Linda L. Ryan of Jackson Lewis P.C.

Tortious interference is a common law tort allowing a claim for damages against a defendant who wrongfully interferes with the plaintiff’s contractual or business

The suit indicates the state law violations will be fought in a similar lawsuit filed in state circuit court.

The 36-page federal lawsuit was filed on by the “Michigan Blueberry Growers Association” against Brenda Reeves; True Blueberry Management, LLC (John Connor, CEO); True Blue Custom Farm Management, LLC; True Blue Farms, LLC, True Blue Processing, LLC; True Blue Manufacturing, True Blue Fresh, LLC; True Blue Holdings, LLC; TBF A&L Farms, LLC; TBF A&L Packaging, LLC; TBF Heritage Farms, LLC; TBF Emmert Farms, LLC; TBF Midwest Farms, LLC; TBF North Farms, LLC; TBF North Packaging, LLC; and TBF Sales, Inc.

Related links:

Michigan Blueberry Growers Association

The Blueberry People™

Producer-owned blueberry cooperative

Grand Junction, MI

Robert Hawk, President/CEO

South Haven tribune story on Robert Hawk, MBG CEO 7-28-14

Pat Goin, chair, MBG board of directors

Represented by Grand Rapids attorneys Katherine J. Van Dyke and Linda L. Ryan of Jackson Lewis P.C.

Sept. 2010 article about Michigan Blueberry Growers Association in Fruit Growers News by Managing Editor Matt Milkovich


True Blue Farms

Grand Junction, MI


The Blueberry Store


Third generation Blueberry Grower Dennis Hartmann

Shelly Hartmann

Shelly Hartmann Interviewed on “Ask Your Neighbor

Shelly Hartmann is listed as the secretary of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

Brenda Reeves of Van Buren County, MI

True Blueberry Management

John Connor, CEO

True Blueberry Management, LLC

Grand Junction, Michigan

Connor is the former MBG director of formation technology

June 2010 story about True Blue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann in Fruit Growers News by Managing Editor Matt Milkovich


Michigan Blueberry Advisory Committee

North American Blueberry Council (NABC)

80 Iron Point Circle, Suite 114

Folsom, CA 95630

Contact Form

U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

Brenda Reeves

Director of IT at True Blue Berry Management

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Marketing and Advertising

Previous employment:

MBG Marketing

Kalamazoo Flower Group



Kalamazoo Valley Community College

Director of IT

True Blue Berry Management

September 2013 – Present (1 year 1 month)

South Haven, MI

Manager of IT

MBG Marketing

June 2013 – September 2013 (4 months)

Grand Junction, MI

Manager of IT Development

MBG Marketing

January 2012 – June 2013 (1 year 6 months)

Senior Programmer/Analyst

MBG Marketing

March 2008 – January 2012 (3 years 11 months)

Grand Junction, MI


MBG Marketing

February 2000 – February 2008 (8 years 1 month)

Grand Junction, MI

Kalamazoo Flower Group

IT Manager

Kalamazoo Flower Group

July 2004 – September 2006 (2 years 3 months)

Kalamazoo, Michigan Area

Acted as IT Manager under contract via MBG.


October 1999 – February 2000 (5 months)

Santa Monica, CA


MBG Marketing

March 1999 – September 1999 (7 months)

Grand Junction, MI


DOL in Action

DOL Finds Multiple Violations at Michigan Blueberry Farms

Labor Department investigators have assessed $78,040 in civil money penalties against 17 blueberry growers and nine farm labor contractors in several Western Michigan counties for migrant housing and child labor law violations.

Additionally, the growers were ordered to pay $27,874 in back wages to hand-harvest workers for wage and overtime violations.

“Some of the migrant housing conditions we found during our investigations were deplorable,” said James Smith, district director of the Wage and Hour Division’s Detroit office.

“Among the violations were dilapidated building structures, overcrowding, lack of hot water for bathing and rooms infested by insects. These conditions certainly violated the law, as well as common decency.”

ABC News Investigation: The Blueberry Children

Oct. 30, 2009

By Avni Patel, Angela M. Hill, Asa Eslocker and Brian Ross

Brian Ross Investigative Unit

ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent via Nightline

The 36-page nine-count federal lawsuit Filed 8-26-14 MI by Blueberry Growers Assoc. #1

Blueberry trade secrets suit #2

TrueBlue sposorship, info Souty Haven CoC TrueBlue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann TrueBlue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann #4 True Blue Farms #5 True Blue Farms #4 True Blue Berry Management harvester The Packer story on Robert Hawke, CEO MBG South Haven tribune story on Robert Hawk, MBG CEO 7-28-14 Robert Hawk, MBG CEO Robert Hawk, MBG CEO #2 story on Robert Hawke, MBG CEO story on Robert Hawke, MBG CEO 2 John Connor, CEO, True Blueberry Management, LLC on LinkedIn ewoman Network pix of Shelly Hartmann at 2007 7th annual Intl. Conference & Business Expo ewoman Network pix of Shelly Hartmann 7th annual Intl. Conference & Business Expo Dennis and Shelly Hartmann pix Dennis and Shelly Hartmann pix 2 

True Blue Farms #3 True Blue Farms #2 True Blue Farms #1 Story TrueBlue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann in Fruit Growers News Story on MBG in Fruit Growers News

Blueberry graphic photo by Greg Peterson

Blueberry graphic photo by Greg Peterson

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries near Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries near Covington, MI by Greg Peterson 8-5-10

Blueberries Covington area 8-5-10 (10) The Blueberry People logo #3 The Blueberry People logo #2 The Blueberry People logo #1 MBG website #3 MBG website #2 MBG website #1 MBG Berry Ad MBG Berry Ad 2

The Blueberry People logo #3

Blueberry graphic TrueBlue owners Dennis and Shelly Hartmann True Blue Farms #4


Paper Parody: Corporations Still Think They Are People: $100 Million Cash and Blame Battle Between Paper Making Giants Soon Enters 5th year Slicing Up the Financial Blame for the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site

Corporations Acting More Like Babies Than The “People” – That They Claim To Be:

Twin babies fighting for soother

Especially since the Paper Industry Giants may have killed people with “pollution” – and the Papers Giants Claim to be “People”

  Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #25

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #21 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #22

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #23 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #24 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #25

Paper Giants Battle Over Blame and Expense of Polluting the Kalamazoo River, Surrounding Areas and Real People (Not Corps ) With Cancer-Causing PBCs

MLive story Kalamazoo River Superfund

Paper Industry Giants Duke It Out Over Who Was Worst of the Worst Polluter – Thus Who Picks Up Most of the Tab in Kalamazoo River Superfund Site:
Lawsuits filed in Federal Court in Michigan and Wisconsin – There’s a Tie to the Fox River Superfund Site in Green Bay

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #14 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #15 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #16

Boxer graphic

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #8

In fight over who should pay for pollution – Arrogant Polluting Corporations Believe They Are People:

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #24

$100 Million Blame and Cash Battle Between Paper Making Giants Soon Enters 5th year Slicing Up the Financial Blame for the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site:

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #25

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #2

 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #6

Are the Superfund Violators/Polluters near Lake Michigan a Pretext for What We Can Expect In a Few Years After Owners of the Eagle Mine Decide to Skip Town With Their Pockets Full – Sludging A Path For Similar Sulfide Mines Planned Along Lake Superior – Leaving a Toxic Mess That Is Cheaper to Litigate – Than Clean Up

EPA Photos Kalamazoo

In federal court these paper making corporations  – think they are people

Corporations believe they are ‘People’

Latest in $100 Million Battle Twixt International. Paper Giants on Kalamazoo River Superfund Site – litigation that spills into Fox River Superfund Site in Green Bay:

I fear that the Upper Peninsula Eagle Mine – and other sulfide (acid) mines like it – could be a Superfund-like site when the company sucks up all the valuable minerals it wants and THEN leaves.

We “Pray” That The Evil Corporations Will Not Pollute – and Corps. “Pray” Not to Pay:
Praying for Relief From Federal Judge

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #7

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #8 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #9






****Notice these corps think they are people – smile

The Big Paper Boys Swing Their Branches and PCB Allegations Against Each Other: In the fight over money between paper industry giants

The case is about allocating responsibility for contamination … of the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site”

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #3

The plaintiffs (Georgia-Pacific) argue that the Kalamazoo River would not have been listed as a Federal Superfund site if “not for NCR’s use of PCBs in its CCP; and for the contamination of the Kalamazoo River by PCB Aroclor 1242 attributable to NCR broke and trim.

Georgia-Pacific filed the lawsuit to establish the liability of Defendants and determine their equitable costs of cleaning up the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site

Georgia-Pacific wants to require Defendants to pay their fair portion of past and future cleanup costs associated with the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site.

The suit was also filed due to “claims in this action arise from many of the same activities by the Defendants which are at issue in the case of Appleton Papers, Inc. and NCR Corporation v. George A. Whiting Paper Company for costs associated with the investigation and remediation of the PCB contamination in Fox River; and because the Defendants made arrangements in this District with brokers that ultimately resulted in the release of PCBs into the Kalamazoo River.

Georgia-Pacific is the corporate successor to Kalamazoo-area facilities that deinked and recycled PCB-containing NCR broke and trim.

Georgia-Pacific has paid in excess of $79 million to investigate and remediate the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, the company states.

NCR invented the PCB-containing Carbonless Copy Paper (CCP) that has caused the PCB contamination of the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, Georgia-Pacific alleges.

Plus GP alleges that NCR arranged for the disposal of PCB-laden waste from its own CCP converting operations.

Georgia-Pacific claims NCR arranged for the disposal of PCB-laden broke and trim from its contract coaters.

Contract coaters” are the companies that used NCR’s coating (using NCR’s specifications) using an NCR emulsion.

NCR is also the corporate successor to at least two coaters — the Wisconsin-based Appleton

Coated Paper Company (ACPC), and Combined Paper Mills, Inc. (aka Combined Locks Mill).

Those companies arranged for the disposal of PCB-laden broke and trim resulting from the coating of NCR CCP.

Waste paper from all these activities was recycled at facilities near the Kalamazoo River, with resulting releases of PCBs into the Kalamazoo River, according to Georgia-Pacific as it tried to put most of the blame and expense on the other paper giant:

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #1

NCR has paid nothing toward the cleanup, Georgia-Pacific cried.

The (once nature concerned) Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) conducted studies between 1972 and 1989 that “determined that certain areas in and around the Kalamazoo

River below Morrow Dam were contaminated with PCBs,” the suit states.

The Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site was declared a Federal Superfund site by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in August 1990.

In fact, the site was placed on the Superfund National Priority List (NPL).

In 1990, the site was listed by the MDNR as an environmental contamination site under the Michigan Environmental Response Act, the suit states.

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #17 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #18 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #19

EPA identified Georgia-Pacific as a “potentially responsible party” (“PRP”) at the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site.

Georgia-Pacific is now the only remaining PRP left at the Site to provide ongoing funding to investigate and remediate the PCB contamination of the Kalamazoo River, due to the bankruptcies of other PRPs at the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, the suit states.

Only one other company, Weyerhaeuser Company, is currently involved in remedial activity – is only funding measures to remediate a landfill it owned, and to investigate and remediate a former paper mill it owned, the suit claims.

PCBs were introduced to Portage Creek and the Kalamazoo River largely through past discharges, releases, and disposal of PCB-contaminated solids and paper residuals by paper manufacturing operations on Portage Creek and the Kalamazoo River, the suit charges.

The Kalamazoo River Superfund Site currently includes five disposal areas, four paper mill properties, an approximately 80-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River from Morrow Dam to Lake Michigan, and a three-mile stretch of Portage Creek, the suit states.

There are several areas that need total cleanup:

Operable Unit 1 is the Allied Paper/Bryant Mill Pond Operable Unit

Operable Unit 2 (Willow Boulevard/A-Site Landfill)

A groundwater investigation was undertaken in the summer of 2009 at Operable Unit 2 (Willow Boulevard/A-Site Landfill),the suit states

In September 2009, a consent decree was signed between the EPA and Georgia-Pacific for design and cleanup at the Willow Boulevard/A-Site Landfill was approved by the Federal District Court.

This decree/settlement, among other things, obligates Georgia-Pacific to consolidate waste materials, construct a permanent landfill cap, and install a groundwater monitoring system.

Operable Unit 3 is the King Highway Landfill

The remedy involves the construction of a landfill cap, the seeding of the cap with vegetative growth, and the construction of a gas collection trench (under the control of the State of Michigan).

Operable Unit 4 is the Twelfth Street Landfill

In September 2001, EPA san agreement and the remedy includes excavation of PCB residuals that have migrated from the landfill and placement of those residuals back in the landfill. This work is conducted by Weyerhaeuser with oversight by EPA and MDNR.

Operable Unit 5 concerns the Portage Creek and Kalamazoo River sediments

In February 2007, EPA reached two settlement agreements with Millennium Holdings

LLC (which has since gone bankrupt) and with Georgia-Pacific.

The agreements were the result of two years of mediated negotiations between the possible responsible parties (PRPs) and various government regulators and entities, including the EPA and the State of Michigan.

Georgia-Pacific and Millennium agreed to perform sediment excavation in the Kalamazoo River near Plainwell, Michigan, the suit states.

Georgia-Pacific and Millennium agreed to conduct a Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (Supplemental RI/FS) on the 80-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River from Morrow Dam to Lake Michigan and Portage Creek from Cork Street to the confluence with the Kalamazoo River.

Georgia-Pacific’s Expenditures to Clean Up the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site:

Georgia-Pacific has spent at least $79 million dollars (as of Dec. 2010) to investigate and remediate the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, and to investigate the liability of other potentially responsible parties, such as NCR and International Paper.

You can read the original:

Lawsuit Filed Between Paper Giants 12-3-10

Read or download the Georgia-Pacific vs NCR financial ruling 9-26-13

And read the latest filing of the salvos between these Paper Industry Giants.

Carbonless Copy Paper (CCP).

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site,4561,7-135-3304-84646–,00.html

Seeps at base of TP1, Elizabeth Copper Mine Superfund Site Vermont, USA

[Large version of seep photo]

Portage Creek – Kalamazoo River, Michigan Public Domain EPA

“Portage Creek – Kalamazoo River, Michigan” by EPA

“<a href=”,_Michigan.jpeg#mediaviewer/File:Portage_Creek_-_Kalamazoo_River,_Michigan.jpeg”>Portage Creek – Kalamazoo River, Michigan</a>” by EPA – <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external free” href=””></a&gt;. Licensed under Public domain via <a href=”//”>Wikimedia Commons</a>.

United States Damage Assessment, Remediation & Restoration Program

Kalamazoo River Watershed Council (KRWC)

The Environmental Law Reporter

Fox River Superfund Site

United States Department of Justice aka United States Justice Department

Appvion, Inc. (formerly Appleton Papers Inc.)

Appleton Coated

Info on lawsuits:

On September 26, 2013, United States District Judge Robert J. Jonker ordered that Defendants NCR Corporation and International Paper Company are found liable parties

Other litigation issues remain:

American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL)

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site:

Hunsucker Goodstein Law

Federal Judge Finds NCR Corp. & Appleton Papers Inc. Liable For $950 Million in Cleanup Costs of Nation’s Largest Superfund Site (Mon, Oct. 3, 2011)

Philip Hunsucker

(San Francisco, CA) – Federal judge rules NCR Corp. and Appleton Papers Inc. are liable for an estimated $950 million in cleanup costs and reimbursement of natural resource damages for PCB contamination at the nation’s largest Superfund site, located in eastern Wisconsin.

We are very pleased with this ruling,” said environmental attorney Philip Hunsucker, of Hunsucker Goodstein, who represented Menasha Corp.,

Liberty Mutual Fights NCR On $79M Superfund Site Coverage

By Kathryn Brenzel

(March 28, 2013) – Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. on Wednesday urged a judge to declare that it doesn’t owe coverage to NCR Corp. for a $79 million cleanup of the Kalamazoo River Superfund site, saying the company’s comprehensive general liability policy wouldn’t cover costs stemming from its alleged role in the Michigan river’s pollution.

In a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Liberty Mutual said it is not responsible for NCR’s portion of the cleanup and related defense costs, citing a pollution exception in the company’s insurance policy.

NCR was hit in 2010 by a suit from Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, which sought contribution toward the cleanup of the Kalamazoo River, which cost Georgia-Pacific $79 million.

Appleton Papers, Inc.

United States of America and the State of Wisconsin, Plaintiffs–Appellees, v. NCR Corporation, Defendant–Appellant

No. 12–2069 Decided: August 3, 2012

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #13

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #5

 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #26 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #27 Kalamazoo River Superfund Site Lawsuit #28


U.P. Breaking News Exclusive: Southwestern Michigan College official indicted on money laundering, mail fraud for enriching a secret company he owned with nearly $500,000 in college advertizing contracts at South Bend TV stations

SW College Crook Gregory DeRue (2)

By Greg Peterson, Upper Peninsula Breaking News

(Dowagiac, Michigan) – A federal grand jury has indicted the former executive director of marketing at Southwestern Michigan College in Dowagiac on 11 felonies including nine counts of mail fraud and two counts of money laundering for steering nearly a half million dollars in college contracts to a company he owned in Indiana.

SW College Crook Gregory DeRue (1)Gregory Albert DeRue of Granger, Indiana is accused of committing the mail fraud and money laundering crimes between January 2011 and May 2013 as the executive director of marketing, enrollment management and development at Southwestern Michigan College – a position he held for about two and a half years.

The Indictment of Gregory DeRue states the college made many purchases “on the recommendation and request of its Executive Director of Marketing.”

Gregory DeRue and that SWM “college began using DMG Media in June 2011 as an advertising agency for purchasing all television, radio, and billboard advertising until May 2013.

The indictment states DeRue owned the company and did not inform SWM he was the owner – and allegedly tried to cover it up.

The investigation revealed the company was essentially a mail box.

DMG Media invoices list its place of business as 5776-51 Indian Grape Road # 164 in Mishawaka, Indiana  that turned out to be a “UPS Store that rents mail boxes to various clients (and) Box # 164 was rented to DMG Media,” the indictment states.

“De Rue Marketing Group LLC is organized in the State of Indiana. The Indiana Business Entity Report on file with Indiana state government indicates that Greg DeRue is the
President of De Rue Marketing Group LLC. In August 2, 2011, De Rue Marketing Group filed
with the State of Indiana a Certificate of Assumed Business Name – DMG Media, the indictment states.

“While serving as executive director of marketing with the college defendant
DeRue never disclosed that he served as the President and sole employee of DMG Media, the indictment states.

“Rather, the college dealt exclusively through email with DMG Media’s purported agent, ‘Jack,'” the indictment states
From June 2011 to May 2013, DMG Media billed (SWM) a total of $487,427 and “all invoices were paid except the final invoice in May 2013 of $26,260, on which the College placed a stop payment order,” according to the indictment.
Of the “$487,427 gross amount invoiced to the College, DMG Media contracted with media
providers to provide $279,145 worth of services,” the indictment states.

The money includes “an agency commission of $32,360 paid to DMG Media by the college as a 15-percent commission on television and radio billings,” the indictment states.

Email billing invoices were sent from DMG Media to the College.

SWM “paid those invoices by cutting a check drawn on Fifth Third Bank in Western
Michigan and mailed via the United States Postal Service” from the Michigan college to the DMG Media address in Mishawaka, Indiana.

The indictment alleges that “DMG Media invoiced the College for more than the gross amount of the services actually provided and invoiced” but never provided.

DMG Media also “failed to pay some media providers for advertising that was completed on behalf of the college,” the indictment states.

DeRue “concealed from the College that he was the President and sole employee of DMG
Media, and that the College’s contact at DMG Media – ‘Jack’ – did not otherwise exist apart
from Defendant DeRue,” the indictment alleges.

DeRue was fired by SWM on May 23, 2013, the indictment states.

Before the DMG Media contract with SWM was terminated and after his firing, “DeRue contacted the College to advise that he would be handling the college’s account with DMG Media,” the indictment states.

The indictment alleges that DeRue invoiced the college for numerous advertising buys that did not occur.

For television advertising, the college cut checks to DeRue’s business totaling nearly $404,000.

Those bogus ad buys were mainly for WNDU-TV in South bend, Indiana but included WSJV, WBND, CW25, and Comcast, the indictment charges in the “manner and means” of the alleged crimes.

DeRue’s history includes a one-year stint as the marketing manager for Cumulus Broadcasting ending in 2008, according to his active LinkedIn page with over 500 connections.
Ironically most of his false advertizing buys were made to WNDU-TV – and that station’s call letters stand for his alma mater – Notre Dame University.
DeRue “was part of the scheme to defraud” as “DMG Media invoiced the College
for more than the gross amount of the services actually provided and invoiced for services
never provided,” the indictment states.

The indictment also lists forfeiture proceedings for DeRue’s property, money and a car.

The forfeiture includes $115,089.87 seized on June 26, 2014 from the Woodforest National Bank from an account named DeRue Marketing Group LLC; a 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe titled in the name of Gregory Albert DeRue and a sum of money equal to at least $61,272.53, which
“represents the balance of proceeds DeRue obtained, directly or indirectly from the scheme to
defraud charged in Counts 1-9.”

The July 24, 2014 grand jury indictment was signed by Assistant United States Attorney Clay M. West in Grand Rapids on behalf of U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr.

Gregory Albert DeRue

Click to access 146026SouthwesternMICollege20130214_412529_7.pdf


A man accused of assaulting a woman on an American Indian Reservation – then committing other crimes while free on bond – had his chain jerked by the feds – he’s now in jail

Joseph Earl Lauzon, suspected of assaulting a woman at the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa Indians, has bond revoked for allegedly committing more crimes

Joseph Earl Lauzon, Assault 8-6-14 (1)

A man accused of assaulting a woman on an American Indian Reservation – then committing other crimes while free on bond – had his chain jerked by the feds – he’s now in jail

Joseph Earl Lauzon, Assault 8-6-14 (3) (Marquette, Michigan) – An Upper Peninsula man complained he wasn’t getting his chemotherapy in jail after being arrested for a bond violation in connection with a domestic assault, a break-in and contacting the victim.

Joseph Earl Lauzon is charged with Assault Within Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction

Charge stems from alleged crimes near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan on the reservation of the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa Indians (doesn’t involve maritime – part of official name of federal charge). He is being held in the Chippewa County Jail.

Joseph Earl Lauzon, Assault 8-6-14 (2)U.S. Marshals brought Lauzon into the courtroom on Wed., August 6, 2014 to face a bond violation hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley in U.S. District Court in Marquette, Michigan.

Judge Greeley is never pleased when assault suspects contact their victims.

Greeley said Lauzon contacting/visiting the female victim is “obstruction of justice.

Judge Greeley expressed displeasure with the allegations that Lauzon committed another assault, breaking and entering and destruction of property – plus had contact with the original assault victim.

Joseph Earl Lauzon, Assault 8-6-14 (1)It was not immediately clear the circumstances around that original assault.

Assistant United States Attorney Hannah Bobee said the federal government is “seeking detention” because of the suspect’s violation of instructions – and the law – when freed on bond.

Lauzon is being represented by Asst. U.S. Public Defender Elizabeth “Beth” LaCosse (formerly Elizabeth Paczesny who served as a prosecutor in 3 U.P. Counties) of the Marquette Branch of the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Western District of Michigan.

Judge Greeley asked Lauzon if he was receiving all his medications while incarcerated.

Lauzon said he was not getting some of his medication (for unspecified illnesses) adding “I am supposed to be getting my chemotherapy.”

Related links:

We found this 2012 sentencing online – may be connected.

Joseph Earl Lauzon, 36, River Road, Manistique, pleaded guilty in 93rd District Court to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, second offense notice (11/12). He was assessed $50 state fee, $380 statute fine, $100 Manistique Public Safety reimbursement fee, $300 probation oversight fee, $75 crime victim rights assessment, $570 statute costs, $79.50 restitution, $1,554.50 total. He was sentenced to serve 120 days in the Schoolcraft County Jail with credit for 10 days served. The balance will be held over 12 month’s probation. Optional jail term 120 days.


Federal Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

Federal Public Defenders aka Federal Defense Attorneys

Beth LaCosse, Federal, U.S. Public Defender Marquette, MI (5)

U.S. Assistant Public Defender Elizabeth “Beth” LaCosse (formerly Elizabeth Paczesny)

Marquette Branch of the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Western District of Michigan – in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.).


Lac Vieux Desert tribal attorney

Private practice attorney

Ontonagon County Prosecutor

Marquette County Assistant Prosecutor

Delta County Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Paul Peterson, Mqt  Assistant Federal Public Defender, Western District of Michigan

Just Retired: Paul Peterson, the Assistant Federal Public Defender working out of the Marquette Branch of the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Western District of Michigan

He was the first federal public defender in the Upper Peninsula, previously the cases were handed by a variety of attorneys on a list.

DSC02160 Mqt Federal Courthouse Bldg. 7-17-14 (5)

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Sentencing Guidelines aka federal sentencing guidelines

U.S. Probation office aka federal probation office

Rebecca A. Howell, Chief U.S. Probation Officer

101 Federal Building

110 Michigan Ave., NW

Grand Rapids, MI


616-456-2384 (office)

616-456-2223 (fax)

Michigan Western Probation Office

Marquette Divisional Office

100 N. Front St., Ste. 202

PO Box 906

Marquette, MI


906-228-7432 (office)

906-228-5514 (fax),4551,7-119-1435_1503—,00.html

Federal Prosecutors:

U.S. Justice Department (United States Department of Justice)

Federal Prosecutors who served the people of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and investigate felonies that occur in northern Michigan Native American tribal properties and reservations (each a sovereign nation)

Western District of Michigan for the Attorney General of the United States

U.S. Attorney General of the United States for the Western District of Michigan

330 Ionia Avenue, NW

Post Office Box 208

Grand Rapids, MI

(616) 456-2404 (main)

(616) 456-2408 (fax)

U.S. Attorneys Office aka Federal Prosecutors Marquette office

(906) 226-2500

Asst. U.S. Attorney Hannah Bobee, Lochner (9)

Assistant United States Attorney Hannah Bobee

She is Native American and and an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Assistant United States Attorney Maarten Vermaat

Asst. U.S. Attorney Hannah Bobee, Lochner (8)

Assistant United States Attorney Paul D. Lochner

Western District of Michigan

Criminal history in five states includes LSD distribution: Charles Lee Turner of Dickinson County, MI pled guilty to federal gun (Luger) charge in Marquette

Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (5)

Charles Lee Turner of Dickinson County, MI pled guilty to federal gun (Luger) charge in Marquette

Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (4) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (2) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (7)(Marquette, Michigan) – A Dickinson County man – with a criminal record around the Midwest stretching from distributing LSD to burglary – is jailed awaiting sentencing to prison after pleading guilty last week to federal firearms charges.

Charles Lee Turner pleaded guilty on Wed., August 6, 2014 at U.S. District Court in Marquette to a superseding indictment of felon in possession of a firearm including a Luger-style pistol similar to the leftovers of WWI and WWII.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley accepted the guilty plea by Martin, that is expected to be formalized by a U.S. District Court Judge.

A federal grand jury in Marquette returned the indictment in June of 2014 that states the incident happened on or about April 23, 2014 in Dickson County.

Turner claims to have “found” two handguns that he sold this past spring.

The Indictment mentions a Walther Model PPK 7.65 MM caliber semiautomatic pistol and a Mauser model S/42, 9 mm caliber, (German) Luger-type pistol.

Martin “has a criminal history in five different states,” said Asst. U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat.

Martin’s criminal history includes “a violent felony drug offense,” Vermaat said.

Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1 (2) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1 (2)

“A man called the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Department and said he bought two handguns from Mr. Turner,” Vermaat said.

Martin told authorities “he found the handguns” and was “short of cash” so he “sold” the guns in Dickinson County during April 2014, Vermaat said.

Previous Martin felony convictions include possession and distribution of LSD in Minnesota during 1988 and breaking and entering, assault, larceny unlawfully driving away an automobile (auto theft), and being a habitual offender in Delta County during 2004.

Greeley scheduled the Martin’s sentencing for 1 p.m. on Nov. 5.

Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1At issue, is how Martin’s previous convictions will affect his time in prison – because those convictions will affect his offense level involving federal sentencing guidelines.

U.S. Assistant Public Defender Elizabeth “Beth” LaCosse, the prosecutor and judge briefly discussed ways that the point system – used to calculate proposed prison time under federal sentencing guidelines – can be calculated in several ways.

Federal judges often use the guidelines but can hand down a stronger or lesser jail sentence plus supervised release, fine and related costs.

It appears those federal guidelines could fall anywhere between 1 year and 10 to 15 years – including 15 to life. The guidelines will be included in a pre-sentence report being drawn up by the Michigan Western Probation Office Marquette Divisional Office (federal probation office).

Because Martin’s ultimate sentence will decided by a federal judge – Magistrate Judge Greeley reminded the man before accepting his plea – that he was still “presumed innocent” and was about to “give up his rights” including to a jury trial, plus will “be bound by his (guilty) plea.”

Martin cannot “withdraw his plea if a harsher or longer sentence” is handed out by a federal judge,” Judge Greeley said.

Martin entered into a nine-page plea agreement with federal prosecutors signed on August 4.

Under the agreement, the government is willing to agree to the low-end of sentencing guidelines brought forth in the pre-sentence report, Vermaat said.


Related links:

Walther Models including PPK 7.65 MM caliber semiautomatic pistol

Lugers and Luger style

Federal Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

Federal Public Defenders aka Federal Defense Attorneys

Beth LaCosse, Federal, U.S. Public Defender Marquette, MI (5)

U.S. Assistant Public Defender Elizabeth “Beth” LaCosse (formerly Elizabeth Paczesny)

Marquette Branch of the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Western District of Michigan – in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.).


Lac Vieux Desert tribal attorney

Private practice attorney

Ontonagon County Prosecutor

Marquette County Assistant Prosecutor

Delta County Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Paul Peterson, Mqt  Assistant Federal Public Defender, Western District of Michigan

Just Retired: Paul Peterson, the Assistant Federal Public Defender working out of the Marquette Branch of the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Western District of Michigan

He was the first federal public defender in the Upper Peninsula, previously the cases were handed by a variety of attorneys on a list.

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Sentencing Guidelines aka federal sentencing guidelines

U.S. Probation office aka federal probation office

Rebecca A. Howell, Chief U.S. Probation Officer

101 Federal Building

110 Michigan Ave., NW

Grand Rapids, MI


616-456-2384 (office)

616-456-2223 (fax)

Michigan Western Probation Office

Marquette Divisional Office

100 N. Front St., Ste. 202

PO Box 906

Marquette, MI


906-228-7432 (office)

906-228-5514 (fax),4551,7-119-1435_1503—,00.html

Federal Prosecutors:

United States Department of Justice

Federal Prosecutors serve the people of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and investigate felonies that occur in northern Michigan Native American tribal properties/reservations (each a sovereign nation)

Western District of Michigan for the Attorney General of the United States

U.S. Attorney General of the United States for the Western District of Michigan

Grand Rapids, MI

(616) 456-2404 (main)

U.S. Attorneys Office aka Federal Prosecutors Marquette office

(906) 226-2500

Assistant United States Attorney Hannah Bobee

She is Native American and and an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians


Assistant United States Attorney Maarten Vermaat

Western District of Michigan

Assistant United States Attorney Paul D. Lochner

Western District of Michigan

Dickinson County federal and state court (often nonpublished) cases

Highway designations:

Leif Erikson Highway

Oscar G. Johnson Memorial Highway

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Much More

Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1 Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1 (2) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 Indictment Scan #1 (2) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (8) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (7) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (6) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (5) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (4) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (3) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (2) Charles Turner, gun, Dickinson Cnty 8-6-14 (1)


Alleged Mean Molesting Monster Preys on at least one child on Soo Tribal Lands: 61-year-old Tommy Alan Cain charged by feds with “Sexual acts with a minor victim over a four-year period beginning in 2007 on trust lands of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians” and “Sexual Abuse by Threat”

Alleged Soo Tribe Molestor 61-year-old Tommy Alan Cain: “Sexual acts with a minor victim over a four-year period beginning in 2007 on trust lands of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians” and “Sexual Abuse by Threat”

Tommy Cain - Vicious Tribal Molester

The FBI or local law enforcement want your help to find out more information about the acts of Tommy Cain – Please call if you have information


Download Press Release .pdf on Tommy Cain – Alleged Vicious Tribal Molester – from Dept. of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan

Assistant U.S. Attorney Hannah N. Bobee is prosecuting the case



MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN – U.S. Attorney Patrick Miles announced today that a federal grand jury has charged Tommy Alan Cain, 61, with:

  • Five counts of Sexual Abuse by Threat (Max life sentence if convicted)
  • One count of Abusive Sexual Contact by Threat (Max 3 years if convicted)
  • Six counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor. (Max 6 years per count – or 36 years total – if convicted

The indictment alleges Cain, formerly from Kincheloe, engaged in sexual acts with a minor victim over a four-year period beginning in 2007 on trust lands of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

The Sexual Abuse by Threat counts each carry a maximum sentence of life.

The remaining counts carry maximum sentences of three years and fifteen years, respectively.

Cain was arrested yesterday in Battle Creek.

After his initial appearance in federal court, he was remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshal pending a hearing next week on whether he should be released on bond or detained pending trial.

The charges are the result of an investigation conducted by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribal Police and the Marquette office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Assistant U.S. Attorney Hannah N. Bobee is prosecuting the case.

Investigation of this matter continues.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is encouraged to call the FBI or local law enforcement.

The charges in an indictment are merely accusations, and a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.

Five counts of Sexual Abuse by Threat (Max life sentence if convicted)

One count of Abusive Sexual Contact by Threat (Max 3 years if convicted)

Six counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor. (Max 6 years per count – or 36 years total – if convicted


Tommy Cain - Vicious Tribal Molester DOJ Press Release #1

Tommy Cain - Vicious Tribal MolesterTommy Cain - Vicious Tribal Molester DOJ Press Release #2

Related links:

U.S. Justice Department (United Estates Department of Justice)

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan


Federal Judges:

U.S. District Judge Robert Holmes Bell

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. District Court Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley


Federal Prosecutors who served the people of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and investigate felonies that occur in northern Michigan Native American tribal properties and reservations (each a sovereign nation)


Western District of Michigan for the Attorney General of the United States


U.S. Attorney General of the United States for the Western District of Georgia

330 Ionia Avenue, NW

Post Office Box 208

Grand Rapids, MI

(616) 456-2404 (main)

(616) 456-2408 (fax)

Federal Prosecutors:

Marquette office

(906) 226-2500

Asst. U.S. Attorney Hannah Bobee

She is Native American and and an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Assistant United States Attorney Paul D. Lochner

Western District of Michigan


Asst. U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat

Western District of Michigan

Unusual drug case lands Menominee County Woman in federal court on distribution charges including selling within 1,000 feet of a school

Federal Drug case distribution, 7-24-145 (4)

Federal Drgu case distribution, 7-24-145 (3)(Marquette, Michigan) – A Menominee County woman had a not guilty plea entered on her behalf after standing mute during arraignment on three felony drug charges at federal court in Marquette.

Brittany Kerri Harris of Wilson is accused of distributing an opiate blocker within 1,000 feet of a secondary school during September 2013 in Menominee County.

Strange Drug Case 7-24-14 (1)That Opiate blocker – with euphoric properties when mixed with other drugs – that is commonly named Suboxone (Buprenorphine Hydrocloride).

The other two charges are distribution of the drug involving incidents on October 13th last year in Menominee County and December 19th in Delta County.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. GreeleyIf convicted on all charges – she faces a maximum of 40 years in federal prison and $1.5 million dollars in fines.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley entered a not guilty plea on behalf of Harris – who stood mute on the advice of her court-appointed federal public defender.

Strange Drug Case 7-24-14 (2) Strange Drug Case 7-24-14 (1) Federal Drug case distribution, 7-24-145 (4) Federal Drgu case distribution, 7-24-145 (3)

Related links:

Buprenorphine Hydrocloride

Federal Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court (federal) Judge R. Allan Edgar

U.S. District Court Western District of Michigan

U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy P. Greeley

Federal Prosecutors:

Asst. U.S. Attorney Hannah Bobee

She is Native American and and an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Asst. U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Its time for search warrants, seizures, grand jury proceedings in the looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coke King Gordon Elson

Looting of the estate of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson across northern Michigan and Florida by Greg John Peterson

Download the documents (one big tiff file – and notice the massive checks toward the end)

Gordon Elson, estate of Gordon Elson, Upper Peninsula, Coca-Coca

Gordon Elson Obit PhotoIt’s Officially a Scandal – and those involved better rush to become witnesses for the prosecution aka state’s witness – federal informant!!

The looting of the estate of late Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola Gordon Elson is shocking and there are many accusations that it continues today.

Here are 30 documents that show the current executor of the estate George Paavo – and attorney Richard Graybill – accused Elson power-of-attorney holder late Marquette Businessman William “Bill” Pesola with a lot of crimes in the millions of dollars (tho i a civil Marquette County Probate Court fashion).

Attorney Richard Graybill 'Ask the Lawyers' WNMU-TV with super Gordon Elson Estate Sale by Greg Peterson 7-12-14 (1) Bill Pesola - Sawyer propsIt also involves jewelry and vintage cars – massive property holdings – some have estimated Elson’s estate at $15 million or more (back in the day – 80s)

Then – inexplicably – they dropped the probate court accusations.

The Peninsula Bank fought the subpoenas.

*****Follow the money as they said during Watergate Scandal.

Toward the end of these documents you will see the checks – tallying millions.

Some of the checks may have been for legit reasons – but it’s a tiny glance into the finances of the late Mr. Gordon Elson.

We keep asking – Where is the Elson Rolls Royce – last spotted in Upper Peninsula.

We have a lot more info coming – as the scandal widens.

For those of you new to this site:

Upper Peninsula Breaking News stories on looting of estate of the late Gordon Elson


The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

The Looting of Upper Peninsula Coca-Cola King Gordon Elson – A ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for the guilty – “Follow the Money”

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Where is the Rolls Royce? Did Late Marquette Businessman William Pesola betray Gordon Elson? Will Those listed in the Elson Will get their inheritance? – The Scandal is growing Tonight Surrounding the Fortune and Estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

Upper Peninsula Coke Fortune Scandal: The effort to conceal information continued this weekend at an estate sale for multimillionaire U.P. Bottling King Gordon Elson

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

The Players Part 1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo of Ishpeming and ‘court-appointed’ estate sale helper Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter Greg Peterson, during investigation by ‘Upper Peninsula Breaking News’

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

U.P. Coke Fortune investigation continues – as estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale – during probe of Will of U.P. Coca Cola Executive the late Gordon Elson of Ishpeming, MI

youtube videos:

The Players #1: U. P. Coke Fortune Executor George Paavo and Ed St. Aubin, who accosted reporter

U.P. Coke Fortune: Estate worker goes after reporter on eve of estate sale; Will of Gordon Elson

U.P. Breaking News probes what happened to the estate of U.P. Coke King Gordon Elson